

  1. a method of athletic training (especially for runners) in which strenuous effort and normal effort alternate in a continuous exercise

How To Use fartlek In A Sentence

  • Incorporate several cardio techniques ? Use a combination of continuous, interval, circuit and Fartlek training.
  • On a specific route, landmarks can be used to change speed and direction and drills, such as the crocodile, back to front and fartlek, thrown in to add variety.
  • Incorporate several cardio techniques? Use a combination of continuous, interval circuit and Fartlek ( speed play ) training.
  • Then we do fartlek, tempo runs, interval ladders … what else? Again to Carthage
  • The basics of fartlek is to vary your training routine, have fun and invent new things to do.
  • Although the fartlek's popularity is partly due to its flexibility, many coaches like to make the workout more structured and give it more of a track interval feel.
  • You don't find the word "fartlek" in the least bit amusing. Spence Smith - Connecting People To The World Of Travel, Fitness, Culture and Blogging
  • Keflezighi acclimates his body through what's known as "fartlek" training, which involves a series of accelerations over the course of a run. A Runner and His…Entourage?
  • You can do this type of fartlek workout anywhere since your watch is your guide.
  • That arm pedalo machine is handy aswell, especially when you increase the difficulty or make a bit of an arm fartlek out of it. Army Rumour Service
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