How To Use Footed In A Sentence

  • _Catty. _ (_speaking very rapidly_) Bless you for that word, counshillor; and by the first light to-morrow, I'll drive all the grazing cattle, every four-footed _baast_ off the land, and pound 'em in Ballynavogue; and if they replevy, why I'll distrain again, if it be forty times, I will go. Tales and Novels — Volume 08
  • He was a right-footed left winger, a prolific scorer who cut in from the wing with pace and superb dribbling skills. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fancy an heir that a father had seen born well-featured and fair, turning suddenly wry-nosed, club-footed, squint-eyed, hair-lipped, wapper-jawed, carrot-haired, from a pride become an aversion, -- my case was yet worse. The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
  • When the gentleman who guided me through the bush left me on the side of a pali, I discovered that Kahele, though strong, gentle, and sure-footed, possesses the odious fault known as balking, and expressed his aversion to ascend the other side in a most unmistakable manner. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • I'm in my running shorts and my T-shirt, and I'm barefooted.
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  • And I can hear the clump clump clump of the three posh post-university flatsharing chums thumping about their flat upstairs, slamming doors, shouting to each other and walking heavy-footed across my dream-flat.
  • Meanwhile, the fleet footed and well connected have profited from surging exports, a bubbly urban real estate market and, occasionally, government boosterism.
  • Forty-two percent of the diet of the black-footed penguin is small shoaling fish, with 25 species of fish, including anchovies (Engraulis capensis) and sardines (Sardinops sagax) being recorded, as well as 18 species of crustaceans, three species of squid, and one species of polychaete worm. Black-footed penguin
  • Does he have any tips for us oldies who may be slightly less sure-footed about the rest of our lives? Times, Sunday Times
  • With his long arms and peculiar flatfooted gait, his opponents compared him to an ape. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now the two tech icons are running neck and neck -- a reversal of fortune the bloggerati are inclined to ascribe to a combination of Steve Jobs 'genius and Microsoft's flatfootedness. Microsoft Slumps As Apple Trumps
  • Some time about the year 1827, two sturdy lads, tall and well proportioned but clad in homespun and barefooted, came to "Dryden Corners" from the South Hill neighborhood, driving an ox team and bringing to market a wagon load of pine shingles which they had shaved by hand. Living in Dryden: June 2004 Archives
  • Forced onto his right foot after a mazy solo run, the predominantly left-footed player saw his effort blocked.
  • The sun is a bright Caribbean yellow, made even richer by the tropical blue sky, and even though it's only mid-morning, barefooted beachcombers weave along the water's edge to keep the soles of their feet cool.
  • About 100 kilometres away from the boma, a bare-footed lad trudged his way to a ramshackle school in Luumbo village down in the Gwembe valley.
  • Time and again opponents are caught flat-footed by the grubber kick. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even Larry, barefooted now, and with both hands tightly clenched, such was his wrought-up condition, stood and watched with burning eyes as the aeroplane sank lower and lower in its forward swoop. The Airplane Boys among the Clouds or, Young Aviators in a Wreck
  • Pile lush heirloom tomatoes in a footed bowl for a jolt of hot late-summer color on your outdoor table.
  • Yelling at him to be patient, she clambered into a pair of brigga, pulled on a shirt, and ran barefooted to unbar the door and let him in. A TIME OF WAR
  • So angry I could hardly speak, I forced myself to calm for a moment as I danced away with her in my newly-taught but unlearned club-footed manner.
  • These are nice fuzzy, footed romper suits in sizes to suit a small adult.
  • The footed bottle case in Plate II represents a slightly later development of the simple box.
  • Some of his hair was also burnt and his feet were swollen, the after effects of his barefooted trot out of the forest.
  • Liverpool, then, seemed to be growing in confidence, Luis Suárez - booked early on for a kick out at Michael Dawson - beginning to work his fleet-footed, impish magic, nutmegging opponents, his electricity jolting the Kop awake. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Here and there came a stream of warm light through an open door, and within, the Mongolians were gathered round the gambling-tables, playing fan-tan, or leaving the seductions of their favourite pastime, to glide soft-footed to the many cook-shops, where enticing-looking fowls and turkeys already cooked were awaiting purchasers. The Mystery of a Hansom Cab
  • Smitty caught it flat-footed; he had not even tried to duck.
  • The characteristics of electronics production and marketing seem to demand companies which can combine scale economies with quick-footed innovation.
  • Some students choosing to opt out feel we should be kinder to our web-footed friends.
  • Naturally left-footed, Southwell has now become one of the main kickers, for club and country, in defence and attack.
  • Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
  • But with Duff now gone, Souness is struggling to find a natural left-footed replacement and Mahon could end up saving his manager millions in the transfer market.
  • He was a big man, a couple of inches taller than Malone, and though he had never been light-footed, his tread now was heavy. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • A middle-aged woman with stiff, wood-colored curls all over her head was advancing on her, marching in heavy-footed determination.
  • This web-footed rodent living in the bayous and backwoods of Louisiana has become a kind of unofficial state animal, an anointed nuisance with resident status.
  • Bloodless and many footed animals, whether furnished with wings or feet, move with more than four points of motion; as, for instance, the dayfly moves with four feet and four wings: and, I may observe in passing, this creature is exceptional not only in regard to the duration of its existence, whence it receives its name, but also because though a quadruped it has wings also. The History of Animals
  • There is another kind of daw found in Lybia and Phrygia, which is web-footed. The History of Animals
  • The Connemara ponies settled in and seemed surefooted in sharp, jumbled rocks, deep mud and steep angled inclines and declines.
  • I kicked them off and carried them, running barefooted down the road, not even noticing when my feet began to bleed from the rough road scraping them.
  • The girl felt it in every nerve; it was as though some soft-footed, noiseless, shapeless creature, whose presence she only dimly divined, was approaching nearer -- _nearer_. Stories by English Authors: The Orient (Selected by Scribners)
  • The most famous kick that Cantona ever delivered wasn't a sublime chip or a match-winning penalty, but a two-footed karate kick.
  • My nervous dance consists of much weight-shifting and hand gestures similar to the mating dance of the blue-footed booby.
  • And the closure has made the Government look flat-footed. Times, Sunday Times
  • From the restart after Loughborough kicked a penalty, Oxford worked the ball to left winger Adam Slade on the blind side, who wrong-footed the Loughborough defence to score.
  • The Livingston defence were caught flat-footed, allowing the Croatian to home in on goal before slotting the ball past the advancing McKenzie.
  • Dromaeosaurs, a group of small, fleet-footed dinosaurs in the theropod family, are thought to be the closest known relatives of birds.
  • We hotfooted it down to the beach.
  • McFadden can play on the left, he is left-footed, and from this position he can move forward and score goals.
  • The internal qualities once said to embody manhood - surefootedness, inner strength, confidence of purpose - are merchandised to men to enhance their manliness.
  • He wrong-footed fullback Sean Barnes with a clever change of pace and dived over in the corner.
  • Usually it is those who seek the gratification of personal glory as well as the sound of the cash register who pump themselves full of this or that chemical, preferably one hitherto unknown to science so that the authorities, who religiously trot out the psittacine mantra that this is the most drug-free Olympics ever, are left flat-footed in their wake. Boycott the Olympics & Read Proust Instead
  • The enforcement of German Nazi Law on Jan. 20, 1934 terminated workers' equal-footed relations with management which they had been enjoying since the Weimer Republic.
  • The elephant, by some called oliphant, is the largest of all four-footed beasts. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 07
  • Light-footed waitresses pace the linoleum floor slinging babka French toast and eggs with kielbasa, and - mostly - plates of pierogi to a mixed crowd of chatty locals and interlopers.
  • The 25-year-old, who has been in outstanding form for the Gunners, would certainly give England a much-needed left-footed option in midfield.
  • Currie sidefooted his first goal of the season.
  • But it very quickly degenerates into a flatfooted, predictable affair with a thumpingly earnest moral message. Times, Sunday Times
  • In between the shows, the comic interludes were performed to keep the audience in good spirits with twinkle-footed clowns.
  • Athene, as they say, took the form of Deiphobus for the sake of Hector, and the unshorn Phoebus for the sake of Admetus fed the trailing-footed oxen, and the spouse us came as an old woman to Semele. Is There Evidence For Mythicism?
  • In a separate research note, the bank described the euro as "exasperating," adding that the currency's rally from under $1.19 in early June to over $1.30 by late July had "wrong-footed many in the currency market. Banks Back Off Grim Euro Calls
  • Eurozone leaders have been astonishingly flatfooted in response to this crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the thylacine, the devil, and the eastern quoll had been lost altogether, two minuscule species the white-footed dunnart and the swamp antechinus, a couple of mousy carnivorous marsupials did maintain populations on some of the tiny islands. The Song of The Dodo
  • The ancients, who had a very faint and imperfect knowledge of the great peninsula of Africa, were sometimes tempted to believe, that the torrid zone must ever remain destitute of inhabitants; 126 and they sometimes amused their fancy by filling the vacant space with headless men, or rather monsters; 127 with horned and cloven-footed satyrs; 128 with fabulous centaurs; 129 and with human pygmies, who waged a bold and doubtful warfare against the cranes. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Pig-footed bandicoots were never common, although the species was rather widespread.
  • Hundreds of skinny, barefooted, dust-covered imps beg outsiders for money, pens and sweets - the adults are a little more reticent.
  • He left her feeling oddly light-footed, pleased to have an errand from her. COLDHEART CANYON
  • The left-footed Daniel Carter is a certainty at fly-half and the All Blacks will have seen how the Crusaders cleverly used MacDonald's right foot to complement Carter.
  • As a minister, despite a restricted budget, he once again displayed that spectacular flair that made his colleagues seem flatfooted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bloodless and many footed animals, whether furnished with wings or feet, move with more than four points of motion; as, for instance, the dayfly (ephémeron) moves with four feet and four wings: and, I may observe in passing, this creature is exceptional not only in regard to the duration of its existence, whence it receives its name, but also because though a quadruped it has wings also. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • In the tiny chalets perched on the mountain ridges, folks literally dwell in cloudland, and enjoy a kind of supernal existence, having for near neighbours the eagles in their eyries and the fleet-footed chamois or izard. In the Heart of the Vosges And Other Sketches by a "Devious Traveller"
  • My horse is small but wiry and sure-footed.
  • I applaud his swift-footed move: Like the toreador who dodged the bull at the last milisecond, he escaped being gored.
  • The thin one, and the one with the splayfooted walk, who were they? ' The 9th Directive
  • Cut its stem short and set into water in a footed ice cream dish, cocktail glass, or similarly shaped container.
  • Vehicular and four-footed traffic had halted; some vehicles were trying to turn and retreat, others attempted to press forward. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • Ay, it is Neepoosa," the old woman replied, drawing her inside the tent, and despatching a boy, hot-footed, on some errand. CHAPTER 2
  • That team was distinct from the fluid, fleet-footed one that lanced Livingston the week before.
  • He has been a clumsy, flatfooted and ponderous at times. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can understand the reasons why Andy is being spoken about because he is different," he revealed, adding "Apart from his size he is also a left-footed player" lest we might conclude that this difference involved living in a fridge, communicating only via the lyrics of The Carpenters and slithering around on his belly after dark like a blindworm. Will Andy Carroll prove the difference that destroys the planet?
  • I have stood, flat-footed between the serving stations, studying the cascades of shrimp on ice, and the hunks of beef bleeding into the chopping-board gutters and the intense Hispanic boys at the omelette hobs begging for orders, and known that nothing good could come from this. Buffets are the place where ingredients go to die
  • These days, the majority of new mainsails are designed with a loose-footed arrangement.
  • Again the general public or pension funds footed the bill for this notional loss of income without any proper explanation.
  • Unlike the Federal Reserve and Bank of England, the ECB has pussyfooted around quantitative easing, or using its balance sheet to buy government bonds or other securities outright, because it's so fraught with problems in the euro zone. Spanish Fly in ECB Ointment
  • A strange barefooted slide across the floor is required and my feet keep sticking.
  • He gained much lift and sharpness with his awkward wrong-footed deliveries.
  • Permit me quote in Swedish one "footed" in scriptures: Open Democracy News Analysis - Comments
  • She snagged it and hotfooted it to the editing facility. COURAGE AND CONSEQUENCE
  • Watson notes the importance for Kutjungka people of being unshod, walking bare-footed on the land, and most especially dancing bare-footed, and of spending a lot of time sitting or lying on the ground.
  • Once sure-footed, their step is now a confused, uncertain stagger, like a drunk slaloming from house to house in searching for his own front door.
  • From the mountainous piles of refuse, of "culm," barefooted children, nearly as black as their miner fathers, were tramping homeward with burdens of coal that they had gleaned from the waste. Derrick Sterling A Story of the Mines
  • Afterwards, waving smiley good-byes as the screen door slammed inside the last manure-footed fly of the season, we would pretend this was the most enjoyable and relaxing sojourn ever undertaken by the Midwest kinfolk; who now are worn out, corn-fed, under-financed, and facing several hundred miles of back-breaking, exhaust-choking, bug-splattering, road-hog crowded highways returning home. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 609
  • But he didn't panic and his third effort, from a very tight angle for a left-footed kicker, flew between the posts.
  • She left him standing in the hall and followed the soft-footed, smiling Letje up the stairs; at least she was going to see something of the house. Politics 101
  • There is no trace left in the whole of London of the old, flat-footed waiters whose eyes were all over the place and who did their job so brilliantly that a pleasant symbiosis developed between them and the guests.
  • Thomas Hunt was in the right place at the right time and chipped a right-footed shot from the edge of the penalty area into an empty net.
  • My first impulse is to get off my toes and stand flat-footed, but as soon as I try that, I begin to fall, windmilling my arms as fast as I can to steady myself, but the motion is hindered by my wings, which crush under my weight on impact.
  • He had, indeed, that strong aversion felt by all the lower ranks of people towards four-footed companions very completely, notwithstanding he had for many years a cat which he called Hodge, that kept always in his room at Fleet Street; but so exact was he not to offend the human species by superfluous attention to brutes, that when the creature was grown sick and old, and could eat nothing but oysters, Mr. Johnson always went out himself to buy Hodge's dinner, that Francis the black's delicacy might not be hurt, at seeing himself employed for the convenience of a quadruped. Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson
  • When I wrote that song I didn't want to make light-footed songs anymore.
  • Everyone defers to him, especially his main man, a clubfooted ghetto intellectual known as Smush, and the other members of Smush's ragtag crew.
  • Playing such a provocative character, she may have been risking her career and incurring the anger of her fans who expected the usual singing and light-footed girl-next-door.
  • He was a right-footed left winger, a prolific scorer who cut in from the wing with pace and superb dribbling skills. Times, Sunday Times
  • Usually metallic rather than ceramic, these servers included plates, shallow bowls without feet, and shallow footed bowls.
  • qualificator" of the Inquisition, who was a bare-footed Carmelite monk. Mexico and its Religion With Incidents of Travel in That Country During Parts of the Years 1851-52-53-54, and Historical Notices of Events Connected With Places Visited
  • Not to forget the cynism which comes along soft-footed and of course the black humor. Archive 2009-11-01
  • The blinds were always down, and her barefooted tribe was never permitted to enter the sacred precinct save on state occasions. Chapter 23
  • 3 And all the troop of lightfoot naiads lightfoot > light-footed naiads > (Or naiades: nymphs of fresh water) 4 Flock all about to see her lovely face: The Faerie Queene — Volume 01
  • As I've noted before, the Primera is extremely surefooted and I've now discovered that it holds the road well in ice and snow.
  • The baron, shivering barefooted, pulled out his watch. CHAPTER 24
  • He has harmony without melody; he invents and executes marvellous variations upon verse; he has footed the tight-rope of the galliambic measure and the swaying planks of various trochaic experiments; but his resolve to astonish is stronger than his desire to charm, and he lets technical skill carry him into such excesses of ugliness in verse as technical skill carried Liszt, and sometimes Berlioz, in music. Figures of Several Centuries
  • Smicer again picked him out with an astute pass in the 18th minute that wrong-footed the visitors' defence.
  • In contrast, the A. afarensis bone resembled that of the flat-footed apes, making it improbable that its foot had an arch like our own.
  • Unfortunately, the tone mandated by the flat-footed New Yorker style drains his story of any emotional connection to events unfolding in the narrative.
  • The very discovery of the website on which the futures exchange was prototyped seemed to have caught its inventors flat-footed and their masters by surprise.
  • My first sighting was of large numbers of pink-footed geese and wigeon along with some ringed plover and shelduck.
  • In this tryptic, I find the lampoonery of the physical deformation inherent to both the slight-statured, fat-footed Frodo and the EPO-swilling, peglegged pirate in the first 2 images to be apt signifiers of his poorly cobbled performances and subsequent attempts at mea culpa. The BSNYC Absentee Art Exhibition (Part II)
  • The original Georgian dressing room has been converted into a luxury en suite bathroom with a fully restored claw footed cast iron bath and a bidet.
  • What is missing is the fleet-footedness of theatre, and particularly theatre's appeal to the imagination. Sin Sangre (Without Blood)
  • Basanti queen of the Hijdas beauty beyond compare zeenath in serpentine snare sohel on the balls of his toes leaps in middair his entire body in prayer kaajal her bodily muskish odour attired emotions in good care babita, priya from singapore samba footed on the holy square The Hijdas of Moti Katra « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • The mainland subspecies of swamp antechinus (Antechinus minimus maritimus) and white footed dunnart (Sminthopsis leucopus) are largely restricted to coastal regions, while other species, such as the koala, are widespread throughout this ecoregion and excluded from the Central Highlands because of the cold winters. Southeast Australia temperate forests
  • But I wrong-footed him and bent it around the wall and into the bottom right of his net, and it was hit with such force he had no way of getting back to it.
  • They had hotfooted it north in their hundreds to record the first sighting of a rare Snowy Egret on the Isle of Seil, near Oban.
  • It was a world-penance for a world to see, and paltry indeed it made appear that earlier penance, barefooted in the snow, of an emperor to a pope for daring to squabble over temporal power. Goliah
  • The blast at the Sunubar Hotel sent frightened guests of the three-storey hotel running into the street, some barefooted, others with bloodstains on their clothes.
  • Here her analysis is most surefooted as she discusses late eighteenth and early nineteenth-century fiction, Benedict's professional bailiwick.
  • Surely you wouldn't rather stumble about with your thick-necked flatfooted lummox of a boyfriend.
  • For example, chipmunks and white-footed mice in an agricultural landscape used wooded fencerows to travel between forest patches.
  • A few minutes later a barefooted native girl padded in and shook her head. THE PROUD GOAT OFALOYSIUS PANKBURN
  • the new product caught their competitors flat-footed
  • Cheetahs use their speed to outrun their prey, which includes such fleet-footed creatures as gazelles and wildebeests.
  • Naturally left-footed, Southwell has now become one of the main kickers, for club and country, in defence and attack.
  • Let your character be more self-reliant, sure-footed, sharper.
  • These are sure-footed lyrics, confidently placed in their musical context, and telling their stories by phrasing just as much as the words.
  • It came up with a splayfooted shuffle which, awkward as it looked, would take it at an unvarying pace day after day across this tormented land. Uncharted Stars
  • Then the gathering of the vraic was a fete, and the lads and lasses footed it on the green or on the hard sand, to the chance flageolets of sportive seamen home from the war. The Battle of the Strong — Complete A Romance of Two Kingdoms
  • We were constantly being wrong-footed, set up, walking into complex traps which they had laid for us, with the intention of making us look like terminally unhip, gullible ingénues.
  • No bunch of teenyboppers was going to keep me from enjoying the latest adventures of my favorite barefooted, mussy-haired, possibly autistic detective, no sir. I did miss Iron Chef: A review of Death Note: L, Change the WorLd | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Movement is suggested less by the heavy-footed dancers than by the writhe and flamboyance of the composition.
  • Ed Kemmick, that putrid purveyor of pussyfooted prognostication, waxes nostalgic for the days when newspaper vituperation was in style. The Iconoclast
  • According to Pete Gober, coordinator of the federal government's black-footed ferret effort, Mr. Haverfield's ranch is one of the more important sites in the program because of its size and because the ferrets there show no sign of the sylvatic plague that has struck farther west. NYT > Home Page
  • The Nigerian let the ball beat him before a little jink wrong-footed Robinson, and he clipped it into the net.
  • The dominant garlic pear tree is a favored roost of the magnificent frigatebird Fregata magnificens, the most abundant seabird on the island (11,800 birds in 2001-2002) and of brown pelicans (200) and red-footed boobies Sula sula rubripes (200 birds). Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California, Mexico
  • I was: from any doubts as to which I was speedily relieved by the entrance of the priest's bare-footed "colleen," to deposit on my table a bottle of soda water, and announce breakfast, with his reverence's compliments. The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer — Volume 1
  • Much of your time can be spent living with and caring for the animals they are sheltering from red howler monkeys, to owl monkeys, to red brocket deer, to yellow footed tortoises, anteaters, pumas, achunis, macaws and parakeets! Wendy Diamond: Stopping the Amazon Monkey Business!
  • He might not be left-footed, but he's got such a good right foot, you could open a can of beans with it.
  • They would then halt, go aside and put on their shoes, while their barefooted gallants, with tow and cotton shirts and "britches," stood in the road till their return. Fisher's River (North Carolina) Scenes and Characters
  • The mammal fauna of the forests and forest margins includes yellow baboon (Papio cynocephalus), red-footed squirrel (Funiscurius pyrrhopus), blue duiker (Cephalophus monticola), and bushpig (Potamochoerus porcus), but has been severely reduced through hunting. Angolan montane forest-grassland mosaic
  • It feels as if all the ligaments in my body are going to snap at any moment and my feet are so flat-footed it's like walking on glass.
  • I slid my boots off of my now callused feet, how many times had I trained barefooted in that sandy arena with Master Lin!
  • By controlling the player's abnormal foot bio-mechanics pronation or flat footedness with orthotics, the muscles in the arch and lower leg will not fatigue, get tired or become overused. Dr. Steve Rosenberg: Fall Means It Is Conditioning Time for High School and College Athletes
  • The clouds parted and the stars came out running as a nimble-footed Jerry Lewis clowned his way up the red carpet at ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It will be noticed, that the retainers guarding the exterior and entrance are barefooted, which is a mark of respect in honour of the rank of the culprit, and of the solemnity of the occasion. Sketches of Japanese Manners and Customs
  • The most curious thing about these three girls were that they were all wearing pants, and were barefooted.
  • As with all the best American comedies, the sharpness of the script made the average British sitcom seem embarrassingly flat-footed.
  • Llamas come from a family of four-footed animals called camelids, which also include alpacas, vicuñas, and guanacos.
  • The ball fell to wide man Ian Ross and his deflected snapshot from the 18-yard line wrong-footed keeper Tony Bullock.
  • From the beginning Tim Geithner, supported by the president-elect and backed by Congressional leaders, pussyfooted around the issue of executive compensation in bailed out companies. Paul Jenkins: A Crime to Make Money
  • Peter came heavy-footed up the stairs and then went into his bathroom down the corridor. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Canadian hunter knows the track made by any bird or beast, from the deep broad print of the bear, to the tiny one of the little shrewmouse, which is the smallest four-footed beast in this or any other country. Lady Mary and her Nurse
  • Yes | No | Report from prairieghost wrote 51 weeks 17 hours ago i'd stay away from neoprene, too hot. most of the manufacturers are producing good, breathable waders these days. you didn't indicate whether you wanted a stocking foot to use with wading boots (which i strongly recommend) or a lug boot-footed wader. I want to buy my first set of chest waders. I just looked at a pair from L.L.Bean. $399, no thanks, not for my first pair.
  • Here's the Knowledge's 2007 precis of the story:The all-conquering, efficient Iceland a case of taking symbolism too literally meet bare-footed and mercurial Zaire in the World Cup final – and the evil Iceland manager plots the downfall of Zaire's star player, Odiwule, who can, apparently, bend the ball 90 degrees. The Knowledge | Who are the most successful fictional team ever?
  • If a novel was riddled with the flat-footed cliches that plague so many science books, the critics would skewer it.
  • If you look in the dictionary under the word beast there are these words any nonhuman animal, especially a large, four-footed mammal. Michealene Cristini Risley: Godwin's The Fear a Brilliant Witness to Mugabe's Continued Massacre of Zimbabweans
  • I love how Mary leans against a doorway holding baby Jesus to the adoration of a couple of dirty-footed pilgrims, with all the slightly bored insouciance of any matron chatting with the neighbors.
  • The narrator calls it a "uniped," or some sort of one-footed goblin, [232] but that is hardly reasonable, for after the shooting it went on to perform the further quite human and eminently Indian-like act of running away. [ The Discovery of America Vol. 1 (of 2) with some account of Ancient America and the Spanish Conquest
  • So this year, World Kitchen, a little-known Rosemont-based company that makes big-name brands such as Pyrex and CorningWare, will release a new "footed" Corelle rice bowl in China, along with about 84 other updated products worldwide. -
  • The four-footed furry creature, symbolising endurance, beauty, peace and hope, sits in fourth position on the Chinese calendar.
  • The fully battened mainsail is loose-footed and stands a bold roach which has to brush past the backstay during a tack.
  • Nacey's Halloween, where-in cider was consumed, vodka skolled, the Monster Mash danced to and a hobbit seduced... and she's not talking about her fine buxom hairy-footed self... 2nd November '04
  • I carried on to the client's home and then hot footed it back home to get David.
  • A straightforward left-footed strike did the rest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last summer, Dave Lindahl footed the bill for 18 relatives at a fancy mansion in the Adirondacks.
  • Then next-door neighbour Mark Stringfellow, 32, went on the roof barefooted and pulled Paul, 15, out of the converted loft, leading him across to the safety of his own home.
  • He stood up, thinking that he sounded like a caricature of a heavy-footed cop. LEFT, RIGHT AND CENTRE
  • David heard a series of thumps as the heavy-footed Cath made her way down and back up the basement stairs.
  • She was slight and fleet of foot/fleet-footed.
  • Buddy got up from the table without answering and walked duckfooted to the icebox. The Lost Get-Back Boogie
  • He is too heavy-footed to handle speed, can't slide laterally and has to be conscious of his inside help.
  • He was a right-footed left winger, a prolific scorer who cut in from the wing with pace and superb dribbling skills. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trump, in return, calls Showbiz Tonight and calls Barb a pussyfooted liar. While You Were Arranging a Prayer Vigil for Jayden James… | Best Week Ever
  • Investors were wrong-footed by the quarter-point reduction to 3.75%, the lowest rate since 1955.
  • As more Stuttgart players were drawn towards him, his reverse pass wrong-footed the entire defence to leave Giggs scampering clear before rolling his shot calmly beyond Hildebrand.
  • Such an unfocussed and scatter-gun assault is already pressing sympathetic buttons, and profiting from the usual heavy-footed public relations blundering of the municipal authorities, and the straight-man impressionability of patronizing editorialists. Conrad Black: My Manifesto For the Occupy Movement
  • “It’s not about profit and loss,” explains Montgomery, tutorially, implying that profit and loss is flat-footed and literal. Serious Money
  • Not to forget the cynism which comes along soft-footed and of course the black humor. Today in Fantasy: November 25, 2009
  • John Flint knew inoffensive, timid Michael; he knew his broad-bosomed, patient, cowlike wife, and he liked the brood of shockheaded youngsters who plodded along patient in old clothes, bare-footed, and with scanty enough food. Slippy McGee, Sometimes Known as the Butterfly Man
  • It was a message of peace from nimble-footed dancing kids to the people of the world, on a day that was special to all children in the country.
  • You'll witness the same panoramas of life that Darwin once did as you trek through blue-footed booby colonies and watch huge tortoises roam a raw lava landscape.
  • Llamas come from a family of four-footed animals called camelids, which also include alpacas, vicuñas, and guanacos.
  • Five barefooted girls in pajamas made their way across the street with flashlights in hand.
  • Long then bagged his second after 81 minutes with a clinical left-footed strike. The Sun
  • People coming off work hotfooted it down the street.
  • He walked into the water, waddling splayfooted in the rubber fins. Sudden Rain
  • His speed and skill makes other players look flat-footed.
  • The yarn and legs of the stockings were furnished by the mill and footed hose and waste material returned.
  • There's flatfooted choreography and one regrettable rap sequence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately when the time came for him to join the army, he was rejected due to the fact that he was flat-footed.
  • While Tanek was limping so heavily it was as if Valeska was watching a badger, ward the wolves away by its heavy-footed trot.
  • Police are looking for a barefooted bandit after a heavily disguised man robbed a golf club last night.
  • It's period perfect but feels contemporary and vibrant and it's because of Herman's ability to coordinate the visuals with the dialogue and recruit a cast that is not just nimble-footed but nimble-tongued as well so that, though they may trip over their various imbroglios, they don't stumble over their dialogue. James Scarborough: The Importance of Being Earnest, Long Beach Playhouse Mainstage Theatre
  • The shape was still holding me up and César walked on, unled and sure-footed. The Phantom of the Opera
  • Rebecca Yeastman was certainly not sensitive, or she would have realized earlier that behind almost every curtain lurked some such watcher, soft-footed, noiseless, wakeful. Love and Life Behind the Purdah

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