
How To Use Feeler In A Sentence

  • If you are searching for work, put out feelers in seemingly unlikely directions.
  • One of the things it says is that several players have already put out feelers as they explore the chances of making a quick exit from the troubled club.
  • Palmula: = pulvillus; q.v. Palp: a mouth feeler or palpus. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • But there is competition. HSBC and Standard Chartered are also reportedly angling to return, and other big banks have put out feelers.
  • The tip of the snout is expanded into a naked pink disc which supports 22 finger-like tentacles or feelers which give this creature its name.
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  • Already in 1987 Austria had put out feelers to Moscow to see what its reaction would be if Austria was to apply to join the European Community.
  • The letter was a feeler to see what his attitude might be.
  • Like all lobsters, he has ten legs and two claws (the right slightly larger than the left), and two pairs of antennae or feelers.
  • Nor is it more difficult to discern that, in the appendages of the tail, the middle division appears again and the outer vanishes; while, on the other hand, in the foremost jaw, the so-called mandible, the inner division only is left; and, in the same way, the parts of the feelers and of the eye-stalks can be identified with those of the legs and jaws. Essays
  • Here we have a centiped nearly a foot in length, with innumerable legs, and two horns or feelers, which it protrudes with the most venomous expression. The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
  • And, though I was now nearsighted and colorblind, my nose gave me a worldful of smells, my ears captured sounds a man never hears, every hair on my pelt was a feeler feeding into my nerves. Operation Luna
  • This machine is based on a commercial cylinder - form measurement instrument with a single feeler.
  • When Little Sword saw those long feelers dragging the barracouta down," went on Uncle Andy, after relighting his pipe, "he darted forward like a blue flame and jabbed his sword right through the nearest one. Children of the Wild
  • These things now have legs, feelers, and everything.
  • Their courtship was an infinitely sensitive piece of choreography, conducted by the delicate touch of 16 translucent legs and four palps (the short feelers at the front of the head), as well as vibrations transmitted through a tracery of silk. Country diary: Claxton, Norfolk
  • The letter was a feeler to see what his attitude might be.
  • I had sort of tentatively put feelers out in that direction - I think it is something that, done carefully, could help, as long as I'm dealing with my issues on an emotional level also.
  • McGrath put out feelers that he was looking for a career change.
  • The other measuring equipment, apart from the 20-metre tape, we have vernier callipers, feeler strips and telescopic measures.
  • The edge of a leaf is guided to the mouth, which appears to open vertically — not horizontally as mouths usually do — by a set of palpi or feelers, three on each side. The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • Maggot of House-fly (_Musca domestica_), _a_, side-view, magnified 5 times; _b_, prothoracic spiracle; _c_, feeler; The Life-Story of Insects
  • ‘I'll put out the usual feelers,’ John replied, turning to leave.
  • If your company is downsizing, rather than succumbing to panic, redo your resume take a course, put out job feelers.
  • -- - The second or lower pair of jaws, which are composed of several joints and furnished with peculiar jointed appendages called palpi, or feelers. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
  • The amazing thing about the clip is that the fish has been filmed with its barbels (feelers) extended out in front of it. Boing Boing: December 11, 2005 - December 17, 2005 Archives
  • Charlie used him as a feeler without telling him anything about the Harwells. WHISTLER IN THE DARK
  • When the fish shakes its feelers, they thought, a slight tremble would occur.
  • Closer to the market there were numerous people in a row like sequacious ants, all seeking bits of a distant morsel, but unlike ants these people sought for themselves and, even here, with their wallets as feelers. An Apostate: Nawin of Thais
  • It's one thing to examine the options, indulge in a bit of wishful thinking, put out a few feelers and make a few offers; it is another to pursue a determined course of action to achieve a concrete result.
  • We are trying to raise the money for the game and we have already sent out feelers to the corporate world to come to our aid.
  • And Todd has already put out feelers for out-of-contract players.
  • Maxillæ, in Insects—the second or lower pair of jaws, which are composed of several joints and furnished with peculiar jointed appendages called palpi, or feelers. Glossary of the Principal Scientific Terms Used in the Present Volume
  • Republican troops were ordered to cease provocative operations and withdraw from billets into camps, while peace feelers were sent out to identifiable guerrilla leaders - Stofflet and Charette in the Vendée, Puisaye in Brittany.
  • Sea-anglers dot the foreshore, their rods like the jittery feelers of crayfish or the dials of a Geiger counter.
  • Gillett and Hicks hired Barclays Capital to put out feelers internationally to find a buyer.
  • But we managed to find a pair of feelers, which protruded from a hole.
  • Then the wasps fly back to the nest and plaster the pulp in place, spreading the material carefully with their jaws, stopping every few minutes to test the layer with their feelers to make sure it's the right thickness.
  • Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd also referred to what he called multiple "feelers" from the Tripoli government, saying the Libyan leader's end "may come sooner" than expected. New Airstrikes Target Libyan Capital
  • What the swallow sees makes it scream and dive: soft insects, in delicate courtship, fanning transparent wings over thin feelers and long legs.
  • And I saw a bee the size of my thumb in the nest, waving feelers at me angrily.
  • The ants may be observed stroking the aphides with their feelers, causing the aphides to excrete a sweet fluid on which the ant feeds. Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Nature Study
  • They seem interested in a peace settlement and have begun putting out feelers.
  • I watched its mouthpart feelers rapidly go to work on the succour and it was quickly rejuvenated.
  • The letter was a feeler to see what his attitude might be.
  • It is understood that the Italian has already put out feelers about the possibility of securing a deal with another club.
  • If nothing else, those with purple feelers are less likely to want to be out in freezing weather, to pick a trivial example.
  • Even if you plan to put out feelers for other jobs, dedicate yourself to vanquishing your abuser, not being a victim.
  • The letter was a feeler to see how he would look upon such a movement.
  • She walked into the woods with the coachwhip, using its long butt as a feeler in the dark. Lord of the Isles
  • They seem interested in a peace settlement and have begun putting out feelers.
  • I've put out feelers to get someone right inside the Cunningham community coalition to explain to us how the miracle happened.
  • Insects have optimized this principle: With long feelers making circular movements they investigate their surroundings and are able to negotiate even extremely difficult terrain.
  • Their intelligence agency, the Kempeitai, put out feelers to nationalists like Ngo Dinh Diem.
  • Those spiky things are feelers called barbels that the hagfish uses to feel its way around the ocean. Archive 2007-07-01
  • In October 2001, tentative feelers were sent out to Japan, seeking negotiations.
  • The tip of the snout is expanded into a naked pink disc which supports 22 finger-like tentacles or feelers which give this creature its name.
  • He has put out feelers regarding a switch to American citizenship, a move that would let him own U.S. broadcast properties.
  • The letter was a feeler to see how he would look upon such a movement.
  • He had already put out feelers with local employers but they hadn't been interested.
  • Palmula: = pulvillus; q.v. Palp: a mouth feeler or palpus. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Churchill, now a member of the war cabinet, put a stop to these negotiatory feelers. Human Smoke
  • Ascalaphus, with its resplendent wings, and slender, knobbed antennæ so much like those of butterflies, and visions of these beautiful insects fill his mind's eye; or sundry dun-colored caddis flies, modest, delicate neuroptera, with finely fringed wings and slender feelers, create doubts as to whether they are not really allies of the clothes moth, so close is the resemblance. Our Common Insects A Popular Account of the Insects of Our Fields, Forests, Gardens and Houses
  • She's like a snail that's drawn in all its feelers after running into an unpleasant object.
  • European wasps have jet black feelers and fly with their legs tucked under their body.
  • HSBC and Standard Chartered are also reportedly angling to return, and other big banks have put out feelers.
  • Just one little insect with feelers can put paid to that…
  • The American defense flet was up with feeler-rays, springing toward the enemy. "High-Frequency War" by Harl Vincent, part 2
  • They had been using feeler and plug gages to check the center discs that are stamped for the steel auto wheels it produces; there are 40 disc variations in production.

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