How To Use Fat cell In A Sentence

  • Some say sluggish blood and lymph circulation allow fluids and toxins to accumulate, causing fat cells to inflate and bulge up against the skin.
  • The researchers were able to coax these stem cells to grow into nerve cells, fat cells and cells that produce dentin, the hard material in teeth that surrounds the pulp and is covered by enamel.
  • A lipoma is a growth made up of fat cells that occurs just below the skin. Undefined
  • Although our fat cells are able to help out and produce a weakened form of estrogen called estrone, we are no longer in the safe haven of hormonal protection and are at the mercy of a variety of body processes. Healing the Female Heart
  • Abdominal fat cells happily inflate to accommodate more fuel, widening your waist inch by inch.
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  • Fat cells produce leptin, a protein known to help trigger puberty.
  • The researchers found that during the process of burning fat, known as lipolysis, fat cells use sensory nerves to feed information to the brain. News Feed
  • Other than a making a concerted effort to move around more, is there anything else that can be done to stem the rise in fat cells? Times, Sunday Times
  • In order for fat to be metabolized, it must first be released from the fat cell and then be transported by the bloodstream where it is shunted to the liver and other active tissues to be used as fuel.
  • In test tube assays using fat cells, the polyphenolic polymers were found to increase sugar metabolism a whopping 20-fold.
  • Adipose tissue aggregate of fat cells.
  • Experts found that ellagic acid in red grapes dramatically slowed fat cell growth and the formation of new ones. The Sun
  • But unlike the laser treatments, which exploit biochemical pathways to create pores in the fat cell, they generate mechanical forces that rupture these cells.
  • Though not directly responsible for providing weight loss, recent studies have shown that Lipomassage directly and quantifiably 'reboots' fat cell metabolism for a more slenderized, streamlined waistline and a redefined physique. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • In order for fat to be metabolized, it must first be released from the fat cell and then be transported by the bloodstream where it is shunted to the liver and other active tissues to be used as fuel.
  • It uses ultrasound waves to destroy fat cells and radio waves to tighten saggy skin. The Sun
  • The UltraShape procedure -- approved in Canada last year and approved in 50 other countries including Japan and much of Europe since 2005 -- "breaks down the fat cell and gets rid of the unwanted fat much like liposuction does, except it does it non-invasively, meaning there's no cutting, there's no anesthesia, there's no downtime, there's no recovery," Dr. Ari Benchetrit, Latest News -
  • Likewise, increased XOR levels hiked activity of the PPAR-gamma receptor in both fat cells and fat cell precursors.
  • So the area that has had the fat suctioned out of it is less likely to gain weight or increase in fat because there are fewer fat cells in the area.
  • Prof Barnett and his colleagues have been at the forefront of research into the understanding that fat cells around the waistline are not passive lumps of lard but are highly active, pumping out proteins and hormones.
  • Since fat cells floated to the surface of the incubation medium, it proved a simple matter to separate and purify these cells from the mostly vascular cells in adipose tissue. Martin Rodbell - Autobiography
  • A vacuum action aims to break up fat cells, while laser technology 'liquefies' them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The glycerol backbone of triglycerides stored in fat cells is ensured of being used as a gluconeogenic substrate since fat cells lack the enzyme that would be needed to phosphorylate the glycerol molecule. More on Tierney, Taubes and saturated fat | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Fat cells developing in areolar connective tissue.
  • Even though the ovaries cease producing estradiol, estriol continues to be made by the adrenal glands and in fat cells.
  • The hormone chiefly responsible for depositing fat in the fat cells and its storage there is insulin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Muscle cells and fat cells are completely different kinds of tissue.
  • We have no control over where the fat cells decide to swell and shrink.
  • As importantly, these data provided indirect evidence that the insulin receptor is located on the surface of fat cells. Martin Rodbell - Autobiography
  • Fat cells produce excess amounts of the female hormone oestrogen, which can speed up the natural process of cell division and so lead to a higher risk of a cancer cell being formed.
  • He subsequently underwent surgery to remove six feet of small intestine, which had strangulated itself because a benign tumor of fat cells that restricted blood flow.
  • Even though the ovaries cease producing estradiol, estriol continues to be made by the adrenal glands and in fat cells.
  • Misconception number two is that fat cells migrate to treated areas from other parts of the body to keep an even distribution of body fat.
  • Fat cells convert hormones called androgens into estrogen, which raises a woman's risk.
  • Even though the ovaries cease producing estradiol, estriol continues to be made by the adrenal glands and in fat cells.
  • Now, those fat cells get stored in something known as adipose tissue. CNN Transcript Jul 27, 2005
  • The red marrow consists of a small quantity of connective tissue, bloodvessels, and numerous cells (Fig. 72), some few of which are fat cells, but the great majority are roundish nucleated cells, the true “marrow cells” of Kölliker. II. Osteology. 2. Bone
  • Muscle cells and fat cells are completely different kinds of tissue.
  • If you read Gary Taubes’ book “Good Calories Bad Calories,” you will learn that fat cells filled up by insulin loath to release their contents to the body for fuel. The Economics of Obesity: A Q&A With the Author of The Fattening of America - Freakonomics Blog -
  • Fat cells are a rich source of the aromatase enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen.
  • This will give your microbiome the tools it needs to fight fat cells. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even though the ovaries cease producing estradiol, estriol continues to be made by the adrenal glands and in fat cells.
  • These fibres form a meshwork around fat cells.
  • A new study has found that a fat cell gene may reduce the risk of colon cancer in some people.
  • The glycerol backbone of triglycerides stored in fat cells is ensured of being used as a gluconeogenic substrate since fat cells lack the enzyme that would be needed to phosphorylate the glycerol molecule. More on Tierney, Taubes and saturated fat | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Fat cells can turn hormones from the adrenal gland into a weak form of oestrogen. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gene altered in the giant rats makes the protein Leptin, a hormone released by fat cells as an appetite regulator.
  • There is no natural mechanism for killing excessive fat cells, because having massive pockets of insulin-stimulated adipocyte hyperplasia is not a natural condition. Gary Taubes responds | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • The aminophylline causes the fat cells to shrink by causing them to release lipid fat particles. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • We have no control over where the fat cells decide to swell and shrink.
  • The leptin deficiency post weight loss/maintenance is related to the former obese individual having hypotrophic (small) fat cells that are hyperplastic (numerous). Gary Taubes responds | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • They found that a few spices - especially cinnamon - made fat cells much more responsive to insulin, the hormone that regulates sugar metabolism and thus controls the level of glucose in the blood.
  • Fat cells can turn hormones from the adrenal gland into a weak form of oestrogen. Times, Sunday Times
  • This molecule activates enzymes and other substances to help move fat out of fat cells and deliver it to active tissues (such as muscle fibers) that will burn it as fuel.
  • In the bodies of the long bones the marrow is of a yellow color, and contains, in 100 parts, 96 of fat, 1 of areolar tissue and vessels, and 3 of fluid with extractive matter; it consists of a basis of connective tissue supporting numerous bloodvessels and cells, most of which are fat cells but some are “marrow cells, ” such as occur in the red marrow to be immediately described. II. Osteology. 2. Bone
  • The researchers were able to coax these stem cells to grow into nerve cells, fat cells and cells that produce dentin, the hard material in teeth that surrounds the pulp and is covered by enamel.
  • When you diet or cut back on your food intake (cut calories) your fat cells become more resilient to giving out fat.
  • So did the levels of LEP and INS . However, the effect on promoting fat cell apoptosis was not obvious.
  • The research claims that resistant starch foods also shrink fat cells, increase muscle mass, curb cravings, and keep people feeling full for longer.

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