

[ UK /fˈə‍ʊvi‍ə/ ]
  1. area consisting of a small depression in the retina containing cones and where vision is most acute

How To Use fovea In A Sentence

  • That's because the foveal part of your eye, which is the high-resolution part, is only about the size of your thumbnail held at arms length. Dan Dennett on our consciousness
  • A plane visible in the foveal field from 5,000 feet would only be visible at 500 feet or less if it's more than five degrees on either side of the foveal field - hardly enough room to take evasive action.
  • If these patches become large and involve the very center of the macula (the fovea), the individual's visual acuity can fall to the point that they are considered legally blind.
  • Quisquis huic malo obnoxius est, acriter obsistat, et summa cura obluctetur, nec ullo modo foveat imaginationes tacite obrepentes animo, blandas ab initio et amabiles, sed quae adeo convalescunt, ut nulla ratione excuti queant. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Multiple bodies associated with synovial chondromatosis often adhere to the synovium around the fovea and must be morseled before removal by arthroscopy.
  • It's during this final shifting of perception from frontal (also known as foveal) to peripheral view that causes the batter to perceive that the ball is dramatically dropping or moving abruptly to the left or right. The Situationist
  • The discovery of a somatosensory fovea in the star-nosed mole suggests that this organizational scheme is a general evolutionary solution to constructing a high-resolution sensory system.
  • Our original thought was to place the links along the bottom of the page — outside your foveal vision. Interesting new Firefox New Tab Page Design -
  • The computer screen was placed at a distance of 300 cm from the participants to permit the foveal fixation of potential target locations.
  • They are called in the Koran the companions of the pit (socii foveae.) -- M.] [Footnote 99: Alvarez (in Ramusio, tom.i. fol. 219, vers. 221, vers.) saw the flourishing state of Axume in the year 1520 -- luogomolto buono History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 4
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