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How To Use Even so In A Sentence

  • It's a bit unexpected not to include any measures of syntactic complexity - even something as simple as mean sentence length.
  • Even so it is a very secure bend and can put up with a good deal of strain and movement. It can also be used to tie a bend with thin line.
  • I don't think you're playing devil's advocate (a word every/filmer seems to want use) simply by making entirely senseless comparisons between films like Transformers and There Will Be Blood, and ranting on with points of view that even someone in defense of Transformers would never use. Things I Noticed While Watching 20 Minutes of JJ Abrams’ Star Trek | /Film
  • Not surprisingly, there are about three Joes for every Jane – but even so, that means there are over 8 million Janes.
  • All of these documentary specials rely heavily on source material for visuals and even sound.
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  • It has to be something of substance, some legal, moral or even social duty, but it has to have substance.
  • In fact, it took a highly deceptive sales campaign to get Americans to support the invasion, and even so, voters were never as solidly behind the war as America's political and pundit elite.
  • Even so, there's something odd about finding the everyman denim dungaree for sale at the store that once offered the promise of making every man a gentleman. 'Fake Authenticity' for Sale
  • There are grunts, an accompanying triangle, and even something like be-bop drums.
  • Even so, they wallow in the lifelessness of the mood of despair and they make no effort to step out of their lethargy.
  • But the reprography industry--which specializes in printing architectural and engineering documents, aerial maps and even some billboard graphics--lives on. The Business Of Big Prints
  • I was smarting from the realisation that nothing was every going to happen between me and my friend, and I couldn't focus enough to be involved with someone else, even someone as kind as the waiter.
  • Birds fluttered by, and I think there were even some butterflies.
  • Drugs include any intoxicant other than alcohol therefore even solvent abuse and driving may be covered by this offence.
  • Even so, I did not leave the young, brown-haired man in complete despair and ruin.
  • The eparch sketched the sun-circle even so, to turn aside the evil omen. Bridge of the Separator
  • What, man! there are ways to recover the general again: you are but now cast in his mood, a punishment more in policy than in malice; even so as one would beat his offenceless dog to affright an imperious lion: sue to him again, and he is yours. Othello
  • An immediate interest cut might give a small boost to the economy. Even so, any recovery is likely to be very slow.
  • An immediate interest cut might give a small boost to the economy. Even so, any recovery is likely to be very slow.
  • Even so, his transformation from player to pedaller has taken even him by surprise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even some of the century's most notable achievements were presented in theological terms.
  • Even social gatherings in Workplace 2000 will take on special meanings.
  • So, Washington's temperature soared into the springlike 70s three times in five days, a true and welcome departure from wintry weeks of chill in which the mercury had not forayed even so high as 60. Record-breaking weather, whether in coolness or warmth
  • Even so, Sabriel had a strong disinclination to enter the realm of the dead until she absolutely had to. SABRIEL
  • Even some high-tech companies had a hard time.
  • There'd be some coin tosses made, and probably even some arguments.
  • Even so, an exciting timed race around the challenging assault course on the hill produced some impressive performances.
  • What, man! there are ways to recover the general again: you are but now cast in his mood, a punishment more in policy than in malice, even so as one would beat his offenceless dog to affright an imperious lion: sue to him again, and he's yours. Othello, the Moor of Venice
  • I do not think there is a single person in this House, including even some of the wowsers around here, who think that going to prohibition would be the right way to fix an alcohol problem.
  • Even so, climbers should be schooled in basic rock climbing and comfortable with jumaring and rappelling.
  • Writing on Alibayli’s Blog, even some of the dispossessed remain unimpressed by the campaign of street protests. Global Voices in English » Georgia: Opposition protests on hold, new concerns emerge
  • The first half of the story (when Captain Veda was driven by revenge and when there were lots of plot twists) was better paced than the second half (the time skips were much larger and the revenge took a back seat to the new galactic threat), but even so, it still doesn't get much better than this. REVIEW: Galactic North by Alastair Reynolds
  • Even so, this is a legal quagmire with the possibility of litigation or fines flying in all directions.
  • No problem acknowledging also that among the many different traditions, practices and stories that have fused and sometimes not even touched and just hung around together in what we now call Hinduism, there is room, and maybe even some intellectual and spiritual value in some contexts, for what is still quite crudely called the "phallic" perspective. Vamsee Juluri: Lord Shiva And The Economist: A New Low For Journalism
  • Rock'n'roll groups appeared on bills along with trad groups and pop singers - even some modern jazz made it into the charts.
  • Even so, Hague has offered to host a conference on the matter and at Munich gave among examples of internet attacks on "British interests" his own staff and a defence contractor being hit by "Zeus" malware that evaded defences by pretending to come from the White House. William Hague reveals hacker attack on Foreign Office in call for cyber rules
  • Even so, Keegan has been effusive and fulsome in his praise of Pearce's contribution both on and off the field.
  • Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can't buy more hours. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow. Denis Waitley 
  • Even so, with bolts and base plates at myriad angles, the steel erector had to maneuver the pieces with hydraulic rams and remove some to fit others in to fine-tune sequencing.
  • Such was the stature of denim that even so obviously inferior a pair of jeans were acceptable.
  • Even songs we can't stand ricochet in our minds; those that we love become enmeshed with our innermost feelings and memories.
  • The whole crowd of people were entranced by their music and even some of the performers were stopping in front of them to watch.
  • Even so, architects are carefully vetting developer agreements in hopes of deflecting litigation.
  • Even so, we may still be forced to contemplate changes in the way information is conveyed.
  • Even so, a number of crosses and grave slabs from northern England do incorporate warrior imagery and scenes from Scandinavian heroic culture.
  • That song, “Eli, Eli,” a dramatic arietta, became an immediate favorite and soon became a featured solo by Bertha Kalich and many other female performers of the day, even some in the general entertainment field. Jewish Women and Jewish Music in America.
  • There were even some claiming that a traitor's death was too good for her, that she should be executed in the old way: flayed alive and then thrown into the sea.
  • Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can't buy more hours. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow. Denis Waitley 
  • Even so, what marks the dive is the feeling that every fish for miles around has come here to enjoy the current.
  • Snape was sitting at the desk, but he disdained to even so much as lay a finger on the keypad.
  • Soy foods like hot dogs, soy sausage, tempeh, and even soy pastrami are also great substitutes because they contain no saturated fat.
  • There are even some providers who will offer free access if you are willing to surf the Internet with numerous pop-ups from their advertisers.
  • Even so it never envisaged itself as much more than an auxiliary force to the armies of Prussia and Austria.
  • Even so, an exciting timed race around the challenging assault course on the hill produced some impressive performances.
  • Even so, a significant number of takeover bids were probably no more than a form of corporate conspicuous consumption.
  • Even so, the two poles reject the analytical spirit of modernity, to which they oppose a synthetic approach.
  • Even so, Mammalodon was a fairly specialized mysticete that lived about ten million years after the hypothesized time of origin for its group. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Even so, epigenetics doesn't really amount to a revolution. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The extinct mammoths ate mainly grasses, sedges, and other riparian plants, salt bush, prickly pear, and even some needles of blue spruce.
  • It is the fact that even sooner, midterm congressional elections can have the effect of emasculating their legislative programs.
  • Even so, as Table 4.1 shows, wholesale funding remains a comparatively small proportion of total liabilities.
  • Even so I seemed at every point of contact to be surrounded by abrasive people intent on disturbing my peace, my comfort, and my equable nature.
  • Her uncles had tried to remonstrate with her, telling her there were plenty of others to arrange the flowers and attend to what the local newspaper would, in its account of the affair, be sure to call the "collation," and to make the hundred and one preparations necessary for even so small and simple a wedding as this. Mary-'Gusta
  • But even so, I'm pleased and flattered, and very slightly embarrassed.
  • If your Majesty considers it fitting to approve this so useful and even so necessary proposition, your bishop is of the opinion, as he has already intimated, that the see of the new bishopric can be determined, and that it may be entitled the bishopric of Panay or of Jaro -- which is a well-populated village, as I have said above. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 28 of 55 1637-38 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • Even so, the synonymy of 'elf' and 'fairy' should be regarded as a working assumption which requires fuller examination.
  • Unlike there would be a with a car driving over a road, there was no suspension involved, no torque from the engine, and no bouncy inflatable tire — but even so, the ripples formed, rapidly, after just a few passes of the wheel. The washboard effect
  • Nay, he goes even so far as to say that the passage-work is of the usual kind met with in the compositions of Hummel and his successors, and that the cantilena in the larghetto is in the jejune style of Hummel; the last movement also receives but scanty and qualified praise. Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
  • The prose is clear enough that a math dunce like me can grasp it, and the superhero examples are enough, I think, to interest even someone who already knows physics.
  • Even so, business was slow and the phone only rang a few times Monday.
  • Fitted carpets, heavy drapes, upholstered furniture - even soft toys - promote dust accumulation and the breeding of dust mites.
  • Another: The aged masculine is marked down to an even some-more pitiable figure, even by a son who loves him. Philadelphia Reflections: Shakspere Society of Philadelphia
  • Even so, this is a distinctly more nobby Sonata than anyone has seen, a far cry from the upper-echelon mini cab that it formerly was.
  • Even some members of the pro-life movement found the organisation's behaviour disturbing.
  • Even so, the aggregate balance sheets of the banking system probably need to shrink.
  • Even some of the techniques used - the silver plaques engraved with copperplate script, the use of embroidery - hark back to these two artists.
  • Even so, remuneration for military service did provide inducement early on.
  • And for five years the twain adventured across the Northland, from St. Michael's and the Yukon delta to the head-reaches of the Pelly and even so far as the Batard
  • Even so, events could turn against Republican Machiavellians inasmuch as their obduracy is the best thing Democrats have going for them now that Obamamania has all but disappeared. Andrew Levine: Republican Machiavellians: Scourge of Democrats -- For Tea Partiers, Not So Much
  • Some people, however - even some very distinguished scientists - have taken a different view of things.
  • The book has moments of great seriousness, and even some genuine suspense.
  • Even so, where trade unions did form, they represented only a fraction of the industrial working class: élite groups of metalworkers, shipbuilders, boilermakers, miners, building workers, printers, shoemakers, and spinners.
  • Even so, it's almost always Tommy who gets home first, outsprinting the others up the hill, and then bragging about it the rest of the night.
  • People had been here for hours and taken anything they could get their hands on - computers, coffee machines and even some photocopiers.
  • Even so this was chiefly at the expense of Labour, while the Nationalist tide rose still higher on the backveld.
  • Even so, shortly after the funeral she began to forget Reeves's final decrepitude and to cherish earlier memories. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Even some respected well-known all-round big-fish anglers have yet to crack it.
  • Even so, probably the main reason people choose contacts over glasses is that they don't like how glasses look, or they think no one else likes how glasses look.
  • Even some of the cases that are explicable in ideological terms reveal subtle shadings just beneath the surface.
  • Even so, it would be tragic if Russia's leaders used them to justify further centralising power, more crackdowns on political freedom and greater powers for the state's security forces.
  • Even so, the imbalance does not alter the economic rule that 3 cents to 5 cents of each dollar of sustained wealth will be spent, helping to boost overall demand.
  • I was expecting to hear waves, wind, drops of water, a few puffins chirping away, perhaps even some crashing sounds as ice falls into the sea.
  • Without the auth code, even someone with your account details won't be able to log in.
  • Garrison is a small town in a part of the Hudson Valley fast being colonized by weekenders and even some commuters to the city.
  • As if out of frustration, most local authorities even sold off public lavatories which are now operating as fee-paying facilities.
  • Gone were the lavish decorations that had adorned the walls to celebrate their arrival that first time, but even so it was still far too overly decorated for Matthew's taste.
  • All around her Caroline could see that even some of the smaller boats were being sucked under the water by the pressure created by the sinking ship.
  • The first version of the house he designed for James McNeill Whistler was rejected by the Metropolitan Board of Works but, even so, the finished product in white brick with a high, green-tiled mansard roof has the austerity of Modernism.
  • Even so, when applied to yesterday's polls the program yields fascinating - not to say hair-raising - results.
  • This he freely admitted, although, even so, neither he nor Mama would ever reveal what his real name was.
  • Even so, a single diplomat may be called upon to serve at different times in a variety of capacities.
  • Even so, some dogs within these breeds bark more than they should, some more than others.
  • Bikes, ultralight cars and even some regular cars don't exceed this flex threshold.
  • Even so, a spirit of close cooperation and bonhomie was generated, contributing much to the success of the Workshop.
  • Even so, he has some concerns about Ireland's telecommunications deficit.
  • Steven soon develops the same powers they have - telepathy, teleportation, and telekinesis.
  • Still, one had to marvel again at the man's enthusiasm for working a crowd, even someone else's.
  • The Drawn and Quarterly blog has several pages up from Marc Bell's upcoming book, which they call "a 272-page monograph of his fine art and fine aht and foin ART and even some comics coming out soon. Straight for the art | Hot Potatoe preview | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Even soldiers who sought to behave well in billets were not immune from gaffes.
  • Even so in a man who has right view, all deeds conduce to happiness.
  • Even so I didn't know there was an extinct title for Walkley?
  • Even so, there remains a powerful case for antidisestablishmentarianism. Times, Sunday Times
  • I eeven some the hypnagogic nalbuphine of regiones but that has hypothesized now. Wii-volution
  • Even so basic a global public good as the freedom and security of the seas is nibbled away, bit by bit, through high minded treaties that make it possible for the usual enforcers to plead the inability to enforce. The Volokh Conspiracy » How to Be a Hegemon
  • However, familiarity with potential prey items greatly enhances recognition of even soft-bodied prey from diagnostic indigestible body parts such as wings, elytra, mandibles, or chelicerae.
  • It is very brief but even so makes quite horrifying and therefore quite gripping reading.
  • Even so thanksgiving nature, people should have meeting of minds.
  • There was enough for the doll and even some spare money.
  • Steven soaks his clothes overnight to get out stains.
  • Even so, skiing will forever be the best way to travel off-piste - two-planks certainly have a future.
  • Even so, they might have managed to scrape through the winter on their stock of frozen salmon and stored blubber, and what the traps gave them, but in December one of their hunters came across a tupik (a skin-tent) of three women and a girl nearly dead, whose men had come down from the far North and been crushed in their little skin hunting-boats while they were out after the long-horned narwhal. The Second Jungle Book
  • There was a brisk breeze coming in across the North Sea but clear skies and bright sunshine made it pleasant even so.
  • My heroes were ballplayers, and every spare minute I had, and even some that I couldn't spare, were spent on the baseball diamond.
  • Even so, the Home Counties retired colonels and blue-rinse cake-bakers are proving unpersuadable.
  • Even so, I didn't like it that he'd overruled my objections.
  • Even so, few of the 'marooned' holidays had passed off without trouble, and in the end the agency had abandoned them. Longshot
  • Her belly and hips were fatless and firm, but even so, she seemed bulky and almost masculine in her carriage. Here Comes Another Lesson
  • A few days after Conrad left, Louis and his people were flooded out by a storm, their tents and baggage and even some people washed away by a flooding stream.
  • Which makes me feel even sorrier for weathermen. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is the task facing Steven Soderbergh and co, as they bring you the sequel to their crime caper, Ocean's 12.
  • Even somebody as talented as Cadalora may have trouble adapting to the special steering characteristics of the Honda.
  • Even some who have been the subject of ecclesiastical sanction at his hand attest to his personal warmth.
  • If that little tidbit ever gets out ---" "You'll be even sorrier than I. Come. THE PROMISE IN A KISS
  • Even so, I managed to do it, even as the first rains of the season broke across the South Bay.
  • Even so, this most market-facing of dairymen keeps worrying. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though in his nature he had not only a firme gravity, but a severity, and even some morosity Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles
  • Even so it would be nice to have an indication on the screen that this command prompt came to you courtesy of Windows.
  • Even so, a spirit of close cooperation and bonhomie was generated, contributing much to the success of the Workshop.
  • Even so, I shall regularly speak in terms of the evil genius (following Descartes 'lead), as a kind of mnemonic for the more general doubt about our cognitive nature. Descartes' Epistemology
  • Agriculture, religion, economics and even social class were affected.
  • And for five years the twain adventured across the Northland, from St. Michael's and the Yukon delta to the head-reaches of the Pelly and even so far as the Peace River, Athabasca, and the Great Slave. BÂTARD
  • Among the diverse techniques and theories, modernism, concretism, and even some ‘parnasianisms,’ formalistic concerns are revisited.
  • It was just after seven so he had two hours before his appointment with Elisa Stasi.
  • Even so, according to the EPA, naled is highly toxic to insects, including beneficial ones, such as honeybees. Mosquito control official wages war against bloodsuckers
  • Even so, I think this piece is a weatherfield, somewhat more complex than this landskip. Landscape challenge #2
  • Even so, he couldn't help but feel inferior to the men gathered in this room.
  • Even so, the task of training communist cadres to take over occupied countries was not abandoned.
  • Even someone with his track record - and, for a tubby obnoxious slug, he has managed to shack up with some stunners - must occasionally fall at the first hurdle.
  • Even so, the real driving force behind such travel was not the railway but increased prize money or stakes which still came largely from the subscriptions of rich patrons.
  • He also praises it as much as the others before, saying that the result of Steven Soderbergh's work as director, editor, and cinematographer is "expressive, innovative, striking, exciting. Why You Should Take an Interest in Steven Soderbergh's Che «
  • That's the phenomenon that sociologists call the medicalization of deviance and that Steven Sondheim described crisply in "Gee, Officer Krupke," I'm depraved on account of I'm deprived. Madoff: A Scoundrel Or A Sociopath?
  • But even so, in almost all kinds of social relationship, there is some degree of power flow.
  • It was a small room, but even so the single bar of the electric fire, glowing bright orange beside its pale neighbour, fought hard to take the chill away.
  • I mean, compared to a religion that mandates its equivalent of baptized adherents to carry a knife and iron band at all times (Sikhism) or spiritual growth through repeated readings of questionably sourced books, or even some relatively well-recognized if unusual actions (Emo!) The Volokh Conspiracy » Herd of Individualists, Wolfman Edition
  • Even so, it's safe for captains to steer their courses by them.
  • And yet even so, holy and awesome though they were, they kept the mark of what they had sprung from.
  • Even so, he had a troubling doubt that lingered and stayed with him when he considered his future.
  • It seems that bacon has a way of awakening carnivorous desires within even some of the preachiest of vegetarians. NPR Topics: News
  • Even so, the signature styles of the figurative work are very much in evidence.
  • And these set forth like the blast of violent winds, that rushes earthward beneath the thunder of Zeus, and with marvellous din doth mingle with the salt sea, and therein are many swelling waves of the loud roaring sea, arched over and white with foam, some vanward, others in the rear; even so the Trojans arrayed in van and rear and shining with bronze, followed after their leaders. The Iliad
  • Those who treat animals in the same way they treat their friends or family are generally seen as eccentrics, or even social misfits.
  • Even some non-prescription drugs and vitamins or even ibuprofen can cause traumas if your liver function is at all compromised.
  • Class discussions focus on specific details, including individual words, even sounds.
  • Even so, a rough analogy between the two periods is possible.
  • His equal" is the correct answer: but even so demure and proper a support to thistly theology was to the ears that heard it as the hand of An Englishwoman's Love-Letters
  • Besides those aeruginous not ripe outside, some banana appearance are very yellow, but taste however fleshy qualitative hair is good, even some hair are acerbity.
  • Pepper spray's main active ingredient is oleoresin capsicum (OC) -- oil extracted from a genus of peppers known as capsicum (the same kinds of peppers used in salsa, spices, and even some analgesics). The Full Feed from
  • Even so, some mammal parents still find it worth while to deposit their babies in a creche.
  • The central figure is much the least distorted, but even so her body is simply a flat silhouette like a metal cut-out which has been slightly twisted in a few places to give a suggestion of three dimensions.
  • Also, I bet a moscato passito (Forteto Della Luja) or even some Lambrusco wd pair with the fatty yummy stuff. Fried butter: impossible food-wine pairing?!? | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • Even so, this shift in thinking is taking place at an awkward time.
  • He didn't relish the thought of crawling to anyone's feet; it wasn't even something he did for most women.
  • Even so, I had a delicious day, luxuriating in the suddenly speedy access to the websites I have had, until now, to visit with all the patience I can muster.
  • It is even so when they just arrived in a city in which the average water quality is not as good.
  • The new method is not perfect; even so, it's much better than the old one.
  • Even so, the final forty seconds of the film provided a fascinating little coda on all that had happened.
  • I laid out layers of colour and added various fancy yarns, metallic threads, throwsters silk, silk tops, and even some alpaca fleece given to me by a friend with her own herd of alpacas.
  • For the near future these issues will probably remain the focus of genetic medicine in primary care, but this could shift if pharmacogenetic research fulfils even some of its early promises.
  • I couldn't look at her face, flushed with complete bewilderment and even some inexplicable anger.
  • In fact, if you are a "birther" - a term coined by the mainstream press to disparage those who doubt Obama's eligibility to hold office based on his citizenship - even so-called conservative icons like Ann Coulter and Glenn Beck consider you a nut. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Even something simple like Gabriel bicycling around while singing ‘Solsbury Hill’ came across as silly rather than playful.
  • Even so, the Peace of Paris of 1763 was bound to produce an immense number of acquisitions of territory for Britain.
  • Gluten, in fact, can be used as a filler, binder or thickener, hidden in all manner of food, including, for example, soy sauce, many salad dressings and even some toothpaste. Pet Talk: Show dog knows his business, and his gluten
  • Even so, an ongoing drought and millions of acres of dead, bark beetle infected trees have turned much of the west into a potential tinderbox.
  • Flora is represented here by south taiga species, nemoral species including some relict species, forested steppe species and even some steppe species. West Siberian broadleaf and mixed forests
  • Even so, Microsoft has received some unwelcome attention for its pricing policies.
  • Even so, there are still aircraft in which the delivery of bombs or air-to-ground missiles is clearly the primary role.
  • Even so, it took time and collaboration, and intellectual modesty, to get all the kinks ironed out.
  • Even so-called 'tactical' nuclear weapons are indiscriminate in their effect.
  • Even some go so far as to proclaim that communism is a state form of Christianity.
  • I wanted him to give her up and luminously informed him why; on which he never protested nor contradicted, never was even so alembicated as to declare just for the sake of the drama that he wouldn't. Embarrassments
  • Even some people think that he was a representative of the slave owners, who carried out a policy of obscurantism .
  • Parts of the UK even sold out of red hairspray as supporters rushed to do something with their hair to raise cash.
  • Even so-called miracles are explicable in terms of natural phenomena.
  • The place even sold white pigeons as ‘pets'.
  • All summer we jammed, surrounded by all kinds, not only the hickish thugs and cruel populars, but even some of the meaner religious types— mostly kids our own age that usually couldn't wait to tell us how soon we'd be slow-roasting on the flames from Satan's anus because of our music. CfK
  • Only the strong leadership of John and the military orders saved the army at all; even so, thousands died that day
  • Gladly does He hunger that you may be fed; naked does He go that He may provide for you the materials for a garment of incorruption, yet not even so do you give up any of your own. Jesus Christ
  • Even so, we cannot see how this helps plaintiffs' contention that the plain meaning of ‘retail pet store’ does not include residences.
  • Even so, Leroy has created a lovely hotel, and one that's quite unlike any other - a mix of wacky curves and angles, secret spaces and roaring log fires.

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