How To Use Express In A Sentence
Kids at one Connecticut school don't like a new rule, but you probably won't hear them expressing themselves by using profanity: the rule to keep kids from cussing.
Does the plain, unsugared doughy type bagel look alike surpass the overly decorated with hundreds and thousands and pumped full of sweet chemicals with optional coating of chocolate (half dipped) Tescos Express doughnut win every time?
These provisions, although expressed at a level of great generality, have often been invoked by those who posit the existence of a broad international duty to cooperate or a right to solidarity.
Warner wrote from Egypt expressing sympathy for their unfurnished state of affairs, but added, "I would rather fit out three houses and fill them with furniture than to fit out one 'dahabiyeh'.
Mark Twain, a Biography. Complete
Moreover, it is expressly added that if the day before the Passover falls on a Sabbath, one may in this manner purchase a Paschal lamb, and, presumably, all else that is needful for the feast.

That which is soft and effeminate, which is calculated to excite the passions, by multitudes of ambiguous expressions, (not the less dangerous for being so cloaked) should be considered by Christians as an abuse the more deplorable, as it has even been censured and condemned by the pagans.
The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of Assisi
These words (holpen a little with a metaphor) may express two differing abilities, in those that deal in business of estate.
The Essays
I guess she would rather I expressed myself in a more ladylike manner, or at least a little more eloquently.
I love the way Sarajevans express themselves; it's a kind of world-weary, mordant wit overlying an amazing ability to absorb and survive great suffering.
A Conversation with Geraldine Brooks about People of the Book
Distrust naturally creates distrust, and by nothing is good-will and kind conduct more speedily changed than by invidious jealousies and uncandid imputations, whether expressed or implied.
Frequently covered in zits, freckles and pockmarks, his character's faces are detailed in their expressiveness without being overly polished.
He expressed his racial hatred for everyone, especially OBama making veiled death threats, spoke of other dangerous topics etc … and then offered to sell me a mosser rifle as he was buying a a whole shippment of them.
Alex Jones' Prison
Golub was an odd man out, one of those who kept alive certain ambitions scuttled by the artists who followed Abstract Expressionism.
I wanted, desperately needed for him to reach across the line that he had drawn, and so it was with dumb horror that I watched him retreat, his expression turning lawyerly even as I read the helplessness in his eyes.
Dreaming in French
He said residents of Thornhill had expressly asked for greater visibility of police on their estate.
The argument behind x is not quantitative, and we do not have an expression for its expected value under a null isolation model.
And the prints represent Abstract Expressionism's entire stylistic range, from fast and visceral to cool and ethereal.
The old, merry Whiting looked sideways at Richard, then the round face assumed an expression of diffident humility for Mr. Hanks.
Morgan’s Run
He looked up, anger and frustration still showing plainly on his expressive face.
Her expression masked, she nodded toward the remaining stragglers veering toward their cars.
Captured by Moonlight
_The Terrace at Berne_ has been already dealt with, but that mood for epicede, which was so frequent in Mr Arnold, finds in the _Carnac_ stanzas adequate, and in _A Southern Night_ consummate, expression.
Matthew Arnold
Thus, transitive verbs in idiomatic expressions frequently will not passivize (the cowboy kicked the bucket, but not * the bucket was kicked by the cowboy).
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 4
There was once a fairy who created the fields and forests expressly for those in love, — in that eternal hedge-school of lovers, which is forever beginning anew, and which will last as long as there are hedges and scholars.
Les Miserables
It is this potential for music to express contradictory, sometimes inexpressible emotions that drives Ward to write songs.
There are three degrees of intimacy between words, of which the first and loosest is expressed by their mere juxtaposition as separate words, the second by their being hyphened, and the third or closest by their being written continuously as one word.
In the absence of a clear express intent to abrogate rights and obligations - rights of the highest importance to the individual - those rights remain in force.
He was still very young, especially by Drow standards, but his smile had given way to an expression of restraint, and his little arms and legs had grown long and thick.
The value of the coffee becomes significantly higher when expressed in foreign currency.
Today, you can not only take a virtual spin in an Express LT - you can also drive the real thing.
Matters went on pretty well with us until my master was seized with a severe fit of illness, in consequence of which his literary scheme was completely defeated, and his condition in life materially injured; of course, the glad tones of encouragement which I had been accustomed to hear were changed into expressions of condolence, and sometimes assurances of unabated friendship; but then it must be remembered that I, the handsomest blue coat, was _still in good condition_, and it will perhaps appear, that if I were not my master's
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 262, July 7, 1827
The hostage-takers Bowden spoke with expressed little regret at their seizure of the embassy, but most, like Mirdamadi, lamented the role they played in cementing the repressive rule of the clerics.
Into the Den of Spies
It was an old-fashioned mill for grinding linseed, expressing the oil, and making oil-cake.
Whether Mr. Johnson was speaking metaphorically or just plain sillily, the fact he was expressing concern over adding many US military personnel to a small island displays concern for the overall impact on the Guamites … Guamians … Guamicans, hell just what does one call a resident of Guam?
Think Progress » Rep. Johnson worries that the island of Guam will ‘tip over and capsize’ if U.S. troops relocate there.
She listened some more and her expression grew serious.
A Stitch Before Dying
She sat with rapt expression reading her book.
Incommon law countries such as Canada, thetest of criminalliabilityis expressed by theLatinphrase, actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, which means that “the act does not make a person guilty unless the mind is also guilty”.
Man Not Criminally Responsible for Greyhound Bus Beheading; Victim’s Family Call for Punishment : Law is Cool
His demeanor was that of a person who is far from pleased with the course of events, and the word glum best describes his expression.
A Life of Gen Robert E Lee
Objective To study the effects of retinoic acid on the differentiation of human rhabdomyosarcoma cells and on the expression of myogenic regulatory factor (MRF).
The same mythologem is also active in Dylan's opus, where - with the inclusion of the deepest part of the psyche - came to the repetition and extension of the transformation process, explicitly expressed in Dylan's song "Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again" from 1966:
Expecting Rain
Adopting, the additional computative burden imposed by it notwithstanding, Schonfeld's modification of Airy's formulæ, he introduced into his equations a fifth unknown quantity expressive of a possible stellar drift in galactic longitude.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
Unless the context is made very clear, the reader or hearer cannot be sure whether such an expression as ‘fulsome praise’ is meant in the sense ‘generous in amount, extent’ or in the sense Perry suggests.
Often this is met with a quizzical expression and a demand for me to explain what I am asking them.
The nature of both universal and human expression is identical, the universal being mirrored in the human entity.
The majority reasoning was most clearly expressed by Justice Hayne.
I must admit to being a biased Observor here, as I do relatively poorly with the math elements of Economics, and I have attempted a writing career of expressing Economics in nonmathematical terms.
Math and Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Love for others, concern for justice and the poor are not so much a question of social morals as the expression of a sacramental conception of Christian morality because, through priestly ministry, the spiritual sacrifice of all the faithful is accomplished, in union with the sacrifice of Christ, the only mediator.
Pope on the Essential Elements of Priestly Ministry
Prita Mulyasari . From a working mom to an icon for justice and freedom of expression, Prita became the year's poster girl for battling the big guys.
Not to mention the expression suite-ing that results in the physical indistinguishability of voles across such a wide range of C-values.
A Dubious "Opportunity" for IDers
The Prince came without the men, money and guns that he had been expressly told that he needed.
The production of a visceral-specific anti-peptide antibody should permit a further investigation of its expression in smooth muscle cells.
The cosmic symbol of the rising sun expresses the universality of God above all particular places and yet maintains the concreteness of divine revelation.
Ignatius Insight Article on Restoring Ad Orientem
In the Virginia songs, on the other hand, the chorus is usually sung twice after each verse -- often the second time with some such interjaculatory expression as "I say now," "God say you must," as given in
Slave Songs of the United States.
When the gentleman who guided me through the bush left me on the side of a pali, I discovered that Kahele, though strong, gentle, and sure-footed, possesses the odious fault known as balking, and expressed his aversion to ascend the other side in a most unmistakable manner.
The Hawaiian Archipelago
The term proteome “proteins that are encoded and expressed by a genome” was coined in 1994 by Marc Wilkins, then a graduate student at Macquarrie University in Sydney, Australia.
The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
Secret ballot enables the voters to express their free will on the candidates without any restriction.
Sometimes scorn, and the expression of scorn, is warranted.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Our Own Randy Barnett Talks to Prof. Glenn Reynolds (InstaPundit) About Whether ObamaCare Is Constitutional
Thus, we can use measures of skewness for distributions of expression differences for classified genes to discriminate between models.
The 7 am express to Bristol will be taken off next month.
Under her they merely turn from pointillistic snapshots into abstract expressionism.
At an emotional news conference, members of the women's eight apologised for breaking national Olympic rules and expressed regret at condemning their team mate.
When the President acts pursuant to an express or implied authorization of Congress, his authority is at its maximum.
The beauty he has perceived must in accordance with our human needs find expression concretely, because it is only as he manifests himself in forms which we can understand that we are able to recognize him.
The Enjoyment of Art
In Mr. Barthel's homeland, nudism had taken root among young people as an expression of physical fitness and harmony with nature.
Wearing Only a Smile, Nudists Seek Out the Young and the Naked
The local curate expressed understanding at their sense of loss.
In this representation, which may be called playing a picture, action, even pantomimical action, was not expected; and all that was required of the performers, was to throw themselves into such a group as might express a marked and striking point of an easily remembered scene, but where the actors are at a pause, and without either speech or motion.
Saint Ronan's Well
He spent some time expressing his preference, for tactical reasons, for smaller neutron bombs before developing his argument.
But as if divining his thoughts -- just as they passed through the dining-room door, Euphra looked round at him, almost over Funkelstein's shoulder, and, without putting into her face the least expression discernible by either of the others following, contrived to banish for the time all Hugh's despair, and to convince him that he had nothing to fear from Funkelstein.
David Elginbrod
Friends and colleagues expressed astonishment last night as the news broke.
The girls attained dark expressions and each of them started growling slightly.
My favourite character was Pedro, Napoleon's Hispanic friend, whose quiet manner and woebegone expression were constant throughout the film.
It was his express wish that you should have his gold watch after he died.
Sometimes, with mechs, a smile could transform the face into something even less human—the expression somehow incongruous on the synthetic lips, a quaint and unsettling party trick, like a dog propped at the dinner table with a fork and spoon.
Chinese government has expressed its appreciation to the international munity for its pursuit of the "One China Policy".
That represents something of the heart of God as expressed in Genesis 3, because now we see the divorce papers being finalized as God disannuls the relationship He had with humanity and as the man and woman sort out memories of a lost opportunity.
What if it was expressive of the redundancy of these men's thoughts, their emptiness and circularity?
AUDIO FILE: listen to the French word "avocat" and hear the expressions, above:Download Avocat
French Word-A-Day:
At the best of times, science leaves me with a quizzical expression on my face and a less than articulate ‘eh?’
As it was, his expression hardened, the catlike sharpness of his pupils glinting dangerously.
Her smile fading and her expression turning to one of mild confusion, Harstad asked, “I beg your pardon?”
Star Trek: Typhon Pact Paths of Disharmony
please send the letter express
Your mail will probably be in the folder C: \Documents and Settings\your logon\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\ \Microsoft\Outlook Express, where your logon is your Windows user name, and a really long number is, well, you'll know it when you open the Identities folder.
Latest from Computerworld
In his provocative work, Clichés To Live By And The Death Of The Sixties, Anaxamander O'Flaherty, a necro-ethnolinguist at the University of Altamont, suggests that the expression, "Everything is everything," succumbed to a natural death brought on by such factors as over-utilization, deterioration of relevance, and lack of adaptability to altered states of reality vis-à-vis the American experience.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 3
Reliable information indicated that even the staff of the department expressed their bewilderment at some decisions that were taken with respect to the event.
A lack of contrition would be, for example, if the defendant was purporting to express regret for his crimes in the courtroom, but simultaneously sending anonymous tweets to the effect that the trial is a sham, the judge is bought off, etc.
The Volokh Conspiracy » More on the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Subpoena to Twitter, Demanding Identification of Anonymous Critic of Corbett’s
Any public expression of their faith was considered dangerous, and they had learned to dissimulate their specific Christian identity.
Jamaerah was barefoot, wearing only a pair of ragged stonewashed jeans, playing an invisible guitar to “Put Your Lights On,” rocking out while coffee brewed, singing his heart out in perfect pitch, wings spread, eyes closed, and an expression of sheer ecstasy gracing his beautiful face.
Surrender the Dark
Comparisons between ions are then expressed as a radius ratio, the ratio of the cation radius to the anion radius.
It completed her expression; it was as a very halo of Yankee saintship crowning the woman who in despite of poverty and every discouragement had always hated, to the very roots of her hair, anything like what she called a "sozzle;" who had always been screwed up and sharp set to hard work.
A Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's Life.
By the word spado, the Romans very forcibly expressed their abhorrence of this mutilated condition.
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 2
Sclavonic blood, or from the descendants of Rurik's companions, differ little in regularity of feature and expression of countenance from the handsomest races of Europe.
Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
Action and feeling are expressed through gesture and movement, the meaning of which is usually very clear.
The small head is solid gold in colour, with a happy, playful expression, wide square jaw and a red beard.
Brooklyn itself was fine but calling 278 an expressway is a laugh.
First we take Manhattan, then we..well...we go to Brooklyn.
Families expressed an increased desire to save but savings rarely increased.
Times, Sunday Times
Objective To study the expression of substance P (SP) in human sudden erethistic death, and to seek objective morphological supports to diagnose sudden erethistic death for forensic medicine.
We look forward to seeing the expression of the first big-time criminal as his ill-gotten gains are snatched away from him.
Objective To assess the effect of repeated gonadotropic stimulations on the developmental potential and growth differentiation factor-9 (GDF-9) expression of mouse oocytes.
The focus of this paper is on the Crustacea, the class of Arthropoda that expresses both hemoglobin and hemocyanin.
Cancer cells look too much like normal cells and most cancers (perhaps virally caused cancers are an exception) are probably expressing only genes that naturally are expressed in human cells.
The girl was aroused, her expression mirroring her mentor's almost exactly as she raptly observed the scene.
In the Midnight Hour
The U.S. S.ate Department Monday expressed surprise at the -- quote -- "abruptness" and said other countries face their own decisions on whether to stay or go.
CNN Transcript Apr 19, 2004
The expression of the enzymes glutamine synthetase and pyruvate carboxylase along with glial glutamate transporters
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Spare ones will be farmed out to other universities which have expressed an interest in getting involved.
Her expression collapsed into one of forlorn reminiscence before she continued on in her stranger’s voice.
Flowers in the Attic
Lawyers expressed concern that women could be coerced and forced to accept apparently voluntary agreements to their disadvantage.
Times, Sunday Times
What is tragically evident from the Harry Read Me file is the picture it gives of the CRU scientists hopelessly at sea with the complex computer programmes they had devised to contort their data in the approved direction, more than once expressing their own desperation at how difficult it was to get the desired results.
Coyote Blog » 2009 » November
Because SeTre-1 was expressed at a higher level in the prepupal stage, whereas
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Posters seem a somewhat antiquated form of expression, at least the paper kind.
I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to the staff for their patience.
Next introduced the network politics participation general theory; Finally introduced how network politics does participation becomes one new benefit turn of expression.
Before military action can lawfully be undertaken against Iraq, the security council must have indicated its clearly expressed assent.
He sat at the opposite side of the table from Nero, his expression unreadable due to the fact that his face was concealed by a smooth oval mask of flawless black glass.
The Overload Protocol
AIM:To observe the effect of resveratrol, reactivator of silent information regulator 2 (SIR2), on myocardial cell apoptosis induced by ischemia and reperfusion in rats and SIR2 expression.
Some of the more exotic, smoked flavors, including hickory and applewood, are express-smoked under pressure in a controlled-combustion smoke chamber.
He has expressed his pleasure with the leading U.S. presidential candidates 'views on immigration reform and the amnesty they support and his displeasure to "The New York Times" about what he calls immigrant bashing in America.
CNN Transcript Feb 11, 2008
They range from reserved and courtly to warm and expressive.
If the answer is Yes, we say that L is reducible to L², or that L² is at least as expressive as L.
Model Theory
Her emotion expressed itself in her earnest performance of her reverent daily devotions.
Emily Fox-Seton
The great surprise is that out of this slim body, a sonorous, powerful voice emanates vibrating with a immense nuances of expression.
Among the projects that will be jumpstarted with this new funding are the Midtown Tunnel tube in Norfolk, the extension of HOV/HOT Lanes on I95/395 and the widening of I-66 in Northern Virginia, work on the Coalfields Expressway in Southwest Virginia, and the widening and improving of multiple sections of Route 58 in southern and western Virginia.
UPDATED: Key Democratic panel approves McDonnell's transportation plan
“They look like—” His expression froze and he looked from Caitlyn to MacLean, then back to the map upon the table.
The Laird Who Loved Me
And in such a case envy will be sure to work and boil up to a more than ordinary height, while the envious person frets, and raves, and swells at the plenties and affluence of his abounding neighbour, and (as I may so express it) is even ready to burst with another's fulness.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
Meditation is one way to express mindfulness in a dedicated, concentrated manner.
He never uses allusions, elliptical expressions, never pretends to know what he doesn't.
If further interest is expressed we convey such interest to the accountancy firm acting for the vendor.
For Modistae such as Boethius of Dacia and Thomas of Erfurt, the proper subject of grammar is well-formed, significant speech (sermo congrue significativus), the principles of which are expressed in the modi significandi.
Thomas of Erfurt
However ecstatic expression is performed, its most enthusiastic performance spontaneously tunes and readies us to experience the divine and encounter the mysterium tremendum.
The Bushman Way of Tracking God
Alberto usually expressed his appreciation for their interest and declared that he had everything under control.
His dark hair was matted with sweat, his expression strained and empty, the expression of release.
Strangers In the Night
This distillation is a rigorous expression of the particular knowledge that has been found most relevant.
Archive 2007-07-01
When the cup of human life is so overflowing with woe and pain and misery, it seems to me a narrow dilettanteism or downright charlatanism to devote one's self to petty or bizarre problems which can have no relation to human happiness, and to prate of self-satisfaction and self-expression.
Woman Her Sex and Love Life
A veil of acknowledgment swept across her face as she slowly lifted her eyes and shifted her expression to see me.
Their romantic interplay is glamorized to its maximum expression.
It was created as an arena for the representation and expression of minority opinion.
GM has said that 5,000 of its GMC Savana and Chevrolet Express vans are affected by this safety recall - due to a faulty alternator, which is considered a fire risk.
Product Reviews Net
Wen's reform remarks made the front pages of the Modern Express in Jiangsu province, the Xiaoxiang Morning Post in Hunan province, the Beijing News and China Youth Daily.
Party meeting begins in Beijing amid increasing dissent over human rights
That he expressed the general feeling in our train was evidenced by the many women who leaned from the wagons, thrusting out gaunt forearms and shaking bony, labor-malformed fists at the last of Mormondom.
Chapter 13
There is, if I can use the expression, a sort of gangmaster cultural phenomenon in this, that you recruit top people who really do make a difference, who really do move markets and get business and are really high achievers.
Evening Standard - Home
All the ills of a mighty nation are expressed in a single high-pitched syllable.
Times, Sunday Times
The expression pervading the countenance of the one was vulgarity; of the other, that which is rarely found, except in persons of high birth.
Jack Sheppard A Romance
However that intoxicated expression immediately cleared when he recognized the face of the girl.
Above the drums, singing, and stomping of feet, women ululate shrilly to express their excitement.
With all the love a heart can hold on your birthday.On this special occasion,I want you to know it is you who make my life meaningful.My love for you is more than I can express.I am to share every day with you till the end of my life. Happy birthday!
Here are some excerpts from the opinions expressed by some eminent personalities.
Indians lived thousands of miles on every side from the sea, and had never seen it, yet they talked of the _pobbo mae re u_ -- the immense water; (_pobbo_, water; _mae_, great; _re_, the; _u_, an expression of magnification such as our _oh_).
Across Unknown South America
Express your thoughts in good English.
But when he spoke again it was only to express some anxiety about the conduct of the services while he was away.
His expressive face shines through the computer animation.
The Sun
Part of the privilege we have as Canadians is that we can express our beliefs openly.
Love unexpressed is sacred. It'shines like gems in the gloom the hidden heart.
In the Marine Corps, the nautical expression "Aye, Aye, Sir" is used when acknowledging a verbal order.
Poems and hymns of the Hebrew people are expressed in Psalms.
The music's expression ranges from declamatory to lyrical.
Magos Herrera has evolved into a global-centric musician, capable of expressing herself in a multiplicity of languages, and vocal settings; from straight-ahead, ballads, scats, and the various dimensions and invention of Afro-Latin music.
HW Pick: Magos Herrera, Luna Menguante Barluna «
The expression on his face confirmed me in my suspicions.
He said people should join a planned protest on July 1 to express their calls for democracy.
Music and art are an expression of the desire for a world free of injustice and war.
Your expression insofar as I could decipher it was one of quiet appreciation.
The Guardian World News
However, in response to the combined cues from both predators, mussels expressed neither inducible defense and had significantly reduced tissue growth.
Adrina had tried not to look too happy when she heard the news, but poor Tam's expression had been pathetically grateful.
Cells in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus have been shown to selectively express steroidogenic factor - 1.
Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering. Steve Maraboli
Sam and George try on their costumes, expressions like ‘wow’ and ‘cool’ are randomly spurted out.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Tom’s Review Forum
I wish to express my thanks to you for instructing my child.
From the Whiskey Rebellion to the Know-Nothings to the reborn Militias of the 1990s, the eastern establishment has always had reason to fear the expression of a certain kind of cussed American individualism that rebels against what it sees as the encroachments of the state.
Obama's Culture War
To examine expression levels, muscle samples were taken from three body positions (anterior, middle, and posterior) of red and white muscle of five parr and five smolt rainbow trout.
Why he should choose to express that interval by fifty, rather than by fifty-two, weeks, may be surmised in two ways: first, because the latter phrase would be unpoetical and unmanageable; and, secondly, because he might fancy that the week of the Pagan Theseus would be more appropriately represented by a lunar quarter than by a Jewish hebdomad.
Notes and Queries, Number 72, March 15, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
Marx may be described as a humanist, and in this century humanism has been given expression, in both secular and religious forms, in the philosophy of existentialism.
Again Arabs such as Avicenna and Abū'l-Barakāt had used equivalent Arabic termi - nology to express the same idea, and thirteenth-century
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
This last one—lip balm—is expressed with the mildest spit of emotion, the only hint of the suppressed rage against the dominatrix.
Guardastagno (forgetting the lawes of respect and loyall friendship) became overfondly enamoured, expressing the same by such outward meanes, that the Lady her selfe tooke knowledge thereof, and not with any dislike, as it seemed, but rather lovingly entertained; yet she grew not so forgetfull of her honour and estimation, as the other did of faith to his friend.
The Decameron
Indeed, the summation of the semi-cone angle degree on the right side of the expression is higher than the summation of the degree on the left side of the equation.
It was a good thing Mrs. Scott's mom was so involved with her son, or else she'd have noticed the horror-struck expression on my face.
Nor does the expression "overthrew" necessarily point to an earthquake.
Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
This must have been owing to her recollection of the audacious stranger in the neighbouring turret at the Fleur de Lys; but did that discomposure express displeasure?
Quentin Durward
Some of the premiers had earlier expressed skepticism about creating another level of bureaucracy.
Globe and Mail
Senator, his hair bristling out straight, his teeth set, his eye on fire, his whole expression sublimed by the ardor of battle.
The Dodge Club or, Italy in MDCCCLIX
On his face is the most comical, quizzical expression, which is probably exactly how most of us would look if stuffed.
I'm don't feel the need to obstreperously express disdain for all sports.
These results illustrate that variation exists in maize for the impact of ploidy on gene expression.
Thus to this congregation of excellent, undeceiving refuge, we pray that by the power of this prayer expressed from a heart filled with fervent devotion and humility, may the body, speech and mind of the sole of the Land of Snows, the supreme Ngawang Lobsang Tenzin Gyatso, be indestructible, unfluctuating and unceasing; may he live immutable for a hundred aeons, seated on a diamond throne, transcending decay and destruction.
The Long Life Prayer for the 14th Dalai Lama
Commenting on the blockade, the SA Chamber of Business in a statement expressed its "grave concern" at what it called the broader economic and business consequences of the action.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The apodeictical proposition cogitates the assertorical as determined by these very laws of the understanding, consequently as affirming a priori, and in this manner it expresses logical necessity.
The Critique of Pure Reason
It is an express provision.
I only know that it is the best which I can find, to express one excellence which we see in our Lord, which is like what we call modesty in common human beings.
Town and Country Sermons
Despite his considerable experiences of tight places Déprez’s heart was pounding, but when he stared across the table, her expression reassured him.
The Blackstone Key
I make no apology for the title of this chapter because it was an expression which my cousins used very frequently.
Some members expressed a fear that again euro-zone governments would "overpromise and underdeliver" in the face of the crisis.
Worries Abound That Fixes for Crisis Will Underdeliver
We focus on linguistic signals of discourse coherence, such as connectives (because, although) and referential expressions (anaphors, cataphors).
Gold's purity is expressed either as fineness or in karats.
Whereas SmHox8, SmHox1, and Smox1 were all strongly expressed in eggs and miracidia compared to other stages, SmHox1 was much more weakly expressed in all the other stages.
Thereby, in the absence of other myocyte structures as well as the absence of endogenous Cav1. 2, ectopic expression of BIN1 is sufficient to concentrate surface Cav1. 2.
PLoS Biology: New Articles
But when restraints to which he had long been accustomed and to which he yielded passive obedience were removed, and he was left in a condition of license, all the abeyant passions of his undisciplined nature were brought into prominence and antagonism with an environment where reciprocal obligations have not always found their highest expression.
The American Negro: What He Was, What He Is, and What He May Become: A Critical and Practical Discussion
“His face was pale, his figure wasted and bent, and his expression dejected and nervous; one might have taken him for a walking shadow.
Musicians of To-Day
The "hearts" and "love" that dot his texts and titles have a generic Valentine-card feel to them, but the passions and pulsations that animate his choreography ring with power and expressivity.
Earthly Figures in the Clouds
The ",nq" suffix here just asks the expression evaluator to remove the quotes when displaying the final value nq = no quotes.
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Any public activity that would require women to depart from this modest dress in mixed company is expressly forbidden.
He also expressed his disappointment at the lack of support from his colleagues in academic circles.
The staff expressed the hope that the administration and governing board would act in conformity with these standards.
But oath-taking, though important, was expressly presented in the body of the work as adding nothing to the force of contracts, so this argument must be treated with some reserve.