
How To Use Fluorescence In A Sentence

  • Spontaneous emission and resonance fluorescence of an adatom adsorbed near a smail metallic particle are studied by means of the surface-dressed optical Bloch equations and the modified image theory.
  • We observe a reduction in fluorescence anisotropy only in the presence of FRET from linked mVenus and mCerulean.
  • The luciferin-luciferase's reaction system may emit fluorescence, while the toxic substances will suppress the luminous intensity.
  • They are polar compounds and exhibit a high fluorescence quantum yield and lase efficiently both in liquid and in solid solutions, with some of them outperforming the laser performance of the reference dye Rhodamine 6G.
  • In an attempt to shed light on this matter, we have studied the intrinsic fluorescence properties of the purine and pyrimidine nucleosides dA, dG, dT, and dC in organic solvents in the presence of small amounts of water.
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  • Now, if that cell was then to divide, the fluorescence would be halved in the daughter cells.
  • We performed laser induced fluorescence imaging by exciting the immobilized MBs with an evanescent wave field produced at the silica-water interface.
  • BHT could induce apoptosis to pulmonary macrophage in the perfusate of isolate perfused rat lung as examined by the technology of PI fluorescence stain and comet assay.
  • Fluorescence micrographs of radicle cells of dry seeds and seedlings of Medicago truncatula, labelled with tubulin antibody and with a fluorescent secondary antibody.
  • The technique is based on tracking the fluorescence or scattering signal of a nanoparticle bound to the molecule of interest.
  • Fluorescence is detected using an emission path image splitter, outfitted with polarizers, that detects the donor fluorescence as well as two polarizations of the acceptor fluorescence.
  • The excited donor will emit fluorescence, leading to a decrease of efficiency.
  • The sulfonamides are separated by C18 column, reacted with fluorescamine in post column reaction module, convert to molecules with fluorescence characteristic, quantified by fluorescence detector.
  • The greenish fluorescence seen under the light is due to an ectothrix infection of hairs, in which fungal spores form a sheath on the outside of the hair.
  • In fact, tyrosine fluorescence is blue shifted relative to tryptophan fluorescence.
  • We measured the chlorophyll fluorescence lifetimes of barley leaves preheated to selected temperatures corresponding to important points in the FTC.
  • The total fluorescence intensity from tumor sites was less than that from noncancerous sites.
  • The quantum efficiency of the photocathode decreases significantly at 830 nm creating an effective acceptance bandwidth of 650-830 nm in fluorescence detection.
  • The fluorescence of the cerous ion in aqueous solution has been the subject of a number of studies 1-3.
  • An additional concern with potentiometric indicators is converting their fluorescence or absorbance recordings into meaningful measurements of potential.
  • Following incubation with fluorescence-conjugated secondary antibody (at room temperature for 60 min) and rinses, slides were incubated with DAPI (1: 10,000, Sigma, St. Louis, MO) for 15 minutes to counterstain nuclei, mounted, and cover-slipped. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This allows its visualization in leaf tissues by epifluorescence microscopy.
  • When a beam strikes the card, the material produces fluorescence in the visible spectrum.
  • Here we present the application of confocal spot detection combined with fluorescence fluctuation analysis.
  • This is because fluorescence at this wavelength is strongly absorbed by chlorophyll within the overlying cells.
  • Fluorescence spectroscopy is an effective method of study on protein conformation in aqueous solution.
  • In the MCS, each excited donor can then either transfer its energy to an acceptor or emit fluorescence, according to the rules listed above.
  • Energy dispersive spectrometry is one of several methods used to analyze an X-ray fluorescence signal.
  • Protoplasts showing bright fluorescence were counted as viable.
  • However, fluorescence has also been used to evaluate new storage practices, such as hydrocooling of cucumber and treatment of green bell pepper with the antioxidant diphenylamine to decrease chill-induced pitting.
  • Polarized optical spectroscopies, like linear dichroism and polarized fluorescence, are well-established techniques in biophysics.
  • Serology detects antibodies against malaria parasites, using either an indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) or an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Malaria
  • One method they use, fluorescence spectroscopy, involves recording optical spectra from molecules absorbing and emitting light.
  • By mixing different dyes, the colour of the fluorescence can be selected and hence a screen can be built up from loops of the fibres.
  • A new method for detecting the tissue-specific distribution of flavonoids has been developed by coupling microspectrofluorometry and multispectral fluorescence microimaging techniques.
  • The uralolite exhibits faint green fluorescence in shortwave ultraviolet radiation.
  • Maturation of the wild-type fluorophore is quite efficient at 28 degrees, but increasing the temperature to 37 degrees substantially reduces overall maturation and results in decreased fluorescence. Archive 2005-10-01
  • Interestingly, several isotropic fluorescence times were found to coexist, indicating structural heterogeneity of the DNA.
  • Greater sensitivity can be achieved using laser activated fluorescence detectors.
  • Fluorescence has been utilized for many purposes, the most obvious being fluorescent lamps.
  • Users can view labeled caspases under a fluorescence microscope or analyze them with a flow cytometer or fluorescence plate reader. The Scientist
  • When the trichomes were fully developed, the compounds were volatilized and only residues were responsible for an orange fluorescence in the cell wall area.
  • It was also shown that the hindered rotation of 4-phenyl in the molecule of 2,4,6-triphenyl pyrylium salt is unfavorable to its fluorescence emission.
  • Furthermore, the interaction of L C10HL and D C10HL with cyclodextrin was also investigated by fluorescence excitation spectrum and circular dichroism spectrum.
  • X - ray fluorescence spectrum method to analyse the trace elements in Dutch Red Celery was presented.
  • This was revealed by alkali-treatment of leaf transverse sections, by the shape of the fluorescence excitation and emission spectra and by the time-resolved analysis of leaf BGF.
  • Leaves were kept in darkness for 30 min before recording the fluorescence parameters.
  • In mammalian cells, both autofluorescence and the absorption of light are greatly reduced at the red end of the spectrum. Archive 2005-10-01
  • The researchers used a technique called two-photon excited fluorescence imaging to get a glimpse at what goes on during gastrulation in a living embryo.
  • Method: The serum concentration of oral phenytoin, carbamazepine and valproic acid were determined in 26,74 and 144 epileptic patients by fluorescence polarization immunoassay, respectively.
  • Pulses of scattered light and fluorescence are collected and converted to electric current pulses by optical sensors and classified.
  • Following treatments for 24 hr with DMSO alone (control), Red-Br-nos, LPS, Red-Br-nos and LPS, cells were stained with 1 µg/ml acridine orange for 15 min, washed with PBS, and examined under a Zeiss fluorescence microscope using a 40X objective lens Proteins from THP-1 cells pellets were resolved by polyacrylamide gel-electrophoresis and transferred onto polyvinylidene difluoride membranes (Millipore). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Eleven weeks after her final dose, results of the fluorescence antibody absorption test were negative, with a negative rapid plasma reagin test result, suggesting passive acquisition of the treponemal antibody.
  • By metaphase the oscillations may be of such high frequency that they would be difficult to detect, but the lower frequency oscillations early in prometaphase should be detectable by immunofluorescence microscopy and high-speed camera technology. ID-friendly journal paper makes testable predictions
  • These features represent a marked advantage in using multispectral digital images with respect to a single acquisition of color fluorescence images by a color camera through a long-pass filter.
  • The patches are monitored by the coaster, which is a miniature fluorimeter, able to measure either excitation ratio for CO2 and pH or fluorescence lifetime for O2. GEN News Highlights
  • Therefore, multispectral autofluorescence imaging and spectrofluorometry represent complementary techniques that can provide a more complete quantitative and qualitative analysis of tissue samples.
  • Additionally, apoptotic and healthy cells can be viewed simultaneously by fluorescence microscopy using a wide band-pass filter. The Scientist
  • It is not the intention to provide a comprehensive review of chlorophyll fluorescence theory and applications, since this has been the subject of other recent reviews.
  • One of the proposed methods for performing a protein bioassay is the use of fluorescence anisotropy of the fluorophore-labeled aptamer.
  • Conclusion The rare earth ternary complexes have strong fluorescence intensity.
  • Fluorescence of guard cell chloroplasts was imaged when plants were at approximately the six-leaf stage.
  • Bottom: reelin immunofluorescence (red) overlaid with MAP2 counterstain PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The majority of the methods are based on the fluorescence measurements or on the usage of radioactive labels for detecting matter flux.
  • FAF is the occurrence of autofluorescence in macular waste, particularly Lipofuscin. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Various vertical Z-sections and fluorescence profiles across the cells were analyzed.
  • Thorell B (1959) Fluorescence measurements of mitochondrial pyridine nucleotide in aerobiosis and anaerobiosis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Changes in apoprotein and porphyrin fluorescence suggest two classes of bound porphyrins.
  • These cells also appeared to have their fluorescence emissions concentrated into a smaller area of the cell than was the case for cells with higher photosynthetic efficiencies, suggesting that they may have become plasmolysed.
  • Although they cannot be distinguished in the absorbance spectra, the lower exciton states provide an efficient way to deactivate the upper singlet state and to quench fluorescence.
  • It is also fairly common knowledge to UV/Vis spectroscopists that the shifted spectrum they observe with fluorescence is due to radiationless decay of the vibrational levels of the excited state. Unthreaded #20 « Climate Audit
  • During the column chromatography of aequorin, we found a trace of protein that showed green fluorescence, which eluted sooner than aequorin. Osamu Shimomura - Autobiography
  • The ability to precisely control fluorescence is particular useful when tracking particle movement in a crowded environment. Archive 2005-10-01
  • Renal biopsies were routinely processed for light, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy.
  • We initially isolated and characterized fluoromodules that generate fluorescence from the fluorogenic dyes thiazole orange and malachite green. Nano Tech Wire
  • Additionally, she offered her expertise in fluorescence and lighting measurements in order to improve the method and distinguish between alpha and H-particles, an essential issue in the Cambridge-Vienna controversy. Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
  • Fluorescence quantum yields were determined relative to cresyl violet in methanol.
  • Another strategy was to create "electrochromic dyes" with large changes in dipole moment between ground and excited state, so that a change in neuronal membrane potential could shift the peak wavelengths of absorbance or fluorescence4. Roger Y. Tsien - Autobiography
  • Furthermore, the interaction of L C10HL and D C10HL with cyclodextrin was also investigated by fluorescence excitation spectrum and circular dichroism spectrum.
  • The coverslip was mounted in Vectashield and viewed under a fluorescence microscope.
  • Our own observations showed that fluorescence was visible throughout the cytoplasm.
  • These studies have used the fluorescence melting technique, which we developed previously for studying the stability of triplexes and quadruplexes.
  • The fluorescence measured by the fluorimeter is the sum of autofluorescence from natural chromophores in the skin and PpIX fluorescence.
  • This fluorometer is equipped with an optical fiber probe which can directly insert into the animal's body to receive the fluorescence signal and perform measurement in situ.
  • This avoids it picking up any unabsorbed light passing straight through from the LED, while the glass substrates act as waveguides to channel fluorescence to the detector.
  • The fluorescence anisotropy decays were analyzed by a unidimensional model, which correlates all the lifetimes with all the rotational correlation times.
  • With only one emissive species the fluorescence anisotropy should not change over the emission band belonging to a particular electronic transition.
  • When they walked out into the cold night, she turned to him and her face was aglow with the golden fluorescence of streetlights.
  • In this assay, red blood cells (RBCs) are incubated with a dye, EMA, and the fluorescence is measured in comparison to a control. Immunology Lab
  • To do so, it is common to gain a measure of PSII electron transport using chlorophyll fluorescence.
  • It seemed that the uranium compounds emitted yet another kind of radiation, not X-rays and not related to fluorescence.
  • We are cautioned against confusing bioluminescence with fluorescence and phosphorescence.
  • One method they use, fluorescence spectroscopy, involves recording optical spectra from molecules absorbing and emitting light.
  • Whereas increasing temperature accelerated fluorescence depolarization, increasing solvent viscosity slowed the process down.
  • Major products include Microplate washers, absorptiometers and fluorescence photometers, as well as software to control such equipment.
  • Cytochemistry and autofluorescence observations were used to detect the presence of lignin and suberin in unfixed tissues.
  • Fluorescence was measured on a JY Horiba Fluorolog-3 spectrofluorimeter (University of Toronto) arranged in the L-format (488 nm excitation; 520 nm emission; integration time, 1 sec; band pass, 4 nm). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Thus, model fluorescence data was blurred by convolving it with the triple Gaussian approximation of the PSF of the objective.
  • The formation of reactive oxygen intermediates was monitored with a fluorescence probe allowing continuous measurements.
  • Under the microscope, a rubber-like protein known as resilin originally thought to power the jump alone can be located by its bright blue fluorescence under illumination with ultraviolet light.
  • Absorption and fluorescence excitation and emission spectra were subsequently measured.
  • The spectra of category 1 diamonds generally appeared as bluish fluorescence.
  • Ultraviolet fluorescence spectrum study indicated that the complex had no fluorescence.
  • The samples were tested for fluorescence in a darkened room with 4-watt long- and shortwave ultraviolet lamps.
  • This situation rather suggests that the fluorescence spectrum is an ensemble average over molecules with different degrees of torsion.
  • Fluorescence fiber temperature sensor may accomplish to measure temperature in different instances, especially under electromagnetism disturbing.
  • The fluorescence intensity of porphyrin also relates to the substituent positions on the phenyl groups.
  • The fluorescence intensity emitted by the chloroplasts is dependent on the amount of light absorbed by them.
  • A technique called flavoprotein autofluorescence was used to image a part of their brain called the dorsal cochlear nucleus DCN, which is associated with tinnitus. Finding the Pathways to a Cause of Tinnitus
  • Objective:To study molecule in basement membrane by electron microscopy and indirect immunofluorescence in patients with inherited epidermolysis bullosa.
  • Quantum dot, a semiconductor nano-crystal could eradiate fluorescence, possess unique optical property.
  • Cells were therefore processed for immunofluorescence staining with anti-tubulin antibodies in order to visualize spindle morphology.
  • We briefly describe three confocal scanning methods in fluorescence detection, and analyze the error of optical scanning and object scanning.
  • For the estimation of the fluorescence quantum yields of INP in different solvents, quinine bisulfate in 1 N sulphuric acid and anthracene in ethanol were used as standards ([Phi] flu = 0.55 and 0.27, respectively).
  • A technique called flavoprotein autofluorescence was used to image a part of their brain called the dorsal cochlear nucleus DCN, which is associated with tinnitus. Finding the Pathways to a Cause of Tinnitus
  • At steady state, cells were centrifuged and the fluorescence of the supernatant measured.
  • We used three multimode fibers with different core diameters, namely, 50, 100, and 200 m, for collecting fluorescence.
  • Viral antigens may sometimes be shown in tissue samples using immunofluorescence or EIA. Chapter 2
  • Fluorescence was quantified in terms of average pixel intensity.
  • When diametral section planes were selected, second antibody treatment resulted in a 1.5-to 2-fold increase of median fluorescence aggregation index, as summarized in Table 3.
  • In actual fluorescence microscopy investigations, spectral profiles and wavelength maxima may vary due to environmental effects, such as pH, ionic concentration, and solvent polarity, as well as fluctuations in localized probe concentration. Archive 2005-10-01
  • However, for thicker samples, quantification using emission ratio imaging is complicated by wavelength-dependent inhomogeneous absorption and scattering as the fluorescence light leaves the skin sample in its path to the detector.
  • Both types of labeled kinesins show anisotropic fluorescence signals when bound to axonemal microtubules, but the bifunctional probe is less mobile resulting in higher anisotropy.
  • If the blastomere is aneuploid, this molecular tool, called "fluorescence in situ hybridization," or FISH, will unmask it. Delayed Childbearing
  • Because the Y base is located at position 37 adjacent to the anticodon triplet, its fluorescence is sensitive to any changes in the conformation and the binding state of the anticodon loop.
  • Designed for spectral analysis of microscopic samples as small as 1 mm, the instrument can measure by transmittance, absorbance, reflectance, fluorescence, and polarization.
  • Immediately after fluorescence measurement the animals were killed, livers were removed and tumors were dissected.
  • Fig 6 at 37°C, washed twice with PBS and red reporter fluorescence was estimated in a microplate fluorimeter (ThermoFisher). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • If excitation light rejection at the photocathode were not an issue, this might simply require an increased integration time or gain setting to acquire a sufficient fluorescence signal for processing.
  • This article introduces the gas discharge lamps, such as fluorescence lamp, high pressure sodium lamp and metal halide lamp, and their basic requirements to the electronic ballast.
  • At each step of the dynamics, the instantaneous fluorescence lifetime was computed.
  • By immunofluorescence, beclin-1 staining showed faintly detectable and diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm (regarded as negative) or confined to the perinuclear region as large and brilliant puncta suggestive of macro-aggregate reactivity (regarded as positive). Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Serology detects antibodies against malaria parasites, using either an indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) or an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Malaria
  • Concentrations of 100 nM and above brought the fluorescence to similar values relative to the unstimulated level.
  • In this study, we showed that increased levels of skin autofluorescence (were) related to the extent of diabetes-related complications, " the authors conclude.
  • This technology relies on the use of probes labelled with two different fluorochromes, one of which, when excited, is able to transfer its energy to the other via Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer.
  • The solvent polarity also affected the fluorescence spectra of ferulic acid.
  • Many of my other highly cited papers from the Stanford years describe relatively simple experiments such as ultrasensitive fluorescence spectroscopy with the power to detect the light from single atoms, sensitive intracavity absorption spectroscopy with a multimode dye laser, the first demonstration of continuous wave Doppler-fee two-photon spectroscopy, and the experiments with my student Carl Theodor W. Hänsch - Autobiography
  • To follow this process in single molecules in solution, photons in the bursts were binned according to the time that elapsed from the initiation of the single-particle fluorescence burst.
  • The advantage of this technique over conventional one-photon fluorescence is better signal strength and discrimination using less light energy.
  • The formation of reactive oxygen intermediates was monitored with a fluorescence probe allowing continuous measurements.
  • Sivan A, Arad SM (1993) Induction and characterization of pigment mutants in the red microalga Sivan A, Thomas JC, Dubacq JP, Moppes D, Arad S (1995) Protoplast fusion and genetic complementation of pigment mutations in the red microalga Suter GW, Mazzola P, Wendler J, Holzwarth AR (1984) Fluorescence decay kinetics in phycobilisomes isolated from the bluegreen alga PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Radioactive thiols in the eluate were identified by comparison with the fluorescence peaks of mBBr derivatives and by S-cysteine, S-glutathione and S-sulphate standards.
  • Optical microscopy techniques including phase contrast, differential interference contrast, darkfield, oblique, and fluorescence illumination. Undefined
  • The fluorescence is not visible because the background was subtracted in each spectrum.
  • Fluorescence experiments after centrifugation confirmed that there were no vesicles in the supernatant.
  • The cellular genes are treated with fluorescence and literally light up the gene dots on the chip.
  • However, there is a thirty percent decrease in fluorescence intensity of the polymer.
  • Fluorescence intensity, lifetime, spectral shift, and anisotropy all may be used to monitor conformational changes.
  • The fluorescence, as discussed earlier, is a low-magnitude phenomenon, and will not be reliably detected by this method.
  • Major differences in fluorescence responses were detected between adaxial and abaxial tissues of sun leaves.
  • The resulting immunofluorescence images indicated antibody binding to the membrane through an increase in the intensity of the vesicle border upon the addition of the labeled antibody.
  • This fluorescence is visible even when the paper screen is at a distance of two metres from the apparatus.
  • Its visible fluorescence on leaking from damaged vessels makes it particularly useful in the diagnosis of retinal vascular disorders and monitoring of treatment of conditions amenable to laser photocoagulation.
  • Paired sera were tested using immunofluorescence or enzyme immunoassay methods to establish the serologic diagnosis.
  • Another mining sector which employs optical evaluation is scheelite mining, where the mine face is irradiated with an ultra-violet lamp which induces fluorescence of the scheelite. Chapter 6
  • Normal epithelial tissue gives off yellow-green fluorescence when excited by helium-cadmium laser light.
  • In this study we show how to determine with fluorescence anisotropy a quantitative value of the intrinsic resilience of the protein matrix.
  • These multilayers are composed of folded lipid bilayers and protein molecules, enabling the retention of the fluorescence dye.
  • TrkA immunofluorescence was detected both in desquamated epithelial cells and inflammatory cells recovered from RSV-infected airways.
  • The dashboard's fluorescence cast a ghostly apparition on the windscreen, losing me a heartbeat till I realized it was my own nervy face. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • Sections were incubated overnight at 70°C with 1 µg/ml of the digoxigenin-labeled probes, and binding detected by overnight incubation with alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-digoxigenin antibody (1: 3500, Roche), which was visualised with NBT (Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride)/BCIP (5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate, toluidine salt; 1: 50, Roche) or Fast Red (Roche) for fluorescence. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The work has involved the use of such advanced techniques as electron microscopy, autoradiography, radioisotope and immunofluorescence labelling of specific proteins, plus the full armoury of modern cell biology. Chapter 6
  • Fluorescence excitation and emission spectra at room temperature and at 77 K are presented.
  • In the studies cited, only the intensity of fluorescence was used to observe the metabolism, exocytosis and phagocytosis of cells.
  • Triphenylmethane (TPM) dyes normally render rather weak fluorescence due to easy vibrational deexcitation.
  • Fluorescence microscopy is less invasive than electron microscopy and can be applied to living cells through the use of green fluorescent protein-fusion proteins or fluorescence analog cytochemistry.
  • This effect is likely due to selective photobleaching of the red chromophores in DsRed, resulting in observable fluorescence from the green state. Archive 2005-10-01
  • If the blastomere is aneuploid, this molecular tool, called "fluorescence in situ hybridization," or FISH, will unmask it. Delayed Childbearing
  • Fluorescence fiber temperature sensor may accomplish to measure temperature in different instances, especially under electromagnetism disturbing.
  • As demonstrated by fluorescence spectroscopic analysis, ILs had substantial effects on papain's conformation.
  • The rotations were measured by anisotropy of fluorescence originating from a small volume defined by a narrow aperture of a confocal microscope.
  • The fluorescence spectrum of rose bengal is redshifted as the polarity of the solvent decreases.
  • We need the signal to control output of the monochromic light of specified wavelength to activate the cell, and need to acquire corresponding fluorescence signal synchronously.
  • The fluorescence enhancement upon binding nucleic acid is also important. The Scientist
  • Fluorescence emission can provide a possible method to separate tissue constituents based on differential spectral features.
  • However, the fluorescence from PS-CFP is approximately 2. 5-fold dimmer than PA-GFP and is inferior to other highlighters in terms of photoconversion efficiency (the 40-nanometer shift in fluorescence emission upon photoconversion is less than observed with similar probes). Archive 2005-10-01
  • When illuminated with violet light, the tumour emits pink fluorescence that is detected by a highly sensitive camera.
  • Analyzer for barcode and fluorescence detection, results in an extremely flexible platform suited for those focused on a wide variety of applications using multiplexed assays, such as clinical diagnostics, gene mutation analysis, drug resistance genotyping, pharmaceutical drug discovery, and biodetection. Business Wire Travel News
  • We checked the expression of ESM - 1 in endothelial cell by immune fluorescence.
  • The abbreviations for chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and their derivation are as described previously.
  • Decreasing solvent polarity has been shown to cause the A2E fluorescence to shift to the red, representing a decrease in energy of the first excited singlet state of A2E.
  • Georgakoudi I, Tsai I, Greiner C, Wong C, DeFelice J, et al. (2007) Intrinsic fluorescence changes associated with the conformational state of silk fibroin in biomaterial matrices. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Any fluorescence under ultraviolet light may also provide clues to the identity and status of a gemstone.
  • Very little fluorescence, if any, was detected in both transformants when they were vegetatively growing, as was consistent with the results of Northern blot analysis.
  • A laboratory technician checked urine for ultraviolet fluorescence indicating the presence of riboflavin.
  • To specifically monitor the fluorescence signal, we placed a bandpass filter centered at 580 nm in front of the optical detector.
  • To determine the robustness of these interlinked chromoplasts, protoplasts were made from ripe pericarp fruit tissue and examined for chromoplast-associated GFP fluorescence.
  • Liver tissue with metastases was additionally analyzed for cytokines, T cell markers and Fas/Fas-L expression using immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence and RT-PCR. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • For the estimation of the fluorescence quantum yields of INP in different solvents, quinine bisulfate in 1 N sulphuric acid and anthracene in ethanol were used as standards ([Phi] flu = 0.55 and 0.27, respectively).
  • It should be noted that ultraviolet fluorescence is not unknown in gibbsite.
  • As pollen grains and pollen tubes emitted very strong fluorescence, the pathways of growing pollen tubes could be easily observed.
  • The reflected fluorescence was detected via photomultipliers.
  • The use of chlorophyll fluorescence to study effects of cadmium, copper, and mercury on photosynthesis has been recently reviewed.
  • Of course, the use of electrons, photons, phosphorescent light and fluorescence microscopy largely remain a mystery to me, but not because their capacity for imaging is itself mysterious.
  • The results of fluorescence cytophotometry showed that cells containing tetraploid nuclei gradually increased in number.
  • The two models give comparable fits to the fluorescence profile taken through the center of the contact area, once the dimensionless parameters are adjusted for the true contact area model.
  • World War II brought a tungsten boom, and the bright fluorescence of scheelite made it an obvious target for night prospecting.
  • My pupils contracted painfully from the relentless fluorescence of the lights above.
  • From the combination of the relative absorbances and relative fluorescence quantum efficiencies of the two substances, a relative quantum yield could be extrapolated.

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