
How To Use Financial aid In A Sentence

  • This unfairly punishes students of lower income twice, because it is students of lower income who depend on financial aid more.
  • Their aim was to see what incentive effects financial aid to poor families would produce.
  • Courses taken on a pass-fail basis count toward full- or part-time standing for purposes of financial aid and loan deferments
  • This unfairly punishes students from lower income backgrounds twice, because they depend more on financial aid.
  • The condition of the financial aid was that the castle and its surrounding parkland must be put to some worthy public use. The Times Literary Supplement
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  • Besides direct financial aid, apartment owners will become owners of the land around the buildings and will be able to use it to additionally relieve their costs.
  • The program guarantees financial aid to low-income students who earn a ‘C’ average or above.
  • At some of the schools where athletics is most heavily subsidized, faculty salaries have dipped, state-funded financial aid is drying up and students are bracing for tuition and fee increases. Amid funding crisis, college athletics soak up subsidies, fees
  • One of the interesting companies I learnt about from TBD is Vittana, which is a sort of Kiva for education, that allows people who are so inclined to lend money to contribute towards the education of people who need financial aid in developing countries. TBD: Do More Good « One Size Fits One
  • Even though you probably won't fill out your financial aid application until early 2003, you can take steps now to improve your eligibility.
  • Guilty pleas to two marijuana possession offenses make an immigrant deportable, a public housing resident subject to eviction, and a college student ineligible for financial aid. Jesse Levine: It's Not Just a Ticket: The Marijuana Possession "Infraction"
  • Fifty students received financial aid ranging from $ 3, 000 to $ 12, 000.
  • At first she thought it was an unattainable dream but that changed when she discovered that she would qualify for financial aid. Times, Sunday Times
  • We were always lavish with financial aid in times of crisis.
  • While they are small in numbers relative to the whole population, with the help of wealthy patrons like the Koch Brothers and Rupert Murdoch, who gives both financial aid and a political public address system to blare their message, they have whipped up public frustration with "the system" to give elements of the disgruntled silent majority the same kind of voyeuristic vent that they get from watching Simon Cowell rip into aspiring singers. Brian Ross: Throw the Bums In!
  • A meaningful targeted scheme of financial aid to purchase concentrate feed is needed to avoid disaster over the coming winter and spring months, it has been claimed.
  • Partly through financial aid, partly by the exertion of tremendous pressure, countries bordering the EU have been forced to step up measures against asylum-seekers.
  • As Seeger explains it, the folk singer and activist had his financial aid rescinded after his sophomore year because he got too interested in left-wing politics and let his grades slip.
  • Financial aid is being provided to the country under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund.
  • While Indian embassy's staffers in Kathmandu keep themselves busy trying to paint India's friendly attitude by providing funds to build bridges and inaugurating school buildings in terai, their government in New Delhi makes Nepalese pay for the financial aid provided to Nepal by ripping off their national identity. Indian Expansionism: Harmful for Peace in South Asia
  • Therefore the Department of Labor gives financial aid to students with disabilities if they want to further their studies.
  • We are moving ahead with plans to send financial aid.
  • Yeah, good example, because those 3 American hikers are a serious threat to Iran, have fired thousands of rockets into souther Iran resulting in deaths, maiminings and the virtual shut down of at least one Iranian city, have pledged the destruction of Iran and the death of all Persians living there, import arms for that purpose, mount armed insurrections, and have powerful foreign sponsors only to eager to give them military and financial aid. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pollak on Uniquely Israeli Stupidity
  • Financial aid is being provided to the country under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund.
  • Traditionally, student loan checks are mailed to the university, and the student goes to the financial aid or bursar's office to endorse the check.
  • But the tuition increases and the bad economy are raising the need for financial aid much faster than our investment in aid is moving. College Tuition Costs Climbing Again This Fall
  • If you're recently unemployed, you may qualify for financial aid to help you meet requirements for entering a new field.
  • Financial aid is being provided to the country under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund.
  • Unlike public museums, which can attract a measure of financial aid from the government, university museums were generally confronted with more straitened financial circumstances.
  • The federal government should be leading and offering financial aid to the provinces for the purpose of qualifying the skilled people who are already in our midst.
  • Financial aid for Britain has been withheld.
  • Schools must also consider the direct financial aid they provide to students and monies that fund work-study programs.
  • They need to bring out the bazooka immediately," he said, using a term commonly applied to the prospect of a much larger financial aid program than the euro zone has so far applied to resolving the crises in indebted countries at the periphery of the region. Mexico's Calderón Calls Europe a 'Time Bomb'
  • The costly college game: how will low-income students attain degrees when tuitions continue to increase and customary sources of financial aid remain stagnant?
  • No single reason motivates young men and women to enlist in the armed forces, but a great many do it because they believe they will obtain job training and financial aid for college.
  • Students must contact the community college's financial aid office for an application.
  • Their aim was to see what incentive effects financial aid to poor families would produce.
  • I worry that they are tinkering with the admittances based on financial aid. Reed as poster child (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Not only will they be able to provide you with information about the Government's Financial Aid Scheme, but also they will inform you about other forms of support, such as bursaries from the institutions and from private trusts, which are available. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Students at unaccredited schools cannot receive federal financial aid.
  • Financial aid is being provided to the country under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund.
  • Handcox said students can find out all the information they need to know about financial aid on the ABAC web site at www. Undefined
  • Shaik said many of the exiles who returned, like Zuma, were provided with financial aid by supporters of the ANC.
  • It offers tips on a range of issues, including occupational health and financial aid. The Sun
  • James Harris, President of Seneca Financial Group in New York, said a 'prepack' deal combined with a small amount of financial aid from the government - rather than $25 billion - is the most logical path. Leftlane - news, reviews, and info for the auto-industry
  • He gave a long account of his troubles, with the implication that he needed financial aid.
  • A few days later, I found a part-time job working in the library through the work-study program, one of the few financial aid benefits I was able to qualify for.
  • But in most of these past and present instances, the so called protectorate was receiving much more in financial aid from their respective overseers than the country or state being protected was contributing. Louisiana Conservative
  • The question that needs to be asked is why is the Np so scared about an independent probe of financial aid to Bellinghamhof - what do they have to hide and why won't the MEC and his colleagues come clean about the facts? ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Those students are reportedly now dealing with damaged credit or difficulty obtaining financial aid, Nahmias said.
  • They pledged doctors, medical supplies, financial aid, and rescuers with sniffer dogs and equipment to locate survivors.
  • However, a happy ending was not waiting for me at the end of my quest for financial aid.
  • The company chose Wrexham partly because of the generous financial aid available.
  • Financial aid rankings came from school-reported data and student surveys, and factored in tuition, fees, room and board. Best Value Colleges: Can getting a degree be affordable?
  • One new proposal would allow student-athletes to accept nonathletic financial aid over and above the grant-in-aid to cover attendance.
  • The purpose of the funding is to promote and encourage cross-disciplinary studies, as well as to offer financial aid for undergraduate students.
  • The ability to provide real and ready financial aid is totally different from a continuous provision of propagandist advice only.
  • Question: At home, when she can't get out of bed without help, how is she to crap, pee, cook food (when she can't stand), wipe her bum, keep her incision clean (no attendent is going to come to her home for a home health care visit; she has no insurance and no financial aid or support to get a home health aid.) Archive 2009-10-01
  • They also want financial aid and technology transfer to be included in binding agreements.
  • As Seeger explains it, the folk singer and activist had his financial aid rescinded after his sophomore year because he got too interested in left-wing politics and let his grades slip.
  • This change was made because the word ‘commitment’ could be construed as a legally-binding promise of continued financial aid.
  • The Government must consider giving financial aid to rural traditional medicine centres which have been operating in the State since time immemorial.
  • To help him with his achievements, he also looks up to the Chief Minister for support and financial aid.
  • We are moving ahead with plans to send financial aid.
  • The unmanaged growth of our financial aid budget threatens to overwhelm that commitment.
  • The developed countries would then have less difficulty in giving financial aid to the third world; and, what in my opinion is even more important, they could much more readily accept the inflow from the third world of their labour-intensive products. James E. Meade - Prize Lecture
  • New legislation, the Local Government and Planning Act 1980, changed the basis of financial aid to local government.
  • This huge hike, it argues, is to help fund the digital switch-over, which requires new transmitters and financial aid to the elderly and needy, who otherwise would put two fingers up to having their analogue tellies taken away.
  • The company chose Wrexham partly because of the generous financial aid available.
  • But clearly Freeman is right about the inadvisability of unconditional financial aid to Israel and also about the fact that Israeli violence has regrettable consequences. Matthew Yglesias » AIPAC vs. Chas Freedman
  • College characteristics such as cost, availability of financial aid, and location are all considered.
  • Financial aid is being provided to the country under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund.
  • Mr. Zhao goes to the Foreign Students Office to ask the Counselor about financial aid.
  • In order to stretch our financial aid dollars as far as possible, we have had to increase the loan component of the aid packages offered to admitted students.
  • We were always lavish with financial aid in times of crisis.
  • Despite government financial aid, the nine largest US carriers had a combined third quarter loss of $2.43 billion.
  • Their main grievance concerns the financial aid they stand to lose. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is partly because of gapping where the college does not meet full demonstrated financial need and partly due to the inclusion of loans in the financial aid package. Campus Overload Live with Jenna Johnson: Understanding FAFSA
  • As tuition skyrockets, financial aid has become as elusive as that needle in the proverbial haystack.
  • Eventually, they turned to their church and asked for some financial aid to buy food and basics and got it.
  • His officials threatened to withhold future financial aid, or even to freeze existing programmes.
  • New legislation, the Local Government and Planning Act 1980, changed the basis of financial aid to local government.
  • Finally the government weighed in with financial aid.
  • Most families of college-bound seniors have already completed financial aid applications and will receive award offers soon.
  • In 1998, the Government provided significant financial aid to farmers.
  • We were always lavish with financial aid in times of crisis.
  • He was in no sense the textbook ambassador, but he secured from the French government financial aid followed by a full treaty of alliance. Ambassadors: From Ancient Greece to the Nation State
  • Today the mean yearly income of families of students receiving financial aid, she believes, is approximately $ 36, 000.

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