How To Use fraternal twin In A Sentence
- Ordinary siblings and fraternal twins have only 50 percent of their genes in common.
- Identical twins have the same genotype, while fraternal twins share on average only 50% of the same genes.
- And right next to her, squeezed out in the same time-frame, her squalling, fraternal twin in gleeful, ostentatious bastardry, one Donald Trump. Archive 2008-01-01
- Fraternal twinning - two fertilized ova becoming trapped inside a single shell - is a rare but well-documented occurrence in some birds.
- The mother assumed that she had given birth to fraternal twins (dizygotic, from two eggs) and not "identical" ones (monozygotic, two embryos developed from a single fertilized egg). Separated At Birth. Really.
- A study of identical and fraternal twins separated at birth and adopted into different families showed the same heritability.
- That is, identical twins are somewhat more concordant than fraternal twins.
- The scientific term describing fraternal twins by different fathers is heteropaternal superfecundation.
- They then compared the "concordance" of identical twins (in how many pairs both got or escaped cancer) with the concordance in fraternal twins. Stop Blaming Your Genes
- The relative frequency of fraternal twins has halved since 1950.