How To Use Fortran In A Sentence

  • Fortran is the language used because it allows you to express the mathematics and physics in a very clear succinct fashion. What makes software engineering for climate models different? | Serendipity
  • The connection goes both ways; SISAL can call C and Fortran routines, and C and Fortran can call SISAL routines.
  • Lisp wasn't designed to fix the mistakes in Fortran; it came about more as the byproduct of an attempt to axiomatize computation. What Made Lisp Different
  • In my experience (when I was a climate modeller, talking to climate modellers), many who had had * enough* exposure to object orientation, would cheerfully admit that O-O codes could well have made some model tasks easier, but given that the job was already done in FortranWhat makes software engineering for climate models different? | Serendipity
  • So next time some geek tries to blind you with science by saying, ‘I'm translating some FORTRAN into BASIC, but I'd really like to re-do it in Assembler,’ you will have some idea what that means.
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  • To maintain a high level of performance in modern parallel architectures, High Performance Fortran also provides non-uniform memory access capabilities.
  • In college I learned a computer language called FORTRAN, which is now extinct, but my lightweight exposure to computer languages does not translate into any kind of computer savvy now. Instructions for Your Discontent
  • Slide 15: Fortran I Overview (continued) • First implemented version of FORTRAN - No separate compilation - Compiler released in April 1957, after 18 worker - years of effort - Programs larger than 400 lines rarely compiled correctly, mainly due to poor reliability of 704 - Code was very fast - Quickly became widely used Copyright © 2007 Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • To call C routines from a Fortran program, you will have to write some C code.
  • When the rules changed, we reprogrammed the Fortran simulation model, tested it, and then put it on the server.
  • The system will also support message passing models such as parallel virtual machine and the high performance Fortran extensions of Fortran 90.
  • If FORTRAN and COBOL were the first compiled high - level languages, then C is their grandchild.
  • Furthermore, the corresponding program has been prepared with FORTRAN language.
  • In this paper the counting process of the Hysteresis Loop Counting Method is translated into a FORTRAN program, the time history of load of chassis frame-of the trailer is counted with the computer.
  • He chooses an antiquated computer language known as FORTRAN to make his demands. Calling ID's Bluff, Calling ID's Bluff... - The Panda's Thumb
  • P.S. As you are on sabbatical, can we expect you to be coding in Fortran soon? Exploiting Spatial Memory: Code Canvas | Serendipity
  • My experience at building databases in FORTRAN is obsolete, for example. Another Day in the Ketchup Mine
  • PGI Fortran Workstation, The Portland Group's native parallelizing/optimizing FORTRAN 77, AvaxHome RSS:
  • It was the size of a refrigerator, used punched paper tape to load programs through an optical reader, and we wrote programs in FORTRAN on teletype machines that produced the tape. September 2006
  • In my experience (when I was a climate modeller, talking to climate modellers), many who had had * enough* exposure to object orientation, would cheerfully admit that O-O codes could well have made some model tasks easier, but given that the job was already done in FortranWhat makes software engineering for climate models different? | Serendipity
  • The software of system was written in FORTRAN and 8088 assembly language.
  • Mother Padberg first wrote a computer program in FORTRAN for an IBM-1620 computer to enable her to write a canon for two or four voices. Archive 2008-03-01
  • (in FORTRAN) doing dynamic programming, a tool I've used repeatedly ever since. Finn E. Kydland - Autobiography
  • FORTRAN: Procedural computer programming language developed for numerical analysis by John W. Backus and others at IBM in 1957.
  • Nearly all modelers that I know are fluent not only in Fortran, but C, C++, and Perl as well. What makes software engineering for climate models different? | Serendipity
  • Jiangxi Hydrologic Database System (JHDBS) is a large hydrologic information management system using VAX-11 information management system software and host language FORTRAN.
  • There are also several machine specific 'application' programs such as pascal, fortran, spitbol, millions of others that you can look up with the INFO command ... there are also the text editors; edit, xedit, and fse (full screen editor). Phrack Issue #18 (Crimson Death's Issue)
  • Fortran is the language of choice and the reason has nothing to do with legacy code. What makes software engineering for climate models different? | Serendipity
  • For added difficulty, we have to assume that our target users (climate scientists) are programming in Fortran, and are not using integrated programming environments. Social Network Analysis Tools for Computational Science | Serendipity
  • Sisal needs a C or Fortran compiler and an underlying operating system that implements parallelism in order to produce parallel code.

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