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How To Use Extensor In A Sentence

  • What you can't see in this shot is that my feet are actually cut, and (for additional grossness) I can pump up my extensor digitorum brevis muscle so that it's ripped and the veins over it pop. Total carnage! i love it!
  • [23] In the leg below the knee, and in the forearm, we have two groups of "benders" or _flexors_, and "straighteners" or _extensors_, as in the upper arm and leg, only slenderer and more numerous. A Handbook of Health
  • Deep tendon reflexes are usually diminished, but in cases with prominent lateral column disease may be hyperactive with extensor plantar reflexes.
  • On the front of the ankle (Fig. 441) the sheath for the Tibialis anterior extends from the upper margin of the transverse crural ligament to the interval between the diverging limbs of the cruciate ligament; those for the Extensor digitorum longus and Extensor hallucis longus reach upward to just above the level of the tips of the malleoli, the former being the higher. IV. Myology. 8d. The Fasciæ Around the Ankle
  • You'll train your abdominals and spine extensors to work simultaneously to maintain your lifted position as you move your top leg.
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  • The explosive rush and momentum of these deafferented extensor reflexes recall the ataxy of tabes. Sir Charles Sherrington - Nobel Lecture
  • Flexion of the elbow is avoided because contraction of the biceps brachii (flexor brachii) or the extensors, which are antagonists of the flexors of the carpus, tenses the carpal flexors and pain is thereby increased. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • A tooth may penetrate an extensor tendon and MCP joint capsule, sometimes fracturing a metacarpal or phalangeal bone.
  • The first dorsal interosseous muscle inserts into the extensor expansion.
  • D. TRANSTIBIAL AMPUTEES: STEP OVER STEP: When ascending stairs, the transtibial amputee who does not have the ability to dorsiflex his foot/ankle assembly must generate a stronger concentric contraction of the knee and hip extensors in order to successfully transfer body weight over the prosthetic limb. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • To offset well-established volume/area relationships limiting muscle force, larger animals walk on extended limbs and show allometric increases in extensor muscle lever arm lengths.
  • Mr. Syme's original operation was briefly as follows: -- With an ordinary amputating-knife make a lunated incision (Plate I.fig. 19) from one condyle to the other, across the front of the joint, on a level with the middle of the patella, divide the tissues down to the bones, and then draw the flap upwards, then cut the quadriceps extensor immediately above the patella. A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
  • This exercise engages spinal extensors, hamstrings, abductors and stabilizers.
  • The lateral terminal branch of the deep peroneal nerve sends fibers to the extensor digitorum brevis muscle and articular twigs to the tarsal joints.
  • Kneading with the two thumbs of both hands upon different muscles, special attention being paid to reach the extensors and flexors in the forearm, the biceps, triceps, deltoid, supraspinatus and infraspinatus. Massage and the Original Swedish Movements
  • Extensor tenosynovitis has been described with windy cold exposure in temperatures from 0 to -25 ºC [39]. Potential impacts of direct mechanisms of climate change on human health in the Arctic
  • Extensor tenosynovitis of the hand from cold exposure. Potential impacts of direct mechanisms of climate change on human health in the Arctic
  • The extensor tendon and unfold tendinous membrane of middle finger were exposed.
  • It is characterized by pruritic, of ten excoriated papules and nodules on the extensor surfaces of the legs and upper arms.
  • The harsh, dry skin, epidermic and papillary hypertrophy, the furfuraceous or plate-like scaliness, the greater development upon the extensor surfaces, a history of the affection dating from early childhood, and the absence of inflammatory symptoms. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • The lateral terminal branch of the deep peroneal nerve sends fibers to the extensor digitorum brevis muscle and articular twigs to the tarsal joints.
  • The Interossei plantares adduct the third, fourth, and fifth toes toward the imaginary line passing through the second toe, and by means of their insertions into the aponeuroses of the Extensor tendons they assist in flexing the proximal phalanges and extending the middle and terminal phalanges. IV. Myology. 8e. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
  • But although this rhythmically intermittent tetanus affecting alternately the flexors and extensors of the limb and giving the reflex step cannot be copied reflexly by employing excitation alone, it can be easily and faithfully reproduced and with perfect alternation of phase and with its characteristic asymmetrical bilaterality, by employing a stimulation in which reflex excitation and reflex inhibition are admixt in approximately balanced intensity. Sir Charles Sherrington - Nobel Lecture
  • Dorsal vertebra back extensor group soft tissue harm on clinical more common, but causes the chest pain partner to tire of the oil, the mouth has the fish fishy smell symptom to be extremely rare.
  • Deep tendon reflexes are usually diminished, but in cases with prominent lateral column disease may be hyperactive with extensor plantar reflexes.
  • Repetitive, high-frequency overload delivered to a malaligned extensor mechanism yields persistent, debilitating, unremitting pain in some athletes.
  • The lateral epicondyle is a small, tuberculated eminence, curved a little forward, and giving attachment to the radial collateral ligament of the elbow-joint, and to a tendon common to the origin of the Supinator and some of the Extensor muscles. II. Osteology. 6a. 3. The Humerus
  • Your gluteus maximus and hamstrings are powerful hip extensors that are activated whenever you stand, sit or step up.
  • This exercise strengthens the back extensors, gluteals, adductors, scapular stabilizers, hip flexors and core abdominal muscles.
  • -- Extend the thumb strongly, so as to cause the abductor longus, and extensor longus pollicis to become prominent; seek for the artery in the depression between these muscles, known as "la tabatiere"; separate the thumb from the index finger, and make an incision about an inch long, in the direction of the tendons above referred to; separate the nervous filaments and veins carefully; and then isolate the artery and apply the ligature. An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.
  • Methods:To classify tendon of musculus extensor carpi radialis brevis into three parts, morphology configuration were measured on 30 adult cadaver upper limbs.
  • The blood supply system of the extensor digitorum longus tendon in the rabbit hindlimb is observed by the aid of dye injection technique and dissecting microscope.
  • The needle enters just proximal to the first metacarpal on the extensor surface.
  • Last week, I was repairing several extensor tendons, severed in a motorcycle accident, in the right hand of a professional musician. A FEW SHORT NOTES ON TROPICAL BUTTERFLIES
  • The extensor communis digitorum lies close to the outer side of the anterior tibial muscle, and arises from the upper three-fourths of the fibula, from the interosseous ligament and intermuscular septum. Surgical Anatomy
  • Matters had, broadly put, reached and remained at that stage, when in the century's last decade experimental examination of mammalian reflexes detected (1892) examples of inhibition of surprising potency and machine-like regularity, readily obtainable from the mammalian spinal cord in its action on the extensors of the hind limb; the inhibitory relaxation of the extension was linked with concomitant reflex contraction of their antagonistic muscles, the flexors. Sir Charles Sherrington - Nobel Lecture
  • In the upper part of the leg the tibialis anticus, A, Plate 67, Figure 2, and extensor-communis muscle, B, are adherent to the fascia which covers them, and to the intermuscular septum which divides them. Surgical Anatomy
  • The former included assessment of tongue and temporal muscles, epaxial muscles, a selection of appendicular muscles (including flexors and extensors at various depths) in both pelvic and thoracic limbs using digital electrodiagnostic equipment (Medelec Synergy, Oxford Instruments). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Radiographs may show calcific deposits in the extensor aponeurosis or spurring but are frequently normal.
  • Objective To investigate the extensor carpi ulnaris extensor pollicis displacement of a rebuilding of thumb opposing function and effect of treatment.
  • Considerably diminished in size, it descends, as the dorsal interosseous nerve, on the interosseous membrane, in front of the Extensor pollicis longus, to the back of the carpus, where it presents a gangliform enlargement from which filaments are distributed to the ligaments and articulations of the carpus. IX. Neurology. 6b. The Anterior Divisions
  • The extrinsic extensor tendon attaches to the base of the dorsum of the middle phalanx, and bands from the intrinsic hand muscles attach to the distal phalanx.
  • RA2be its called carpel tunnel syndrome because of muscle inbalance in your forearm extensors and flexors use this product to rebalance them. Army Rumour Service
  • Endurance of back extensor muscles had the highest association with low back pain.
  • The limb is supplied with a single extensor muscle and a single flexor, all other joints are considered rigid, and the objective of the CNS is to maintain the position of the limb.
  • Dorsal vertebra back extensor group soft tissue harm on clinical more common, but causes the chest pain partner to tire of the oil, the mouth has the fish fishy smell symptom to be extremely rare.
  • Wounds on the foot consisted of exposed long extensor tendons and medial cuneiform and navicular bones and first metatarsal bone was exposed along its length up to the first metatarsal phalangeal joint.
  • He reported the following variations of extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis (abductor pollicis longus).
  • The large four - part extensor muscle at the front of the thigh.
  • Extensor digiti medii arises from the ulna beneath the extensor indicis, with which it may be fused.
  • A projecting structure termed the extensor process (or extensor attachment) is present between the carpal trochlea and the alular digit; it belongs to metacarpal I (also called the alular metacarpal), but this is hard to appreciate in modern birds because metacarpal I is fused imperceptibly into the carpometacarpus as mentioned above [in the adjacent diagram, from ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • He could throw into energetic single action the biceps, the supinator longus, the radial extensors, the platysma myoides, and many other muscles. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Further, the number of both synapses and active zones per length terminal is significantly larger for the tonic axon in the leg extensor muscle.
  • Its tendon passes laterally through the same osteofibrous canal in the same synovial sheath as extensor digitorum longus and terminates on the fifth metatarsal.
  • Areas most affected are interdigital folds, flexor aspect of wrists, extensor aspect of elbows, belt line, thighs, navel, penis, areola, abdomen, inter gluteal fold.
  • Tendon the extensor pedis the flexor pedis perforans the flexor pedis perforatus Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • This exercise strengthens the back extensors, gluteals, quadriceps, hamstrings and core abdominal muscles.
  • Branches supply the following muscles -- obturator, semimembranosus (adductor magnus), biceps femoris (triceps abductor femoris), semitendinosus (biceps rotator tibialis), lateral extensor Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • In the articulation with which we are dealing, however, these last two symptoms are not easily detected, for the surrounding structures -- namely, the lateral and other ligaments of the joint, the extensor pedis tendon in front, and the perforans behind, together with the dense and comparatively unyielding nature of the skin of the parts -- are such as to prevent distension and fluctuation becoming marked to a visible extent. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • Treatment involves repair of the extensor hood with relocation of the extensor tendon.
  • This exercise strengthens the obliques, quadratus lumborum, back extensors, gluteals, adductors and core abdominal muscles.
  • This exercise strengthens the back extensors, gluteals, quadriceps, hamstrings and core abdominal muscles.
  • Then, when you've completed the movement, the flexor relaxes and the extensor contracts to extend or straighten the limb at the same joint.
  • It took 8 weeks for extensor muscle strength to return to normal; the flexor muscle groups generally recovered within 4 weeks.
  • The distribution of psoriasis on extensor surfaces, scalp and natal cleft helps distinguish psoriasis from discoid eczema.
  • In front of the ankle joint, the fascia is increased in density, constituting a band (anterior annular ligament) which extends between the malleoli, forms sheaths for the several extensor tendons, and binds these down in front of the joint. Surgical Anatomy
  • Then we do spinal reflexes - biceps tendon, triceps tendon, crossed extensor reflex, extensor carpi radialis, withdrawl reflex, patellar tendon, gastrocnemius, cranial tibial, and sciatic reflexes. Shooting Up the Cat
  • The triceps supinator longus and extensor carpi radialis longior were perfect. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • They arise from the bases and medial sides of the bodies of the third, fourth, and fifth metatarsal bones, and are inserted into the medial sides of the bases of the first phalanges of the same toes, and into the aponeuroses of the tendons of the Extensor digitorum longus. IV. Myology. 8e. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot
  • Your gluteus maximus and hamstrings are powerful hip extensors that are activated whenever you stand, sit or step up.
  • In the crayfish leg extensor preparation, the number of quanta released per action potential (quantal content) was approximately 15, at low frequencies of stimulation.
  • This exercise strengthens the hip flexors, back extensors, obliques and core abdominal muscles.
  • Flexion force applied against long finger (third digit) extension distal to the proximal interphalangeal joint may provoke pain over the extensor muscle mass in the proximal forearm.
  • Extensor carpi radialis longus arises from the lateral epicondylar ridge of the humerus and inserts onto the second metacarpal bone.
  • Extensor pollicis brevis arises from the radius distal to abductor pollicis longus and inserts onto the base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb.
  • It may appear in two forms: slips arising from the back of the wrist, and slips arising from the carpus or metacarpus may be connected to the tendons of interosseous muscles as well as to the tendons of the extensor.
  • The tendons are inserted either into the corresponding extensor tendons or onto the metacarpals.
  • The triceps is a forearm extensor, the opposite of the biceps.
  • The anterior compartment flexor muscles of the arm are innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve, and the large posterior compartment extensor muscle is innervated by the radial nerve.
  • The needle enters just proximal to the first metacarpal on the extensor surface.
  • Each finger has two flexor tendons and one extensor tendon.
  • Weakness or paralysis of the extensors of the wrist and hand results, giving rise to the characteristic "wrist-drop. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Of the surfaces, one—the future flexor surface of the limb—is directed ventrally; the other, the extensor surface, dorsally; one border, the preaxial, looks forward toward the cephalic end of the embryo, and the other, the postaxial, backward toward the caudal end. I. Embryology. 12. The Branchial Region
  • There is dorsiflexion at the ankle-joint, and if an attempt is made to flex the foot towards the sole, the extensor tendons stand out prominently. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • The muscular branches (rami musculares) supply the Triceps brachii, Anconæus, Brachioradialis, Extensor carpi radialis longus, and Brachialis, and are grouped as medial, posterior, and lateral. IX. Neurology. 6b. The Anterior Divisions
  • As you exhale, contract your core muscles (i.e., your abs, spine extensors, gluteals and other muscles that control your pelvis) to help maintain your alignment.
  • The explosive rush and momentum of these deafferented extensor reflexes recall the ataxy of tabes. Sir Charles Sherrington - Nobel Lecture
  • On separating the anterior tibial and common extensor muscles, we find the extensor pollicis, C c, which, concealed between the two, arises from the middle of the fibula, and the interosseous ligament; its tendon passes beneath the annular ligament in front of the ankle joint, and after traversing the inner part of the dorsum of the foot, becomes inserted into the three phalanges of the great toe. Surgical Anatomy
  • The distribution of psoriasis on extensor surfaces, scalp and natal cleft helps distinguish psoriasis from discoid eczema.
  • The extensor communis digitorum lies close to the outer side of the anterior tibial muscle, and arises from the upper three-fourths of the fibula, from the interosseous ligament and intermuscular septum. Surgical Anatomy
  • In crawling infants the forearms, extensor aspects of the knees, and the ankle flexures are often the most affected.
  • The triceps supinator longus and extensor carpi radialis longior were perfect. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • The Flexor carpi ulnaris determines the contour of the medial border of the forearm, and is separated from the Extensor group of muscles by the ulnar furrow produced by the subcutaneous dorsal border of the ulna; its tendon is evident along the ulnar border of the lower part of the forearm, and is most marked when the hand is flexed and adducted. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 11. Surface Anatomy of the Upper Extremity
  • They occur in the lungs, heart, kidney, and dura mater, in addition to the extensor surface of the forearm, olecranon, Achilles tendons, and ischial area.
  • This exercise strengthens the obliques, quadratus lumborum, back extensors, gluteals, adductors and core abdominal muscles.
  • The flexor muscles of our fingers are stronger than the extensor muscles.
  • —The Abductor pollicis brevis is often divided into an outer and an inner part; accessory slips from the tendon of the Abductor pollicis longus or Palmaris longus, more rarely from the Extensor carpi radialis longus, from the styloid process or Opponens pollicis or from the skin over the thenar eminence. IV. Myology. 1F. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand

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