How To Use First trimester In A Sentence
During the first trimester the fetus is a "nutritive" soul, a life principle that we share with animals and plants.
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Prospective multicentre study of pregnancy outcome after lithium exposure during first trimester.
Shouldn’t I Be Happy?
Women in the first trimester of pregnancy who were undergoing medical abortion were the participants.
Folic acid supplements are recommended for women trying to conceive and during the first trimester of pregnancy.
In the (political) heat of late March, in the first trimester of President Obama's proposed, and then signed, Executive Order "codifying" The Hyde Amendment (a deal done for Rep. Bart Stupak, he of the Stupak Amendment), in order to get the President's health care reform legislation passed, I called on the Speaker of the House, the women U.S.
Rebecca Sive: Health Care Reform: Second Trimester
In terms of congenital defects, the first trimester of pregnancy is the exposure period of interest.
And then in 1971, it became apparent that women whose mothers had taken the synthesized estrogen compound diethyl stilbestrol (DES) during the first trimester of pregnancy had a distinctly higher risk of developing adenocarcinoma of the vagina, a relatively rare malignancy.
Getting in Nature's Way
After the first trimester at Royce High School, I'd turned sixteen and dropped out.
If the fetus is found to be affected, the patient may elect to terminate the pregnancy, which, in the first trimester, is associated with reduced maternal morbidity.
At the Visitation, evoked in the second sentence, Mary was already the mother of Elizabeth's Lord and ours - within the first trimester of his life among us.
There is no evidence that vaccination in the first trimester of pregnancy is unsafe.
This medication has been shown to be effective for elective abortions and medical termination of pregnancy during the first trimester, leading to studies of the effect of mifepristone in term pregnancies.
More American women than ever are getting prenatal care in their first trimester of pregnancy.
Between 50 and 80 percent of women experience nausea and vomiting during the first trimester of pregnancy.
With many infections, such as rubella and toxoplasmosis, the risk is greatest in the first trimester.
Women who will be beyond the first trimester of pregnancy during the influenza season should receive the vaccination.
Placental tissue of a foetus aborted during the first trimester of pregnancy was tested for CMV infection.
In many parts of the Western world there is a strong preference among gynaecologists to rely on surgical evacuation for the management of miscarriages in the first trimester.
She was still in her first trimester, so she wasn't showing yet, but she was suffering from morning sickness.
Laura and Andrew had no problem becoming pregnant but Laura kept miscarrying in the first trimester.
Kristen Houghton: Dealing With Infertility: Will a Child Make Me Happy?
About 15% of women with a clinically recognised pregnancy will miscarry spontaneously during the first trimester.
In terms of congenital defects, the first trimester of pregnancy is the exposure period of interest.
Coelocentesis may be suitable for prenatal diagnosis in the first trimester.
Women who are pregnant with girls may indeed experience more nausea, for example: several large investigations have found that women afflicted with severe morning sickness, called hyperemesis gravidarum, in the first trimester are more likely to be carrying a female fetus.
School of Medicine study of 22 000 mothers stated that overdosage of vitamin A as low as three times the recommended dose during the first trimester of the pregnancy may cause fetal damage.
Congenital Malformations
In a Finnish study, mothers of anencephalic children were more likely than matched control patients to remember having a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Pregnant women can be scanned, although preferably not in the first trimester.
We were unhappy about my wife not being seen by any professional during the first trimester.
Women in the first trimester of pregnancy who were undergoing medical abortion were the participants.
When performing leg exercises, only supported lunges or squats should be performed, especially after the first trimester.
Due to increased bust and nipple size, I removed them at the end of my first trimester.
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She was on her first trimester (not for school) and was practically out of work when the loser bailed.
Weeks 0 to 13 are known as the first trimester of pregnancy.
Additional information, such as use during pregnancy, can be monitored, and data on the use of certain drugs during the first trimester of pregnancy have been published.