How To Use Forswear In A Sentence
The word forswear has appeared in 15 Times articles over the past year, including in a March 14, 2010
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Over the past 20 years, incentives have been used to successfully encourage other emergent and existing nuclear weapons powers to forswear the bomb, making the world a much safer place.
Crunchy Frog says: libarbarian: I suppose this attitude explains why Conservatives react to the adoption of their ideas by liberals not by saying “thanks for coming around” but rather by abandoning and forswearing their own previous ideas.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Jonathan Rauch on David Frum on the Conservative Movement
It was the Biblical apple with which man was seduced to forswear his innocence in order to gain knowledge and sexuality.
And also that he forswear not him in judgment, ne make no leasings to annoy ne grieve another, nor he ought not to missay ne speak evil of others in intention to impair his good name and fame, for it is deadly sin.
The Golden Legend, vol. 1

Thus the Brotherhood has gone out of its way in recent weeks to appear in the most benign light, making an ally of former IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei and forswearing any immediate political ambitions.
Understanding the Muslim Brotherhood
If I transgress this oath and forswear myself, may I be forced to live with arts graduates and become an expert on the theoretical control of space and time.
Zinoviev, on the contrary, demanded an immediate signing of the peace, forswearing the propagandist possibilities of Brest Litovsk.
My Life
Or, that oaths made in reverential fear Of love, and his wrath, any may forswear ?
Now if I keep this oath and break it not, may I enjoy honor, in my life and art, among all men for all time; but if I transgress and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me.
By those laws, men were forbid to perjure themselves, or to forswear, that is, swear falsely.
Barnes New Testament Notes
Ill tell thee what, thou thin man in a censer, I will have you as soundly swinged for this, you blue-bottle rogue! you filthy famished correctioner! if you be not swinged, Ill forswear half-kirtles.
Act V. Scene IV. The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth
I suppose this attitude explains why Conservatives react to the adoption of their ideas by liberals not by saying “thanks for coming around” but rather by abandoning and forswearing their own previous ideas.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Jonathan Rauch on David Frum on the Conservative Movement
Though we had visited most of these harbors on previous cruises, the amount of port time encouraged us to forswear organized tours and strike out on our own.
He is not only subverting the judicial branch's integrity when he forswears himself under oath.
It is currently fashionable to forswear flesh eating in the interests of animal rights or a lower cholesterol level.
forswear," they must relate to perjury, and if to perjury, then to a civil oath, or to an oath, where an appeal is made to God by man, as to something relating to himself.
A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume 3
In return, Islamabad must forswear its use of terrorism to weaken India and stop expecting independent Afghanistan to act as a vassal.
A Model for Pakistan's Revival
It forswears the use of commercial plutonium as a fuel, because of proliferation risks.
It is currently fashionable to forswear flesh eating in the interests of animal rights or a lower cholesterol level.
Clinton administration counterterrorism officials have stated that they received assurances from foreign governments receiving rendered suspects forswearing torture, but no human-rights organization takes those assurances seriously.
Is That The Question? | ATTACKERMAN
I'll tell you what, you thin man in a censer, I will have you as soundly swinged for this, -- you blue-bottle rogue, you filthy famished correctioner, if you be not swinged, I'll forswear half-kirtles.
The Second Part of King Henry IV
We are forswearing the use of chemical weapons for any reason.
Nevertheless, that Burns could forswear his encounters with the folk is as likely as that Tam could swear off drink or cutty-sarks.
National Demons: Robert Burns, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and the Folk in the Forest
The questionnaires also asked the American citizens whether they were willing to "forswear" allegiance to the Emperor of Japan (an allegiance they had never sworn in the first place) and whether they were willing to serve on combat duty in the U.S. armed forces "wherever ordered.
Is That Legal?: October 2007 Archives
They had to forswear violence, to wind up their paramilitary wing and to proceed to completion with the process of disarmament.
We can refuse to comply with oppressive forces, forswear allegiance to their mandates, forgo reliance on their wares, unplug our lifelines to their conveyances, reject their medicalizations and distractions, discontinue our support for their adventurist campaigns, fail to contribute to their bailouts and schemes, ignore their technocratic designs on mind control, cease making demands on their apparatchiks, and avert our gaze from their spectacles.
Randall Amster: Occupy Ourselves
The grim little smile upon her lips when one big girl above Ruth went down before "forswear," spelling it with an extra "e," showed that the teacher considered the miss deserved to fail because of her heedlessness.
Ruth Fielding of the Red Mill Or, Jasper Parloe's Secret
Thus they relate to the word "forswear," in the first.
A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume 3
Before her incarceration, she imagines herself as the ruler of a matriarchal, benevolent, peaceful realm in which she is unmarried and autonomous, peasants are nurtured, and men forswear “military rivalship” (2.1.52).
The Liberating and Debilitating Imagination in Joanna Baillies Orra and The Dream
Anyone who forswears advertising also forswears any claim to a share of the market.
And before any person could take notice thereof, hee became (of a theefe) Ruffian, forswearer, and murtherer, as formerly he had-beene a great Preacher; yet not abandoning the forenamed vices, when secretly he could put any of them in execution.
The Decameron
After all, I was merely forswearing a bad habit, forgoing a bad frame of mind.
Chapter 30
‘It is the Lord's will that I forswear myself,’ he said.
Leading by example, the United States announced a review of its nuclear posture - forswearing the use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states, so long as they are in compliance with the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Jim Luce: Ground-Breaking Speech by Ban Ki-moon on Eve of NPT Review
He blows up, and in impassioned language forswears and disowns Rosalia, the five children, and all memory of them and responsibility for them, forever and forever.
Yet it is worth noting that, by forswearing future acquisitions of recently looted work, as the Getty did under Ms. True's leadership, the museum actually did what no other major acquiring museum would do for many years.
The Beautiful and the True
Page 185, Volume 2 learned the lesson of Darwinism will “forswear inquiry after absolute origins and absolute finalities in order to explore specific values and the specific conditions that generate them” (1910, p. 13).
Both sides agreed to forswear all acts of terrorism.
By forswearing himself and violating his oath, he has undermined respect for the integrity of oaths.
But he must give up such notions now, and forswear the temptations of the Register.
If you ever fail me through my fault or your own, I will forswear thenceforth all human friendship.
No appreciable number of people is really leaving, but if they are made to forswear any attention to or involvement in the whole sordid mess going forward, something similar is accomplished.
I’ll tell you what, you thin man in a censer, I will have you as soundly swinged for this, — you blue-bottle rogue, you filthy famished correctioner, if you be not swinged, I’ll forswear half-kirtles.
The second part of King Henry the Fourth
To him even did I tell my family name, and the shame I had saved it from by forswearing it.
It is the decision to forswear love in order to gain omnipotent worldly power.
Or, that oaths made in reverential fear Of love, and his wrath, any may forswear ?
Instead, Treasury is trying to negotiate bailouts bank by bank, and behaving as if the banks hold all the cards — contorting the terms of each deal to minimize government ownership while forswearing government influence over bank strategy or operations.
The Quiet Coup
But he must give up such notions now, and forswear the temptations of the Register.
He must exhibit "humility of spirit," forswear "vengeance" on his political enemies and, MacDonald adds, "accept whatever justice is necessary to resolve the sin.
The Road To Repentance
They must forswear the use of race as a political weapon.
But there's no requirement that people cease or forswear political opposition.
Next to the honor of fair Scotland, my counsin Helen is the goddess of my idolatry; and she would forswear my love and kindred, could she believe me capable of feeling otherwise than in unison with Sir William Wallace.
The Scottish Chiefs
If bent on wilful aims and lewd I fain forswear thee, ah!
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Zinoviev, on the contrary, demanded an immediate signing of the peace, forswearing the propagandist possibilities of Brest Litovsk.
My Life
You must tell the truth to the judge, because if you forswear yourself you could go to prison.
Once again, I am faced with the choice of vices to forswear, in the spirit of turning over a new leaf.