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How To Use Eyeless In A Sentence

  • And of course, Hitchcock loved a little blindness, eyelessness and many another narrative or visual coup based on visual impairment - in The Birds alone, think of all-pecked-up farmer Fawcett, the crushed spectacles, the game of blind man's buff. Film |
  • The eyeless sea urchin also has genes associated with taste, smell, hearing, balance - and surprisingly, even vision. ...
  • The discovery of the deepest known "black smoker" vents has revealed eyeless shrimps and white tentacled anemones living 3.1 miles below the surface in a Caribbean rift. 'Black Smoker' Vents: New Species Discovered Near Deepest Undersea Hot Springs (PHOTOS)
  •   Our cousins lived next door to the junkyard, twenty acres of Studebakers and LaSalles, two-toned Hudson Hornets and eyeless DeSotos; broken pulpwood trucks; and Fords, Plymouths, and Chevrolets without bound. Cover Story
  • an eyeless needle
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  • IV. iii.182 (361,8) eyeless venom'd worm] The serpent, which we, from the smallness of his eyes, call the _blind worm_, and the Latins, Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • Rows of polystyrene heads, faceless but exuberantly bewigged, stare eyelessly down from shelves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here are the legless, armless, eyeless and toothless; the polio-crippled, the mine-maimed, the buboed and leprous, the self-mutilated and the plain mad.
  • Over 180 species have been found in the cave, from spiders to bats and eyeless fish.
  • The Tooth Cave pseudoscorpion is a large, eyeless pseudoscorpion with elongated appendages.
  • The eyeless sea urchin also has genes associated with taste, smell, hearing, balance - and surprisingly, even vision. ...
  • As she asked the question her eyeless gaze offered the answer. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • It'd still be there when they were all dead, grinning at everyone with its horrible eyeless stare.
  • We become connoisseurs of eyes and (with headless statuettes and veiled grotesque heads) of eyelessness. Bronzino's Medici portraits – review
  • The first six episodes are up now, featuring Julie, Mr. Gone, Sarah and the always creepy, eyeless Isz. Tagged: animation · Image Comics streaming The Maxx cartoons | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • But... what if she had been born eyeless, just as she is now. THE BROKEN GOD
  • They retain an eerie, anthropomorphic sense of presentness; faceless, eyeless, even, bodyless—Smith plays havoc with familiar proportions and divisions—they nonetheless seem to confront us and fix us with their invisible gaze. The Artist in All His Dimensions
  • blind as an eyeless beggar
  • Eyeless sockets over a lipless grin, teeth crushing the back of his skull. Archive 2009-01-01
  • It was a kind of a joke," said the designer Jun Takahashi of his decision to wrap his models in eyeless cloth hoods. Medpundit
  • Professor Wyman found rudimentary eyes in the so-called eyeless fishes of the Mammoth Cave, and equally striking examples of the same general truth are familiar to every one. Religion and Chemistry
  • a - L. manus ` hand 'amanous ` handless' an - enteron ` intestine 'anenterous ` without intestines' an - oura ` tail 'anura ` tailless' an - ōps ` eye 'anopsy ` eyeless' VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIV No 3
  • The eyeless sea urchin also has genes associated with taste, smell, hearing, balance — and ...
  • And he read everywhere: In the book of the figure, where he found an eyeless Greek past for his 1906-7 "Head of a Woman;" in the babble and bark decorations of newsprint teletyping their way across the 1921 painting "Dog and Cock;" in the 1914 visiting card and cigarette pack collage where the word is a relic of having been once a presence in time; in a 1949 anthology entitled New Haven Advocate: News
  • It was eyeless and had no ears, the folds of its skin creating the effect that its hide would fall from its bones at a moment's notice.
  • Moreover, Courtney's ability to shift the shape and contour of her face so that it assumes the appearance of an eyeless African mask speaks to her very real spiritual endowment.
  • The eyeless, toothless brick building behind me gapes with awe at what it's become, at all who flagrantly disregard it. Coffee-Stained Fangs (excerpt)
  • Recent additions at Oceanworld, courtesy of the alert fishermen, include a snow white black sole, a white, eyeless monkfish and an unusual white skate.
  • eyeless fish that evolved in dark caves
  • These rocks also stirred with novel species of eyeless shrimp, white crabs, translucent sea anemones and large, pink fish.
  • Or hug your sadness like an eyeless doll.
  • We would not call a dragonfly eye and a human eye homologous—they seem so different, in so many ways, and the evidence suggests that our last common ancestor was eyeless, with little more than photosensitive spots. PZ Myers - The Deepest Links (on Evolution)
  • There the true gods led him to the subterranean pool where eyeless, albescent fish swam around the clutch of huge eggs, as hard as the finest armor, left there countless centuries past. Conan The Magnificent
  • In The Comforter, a hirsute woman (an actual genetic condition that led to the bearded lady once popular in freak-shows and French courts), cradles an eyeless creature conceived of as an udder with a large mouth. Spread ArtCulture: Patricia Piccinini's World of Creatures Great & Small
  • These rocks also stirred with novel species of eyeless shrimp, white crabs, translucent sea anemones and large, pink fish.
  • Eyeless at Gaza, Samson struggled to regain the power to pull down the pillars that destroyed him and his enemies together.
  • At the foot of this tree sat Tibbie Dyster; and from her red cloak the level sun-tide was thrown back in gorgeous glory; so that the eyeless woman, who only felt the warmth of the great orb, seemed, in her effulgence of luminous red, to be the light-fountain whence that torrent of rubescence burst. Alec Forbes of Howglen
  • But they have to stay one step ahead of the black-furred and eyeless aliens, who lumber like bears with the speed of wolves and whose snapping maws contain multiple rows of phosphorescently purple teeth. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: Attack the Block
  • Who are you?" is Vic's big question to Montoya -- and it may, as has been speculated, lead to Montoya assuming the mantle of the Question -- but it could be applied to almost every major character in the series, either because of their emotional/spiritual crises (Ralph, Black Adam, Renee, Booster) or because of some literal physical transformation (John Henry's steel skin, Adam Strange's eyelessness, Mr. Mind's reported evolution). Week 20: Language Is a Virus from Outer Space
  • He had lots of just-so stories ready to go, beginning with how Eden's snakes transformed their salivary glands into venomous fangs, and how roaches in Hawaiian caves evolved eyelessness in 8 months. Ideas from a creationist
  • They retain an eerie, anthropomorphic sense of presentness; faceless, eyeless, even, bodyless—Smith plays havoc with familiar proportions and divisions—they nonetheless seem to confront us and fix us with their invisible gaze. The Artist in All His Dimensions
  • Blind, totally eyeless trilobites have given us another indication of the range of trilobite habits and habitats.
  • Or hug your sadness like an eyeless doll.
  • A pilot, it was said, could interface his ship's computer even if he were as eyeless and blind as a scryer. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Unfortunately, it made me picture rows and rows of eyeless Jesus Baby Clones crying into suction tubes in cages like chickens in KFC farms. 365 tomorrows » 2010 » February : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The eyeless gene is an example of the remarkable conservation of developmental genes throughout the animal kingdom.
  • Lebert and Hader observed a curious phototactic phenomenon in eyeless mutants of Euglena, i.e. it swam perpendicularly with respect to the incident light, namely, diaphototaxis.
  • A thin, skeletal whisper, like a malediction from the underworld, filtered between the blood-soaked fingers of the eyeless man. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • Sarah Jessica Parker looks like one of the eyeless zombies from the Survival poster greggorybasore New Posters: Toy Story 3, Prince of Persia, Sex and the City 2, The Other Guys, Nightmare on Elm Street and More | /Film
  • Related to mindsight and clairvoyance are reports of so-called eyeless vision. Experiencing the Next World Now
  • Then there are tapeworms: eyeless, mouthless creatures that live in the intestines, stretching as long as sixty feet, made up of thousands of segments, each with its own male and female sex organs. Parasite Rex
  • It's going to be limbless and eyeless if it makes it out at all.
  • The numbers of yellow-white matroclinous exceptions observed were as follows: yellow-white females, yellow-white cubitus interruptus eyeless Russian females, and yellow-white sparkling poliert females.
  • The least of these illuminators, with his insignificant eyeless face, possesses at his fingers 'ends the maximum of dexterity in this art of decoration, light and wittily incongruous, which threatens to invade us in France, in this epoch of imitative decadence, and which has become the great resource of our manufacturers of cheap "_objects of art_. Madame Chrysantheme

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