

[ US /ˌɛkspɫəˈkeɪʃən/ ]
  1. a detailed explanation of the meaning of something
  2. the act of making clear or removing obscurity from the meaning of a word or symbol or expression etc.

How To Use explication In A Sentence

  • Few Afternoon Plays are prefaced by an array of talking heads, including the Archbishop of Canterbury, in an explication of the text.
  • His explication of this poem demonstrates how precise its images are.
  • I daresay there's many "world junkies" whose interest in explication doesn't rule out (i.e. over-ride completely) a liking for exploitative and excusatory modes and their results. More Aesthetics
  • Here there's no explication, no attempt at rationalisation, and indeed there's a certain illogic to the whole sequence. Strange Fiction 8
  • My first thought was that he was being a little extreme, but on further explication his reasoning seems sound.
  • His intention was to defend the Cartesian doctrine of material substance against the Peripatetic doctrine of substantial forms in his explication of transubstantiation.
  • It is this purgative function of art to which Ernst Gombrich has appealed in his explication of the ‘grotesque.’
  • Many of the prophecies of the foregoing chapters had their accomplishment in Sennacherib's invading Judah and besieging Jerusalem, and the miraculous defeat he met with there; and therefore the story of this is here inserted, both for the explication and for the confirmation of the prophecy. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • The jury listened to his impassioned explication of article 306.
  • For an important but limited beginning, Stover's text forms only an incipient explication of the African American mother tongue.
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