
fat cell

  1. cells composed of fat

How To Use fat cell In A Sentence

  • Some say sluggish blood and lymph circulation allow fluids and toxins to accumulate, causing fat cells to inflate and bulge up against the skin.
  • The researchers were able to coax these stem cells to grow into nerve cells, fat cells and cells that produce dentin, the hard material in teeth that surrounds the pulp and is covered by enamel.
  • A lipoma is a growth made up of fat cells that occurs just below the skin. Undefined
  • Although our fat cells are able to help out and produce a weakened form of estrogen called estrone, we are no longer in the safe haven of hormonal protection and are at the mercy of a variety of body processes. Healing the Female Heart
  • Abdominal fat cells happily inflate to accommodate more fuel, widening your waist inch by inch.
  • Fat cells produce leptin, a protein known to help trigger puberty.
  • The researchers found that during the process of burning fat, known as lipolysis, fat cells use sensory nerves to feed information to the brain. News Feed
  • Other than a making a concerted effort to move around more, is there anything else that can be done to stem the rise in fat cells? Times, Sunday Times
  • In order for fat to be metabolized, it must first be released from the fat cell and then be transported by the bloodstream where it is shunted to the liver and other active tissues to be used as fuel.
  • In test tube assays using fat cells, the polyphenolic polymers were found to increase sugar metabolism a whopping 20-fold.
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