- passageway between seating areas as in an auditorium or passenger vehicle or between areas of shelves of goods as in stores
- a temporary passageway of planks (as over mud on a building site)
- a temporary bridge for getting on and off a vessel at dockside
How To Use gangway In A Sentence
- All internal ironwork and insides of gangways were painted with aluminium paint.
- She waited by the gangway and caught his arm when his numbed foot missed a worn rubber cleat. RUSHING TO PARADISE
- As the ship's company, in their summer whites, descended the gangway in single file, a roar of jubilation filled the air.
- The ocean swell separates gangway from platform at times by several meters and we must jump when ordered.
- The pressed men looked very sulky and angry, and eyed the shore as if even then they longed to jump overboard and swim for it; but the sentry, with his musket, at the gangway was a strong hint that they would have other dangers besides drowning to contend with should they attempt it. True Blue
- A man in the gangway suddenly stood up to reach for something in the overhead locker.
- Mr. Carney said that he had served on many vessels, and had visited many more, where the fuel oil shut-off valve actuators were located in public spaces such as passageways, the crew laundry, or the poop deck near the gangway.
- It was neatly folded and carefully done up, with various seals and blue ribbons, in a package about six inches wide by eighteen in length, and was guarded by the select half of the Faroese army and navy, being exactly twelve men, and delivered by the amtman of the island with a few appropriate and impressive remarks, after which it was hung up over the cabin gangway by the captain as a solemn warning to all future passengers. The Land of Thor
- I therefore kept the felucca away until I found that she was rather more than holding her own in the race, when I once more lashed the tiller, and, calling to Dominguez to look out for the things that I was about to launch overboard, ran to the gangway, and first successfully set the wash-deck tub afloat, then rolled the breaker of water out through the open _gangway_, and finally sent the mast and sail adrift; after which I returned to the tiller and watched the process of picking up the several articles, as I gradually brought the felucca to her former course, close-hauled upon the starboard tack. A Pirate of the Caribbees
- Walking along the narrow gangway of the theater, I see a familiar face.