
free verse

  1. unrhymed verse without a consistent metrical pattern

How To Use free verse In A Sentence

  • Alison Croggon speaks of ‘a dreadful orthodoxy’ that has ‘rushed in to fill the vacuum left by conventional rhyme, a free verse which is anything but free or verse’.
  • Writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down. Robert Frost 
  • Write free verse like playing tennis with the net down.
  • So now Pound was safe, and he became the cracker-barrel philosopher of free verse. THE ANTHOLOGIST
  • Leaving behind the triumvirate, we enter into the duple meter of blank and, then, free verse. THE PROSODY HANDBOOK: A GUIDE TO POETIC FORM by ROBERT BEUM & KARL SHAPIRO
  • Among the pioneers of free verse, D. H. Lawrence stands out as one who, though gifted in metrical verse, is happier without meter.
  • Robert Frost once classed poetry that way, free verse against formal verse.
  • The rhythmic cadence of the poetry was not the iambic pentameter or other such metrical patterns but free verse with words scattered randomly across the printed page.
  • The most obvious question here is if free verse is so ‘free’, then what will differentiate it from prose?
  • This stanza is typical of his middle free verse style; a varying caesura keeps the music graceful but slightly off-balance.
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