
financial aid

  1. gift of money or other material help to support a person or cause
    economic assistance to depressed areas

How To Use financial aid In A Sentence

  • This unfairly punishes students of lower income twice, because it is students of lower income who depend on financial aid more.
  • Their aim was to see what incentive effects financial aid to poor families would produce.
  • Courses taken on a pass-fail basis count toward full- or part-time standing for purposes of financial aid and loan deferments
  • This unfairly punishes students from lower income backgrounds twice, because they depend more on financial aid.
  • The condition of the financial aid was that the castle and its surrounding parkland must be put to some worthy public use. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Besides direct financial aid, apartment owners will become owners of the land around the buildings and will be able to use it to additionally relieve their costs.
  • The program guarantees financial aid to low-income students who earn a ‘C’ average or above.
  • At some of the schools where athletics is most heavily subsidized, faculty salaries have dipped, state-funded financial aid is drying up and students are bracing for tuition and fee increases. Amid funding crisis, college athletics soak up subsidies, fees
  • One of the interesting companies I learnt about from TBD is Vittana, which is a sort of Kiva for education, that allows people who are so inclined to lend money to contribute towards the education of people who need financial aid in developing countries. TBD: Do More Good « One Size Fits One
  • Even though you probably won't fill out your financial aid application until early 2003, you can take steps now to improve your eligibility.
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