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first trimester

  1. time period extending from the first day of the last menstrual period through 12 weeks of gestation

How To Use first trimester In A Sentence

  • During the first trimester the fetus is a "nutritive" soul, a life principle that we share with animals and plants. NewWest.Net All Headlines
  • Prospective multicentre study of pregnancy outcome after lithium exposure during first trimester. Shouldn’t I Be Happy?
  • Women in the first trimester of pregnancy who were undergoing medical abortion were the participants.
  • Folic acid supplements are recommended for women trying to conceive and during the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • In the (political) heat of late March, in the first trimester of President Obama's proposed, and then signed, Executive Order "codifying" The Hyde Amendment (a deal done for Rep. Bart Stupak, he of the Stupak Amendment), in order to get the President's health care reform legislation passed, I called on the Speaker of the House, the women U.S. Rebecca Sive: Health Care Reform: Second Trimester
  • In terms of congenital defects, the first trimester of pregnancy is the exposure period of interest.
  • And then in 1971, it became apparent that women whose mothers had taken the synthesized estrogen compound diethyl stilbestrol (DES) during the first trimester of pregnancy had a distinctly higher risk of developing adenocarcinoma of the vagina, a relatively rare malignancy. Getting in Nature's Way
  • After the first trimester at Royce High School, I'd turned sixteen and dropped out.
  • If the fetus is found to be affected, the patient may elect to terminate the pregnancy, which, in the first trimester, is associated with reduced maternal morbidity.
  • At the Visitation, evoked in the second sentence, Mary was already the mother of Elizabeth's Lord and ours - within the first trimester of his life among us.
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