How To Use First moment In A Sentence

  • At the first moment of sunrise the passage began, the troops marching across one bridge, the baggage and attendants crossing the other.
  • The traits the character has accumulated since that point, however--aggression, ambition, promiscuousness, self-loathing--were predictable almost from the first moment of her introduction, and if Katee Sackhoff's not-inconsiderable charisma and talent were enough to give the character depth and appeal, they weren't up to the task of making Starbuck any less of a stereotype. This is Not the Post You're Looking For and Other "Maelstrom" Thoughts
  • The apparition of Catherine Seyton, which the page had let loose in the first moment of astonishment, vanished in darkness; but the plash of oars was heard, and, in a second or two, five or six harquebuses and a falconet were fired from the battlements of the castle successively, as if levelled at some object on the water. The Abbot
  • In this literalization, the idolatrous deception of the first moment becomes readable. The Times Literary Supplement
  • But I yearn to know the sweetness of that first moment Jonathan addresses me as ‘wife.’
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  • In the first moments he was in the locker room, he said he was stunned at how quiet the room was, so he went out and bought a boombox from which he could blare rap music to create a more lively environment. The Great Carmelo Experiment
  • He discusses aspects of cyclic existence: the continua of the physical world, the samsaric realms (in relation to levels of consciousness), human evolution, and the beginningless reincarnation of mental continua (versus causeless or random production of a first moment of mind). Nagarjuna's Bodhichitta Commentary
  • Poached Eggs A poached egg is a containerless, soft-cooked egg that generates its own skin of coagulated protein in the first moments of cooking. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • The church made its first momentous step toward diversity when the elders of the church in Jerusalem opened the Christian movement to gentiles.
  • In the game, it becomes more like a game of chicken, with the enemy ship trying to charge and ram you almost from the first moment you come across one another.
  • Between the first moment of analytical attenuation and a regain of analytical power is the engram.
  • He was officially PLN-161697434, but the Mother/Master/Ruler who hatched his brood from the uterine replicator had called him Paln, his first moment of Pleasure. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » September : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Secretary at home from whom he receives orders, and the Secretary at Dublin to whom he is to give orders, if I did not believe that with all his failings he possesses a high and independent spirit, which will lead him to assert himself decisively in the very first moment of the counteraction, which is thus studiously and systematically provided to embarrass him in all his operations. Memoirs of the Court of George IV. 1820-1830 (Vol 1) From the Original Family Documents
  • The first moment of drama came in Putney early this morning when the Conservatives took back the once true blue seat with a six-point swing which was greeted by raucous cheers in south-west London.
  • We must understand all context at first moment in hearing, that is often very difficult.
  • This could be the first moment they give us an inkling that we are on the right track. Times, Sunday Times
  • So really, the argument is whether one form of greed (profit motive) is better or worse than another form of greed (lust for power), both of which have been rampant forces of evil in humanity from the first moment one of our evolutionary ancestors figured out how to make a stone knife. Truth Gets Its Boots On
  • He married the first moment that he could; he built a house; he broke the stubborn soil; he throve, as many a cultivated patch bore witness, bravely clad in waving gold. Peer Gynt
  • From the first moment of his election as party leader in December 2005, David Cameron's driving force was to "detoxify" the Conservative brand. Cameron's First 100 Days
  • In the first moments of waking, he looks up in puzzlement at the aged ceiling fan revolving above his bed.
  • The first moment after a disaster, we do not need news anchors unchained to any news, no shred of useful information, but plenty of unctuous sympathy.
  • People lay in twisted heaps where they'd been mown down in windrows during the first moments of the attack. T2®: THE FUTURE WAR
  • “Part of an adult faith, for example, is a commitment to the inviolability of human life from its first moment, radically opposing the principle of violence, precisely in the defense of the most defenseless of human creatures,” the pope said. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • The audience learns to care about Kate from the first moment they see her, prepubescent and moony.
  • From the first moment we spoke I knew you were a girl with great sensibility, and I admire you very much.
  • Your vote has been counted and is reflected above., the 44th President of the United States of America, but the first black man, has already made the first momentous decision of his presidency, by ordering 16trillion liters of black paint to 'redecorate' the White House : Spoof News : Front Page
  • She proposed to do this closing at the first moment of sheer intolerableness, and that moment seemed well reached when she entered Creeper Cottage and realized what the attic, the kitchen, and the pump really meant. The Princess Priscilla's Fortnight
  • Their relationship's combustibility lurches to the fore in the first moments of this searing production, directed by Patrick Egan: Family Feud: Teeth of the Sons
  • News of the shared experience of tear gas and of the police firing at them was spread in disbelieving, hastily transmitted messages from person to person to, and those who had not been present in the first moments of violence soon informed. 'I Saw a Nightmare …' Doing Violence to Memory: The Soweto Uprising, June 16, 1976
  • The superior glutton is the shark, -- that mouth with fins, that natatory intestine which swallows with equal indifference the dead and the living, flesh and wood, cleanses the waters of life and leaves a desert behind its wriggling tail; but this destroyer brings forth only one shark that is born armed and ferocious ready from the very first moment to continue the paternal exploits, like a feudal heir. Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) A Novel
  • From the first moment of cold white threads, muffling them, she had known they would become lost. THE GOLDEN LION
  • From the first moment he interested me, especially for his obligingness and for his knowledge of local conditions.
  • In that case, one has a finite value of the first moment, i.e., of the average jump length.
  • In fact, the other night we were all sitting at dinner, the crew, and everybody just kind of exhaled for the first moment. CNN Transcript Apr 22, 2007
  • They looked for that pretext from the first moment that they had the first excuse to. 1350th Day - :: gia’s blog ::
  • From the first moment he got on the set, he wanted to be a director too.
  • What can we count for, if we frighten them with broken nails and agnail since first moments?
  • From its very first moments, Druick conjures up the poisonous atmosphere of a world ruled by fear and rumour where truth is merely the whim of an absolute monarch.
  • From the first moment of this film, Black exudes a comic presence I haven't seen from him, or from anybody for that matter, since his breakout performance in High Fidelity.
  • In this literalization, the idolatrous deception of the first moment becomes readable. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In this literalization, the idolatrous deception of the first moment becomes readable. The Times Literary Supplement

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