How To Use Free verse In A Sentence

  • Alison Croggon speaks of ‘a dreadful orthodoxy’ that has ‘rushed in to fill the vacuum left by conventional rhyme, a free verse which is anything but free or verse’.
  • Writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down. Robert Frost 
  • Write free verse like playing tennis with the net down.
  • So now Pound was safe, and he became the cracker-barrel philosopher of free verse. THE ANTHOLOGIST
  • Leaving behind the triumvirate, we enter into the duple meter of blank and, then, free verse. THE PROSODY HANDBOOK: A GUIDE TO POETIC FORM by ROBERT BEUM & KARL SHAPIRO
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  • Among the pioneers of free verse, D. H. Lawrence stands out as one who, though gifted in metrical verse, is happier without meter.
  • Robert Frost once classed poetry that way, free verse against formal verse.
  • The rhythmic cadence of the poetry was not the iambic pentameter or other such metrical patterns but free verse with words scattered randomly across the printed page.
  • The most obvious question here is if free verse is so ‘free’, then what will differentiate it from prose?
  • This stanza is typical of his middle free verse style; a varying caesura keeps the music graceful but slightly off-balance.
  • Bogan was not only a great metrical poet but one whose employment of both free verse and vers libéré provided her with enormous artistic power; she knew when, and how, to loosen out her line.
  • Seiffert's free verse is not as good as her debonair balladry, nor are the poems of Elijah Hay equal to those of Emanuel Morgan or Anne Knish.
  • These are all valuable reasons to explore and experiment using not just classical prosody but even, if a free verser, the stanzaic forms set out earlier. THE PROSODY HANDBOOK: A GUIDE TO POETIC FORM by ROBERT BEUM & KARL SHAPIRO
  • Metrical and "free verse" rhythms create memorability, too. How Memorization Makes Words Live
  • It's a strange gallimaufry of a book, the ‘144 poems’ all over the place formally, ranging from ordinary prose, through dialogues and found material to various kinds of free verse.
  • I had heard about ‘form’ poems from a fellow poet; I'd even tried a few - a glosa and a triolet - years before, but like almost every other poet I knew, I thought of ‘poetry’ as free verse.
  • Almost any form is acceptable - limerick, haiku, free verse, couplets, anything but epic poetry.
  • I have observed that free verse (in any language, I think) is subject to one main danger: the element of musicality, which is inherent in poetry, is liable to dwindle – to the point of completely disappearing. Chuvash neofuturism, or, blogging the msa, part 3 : Stephen Burt : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Write free verse like playing tennis with the net down.
  • As well as writing in free verse, his poems are often structured in two or three-line stanzas or quatrains, frequently, although not always, with a rhyme scheme.
  • Both free verse and rhymed poetry styles are studied, including cinquain, haiku, tanka, rhopalic, echo and refrain poems, acrostics, alphabet and dictionary poems.
  • Writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down. Robert Frost 
  • He challenged contemporary taste by his use of colloquialism and free verse, and became the principal among the authors writing in Chicago during and after the First World War.
  • Among the pioneers of free verse, D. H. Lawrence stands out as one who, though gifted in metrical verse, is happier without meter.
  • Lusty conservatives who attack free verse, free fiction, ultra realism, "jazzed" prose, and the socialistic drama as the diseases of the period have my respect and sympathy, when it is a disease and not change as change that they are attacking. Definitions: Essays in Contemporary Criticism
  • His sixty-four lines of rhyming hendecasyllabic couplets are juxtaposed with a considerably briefer fifty-three lines of English free verse.
  • Traditional poetry, with its innate rhythm and alliteration, as well as free verse focusing on social issues, flowed from her pen.
  • Writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down. Robert Frost 
  • It spotlights the 23-year-old Bob teetering on the cusp of acoustic folk music and the mind-expanding new horizons offered by acid, free verse and electricity.
  • But she did occur to me as I was thinking about balladry, which is such a simple solution to the problem of “information” and free verse. Make This My Default Location (I) : Ange Mlinko : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Ding Lu holds that Chinese new poetry, which has experienced a lopsided development of free verse, is caught between two horns of dilemma.
  • The translation is partly in free verse and partly in rhyme.
  • The one reason which is not mentioned and is probably the most important of all to a free verser is that exploring these prosodic forms teaches discipline. THE PROSODY HANDBOOK: A GUIDE TO POETIC FORM by ROBERT BEUM & KARL SHAPIRO
  • Traditional poetry, with its innate rhythm and alliteration, as well as free verse focusing on social issues, flowed from her pen.
  • One instantly recognizes his modulated and finely tuned free verse line, with its meandering parentheses and doubled back hesitations.
  • Free verse is positioned alongside tightly organized stanzas; individual poems range in length from 4 to 204 lines.
  • The poem can utilize any poetic form (haiku, rhyming couplets, limerick, free verse, etc.) but it cannot exceed six lines (LeBron's jersey is #6). John Lundberg: Enduring the LeBron James Poetry Contest
  • The best poems in allegedly free verse, then, control our attention, direct our concentration in the same ways that older verse-forms did.
  • All translation is compromise, and any decision leans one way or the other, but the idea that free verse is automatically the best and most “transparent” choice is full of assumptions, as is the idea that blank verse is somehow the perfect choice for the dactylic heptameter of classical epics. And the pleiades : Stephen Burt : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • The forms I choose for my poems can be found in contemporary American poetry: prose poems, free verse, couplets, sonnets, found texts, and direct narratives.
  • Both poems are written in free verse and make ready use of what is called enjambment, that is, the abrupt continuation of a sentence from one line into the next. Deconstructing Obama
  • Both free verse and rhymed poetry styles are studied, including cinquain, haiku, tanka, rhopalic, echo and refrain poems, acrostics, alphabet and dictionary poems.
  • The rhythmic cadence of the poetry was not the iambic pentameter or other such metrical patterns but free verse with words scattered randomly across the printed page.
  • Both have the rhythms that one may associate with free verse poetry, yet few would call these poems.

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