How To Use Framer In A Sentence

  • Now there is a problem in that the Framers did not include a power to punish for contumacy. The Volokh Conspiracy » The proper understanding of “Necessary and Proper”:
  • Embracing the new orthodoxy with almost catechistic devotion, they insisted on the importance of construing each constitutional provision according to the presumed intentions of the Framers, no matter how disruptive or radical the consequences might be. Rehnquist the Great?
  • Retail framers can bring personal rapport and customization to their clients in a way that online frame sites can't.
  • Houssian often visits custom framers, galleries, furniture and interior design centers in New York for design ideas.
  • In many cases, framers are ‘customizing’ custom framing jobs by hand-making the frame or staining and gold leafing moulding, marbleizing matboard or etching glass.
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  • The framers of the Convention recognized that, given the broad range of rights and the general wording of the document, there could be difficulty in the interpretation of the Convention.
  • BLITZER: You know, some would argue, Jeff, that the framers of the constitution liked the idea of these -- what we call checks and balances, what others simply suggest is gridlock. CNN Transcript Nov 16, 2007
  • From the October 1996 framers of the strategy, shock and awe was a way of achieving rapid dominance.
  • Removing a piece of artwork from its original framing package can be a minefield for a framer.
  • The framers of the Constitution were veterans of a revolution against a king whose divine right to rule the colonies was sanctioned by the official church of England.
  • Even if gift items are not a part of the usual shop offerings, framers should consider adding some now.
  • Framers must do the math to decide upon incentives that strike a good balance between being meaningful to customers and keeping the shop's profit margin intact.
  • Framers may do their best to harmonize new and existing legislation, but there will inevitably be clashes.
  • The framers of the convention therefore sought to draw a clear line against use of all chemical agents on the battlefield.
  • Australian Open 2010: Serena Williams to face good 'framer' Samantha Stosur news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • When the framers of the constitution were first debating it, few people imagined that Congress would prove to be the basic guarantor of American liberties.
  • Sneering asides about freedom of expression do not sit well with claims to understand what the framers of the American Constitution had in mind given the prominence of the First Amendment.
  • A picture framer who set up his own business in Broadway has been named a finalist in a national competition for the third year running.
  • It seems that the framers of the Act wanted to update the terminology, but not to change the concept.
  • We see therefore that the Framers were acutely conscious that the bicameral requirement and the Presentment Clauses would serve essential constitutional functions.
  • We then get legislation like this being served up, which is highly controversial, goes way beyond the original intent of the framers, and brings the whole proposition into discredit.
  • A framer in Washington, D.C., is rehousing George and Martha Washingtons' last wills and testaments with Alpharag Artcare.
  • There won't be the same framerate problems, and the textures will be higher res apparently.
  • The framers of the New Deal never considered day care as a strategy for alleviating economic distress, however.
  • But that history sheds some degree of doubt on whether colorblindness is the operative meaning of the 14th amendment's section one, at least as originally understood by its framers. Balkinization
  • When the dictator was toppled, the senate was reinstituted, and was designed to have national scope, creating a platform, the framers imagined, for the country's best and brightest.
  • She apprenticed for three years with a framer in Portugal and has been framing for 12 years.
  • Some of the framers did apparently envisage that one day the National Guard and the Police Force would be professionalised.
  • This coating allows a framer to place the image any distance from the glass without distortion, according to Carelli.
  • The Framers vested control in copyrighted works in ‘authors,’ in the sense of individual creators - not industry or publishers or the government.
  • The Republican nominee in 1896 was William McKinley, of Ohio, best known as the framer of the McKinley tariff bill. American Men of Action
  • However self-evident it may appear today, the Declaration bore a more radical message than many of its framers perhaps recognized.
  • My grandfather Amos Dewhirst, a woolsorter and part-time picture-framer from Oxenhope, opened his newsagents, stationers and tobacconists at 232, Oakworth Road, Keighley, in 1899.
  • DV, DV Widescreen, HD 1080i, MPEG-4 etc. .. but the default appears to be NTSC with no option to change. .. you change the video standard in iM's prefs, a bit 'cryptical' by setting the framerate to Discussions: Message List - root
  • In giving the elective power to the states, the framers of the Constitution hoped to protect state independence.
  • Serena then added fuel to the fire by accusing Stosur of being a good "framer", implying many of her winning shots of being mis-hits. BBC - Ouch
  • Congressman John Bingham of Ohio was principal framer of the Equal Protection Clause.
  • It was not the intention of the framers of this law to demonetize silver, because they were openly avowed bimetallists, but it limited coinage to silver bought by the government at market price. Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet An Autobiography.
  • Since the year 1875, the year in which Peace came to Darnall, the domestic peace of Mr. Dyson had been rudely disturbed by this same ugly little picture-framer who lived a few doors away from the Dysons 'house. A Book of Remarkable Criminals
  • If the new constitution doesn't quench that passion, the framers will have done their job.
  • We see therefore that the Framers were acutely conscious that the bicameral requirement and the Presentment Clauses would serve essential constitutional functions.
  • A world in which every law can be neatly and concisely written, and its legal basis cited in the Constitution (provided you ignore Article I, Section 8, because the elastic clause is clearly for losers and the framers didn't intend for it to mean what it says, even though they wrote it that way). Elizabeth Bisbee Silber: Fantasies, Conspiracy Theories and Tax Cuts for the Rich
  • Apparently, the framers believed in a distinction between aggressive or offensive war and defensive military measures.
  • Owen was an influential diplomat who helped institutionalize global economic summitry in the 1970s and was considered an intellectual framer of the Trilateral Commission.
  • Half a century after the framers of our constitution had pledged to form a more perfect union, Alexis de Tocqueville thought he had stumbled on to the unifying element, civic participation.
  • Thomas is forced to speculate as to the intent of the framers, since he concedes they likely never imagined the vast modern apparatus of federal agencies and their powers.
  • What attention has been paid, primarily as part of what I term the conventional account, has it that the Framers were divided about how accessible search remedies should be. Arcila on the Framers' Search Power
  • Unlike the Constitution's framers, "we have come to a clear realization of the fact that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence."
  • Perhaps as the American framers conceived of the operation of their system, a wide spread and deeply felt, national, sense of repugnance, a feeling that democratic and constitutional values are being held in contempt is enough in constitutional terms to self-define conduct as “high crime and misdemeanour.” Balkinization
  • One of the ways framers can get in on the profits is to set up a festive frame shop.
  • But the framers set a grammatical conundrum for us when they put the main clause in the passive voice: ‘shall not be infringed’.
  • the framers of the Constitution
  • There she apprenticed for three years with a Portuguese framer.
  • These figures suggest that progress on the crucial question of attitudes and cultural shift in the direction of engagement with Asia may be much lower than the original framers of the strategy hoped.
  • He has long abandoned the belief that one must speak in pious platitudes about doing what the framers intended, or not legislating from the bench. Balkinization
  • Beyond that, extreme framers may also have joiners and thickness planers, which smooth the surface of raw wood and plane it to a desired thickness.
  • Gamers who buy a graphics card for $649 probably have every reason to believe that it is not only future-proof, but also produces the best image quality possible and that best image quality comes at a decent framerate.
  • He thinks democracy requires judges to reject any interpretation the framers would have rejected; but "reasonable people" disagree with that view of democracy as much as about any view of liberty, and if the controversiality of liberty disqualifies any constitutional theory that presupposes one view of it, Rees's own theory is disqualified in the same way. Reagan's Justice: An Exchange
  • These flaws were not innocent mistakes: The framers fully expected the new national government to melt the states “down into one empire,” which was incompatible with “democratical principles” and freedom. Ratification
  • The fifth-set end-game started with Djokovic serving at 3-4 and stringing together an uncharacteristically bad game, getting broken at love on two mishit forehands, a framer of Federer's that set up a winner and a double fault on a second serve that missed the line by about a foot. Novak Djokovic Eliminates Roger Federer In U.S. Open Semifinals
  • Framers, she said, often will start underbidding themselves by immediately suggesting other options to make the job less expensive.
  • Many framers use a cotton thread with just enough tensile strength to effectively hold the item, but not too much to cause damage.
  • Nor do I claim to have solved the considerable constitutional problem of how Congress could permissibly delegate to the people themselves the power to make choices that the Constitution's Framers clearly expected Congress to make. A Poll Is Not a Vote
  • We see therefore that the Framers were acutely conscious that the bicameral requirement and the Presentment Clauses would serve essential constitutional functions.
  • His legacy is a testament of how far we have wandered from the constitutional vision of the framers. The Volokh Conspiracy » James Ely on Stevens, Kagan, Obama, and Property Rights
  • We see therefore that the Framers were acutely conscious that the bicameral requirement and the Presentment Clauses would serve essential constitutional functions.
  • The Treaty framers might have hoped that these tensions would be short-lived.
  • They offer framers an opportunity to connect with their customers, create a fun atmosphere and have greater control over their profits.
  • Many picture framers don't realize that their prices are too low to cover the entirety of the expenses they incur annually, let alone generate enough profit for their businesses to grow.
  • Also, is it just me or do the framers of that statute clearly have no idea what a real shuriken is? The Volokh Conspiracy » What is a zoobow?
  • Many photo-finishing services charge framers and other retailers wholesale prices for their work while allowing the framer to charge whatever they want for the finished piece.
  • Williams then added fuel to the fire by accusing Stosur of being a good "framer", implying many of her winning shots of being miss hits. Raw Story
  • Historians continue to deepen our understanding of how varied and occasionally contradictory were the intentions of various framers and ratifiers.
  • You mean to tell me that our umpires are ignoring the clear language of the rulebook and the intentions of its framers?
  • By the reference to "frame of government" Lincoln said he assumed Douglas meant the US Constitution and the framers, the original 39 signers, "their names being familiar to nearly all."
  • Nothing impresses a framer's skills on a customer more fully than his or her ability to mount a kimono perfectly in a 4-by 6-foot shadow box.
  • In addition, framers would have to adjust for the thickness of the boards they were using while today's models are self-adjusting.
  • The traditional look of walnut and the exotic look of burls have found a place in Framerica's line.
  • Though ATV use is in some ways primitive and certainly unconfined, I doubt that's what the framers of the act had in mind.
  • It is quite clear from the history of the Amendment that its framers did not intend to give Congress the power to determine personhood for due process and equal protection purposes.
  • Mirror makers, picture framers, artists, cutlers, wig-makers, glass sellers, haberdashers and tailors all jostled for business alongside numerous coffee houses and taverns.
  • To be blithely ignorant of the difference between a founder and framer is sad, but to try and use your ignorance as some sort of argument winner is doubly pathetic. Matthew Yglesias » George Will’s Odd Aversion to Democracy
  • Selling customers on more expensive framing orders is often simply a matter of showing them the effects that wider mats, fillets and more expensive mouldings can have, said several framers.
  • Mirror makers, picture framers, artists, cutlers, wig-makers, glass sellers, haberdashers and tailors all jostled for business alongside numerous coffee houses and taverns.
  • The framers of the American Constitution believed that under a system of direct election the president would become slavishly responsive to popular passions.
  • He's a champ about things like that, he had his framer deliver a message to me telling me where to meet him. THE SEASON OF LILLIAN DAWES
  • The framers considered organizing a factional interest to be both a valued right and a potentially dangerous activity.
  • You have to admire the gusto with which Palin aligned herself with the Founding Fathers in spirited defense of the Pledge and the "under God" phrase, despite the fact that both were written long after the founders (and the framers, for that matter) were dead and buried. Palin and the Pledge - Swampland -
  • Earlier this month, an article in the Courier Post, citing anonymous sources, alleged that independent candidate Peter DeStefano, an unknown picture-framer who framed himself as a tea-party pick, was nothing more than a plant, handpicked by Adler operatives to siphon votes from Runyan. Phillies Zone
  • The idea was adapted by the framers of the American Constitution in 1787, each state appointing as many electors as it had members of Congress, these electors then meeting to choose the President of the USA.
  • The framers of Illinois deliberately chose to put the capital in a small town near the transportation centroid of the new state. Matthew Yglesias » Presidential Trouble
  • The judicial and legislative branches of government, endowed by the Constitution's framers with coequal powers to those of the executive, are being effectively reduced to the status of rubber stamps.
  • Dobson evoked the framers of the Constitution, saying: "These activist, unelected judges believe they know better than the American people about the direction the country should go."
  • And because Wilson was identified as a framer, you know, as not hiding behind a pseudonym, is speaking in public and because his speech is regarded as a kind of authoritative early statement -- and Original Meanings: Politics and Ideas in the Making of the Constitution
  • Many framers like to use rich woods like cherry, walnut, and mahogany with color photography, particularly with landscapes.
  • Chris Travers: Also, is it just me or do the framers of that statute clearly have no idea what a real shuriken is? The Volokh Conspiracy » What is a zoobow?
  • The airframers checked and tightened every bolt, nut, screw, and cotter key in the system.
  • But it seemed odd -- to an absurdly sensitive, non-Teutonic mind it seemed somehow to lack justice -- that the picture-framer, after having been ruined, must risk his life in order to snatch from the catastrophe the debris of his career. Over There War Scenes on the Western Front
  • If a national bank was, as is undeniable, repudiated by the framers of the Constitution as incompatible with the rights of the States and the liberties of the people; if from the beginning it has been regarded by large portions of our citizens as coming in direct collision with that great and vital amendment of the Constitution which declares that all powers not conferred by that instrument on the General Government are reserved to the States and to the people; if it has been viewed by them as the first great step in the march of latitudinous construction, which unchecked would render that sacred instrument of as little value as an unwritten constitution, dependent, as it would alone be, for its meaning on the interested interpretation of a dominant party, and affording no security to the rights of the minority -- if such is undeniably the case, what rational grounds could have been conceived for anticipating aught but determined opposition to such an institution at the present day. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • He, like the other framers, hated concentrating power in the hands of a few, and didn't like the idea of the past calling the shots on the future either.
  • A lot of framers struggle with moulding that arrives for a work order that doesn't match the sample they've shown a customer.
  • Many framers often find themselves underbidding themselves to keep a piece of work in the shop for framing.
  • The framer did grant Congress a power to regulate commerce.
  • This Framer, a believer in “energy in the executive,” derided worries about a too-powerful president and included this line: “We have been taught to tremble at the terrific visages of murdering janizaries and to blush at the unveiled mysteries of a future seraglio.” No Uncertain Terms
  • I do not blame the framers of our three past Constitutions in 1935, 1971 and 1986.
  • It is a general principle of English law that the intention which the framer of the document has in mind when he brings it into existence is not material.
  • So it is the Briscoe decision that failed to be “right-thinking,” in the eyes of the framers. The Volokh Conspiracy » Speech Restrictions Aimed at Making Sure People Act in “Right-Thinking” Ways
  • The fifth-set end-game started with Djokovic serving at 3-4 and stringing together an uncharacteristically bad game, getting broken at love on two mishit forehands, a framer of Federer's that set up a winner and a double fault on a second serve that missed the line by about a foot. Novak Djokovic Eliminates Roger Federer In U.S. Open Semifinals
  • The business end of the rugby league season starts tonight, and, if the market framers and punters are right, then get ready for a couple of lopsided matches.
  • Why spend all of that precious time debating the meaning of the words to be used in the Constitution if the framers' understanding of those words made no real difference?
  • Note: When you initiate an IOS reload or a microcode reload, the POS interface is reset, and so is the framer.
  • Also, order a good supply of ready-made frames and small gift items to accommodate last-minute and impulse gift purchases, advised these framers.
  • One of the greatest advantages to oversize framing orders is the challenge they present to a framer's artistic and technical abilities.
  • The company is a supplier of custom-cut framing materials for do-it-yourself picture framers, as well as framing retailers.
  • This is because of a reluctance to get involved in the very penny-pinching that framers of tax law believe dominates our every waking thought and action.
  • Quality underpinners, choppers and saws are available secondhand at reasonable prices for framers who do their homework.
  • The framer fetish is manufacturing consent for the status quo and is mostly fiction. Matthew Yglesias » Longstanding Problems Are Still Problematic
  • Frequently, people bring things to a custom framer because they have sentimental value or represent some connection to the consumers' lives.
  • Our framers and passers of bills are generally dealing with a pitiful few of the many features actually entering into the problem.
  • I became a picture framer in the late 1970s when limited-edition prints were just becoming a more important part of the industry.
  • The framers of the law established safeguards to prevent unscrupulous partisans from using soldiers' votes to manipulate the outcome of elections.
  • Beyond that, extreme framers may also have joiners and thickness planers, which smooth the surface of raw wood and plane it to a desired thickness.
  • The framers of the federal legislation have positioned themselves as having the same objective as those sympathetic to the union movement: protecting the interests of the fighter.
  • I know a man who, after certain years of dependence in a great house, has set up as a picture-framer in a country town. Later Articles and Reviews
  • Custom Framer is a framing visualization and reporting package, allowing customers to see framing orders on-screen in a frame shop or online.
  • We see therefore that the Framers were acutely conscious that the bicameral requirement and the Presentment Clauses would serve essential constitutional functions.
  • To weather these delays, framers not only should have enough cash in reserve, but also should require an up-front deposit to cover initial costs.
  • We are sponsoring educational speakers and providing seminars for framers at no cost.

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