
[ US /ˈfɹeɪmɝ/ ]
[ UK /fɹˈe‍ɪmɐ/ ]
  1. someone who makes frames (as for pictures)
  2. someone who writes a new law or plan
    the framers of the Constitution
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How To Use framer In A Sentence

  • Now there is a problem in that the Framers did not include a power to punish for contumacy. The Volokh Conspiracy » The proper understanding of “Necessary and Proper”:
  • Embracing the new orthodoxy with almost catechistic devotion, they insisted on the importance of construing each constitutional provision according to the presumed intentions of the Framers, no matter how disruptive or radical the consequences might be. Rehnquist the Great?
  • Retail framers can bring personal rapport and customization to their clients in a way that online frame sites can't.
  • Houssian often visits custom framers, galleries, furniture and interior design centers in New York for design ideas.
  • In many cases, framers are ‘customizing’ custom framing jobs by hand-making the frame or staining and gold leafing moulding, marbleizing matboard or etching glass.
  • The framers of the Convention recognized that, given the broad range of rights and the general wording of the document, there could be difficulty in the interpretation of the Convention.
  • BLITZER: You know, some would argue, Jeff, that the framers of the constitution liked the idea of these -- what we call checks and balances, what others simply suggest is gridlock. CNN Transcript Nov 16, 2007
  • From the October 1996 framers of the strategy, shock and awe was a way of achieving rapid dominance.
  • Removing a piece of artwork from its original framing package can be a minefield for a framer.
  • The framers of the Constitution were veterans of a revolution against a king whose divine right to rule the colonies was sanctioned by the official church of England.
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