
How To Use Explication In A Sentence

  • Few Afternoon Plays are prefaced by an array of talking heads, including the Archbishop of Canterbury, in an explication of the text.
  • His explication of this poem demonstrates how precise its images are.
  • I daresay there's many "world junkies" whose interest in explication doesn't rule out (i.e. over-ride completely) a liking for exploitative and excusatory modes and their results. More Aesthetics
  • Here there's no explication, no attempt at rationalisation, and indeed there's a certain illogic to the whole sequence. Strange Fiction 8
  • My first thought was that he was being a little extreme, but on further explication his reasoning seems sound.
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  • His intention was to defend the Cartesian doctrine of material substance against the Peripatetic doctrine of substantial forms in his explication of transubstantiation.
  • It is this purgative function of art to which Ernst Gombrich has appealed in his explication of the ‘grotesque.’
  • Many of the prophecies of the foregoing chapters had their accomplishment in Sennacherib's invading Judah and besieging Jerusalem, and the miraculous defeat he met with there; and therefore the story of this is here inserted, both for the explication and for the confirmation of the prophecy. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • The jury listened to his impassioned explication of article 306.
  • For an important but limited beginning, Stover's text forms only an incipient explication of the African American mother tongue.
  • Certainly, "Kinyarwanda" is an important film but in trying to impart the whole story of this horrific tragedy, the filmmakers resort to static discussion and explication. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • In diction that juxtaposes archaisms with a lyricism that defies easy explication, McCarthy offers not a simple subject position but a widening pool of imagistic encounter.
  • Krüger and Kühner retain them, as added _explicationis causá_.] [Footnote 12: The daric was a Persian gold coin, generally supposed to have derived its name from Darius I.; but others think this doubtful. The First Four Books of Xenophon's Anabasis
  • A part ca je ne donnerai aucune explication sur ma bande son. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The first ten verses of that chapter (as the scripture is always the best commentary upon itself) are the best explication of the fifth verse of this epistle of Jude. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Many people are devoted to the explication of the text but not to the experience of the text.
  • A lot of those differences are obvious and don't require tremendous explication in the media.
  • Et j'ai vue aussi l'article sur Second life, les informations sont complet, et les explications sont claires, de plus, les interactions sont vives. Bloggy Friday ce vendredi! — Climb to the Stars
  • The stanza turns the poem into an explication by allegory of Catholic doctrine.
  • She falls into wordy explication and overly signalled conceits.
  • The main accent falls on the significance of Christ's action, and the explication of sin through the figure of Adam serves to clarify this significance.
  • He spoke to anti-apartheid activists who had been against him so it's a resolution, a political story, and explication of how that record was made, why it was so special from a musical standpoint. Regina Weinreich: Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory on HBO
  • Opera omnia ¦ haetenus edita auctor ante obitum recensuit ¦ posthuma vero, totius naturae explicationem complectentia, in lucem nunc primum prodeunt ex bibliotheca ¦ Henrici-Ludovici-Haberti Mon-Morii ¦ [Accessit Samuelis Sorberii praefatio, in qua de vita et moribus Petri Gassendi disseritur.] Pierre Gassendi
  • To silence this explication it will be sufficient to produce a few out of many passages of the New Testament where the term fulfil occurs in connexion with the term law. The Grounds of Christianity Examined by Comparing The New Testament with the Old
  • In the Assize Court today the jury listened to his impassioned explication of article 306 which has become known as the Bardi Theorem. PROSECUTOR
  • We would like to take this opportunity to respond to the commentary with more explication of the content of the papers themselves.
  • Each essay is carefully balanced between situating the passage in its religious context and literary-critical explication of the text as such.
  • The Sermon on the Mount is, in many ways, an explication of the righteousness of the kingdom, evident even in the blessedness promised in the Beatitudes.
  • For those readers who are accustomed to more detailed explications, the chapters will read less as case studies and more as efforts to wring from Freud's original texts some interpretive potential.
  • Text is always an innocuous beam of pure starlight which personal experience * never* has any sort of bearing on; it merely enters through your ajna chakra and slips down slowly into your throat, from which elegant and suitably academic explications de texte flow like the finest lavender honey made by lissome elven beekeepers. Ok so now I'm getting peeved.
  • One could say that Dixon proceeds through a kind of expository shorthand -- "Rings twice more and stops" -- that while "attached" to the character as a frame of reference is otherwise a way of dispensing with the overscrupulous explication of consciousness that so often and so tediously passes for "psychological realism" in contemporary literary fiction. Narrative Strategies
  • [Footnote: As Buffon has well said: -- "L'idée de ramener l'explication de tous les phénomènes à des principes mecaniques est assurement grande et belle, ce pas est le plus hardi qu'on peut faire en philosophie, et c'est Descartes qui l'a fait." -- _l.c. _ p. 50.] Darwiniana : Essays — Volume 02
  • Bristling at the term "preservationist," the Ramblers articulated their quest in manifestoes that appeared in album booklets, along with detailed song explications, always honoring the sources. Better Than the Real Thing?
  • Defend your claims with detailed explication of Hamlet's words.
  • The classic literary explication of Coleridges' poem is that the river and the caverns are the human mind.
  • This would be true by definition; just as the investigation and explication of the conceit is what defines the process as fabulation, the source and nature of the main conceit (s) is what defines the process as scientific. Archive 2005-12-01
  • This matter stands in need both of a higher indagation, and of a longer explication than is pertinent to the present inquisition.
  • I have here instanced in the corpuscularian Hypothesis, as that which is thought to go farthest in an intelligible Explication of the Qualities of Bodies; and I fear the Weakness of humane Understanding is scarce able to substitute another, which will afford us a fuller and clearer discovery of the necessary Connexion, and Locke's Philosophy of Science
  • Although this is a complex topic requiring much more information for full explication, data from my laboratory reveal an intriguing pattern of findings.
  • There is not room here for a full explication of these distinctively Lutheran perspectives.
  • In his latest article he provides a lucid explication of the potent political assumptions contained in the non-controversial examples commonly used in such texts.
  • But this resurrection is so often artless and joyless gloating, reducing an intense physiological/psychological experience to vulgar explication.
  • Non je ne donnerai aucune explication sur ce que j'écoute!! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • It would be all one to me, who were the questionist and who the answerer, supposing the question be aptly put so as to draw forth the explication most fully. The Whole Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A. with a Memoir of the Author. Vol. VI.
  • This distinction between wanting and valuing requires far fuller explication than it has received so far.
  • The statistical analyses and their detailed explication will be most appropriate for researchers who share this particular academic niche.
  • His detailed explications of a single patient's symptoms, his willingness to share stories from his own life and his references to medical texts from earlier centuries are not only atypical of how most neurologists work today, they defy the status quo.
  • This proposition is in need of more explication.
  • Any attempt to give a final explication of the meaning of a text is doomed.
  • The jury listened to his impassioned explication of article 306.
  • In brief, it is an explication to the design method of the green heart in campus.
  • The Good Soldier is a text well trodden by critical explication.
  • "Heathers" was a brilliant over-the-top explication of how it felt to attend high school in the 1980s.
  • A "poem," he says in explication of the theme of eternality expressed above, "is the creation of actions according to the unchangeable forms of human nature, as existing in the mind of the creator, which is itself the image of all other minds" (485). Shelley's Golden Wind: Zen Harmonics in _A Defence of Poetry_ and 'Ode to the WestWind'
  • McKen criticises the lack of explication of what the term "areas" means.
  • The following explication of a single poem by Alvarez also demonstrates the degree to which this interplay both permeates the content of her work and shapes her poetics.
  • In the space of a few introductory pages, before an explication of the selected novels, Mr Millard has to condense a certain amount of theoretical thought.
  • An explication how the parts of the Glass become bent by sudden cold, and how kept from extricating themselves by the contignation of the Micrographia Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses with Observations and Inquiries Thereupon
  • His explications of scientific concepts can be equally reductionist.
  • The moment itself seems beyond rational explication, but this is less important than the narrator's search for the proper artistic expression of it.

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