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How To Use Fraternal twin In A Sentence

  • Ordinary siblings and fraternal twins have only 50 percent of their genes in common.
  • Identical twins have the same genotype, while fraternal twins share on average only 50% of the same genes.
  • And right next to her, squeezed out in the same time-frame, her squalling, fraternal twin in gleeful, ostentatious bastardry, one Donald Trump. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Fraternal twinning - two fertilized ova becoming trapped inside a single shell - is a rare but well-documented occurrence in some birds.
  • The mother assumed that she had given birth to fraternal twins (dizygotic, from two eggs) and not "identical" ones (monozygotic, two embryos developed from a single fertilized egg). Separated At Birth. Really.
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  • A study of identical and fraternal twins separated at birth and adopted into different families showed the same heritability.
  • That is, identical twins are somewhat more concordant than fraternal twins.
  • The scientific term describing fraternal twins by different fathers is heteropaternal superfecundation.
  • They then compared the "concordance" of identical twins (in how many pairs both got or escaped cancer) with the concordance in fraternal twins. Stop Blaming Your Genes
  • The relative frequency of fraternal twins has halved since 1950.
  • But some research suggests that parents, teachers, peers and others may treat identical twins more similarly than fraternal twins.
  • Comparisons of identical and fraternal twins show that there is a strong genetic component to how people respond to lousy childhood environments.
  • The fraternal twins had just turned two a week ago.
  • The mother assumed that she had given birth to fraternal twins (dizygotic, from two eggs) and not "identical" ones (monozygotic, two embryos developed from a single fertilized egg). Separated At Birth. Really.
  • The disease occurs in 30% of identical twins but in only 5% of fraternal twins.
  • Researchers measure a trait, such as sensation-seeking, in identical and fraternal twin pairs growing up in the same environment, and consider whether the two twin types are equally similar.
  • At the annual Twins Days Festival in Twinsburg, Ohio, Dr. Wysocki and fellow researchers asked 41 pairs of identical twins and 12 pairs of fraternal twins to rate the "pleasantness" of cilantro. Across the Land, People Are Fuming
  • Fifteen miles away, its fraternal twin, Ball's Pyramid, towers to a height of 1,811 feet, so sheer it seems two dimensional to the people in boats which pass in its shadow.
  • One particularly good test system with which to quantify disease heritability is a twin study, in which disease frequency is compared between cohorts of identical twins and fraternal twins.
  • Another study, published in the same issue of the journal and examining autism in pairs of identical and fraternal twins, finds that environmental factors play a greater role than previously believed in the development of autism, underscoring the need to understand nongenetic causes of autism. Studies Examine Autism's Link to Antidepressants, Other Factors
  • The study found that the identical twins were more similar in personality traits than the fraternal twins.
  • Some even thought of us as fraternal twins because I used to dress just like him and follow him around everywhere he went.
  • Heritability is usually measured by concordance between parents and children, or between identical and fraternal twins.
  • The relative frequency of fraternal twins has halved since 1950.
  • If the development of a certain disease is due to heredity, then genetic researchers would expect more of the identical twins to share the disease as compared to the same-sex fraternal twins.
  • A study of identical and fraternal twins separated at birth and adopted into different families showed the same heritability.
  • fraternal twins are biovular

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