How To Use Exam In A Sentence

  • She is also part of a large group of oceanographers and taphonomists of the SSETI project (Shelf / Slope Taphonomic Initiative) examining carbonate preservation and destruction across the shelf and slope regions in Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas using submersibles.
  • I'm feeling a bit edgy about the exam tomorrow.
  • Our interneuronal connections in our brain, for example, process information at chemical signaling speeds of a few hundred feet per second, compared to a billion feet per second for electronics - electronics is a million times faster.
  • A liquor pour cost of 18.3%, for example, means that it cost a little more than 18 cents to generate a dollar of liquor sales.
  • Save for a worktable placed almost exactly in the center of the floor, I see only a few benches, some unlit rush lamps, a large set of scales, and a wooden crate, which I discover upon examination contains small crystal vials waiting to be filled. Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
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  • For example, paper might appear to be two-dimensional because it is so thin.
  • Designed and built by hiveMODULAR partner Bryan Meyer and his wife, Anne Ryan, this little woodland getaway is a great example of how versatility makes small spaces livable. Jason Sahler | Inhabitat
  • The example of the first fighter aces fixed itself in the imaginations of a generation being born just as they had met their deaths. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • For example, I see in yonder cupboard near which you are standing, several of what you call boxes (but like everything else in Flatland, they have no tops nor bottoms) full of money; I see also two tablets of accounts. Flatland: a romance of many dimensions (Illustrated)
  • Another mystery surrounds the only example of body armour to be found among the primates.
  • Following the example set by her father, she has fulfilled her role and done her duty.
  • My best wishes for your success in the examination and look forward to hearing in due course that you have passed.
  • High-quality sprinkler systems and new fireproof roofing materials, for example, can reduce the chance of fire.
  • The exams are just around the corner and students are bogged down with preparation work for practicals and orals but the Transition year students found time to raise funds for those less fortunate.
  • The attitude of sex offense and the examination of mass media were the topics less to be reported lately.
  • Furthermore, in order to assess the special disability and whether there has been unconscionable conduct, it is essential to also examine the actual actions of those against whom that conduct is impugned.
  • The machine then applies a thin, even layer of cells to a microscope slide for examination.
  • This blogger is a seriously insecure woman who needs to examine her shaky sense of privilege before again attempting to write about transpeople. The Brave One Goes Crazy And Murders Weekend Box Office
  • I suggest you follow Rosie's example and start doing regular exercise.
  • Before scrubbing, gowning, and gloving, the surgeon usually performs a rectal examination and proctoscopy to suction out any remaining stool in the distal rectum.
  • For example, it was embodied in a system of "informal economics". Critical Social Research
  • His Eminence Don Pelasio de Labastida, an eighteenth century bishop of Mexico City set a scandalous example of such indulgence in earthly pleasures. To the charreada with stars in her eyes
  • But up to one in four students are said to use it when cramming for exams. The Sun
  • Yogurt manufacturers, for example, portray fit, lively people, glowing with health.
  • I boxed, swam, sailed, rode horses, lived in the open an arrantly healthful life, and passed life insurance examinations with flying colours. Chapter 29
  • The state has also passed laws that are inimical to the short-term interests of particular capitalists, but necessary in the longer-term interests of capitalism itself - for example, health and safety legislation.
  • The Trabant, for example, boasts textile floor covering and a two-tone horn.
  • He bragged that he had passed the exam easily.
  • For example, you may not be allowed to study, say, economics unless you also take statistics or computing.
  • HIV-positive Pedro Zamora from the San Francisco season, for example, put a face to the stigmatized disease of AIDS and did a world of good with his exposure -- even getting the recognition of then-president Bill Clinton. Ryan O'Connell: Auditioning for the Real World Is Too Real
  • Back in the mid-1980s, for example, knee replacement surgery was considered a success if the patient wound up with 90 degrees of flexion, which is "nothing near normal," he says. Latest News
  • And since the Department of Public Prosecutions are so hot on prosecuting hatred and bigotry, let me point out an example to them.
  • A delectable path, for example, runs up behind the cemetery, bordered by butterfly orchids and lithospermum and aristolochia and other plants worthy of better names; it winds aloft, under shady chestnuts, with views on either side. Alone
  • For example, utter the words: "A house is my fire," and observe the comparative duration of time in the pronunciation of each word, the comparative stress, and the relative pitch (e.g. of _a_ and _fire_). The Principles of English Versification
  • On two consecutive nights of Hardball, Chris Matthews brought up this same trio as examples of Gore's "delusionary" thinking. Going After Gore
  • Along the way, I must qualify extreme principles in various ways and then challenge my students with examinations and term paper reports about my lectures.
  • For example, Emperor Norton said that Governor Wise of Virginia was to be removed from office by royal decree.
  • The class approach centers on the examination of the tactics of class domination and the dynamics of the class struggle.
  • We examined publication bias and related biases in funnel plots and carried out a test of funnel plot asymmetry.
  • First examine the entries on the marriage register.
  • For example, the origin of ivory can be identified by its strontium isotopic composition, which reflects the diet of the elephant.
  • The graves were of different sizes and some were covered with flagstones, some of the urns were sent to Dublin for further examination.
  • There are innumerable other examples. Times, Sunday Times
  • Estuaries (where fresh river water meets salty ocean water) are examples of brackish waters.
  • With automobile insurance, for example, an insurance company accepts part of the risk that you will be involved in a car accident. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Call me a moon-eyed dreamer: I still believe the work of the serious writer will be recognized for what it is, whether it takes place examples chosen only for clarity and expediency in Ambergris, or 351 West 52 St New York City Apt # D RIGHT NOW, dammit. Evil Monkey on Fantasy
  • Somebody comes forward, examines, and then draws from out the grave, where it has lain, directly under the body, a knife -- a knife of peculiar shape and workmanship -- a long, keen, _surgeon's knife_! The Diamond Coterie
  • For example, male orangs are typically much larger than females and have longer canine teeth.
  • Even where, for example in an unfair dismissal case, the employment tribunal makes an order that the employee be re-employed by the employer in one way or another, if the employer fails to do so there is no contempt of court.
  • Indeed, the schemes of co-determination in Germany constitute functioning examples of shareholders sharing control with one other stakeholder group, namely the employees.
  • Drinking among the upper classes of Persian society, for example, took place at secret parties reminiscent of Greek symposia with their strictly ritualized etiquette and emphasis on poetry and discussion.
  • Physical examination Your doctor will also examine you for additional clues. BMA Family Doctor Guide - Heart Disease
  • You must get a minimum of 60 questions right to pass the examination.
  • Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge.
  • If any are found, a biopsy then takes place, where small samples of body tissue are examined under the microscope for abnormal cells. The Sun
  • Such bottom-land as borders the Pamunkey river, for example, might be called undulating, compared to the general greater flatness of the whole great region under consideration. Agricultural, Geological, and Descriptive Sketches of Lower North Carolina, and the Similar Adjacent Lands
  • Watch our expert show you an example of jamming in an Ab major scale in this free video clip on music theory.
  • Here is a supreme example of sequential planning.
  • The exam results could determine your career.
  • Nevertheless, CNN has talked to a "language analyst" who gets paid to "[analyze and catalogue] trends in word usage and word choice and their impact on culture," and they report that Obama was too "professorial," and now America is at grave risk of not passing its midterm exams on the oil spill. Obama Oil Spill Speech Criticized By CNN's Language Analyst For Not Being Moronic Enough [UPDATE]
  • Probably the most famous example of this, and also a good illustrative case, is the "green revolution" in agriculture. Science, Technology, and Social Change
  • See, for example, the comments set out as notes under the entries for Thoosuchus and Yarengia.
  • Radiographs of the fingertips of rock climbers, for example, show unusual bony spurs and thickened phalanges.
  • “Part of an adult faith, for example, is a commitment to the inviolability of human life from its first moment, radically opposing the principle of violence, precisely in the defense of the most defenseless of human creatures,” the pope said. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • How ironic that a German footballer should provide us with sport's finest example of Schadenfreude.
  • The town itself is a wonderful example of a lived-in, somewhat shopworn, urban relic.
  • The most common is what's called a dipole antenna, a good example being those T-shaped, plastic covered wires that came with home stereo sets once upon a time. local, state, business and sports news
  • For example, some professionals are evaluated according to amounts billed to clients.
  • Examination papers will be handed back after the marks have been officially recorded.
  • A current example is a digital camera on a chip that includes the imager, all control electronics, and an analog-to-digital converter - all on the same silicon chip.
  • Profound stupor associated with depression also responds to IV sodium amobarbital, thus permitting conversation between the patient and examiner, which often reveals depressive symptoms. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Let's remember, for example, how much talk there was during the early 1970s when Olga Korbut performed the backward somersault in tuck position on the beam.
  • Success in that final exam ensures that their parents' dream, which by now should also be their own, of a cap and gown clad university graduate is within grasp.
  • International relations examines the political relations between countries and the dynamics within the worldwide system of states.
  • His maternal grandfather, for example, would probably be called something completely different. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • Petrocelli Monday afternoon began an aggressive cross-examination after Simpson finished five hours of gentle questioning by his own lawyer Friday and Monday.
  • As an example of such a substance one can put forward amino-valeric acid. Albrecht Kossel - Nobel Lecture
  • Their courage was an example to all of us.
  • Are these examples clear, or is there a degree of imprecision in the case law?
  • Advanced Mobile Phone Service ( AMPS ) is an example of a 1 G mobile network standard.
  • For example, Heinrich's work with ravens shows that the carnivorous birds will store bits of meat only for the short term.
  • He examines orders of elements and proves (although not in this notation) that there is a subgroup for every number dividing the order of a cyclic group.
  • The most egregious example is in payment protection insurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nonetheless, this era had the same conflicts (over cultural diversity and nativism, for example) as later periods, and established lasting policies toward immigrants and aliens.
  • A typical write-up of last August's vote in the New York Times, for example, focused on the way the president had "outmaneuvered" the Democrats. Why Obama's Support For FISA Cave-In Is Such A Downer
  • Meanwhile, we've now got 160 examples of political nepotism in Australia which you can read in full here.
  • Ultrastructural examination failed to detect viral inclusions, although the tissue exhibited a sizable degree of postmortem autolysis.
  • Choose illustrative examples from the children's everyday experience.
  • For example, in proofs about sets, Venn diagrams provided a useful part of a concept image in some cases.
  • A classic example of cleaning fan losses can be found at headlands where combine speeds suddenly drop.
  • Examine the painful area carefully in an effort to localize the most tender point.
  • For example, the institute's Mountain Stewards coach national forest visitors on the fine points of low-impact recreation and camping.
  • Wearing baggies and doing big drops (as an example) doesn't limit your riding.
  • What a suasory example it is for those, who through some freak of fortune, being enabled to shake off the dust of honest toil and industry, are very ready to look downward with contempt upon the rank they have just left. Honor Edgeworth Ottawa's Present Tense
  • One example is bookmaking - punters can now both back and lay horses over the web.
  • Every few minutes a piercing ringing sound could be heard when the inspector examined each alarm.
  • Some taxonomic groups are particularly species rich in a global context: any impact of climate warming on such species, for example, willows (Salix spp.), sawflies, stoneflies, wading birds, and salmonid fish, is likely to affect their diversity at the global level. Arctic environments north of the treeline
  • Yield the title of the website, for example the thread that IT myna makes whole story, become a story to move toward the core element of ideal outcome, make graven one part.
  • In ways often too subtle to be conscious but sometimes overt, I believe, blacks remain devalued in American schools, where, for example, a recent national survey shows that through high school they are still more than twice as likely as white children to receive corporal punishment, be suspended from school, or be labeled mentally retarded. Race and the Schooling of Black Americans
  • For example, a wireless link between a cell phone and an earpiece supporting an audio link is currently available in the marketplace.
  • Its best influence may be indirect, by the example of sudden, transforming prosperity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Evidence from pages 46, 47 and 48 of the transcript of the examination of Luke Brock was read into the court record.
  • Croft twiddled a silver crown piece in his hand and examined it with great interest.
  • To a lesser extent, the jaw depressors (mainly digastric, geniohyoid and lateral pterygoid muscles) were examined.
  • The study examined doctors' attitudes to a new law designed to give patients more control over determining end-of-life-care decisions. Times, Sunday Times
  • As to the pay of the Mercenaries it nearly filled two esparto-grass baskets; there were even visible in one of them some of the leathern discs which the Republic used to economise its specie; and as the Barbarians appeared greatly surprised, Hanno told them that, their accounts being very difficult, the Ancients had not had leisure to examine them. Salammbo
  • In Yemen, for example, rhino horn is carved into handles used in daggers called jambiyas.
  • So maybe BP isn't the best example yet, but clearly businesses that embrace principles of social entrepreneurship--discovering how to "unstick" society when it has gotten stuck, by changing the system--are having widespread impact in making the new buzzphrase "social value" the litmus test for success for not only social entrepreneurs but profit-oriented businesses, too. Marian Salzman: Reinvention, Part II
  • To examine possible effects of predators on clam growth, I first compared variation in clam growth rate among habitats with different predation pressure, and between predator-exclusion cages and uncaged controls.
  • These results illustrate the importance of examining for nonhistorical signals.
  • An exposed ribcage or the exo-skeleton of a Tyrinid monster are good example.
  • That social science does not examine a phenomenon does not compel us to conclude that the phenomenon does not exist. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • She must reconcile herself to the fact that she must do some work if she wants to pass her exams.
  • My thoughts wandered from the exam questions to my interview the next day.
  • Japan, for example, has no natural resources: no oil, no diamonds, no other rich mineral deposits.
  • For example here was the winnt. sif file from my current install: Separate Data From Windows On A Standalone Partition | Lifehacker Australia
  • His was by no means the only example of academicians' pettiness.
  • For example, someone with a sore throat should gargle with salt water.
  • For example, the request variable is bound to the request zone, which means you can use a dot notation such as request.myData to access myData in the request zone.
  • I thought of biochemistry in our neighboring sciences and of psychophysics, and more recently of psychopharmacology, as examples of fruitful splitting and recombination in our own science.
  • Furthermore, outgroup comparison (with macaques, for example) indicates that some of these characters are primitive for the cercopithecid clade that includes these species (Papionina). Archive 2006-06-01
  • There is much in the words and thoughts of the Romantic poets that is excessive or impractical, but their beliefs and the passion with which they pursued them still serve as an example.
  • We use them as an example to show other parts of the company what can be done. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, the definition of a financial audit explicitly includes examination of systems of internal control whereas the commercial audit does not.
  • They say that the mark of a great team is the ability to grind out results when they are below par, and this was another conspicuous example.
  • If a product cannot be cleaned by any method, the manufacturer is required to attach a label saying so—for example, “Do not wash, do not dry-clean” or “Cannot be successfully cleaned.” HOME COMFORTS
  • This paper deals with geophysical exploration methods used in mineral resource survey, their application conditions, instrument equipment and application examples.
  • Other examples of dense regular connective tissue include most ligaments, aponeuroses, and the cornea of the eye.
  • For example, last year our wildlife department verified natural reproduction in both rainbows and browns in the Lower Mountain Fork river, which is a fantastic year-round tailrace fishery in SE Oklahoma. Hatchery Fish: The Weakest Link
  • For example, consider the disparity in flight rates between Saturn 1B and Saturn V during the Skylab program or between the Soyuz and Proton in the Russian Salyut & Mir programs. Ares V - Ares 1 = Ares IV - NASA Watch
  • For example, one of IBM's patents is on the idea of marking text in a word-processor in different colors for correcting.
  • For it is an unexamined assumption that equality must be connected with representation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The stiff entrance examination removes 60 per cent of prospective students.
  • Artists should be nominated for an overall appreciation of their work to date, of which we should be shown the finest examples.
  • For example, synchrotrons, cyclotrons, linear accelerators and interplanetary spacecraft all cost too much for single investigators.
  • Encouraged by her example, they all set to work with a fresh sense of purpose.
  • In sampling, we choose a small number of items which we think are typical of the whole and examine the sample.
  • For example, the content of a curriculum vita was reformatted to look like a letter, a dictionary and so on.
  • It is a classic example of how not to design a new city centre.
  • The example he gives is of tender and incomplete feelings of love for another. Philosophy at the Limit
  • But unlike Karl Barth or Paul Tillich, for example, who saw themselves as fusing philosophy and theology, Rosenstock-Huessy refused to see himself primarily as a philosopher or theologian ” though when the term philosopher was qualified by the preceding ˜social™, he was more willing to accept that designation. [ Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
  • For example, the huge student population makes it impossible for teachers to conduct seminars or offer individual tutorials to students.
  • You could, for example, take the Urban Birds or Marine Birds tours; familiarise yourself with the amphibians living in the ponds up on Montjuïc, or inspect the biodiversity of the Parc del Castell de l'Oreneta through a magnifying glass. 10 of the best outdoors activities in Barcelona
  • I then said that no one I knew could serve as a better example of martyrdom than Joan of Arc, before relating a short account of her life for the rest of the essay.
  • When a person has any kind of injury - a broken shin, for example, or a sunburn - the pain system becomes hypersensitized, firing up in response to normally painless sensations induced by, for instance, walking or a gentle massage. Undefined
  • There also may be inconsistencies in the patient's presentation, history, and physical examination.
  • For example, while acknowledging that Whitney wants us to worship religious monuments and funerary traditions, we may wonder which Church he is referring to.
  • He carried out a post-mortem examination.
  • Other examples of affective lability can be found in women with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.
  • Note the language she uses - for example she talks about defeminising herself.
  • Other eurythermal ectothermic marine organisms have been examined for their HSP responses.
  • While some things bug Yagoda he despises "enthuse," for example, he has a healthy skepticism toward language extremists. Oh, the irony, part 2
  • A lack of contrition would be, for example, if the defendant was purporting to express regret for his crimes in the courtroom, but simultaneously sending anonymous tweets to the effect that the trial is a sham, the judge is bought off, etc. The Volokh Conspiracy » More on the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Subpoena to Twitter, Demanding Identification of Anonymous Critic of Corbett’s
  • The welfare/workfare transition thus represents an example of qualitative restructuring in state institutions and regulatory settlements.
  • Someone who writes a literary memoir, for example, is by necessity examining issues of self and identity.
  • His statement won't bear the lawyer's examinations.
  • They are demeaning the quality of public discourse, and setting an appalling example to young people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Week two of our special photographic supplement presents outstanding examples of beauty frozen by the camera. Times, Sunday Times
  • A varietal is a wine made predominantly from one specific grape and is labeled as such, for example, California Merlot.
  • A focus on texts and their position in all kinds of Italian secular vocal music of the time leads to a rather wordy book not very easy to follow in its layout, especially when a music example precedes its reference.
  • For example, all bathrooms include a high-pressure shower system and an electric hairdryer for the convenience of guests.
  • It could, for example, be used on rails in rural areas, which often get coated with a film of rust when not used at weekends.
  • In the process of designing courses and curriculums I re-examined how colleges do it.
  • The success of the operation was entirely due to his example and his rapid appreciation of the situation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Manufacturers are examining ways of using cementitious or fibrous core insulating materials in place of the plastic insulations.
  • All 44 diocesan bishops and 10 suffragans were asked to attend the meeting to discuss October's Windsor Report, a document produced to examine the crisis.
  • However, the examination of specific cases may still yield valuable insight into the relationship between phylogeny, ontogeny and ecology.
  • We may be informed, for example, that the numbers have a dense linear ordering, that there are associative and commutative operations of addition and multiplication, and so on.
  • Test cricket can examine bravery, it can expose technical frailties, and it can take players into new territory. Times, Sunday Times
  • The light-gray tailgate is made completely from lightweight but highly robust Lexan, allowing a view of the aluminum structure that makes up the rigidifying frame, for example. Autoblog
  • In the following example, Spring would pass a reference to the Spring-managed object with a bean name of "dataSource" to the annotated setter method.
  • These cells change their ultimate destiny, or fate, as the disc regenerates tissue so that, for example, instead of regenerating leg structures they form wing structures.
  • The ideological clash between monotheism and polytheism furnishes the world with one of its first examples of asymmetrical warfare.
  • Again borrowing heavily from the Ghosd examples/animation.c file, the main loop creates a 400x400 alpha-blended surface area.
  • However, if you choose to travel further afield, to Ringsend for example, a woman's wash, cut and blow-dry will cost just £13.50 in one salon.
  • The pressure of school tests is forcing children stricken with serious infections into school to sit exams.
  • Obviously, one way to do it is to actually make them owners, for example, with an employee stock ownership plan.
  • When the transmission type smoke meter examination is not good with the standard neutral light filter neutral degree, this kind of affect can affect its prepare result and the actual use.
  • One best and common example is the red diamond-shaped posters with the character 福 pinyin: fú, or "auspiciousness" which are displayed around the house and on doors. Sweetnicks- Food & Life - It's All at Sweetnicks
  • Some women, for example, may expect that their honey will handle everything.
  • Barilla is another example: it is built on the classic Italian image of tomato sauce, pasta, a carefree way of life, songs and sun.
  • The last datable examples of ancient Egyptian writing are found on the island of Philae, where a hieroglyphic temple inscription was carved in AD 394 and where a piece of demotic graffiti has been dated to 450 AD.
  • For example, a person may have several spirits of acrophobia (fear of heights).
  • Another example is the overworked ‘Prelude in C sharp minor,’ where he avoids extra-added stringendos in favor of a steadier tempo throughout.
  • An example is the stress on a material, such as a construction beam in a bridge.
  • The recommended steroid drugs are called dexamethasone and betamethasone.
  • This can be done at the exhibition by examining historic objects found during archaeological digs. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, pilsner is one of the most popular lagers, while porter and stout are examples of ales.
  • In the second example the rosette is substituted for the inner curves of the spiral, and the intermediate space is filled in with the true lotus motive. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • By offering protection, not suffocation, Europe could set an example for the world in the best way to foster digital innovation.
  • Unsurprisingly, the story is much more complex than the headline suggests and provides yet another example of the story being spun to meet a commercial agenda.
  • This is true with the exception that of "Decorated" architecture there are but few examples, and it is probable that very little new work was done in connection with this cathedral until the monastery became vastly enriched by Abbot Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Gloucester [2nd ed.] A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espicopal See
  • Other kinds of human communication [besides speech] are sometimes called language: body language, or kinesics, is one example.
  • Absently coiling a blonde curl around her fingers she re-examined the office she was gradually growing familiar with.
  • The paper ballots will be checked at election offices while votes recorded in the machines will be examined at an army base.
  • Police cars were parked outside the address yesterday as forensics officers examined the scene. The Sun
  • Many simple things, for example picking up an item, activating a switch or initiating a dialog, can be done with a single mouse click.
  • Effects on family life probably include contrary tendencies - accelerating or delaying decisions to start families, for example.
  • I have something of a soft spot for early 1970s British bubblegum, and this is one of the best examples.
  • For example, if my washing machine oversuds and overflows, I think it's amusing; the person who has to clean the mess does not. All articles at Blogcritics

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