How To Use Fovea In A Sentence

  • That's because the foveal part of your eye, which is the high-resolution part, is only about the size of your thumbnail held at arms length. Dan Dennett on our consciousness
  • A plane visible in the foveal field from 5,000 feet would only be visible at 500 feet or less if it's more than five degrees on either side of the foveal field - hardly enough room to take evasive action.
  • If these patches become large and involve the very center of the macula (the fovea), the individual's visual acuity can fall to the point that they are considered legally blind.
  • Quisquis huic malo obnoxius est, acriter obsistat, et summa cura obluctetur, nec ullo modo foveat imaginationes tacite obrepentes animo, blandas ab initio et amabiles, sed quae adeo convalescunt, ut nulla ratione excuti queant. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Multiple bodies associated with synovial chondromatosis often adhere to the synovium around the fovea and must be morseled before removal by arthroscopy.
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  • It's during this final shifting of perception from frontal (also known as foveal) to peripheral view that causes the batter to perceive that the ball is dramatically dropping or moving abruptly to the left or right. The Situationist
  • The discovery of a somatosensory fovea in the star-nosed mole suggests that this organizational scheme is a general evolutionary solution to constructing a high-resolution sensory system.
  • Our original thought was to place the links along the bottom of the page — outside your foveal vision. Interesting new Firefox New Tab Page Design -
  • The computer screen was placed at a distance of 300 cm from the participants to permit the foveal fixation of potential target locations.
  • They are called in the Koran the companions of the pit (socii foveae.) -- M.] [Footnote 99: Alvarez (in Ramusio, tom.i. fol. 219, vers. 221, vers.) saw the flourishing state of Axume in the year 1520 -- luogomolto buono History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 4
  • The reticulate, blister, blister-pimple and pimple-foveate were the main patterns of the seed coats at different developmental stages.
  • When we gaze directly at an object, we hold our eyes in such a position that the image of the object falls on the central, specialized region of the retina - the fovea or macula - where visual acuity and colour vision are best.
  • For one, the eye takes in a limited amount of high-quality information through a part of the eye called the fovea, which is supplemented with lower-quality info as needed. You Being Beautiful
  • The fovea creates the most finely detailed vision for such daily tasks as reading, threading a needle, or driving a car.
  • This consistent evidence leads me to wonder: Does working in empirical climatology injure one’s foveae? The Juckes Proxies « Climate Audit
  • Though the anorexic women performed no worse than the control group on vision tests, their foveae were 7% thinner and 46% less electrically active, possibly indicating a greater risk for vision impairment in the future. Common Hormone Worsens Pain in the Long Term, Study
  • Previous anatomical studies of raptor foveae required examination of the retina with a microscope, limiting the number of birds that could be studied," said author Robert W. Knighton, PhD, retired research professor at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute. Earth News, Earth Science, Energy Technology, Environment News
  • His host's eyes were aimed in more or less the right direction, but the image of the doctor's face was not in their foveal region. Through The Eye Of A Needle
  • In Fig. 2 we show at the upper right a typical fragment of foveal retina from one of our preparations.
  • Like a curveball, the spinning disks in the illusions appear to abruptly change direction when an observer switches from foveal to peripheral viewing. Boing Boing
  • It turns out that the 120 Hz flicker (100 Hz in Europe), while not perceptible in our central, or "foveal" vision, is detected in our peripheral vision. Tech Beat - BusinessWeek
  • The central retina, or macula, and the centermost macula, or fovea, exhibit structural and cellular specializations for fine central acuity.
  • This loss appears to be more accentuated in foveal as opposed to peripheral vision.
  • But peripheral vision, when it becomes salient, tends to automatically cause eye movement leading to foveal vision of the salient stimulus, rather than to introspective awareness of the distinctive qualities and deficiencies of peripheral vision, of which many of us remain unaware. Pleasure
  • Humans have a fovea for sight, and star - nosed moles have a fovea for touch.
  • Humans have a fovea for sight, and star - nosed moles have a fovea for touch.
  • We do have pages on the Solenogastres and the worm-like Caudofoveata, as well as the chitons and some early shelled mollusks, the Rostroconchia.
  • Vision acuity, fovea thickness and CNV leakage before and after treatment were analyzed.
  • The cones are concentrated in the center of the back of the eye, at its most sensitive region, called the fovea.
  • The long focal length portion of the lens focuses to one fovea for viewing in air; the other short focal length focuses below water.
  • Considering rods & cones together and being a trifle inexact, the resolution is about 1 arcmin at the fovea, falling to around 5 arcmin at around 25° radius, and then shallowly falling further to around 10 arcmin at 60°. MachineMachine (formerly 'The Huge Entity')
  • The resulting images show detailed retinal anatomy that is not widely known, such as the retina layers and the structure of the deep and shallow foveae, the tiny pit located in the light-sensitive retina that provides the clearest vision of all. Earth News, Earth Science, Energy Technology, Environment News
  • S. teila Tofea acqiiivalvi, cardinii dcntc iiibbifida foveae altcrtus valtae inlcrto. Caroli a Linné ... Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis ..
  • Our eyes face forward, and our retinae have foveae: central areas with an extra abundance of photoreceptors. INSIDE OF A DOG
  • Our eyes face forward, and our retinae have foveae: central areas with an extra abundance of photoreceptors. INSIDE OF A DOG
  • After a few months most of them had recovered fully, but six were left with faint shadows in their central vision corresponding to a small foveal burn.
  • Focusing on each point allows the eye to detect a conflict within the foveal field, as well as contrasting or moving objects in the peripheral area between the center of each scanning block.
  • This part of the retina is called fovea centralis. 2. Elements
  • Median foveola: in Orthoptera; the foveate depression of the vertex between the eyes: = central foveola. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • When we gaze directly at an object, we hold our eyes in such a position that the image of the object falls on the central, specialized region of the retina - the fovea or macula - where visual acuity and colour vision are best.
  • The central part of the retina where our vision is focused most is called the fovea. You Staying Young
  • The third, a median joint formed by the dens of the axis and the fovea dentis of the atlas, is classified as a trochoid joint and permits rotation.
  • Conclusion central fovea of the RVO fellow eyes was functionally impaired.
  • Ophthalmologic examination with the slit lamp demonstrates the iris pigment defect, as well as retinal hypopigmentation and foveal hypoplasia.
  • The fovea is a cute trick to squeeze greater acuity out of a flawed design, but octopi and squid do it better. Denton vs Squid; the eye as suboptimal design. - The Panda's Thumb
  • Most birds, like most mammals, have a single area within the eye of perfect vision, called the fovea, where cone cells, which detect sharp contrast and detail, are most concentrated. Birdology
  • In most fovea, the depth decreased and the thickness increased.
  • That 60hz flicker is killer on my parafoveal vision. WALMART GOES FLUORESCENT | Inhabitat
  • When you look at a close object, you have to turn in your two eyes so that the image that you're looking at falls on the central part of the retina, called the fovea, of the two eyes. Do You See What I See? A Scientist's Journey Into 3-D

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