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first moment

  1. the sum of the values of a random variable divided by the number of values

How To Use first moment In A Sentence

  • At the first moment of sunrise the passage began, the troops marching across one bridge, the baggage and attendants crossing the other.
  • The traits the character has accumulated since that point, however--aggression, ambition, promiscuousness, self-loathing--were predictable almost from the first moment of her introduction, and if Katee Sackhoff's not-inconsiderable charisma and talent were enough to give the character depth and appeal, they weren't up to the task of making Starbuck any less of a stereotype. This is Not the Post You're Looking For and Other "Maelstrom" Thoughts
  • The apparition of Catherine Seyton, which the page had let loose in the first moment of astonishment, vanished in darkness; but the plash of oars was heard, and, in a second or two, five or six harquebuses and a falconet were fired from the battlements of the castle successively, as if levelled at some object on the water. The Abbot
  • In this literalization, the idolatrous deception of the first moment becomes readable. The Times Literary Supplement
  • But I yearn to know the sweetness of that first moment Jonathan addresses me as ‘wife.’
  • In the first moments he was in the locker room, he said he was stunned at how quiet the room was, so he went out and bought a boombox from which he could blare rap music to create a more lively environment. The Great Carmelo Experiment
  • He discusses aspects of cyclic existence: the continua of the physical world, the samsaric realms (in relation to levels of consciousness), human evolution, and the beginningless reincarnation of mental continua (versus causeless or random production of a first moment of mind). Nagarjuna's Bodhichitta Commentary
  • Poached Eggs A poached egg is a containerless, soft-cooked egg that generates its own skin of coagulated protein in the first moments of cooking. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • The church made its first momentous step toward diversity when the elders of the church in Jerusalem opened the Christian movement to gentiles.
  • In the game, it becomes more like a game of chicken, with the enemy ship trying to charge and ram you almost from the first moment you come across one another.
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