How To Use Flub In A Sentence

  • I think our 'flubs' are really creative "opportunities" in the making. Dotty apron....
  • Jerky recipe sounds great. someone just gave me some deer peperoni and they must have flubbed somewhere because it was so salty, even after cooking some with cabbage, I threw the rest away. what a waste of good meat. gotta have jerky for the kids, young and old Deer Candy: Phil Bourjaily's Favorite Venison Jerky Recipe
  • But maybe it was a flub to wear the polo shirt with the alligator again.
  • Mian and Mulla (1982a) compared the ovicidal effectiveness of triflumuron, diflubenzuron and methoprene on wheat flour and wheat at 5 ppm, using Oryzoephilus surinamensis, Tribolium castaneum, Rhyzopertha dominica and Sitophilus oryzae. Chapter 7
  • He later apologised saying he 'flubbed the line'. The Sun
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  • (Perhaps that’s why my second favorite Colbert crackup is “Daily Show/Colbert Toss: Universal Healthcare,” which ends with Stewart standing and screaming, “No, you don’t get another chance!” into the camera after Colbert flubbed a second line and wanted to continue the bit.) Colbert's Best Crackups: 'Prince Charles Scandal' still atop your list? |
  • While that's certainly true of the Target Lady, Kristen did bite at my suggestion of a film chronicling the glamorous backstory of stage star-turned-game show flubber Mindy Grayson: "A Mindy Grayson movie," she says. Keck's Exclusives: A Kristen Wiig Variety Show?
  • Then he creates a hyperkinetic rubber called flubber and suddenly he's thwarting villains, winning basketball games and saving his rinky-dinky college, as well as his love life. Film Clips
  • The same thing is true defensively (dating back to last season) - he no longer is making great plays and flubbing routine ones.
  • When the show begins, the set and costumes haven't arrived, lines are flubbed, actors go missing, sound and light cues are mixed up and props break.
  • Mian and Mulla (1982a), found that diflubenzuron induced higher rates of oviposition in Tribolium castaneum and R. dominica compared with control samples; however, it also showed ovicidal activity against R. dominica, Chapter 7
  • to earn the name flubber for the rest of middle school and all of high school, that's right The Full Feed from
  • ( "That stuff was like flubber," Mr. Lester said.) Take Me In to the Ballgame
  • He is not a man for lofty speeches; faced by cameras, he routinely flubs his sentences.
  • Passes were flubbed, unnecessary offsides were infuriatingly common, play was slower and the general skill level was clearly inferior. Globe and Mail
  • WooMe says the photo flub is just an honest mistake. Chace Crawford Dating Bar Refaeli
  • Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who unveiled both products, made a nod to the iPhone flub at Wednesday's event.
  • Along with a 6 minute gag reel that is nothing more than flubs and mistakes, there are 13 deleted scenes with optional Farrelly commentary that explains the reason for their omission in the film.
  • The debut actress imagines flubbing her lines in the play.
  • The value of open dialog outweighs the hits one take for "flubs" and goodness knows nb, the current President people can get beyond minor missteps -- if they are minor. The Revolution Has Already Been Blogged - Swampland -
  • This is bookended with a humorous gag reel of flubs and mistakes by the cast, crew, and gremlins!
  • With the fast-forward editing and narration flubs gracing the final cut, it seems like you were trying to mirror the intensity of skating.
  • Early on he also flubbed the answers to some relatively predictable questions.
  • Finally, there is a humorous blooper reel of Kermit and his friends flubbing their lines, and a batch of theatrical trailers for other Columbia family films.
  • Aishwarya Pastapur, 13, from Springfield, Ill., who loved to pump her arm and exclaim "Yes!" after getting a word correct, finished third after flubbing "menhir", a type of monolith. Undefined
  • You may want to start putting quotation maks around the word "flub" and "gaffe". Mitt Romney Wins Contest For Dumbest Obama-Osama Mixup Yet
  • In every interview, there comes a moment that doesn't go according to plan. There's an awkward silence. You stumble over your words. You flub a tough question.
  • Here's the antidote to flubbing your short chip shots.
  • The opening night performance showed signs of strain as Doyle flubbed some lines, performance energy dipped and Scottish accents slipped in and out of authentic focus.
  • Making fun of their flubs has been a long-practiced tradition and fun drinking game among young Weekly Dig - Humor, News + Nightlife
  • A hard mod will help if you're installing a lighting kit, doubling the RAM (which no one really does anymore), adding an integrated IR sensor and most importantly, will let you remove the "flubber" animation from startup. XBMC 9.04 “Babylon” Updates For All Supported Platforms | Lifehacker Australia
  • In pastures, farmers can use carbaryl, malathion and diflubenzuron (Dimilin).
  • They do tend to accumulate and she's been piling up the "flubs" for a good 6 weeks. AFSCME's Hillary Leaflet -- Brought To You By "Your Union"
  • The flub cost him a full second, and he never got it back, finishing a humiliating 16th, 1.71 seconds off the pace.
  • Is Jones really flubbing his lines, or is it all part of the shtick?
  • Last year, Christina Aguilera flubbed the lyrics and sang "what so proudly we watched, at the twilight's last reaming" instead of "o'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming. Kelly Clarkson Drafted to Perform National Anthem at Super Bowl
  • Ever since he pointed out that I have gained a little "flubber" on my hips, I've been scared that that is what everyone is looking at. Jenna-bear Diary Entry
  • Had the flub been quoted in context, with the surrounding paragraphs of fairly well-presented material, readers would have quickly understood this.
  • If we can't blame him for their "flubs," can we at least blame Obama for being a poor judge of competence and character? UrbanGrounds
  • An outtakes reel includes some halfway humorous flubs by the cast and crew (another sad case of the cast's mistakes being funnier then what ended up on screen).
  • April 12, 2008 at 12:20 pm hmmmmm, if de bodi comin owtta dat cyrs..cihyr…thring rapped rown ..matches dat fase fir size, could be moar ob a flubberby dan a flutterbye One day I become shedding, bad-tempered butterfly. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • As flubby notes, "Jesus Christ, what do you call the diametric opposite of trolling? Deadspin
  • There can be no flubs or hesitations as both men say many lines together, in exact unison, to an unrelenting rhythm.
  • For fans of actors flubbing their lines and breaking character, check out the ‘Severed Parts’ gag reel.
  • By attributing a statement to a character in the galaxy, the authors could blame the inaccuracy on a misperception , rather than have an omniscient narrator make a continuity flub.
  • Diflubenzuron applied to fishmeal at 1-3 ppm killed early instar larvae of D. maculates within 3-10 days of contact and appeared to be ovicidal at 5 ppm. Chapter 7
  • There are several hearty laughs to be had, and the hesitations and flubbed lines of opening night will surely disappear as the run continues.
  • The opening night performance showed signs of strain as Doyle flubbed some lines, performance energy dipped and Scottish accents slipped in and out of authentic focus.
  • Apparently she flubbed her lines because of bad eyesight not because she was drunk or on drugs.
  • These sometimes terrible flubs were due largely, if not entirely, to Wilson's rigid personality and outsized ego.
  • This was a rather unusual feature that included stories about flubs, black gunk, and sewage plants.
  • The method was established for purification of diflubenzuron by crystal technique with mixed solvents.
  • There are several hearty laughs to be had, and the hesitations and flubbed lines of opening night will surely disappear as the run continues.
  • The file name flub was discovered by The Washington Post Signs of the Times
  • Everyone cringes when an actor flubs his lines or when a skater trips over her toes.
  • Unfortunately, you will need a brainpan like a hard drive and a retina as strong as a mule deer to follow the rapid fire editing and overlapping continuity flubs.
  • She is my bride, my lover; I do not permit you to flub dub and gulf!
  • With his emotive voice and captivating stage presence, Lightburn is truly the star of the show, although the rest of the band makes far fewer technical flubs and is really quite impressively tight.
  • A gag reel of the stars flubbing their lines is set to music and is actually funnier than the film (which isn't saying much).
  • A hard mod will help if you're installing a lighting kit, doubling the RAM which no one really does anymore, adding an integrated IR sensor and most importantly, will let you remove the "flubber" animation from startup. XBMC 9.04 “Babylon” Updates For All Supported Platforms | Lifehacker Australia
  • Yet he says she habitually showed up late, flubbed her lines and was so puffy-faced that she needed ice packs and heavy makeup.
  • He made the shot from that strange straddling stance, almost weeping with embarrassment, one had to presume, and flubbed the shot, barely scraping the ball out onto the grass.
  • In some cases, the celebrities who appeared on the show couldn't even tell their dumb joke without flubbing it or laughing - a no-no in my book.
  • Romney backers have called the flubs simple misstatements, not an indicator that Romney doesn't care about the economic woes of ordinary Americans. NYDN Rss
  • Mayor Bloomberg called this yet another "flub" in a long line of mistakes. Confusion Grips Board Of Elections As General Election Looms
  • Paglia puts the blame for all the recent "flubs" on the anyone other than Obama - who is, after all, still the object of her political affections. UrbanGrounds
  • After Christina Aguilera, who has confessedly been singing this since she was seven and if you don't believe me, check YouTube, memorably flubbed the lyrics at this year's Super Bowl, it seems as good an occasion as any to point out what an utter miscalculation this song is. Christina Aguilera didn't botch the national anthem. Francis Scott Key did.
  • Obama did kind of flub the Rockefeller reference, but he did it in a sly way that was factually correct but left the audience with the incorrect impression the the current Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Jay Rockefeller, voted against the war in Iraq. Westerville: Part Two - Swampland -
  • Yes!" after getting a word correct, finished third after flubbing "menhir", a type of monolith. :
  • Inside activities included making "flubber," face painting, fly tying and silhouette drawings. The Mining Journal
  • You stumble over your words. You flub a tough question.
  • Thirteen-year-old Aishwarya Pastapur of Springfield, Ill., who loved to pump her arm and exclaim "Yes!" after getting a word correct, finished third after flubbing "menhir", a type of stone monolith. Undefined
  • Only 100 were printed with its central image -- the Curtiss JN-4 airplane -- upside-down, and today a single copy of this Holy Grail of philatelic flubs sells for more than a million dollars. Michael Sigman: Amazon's Perfect Mistake
  • Getting mired in slurs and political flubs is no place to congregate on such an important matter Wilson insists outburst during Obama speech 'spontaneous'
  • Of course, we had pretty lousy communication between us, and totally flubbed the practical part of it.
  • The production is not without its problems: opening night, at any rate, featured a couple technical flubs, and often the music drowned out the performers' voices.
  • Did the best-selling author commit a minor flub or a journalistic felony?
  • What about those little flubs and outtakes, the musical equivalent of typos?
  • The ovicidal activity of diflubenzuron was greatest in 0-4 in-old eggs. Chapter 7
  • I took a deep breath, flubbed my first line as I walked across the kitchen set, and then took my place in the chair where I did my ‘Oh, George you are my hero for loving your country this much’ speech.
  • Us Weekly mistakenly published some completely fabricated quotes in which former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin was said to have blasted nation anthem flubber Christina Aguilera. Sarah Palin totally did NOT say Christina Aguilera should be deported
  • On the other hand, it is partly because he is the only one who could make it through the run without flubbing a line.
  • For a while, Dean was able to shake off the flubs, but he was peaking too soon.
  • North Carolina proved in the NCAA basketball finals this week that a team with the best talent can carry a coach who repeatedly has flubbed the big ones.
  • Most of the minor characters are well played, except for the crucial Miller, whom the cloddish Olek Krupa flubs.
  • I thought her Quickstep was a lot of fun though (and disagreed with the judges that her one flub on the series of jete jumps mattered at all), but overall it lacked the speed and precision of some of the others 'earlier Quicksteps, like Cristian's. Tonya Plank: Marissa's Undying Enthusiasm Will Be Missed in Dancing With the Stars Finale
  • Ms. Trye says her business partners dismissed the incident as a minor flub, which is one reason why she's since dissolved the partnership and today runs Trye For Some Bosses, Tough Love Isn't Easy to Give
  • Oh, gosh, JT, I have too many "flubs" to fit here (I'll have to do a blog on it someday). Terror in Music City
  • She claims these 'flubs' … her word … overshadow the presidency. QandO
  • Though not as much fun as the bootleg TOS tape that has made the rounds for decades, this is a cute segment of flubs and goofs.
  • The real reason was to erase any doubt about his power, after what some called the flub heard round the world. News for
  • . Yes, for a limited time only, you can witness the various flubs, flaws and foul-ups of the MST3K gang as they try to work their way through a typical two-hour episode.
  • We shot the ‘Hometown Howdy’ before the show, and I flubbed it twice before getting it ‘right.’
  • Long-running comics titles often resort to this ploy - rewriting story history that was first created on the fly gives the writers a chance to act as if the first flubs never happened.
  • We searched for effects of diflubenzuron treatment on numbers and diversity of two groups of litter arthropods-spiders (Araneae) and orthopteroid insects.
  • Pehr Osbeck, who in 1750 voyaged to South China as a chaplain with the Swedish East India Co., flubbed his mentor's requests to bring back "goldfish for Her Majesty" and a live tea bush. Brotherhood of the Butterfly Net
  • Anderson Cooper's analogy falsely portrayed President Obama as a "flubber" rather than his simply smoothing over Chief Justice Roberts error. Ronald B. Robinson: Keeping Anderson Cooper Honest: How CNN and the Media Flubbed Obama's 2nd Swearing In
  • ‘Killer Bloopers’ is a rough gag reel of flubs and outtakes from the production.
  • Crikey has fired the odd shot without proper trial, but always has the mettle to account for the mistake - a fine example to the mainstream where, as a matter of routine, such flubs go unacknowledged.
  • These flubs, combined with the fact that the director chose to have the actors constantly walking up and down the aisles of the theatre, ultimately only served as a major detraction from the performance.
  • He is forceful and clear and with almost no flubs - and no embarrassingly funny flubs.
  • Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who unveiled both products, made a nod to the iPhone flub at Wednesday's event.
  • Time and again, she flubbed her identifications of words and colors.

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