
How To Use Eugenia In A Sentence

  • She wished to have conversed first upon the affairs of Eugenia with Edgar: but to name to him whither she was herself going, when she could not possibly name why; to give to him a surprise that must recoil upon herself in disapprobation, was more than she could endure. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • Guardian | Nazi eugenics, Virginia Woolf and the morality of designer babies A grande virtude do nazismo está em ter enterrado de vez com os ideais de eugenia. Leituras
  • It was two o'clock, and the general was peacefully awaiting the sound of the dinner bell, but at the sight of Eugenia his peacefulness departed, and he called angrily: The Voice of the People
  • The Eugenia brand crema comes in a little bottle that looks almost like the cream bottles of yore from the USA. Half and half cream
  • And when the provost heard this he was greatly moved, and sent for a multitude of people, and made Eugenia to be brought with the other servants of Jesu Christ bound in iron, and established a day when they all should be delivered to beasts for to be devoured, and then were they called tofore the provost, which said to Eugenia: Say to me, thou right cursed wretch, if your God hath taught you to do such works as for to corrupt and defile the women forcibly against their will? The Golden Legend, vol. 5
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  • Miss Margland, who never felt so virtuous, and never so elated, as when witnessing the imperfections or improprieties of others, descanted largely against ingratitude; treating an unmeaning sally of passion as a serious mark of turpitude: but Eugenia, ashamed for Dr. Orkborne, to whom, as her preceptor, she felt a constant disposition to be partial, determined to endeavour to induce him to make some apology. Camilla
  • But, in stepping from the carriage, she discerned, over a paling at some distance, Eugenia herself, alone, slowly walking, and her head turned another way. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • The characteristic floristic elements are Manilkara hexandra, Mimusops elengi, Diospyros ebernum, Strychnos nux-vomica, Eugenia spp., East Deccan dry-evergreen forests
  • 'Yes, Sir,' cried Eugenia, 'your kind task is now completed with your vanquished Eugenia! her thoughts, her occupations, her happiness, shall henceforth all be centred in filial gratitude and contentment.' Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • At 7.49 am, a backpack bomb tore through their train as it entered Santa Eugenia station, nine miles from Atocha.
  • Objective To determine total flavonoid content in Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb.
  • Fashion under Fascism: Beyond the Black Shirt (Dress, Body, Culture) by Eugenia Paulicelli Shed Your Addiction:
  • É uma velha ideia, que já se revelou coo projectos de esterilzação de deficientes mentais ou criminosos, e que teve a sua epítome nas horrendas leis eugénicas nazis; a genética veio dar um novo fôlego aos proponentes da eugenia. Leituras
  • On Sunday, on the way up, I saw a hummingbird standing in the air among the Eugenia Street callistemon. Bach’s cello concertos on the ipod
  • Gigantic vegetables of the most different families intermix their branches; five-leaved bignonias grow by the side of bonduc-trees; cassias shed their yellow blossoms upon the rich fronds of arborescent ferns; myrtles and eugenias, with their thousand arms, contrast with the elegant simplicity of palms; and among the airy foliage of the mimosa the ceropia elevates its giant leaves and heavy candelabra-shaped branches. We and the World, Part I A Book for Boys
  • Eugenia called the friars from Rome, with the result that foundations increased rapidly. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • A trailing eugenia bears dark red flowers shaped like a mop, and a tiny white lily with petals and strangely protuberant anthers scents the air as with honey and almonds. Tropic Days
  • -- The odoriferous principle of allspice, commonly called pimento, is obtained by distilling the dried fruit, before it is quite ripe, of the _Eugenia pimenta_ and _Myrtus pimenta_ with water. The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
  • Eugenia strictly obeyed: in sparing Lionel she spared also her father, whom his highly unfeeling behaviour with regard to Sir Sedley would yet further have incensed and grieved; and, in doing justice to Edgar, she flattered herself she prevented an alienation from one yet destined to be nearly allied to him, since time, she still hoped, would effect the reconciliation of Camilla with the youth whom – next to Melmond – she thought the most amiable upon earth. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • Eugenia were rivalling each other in fondling the rescued spaniel, and in pouring thanks and praise unlimited upon Edgar. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • CHAPTER THREE eugenia was kept busy for some time. Heidelberg Wedding
  • - Wild ginger rhizome (Zingiber zerumbet) Clove, roots and bark of Eugenia caryophyllus Fresh pomegranate leaves (Punica granatum) Opium (poppy) gum from fruit (Papaver somniferum) Chapter 8
  • At some distance from Hilo there is a glorious burst of tropical forest, and then the track passes into green grass dotted over with clumps of the pandanus and the beautiful eugenia. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • For thirty miles the track passes under the deep shade of coco palms, of which Puna is the true home; and from under their feathery shadow, and from amidst the dark leafage of the breadfruit, gleamed the rose-crimson apples of the eugenia, and the golden balls of the guava. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • Cover a zit with a small pointy brush dipped in concealer and ‘paint it out,’ says Eugenia Weston, makeup artist and founder of Senna Cosmetics boutiques in Southern California.
  • I just picked up eugenia bone's well-preserved books to do a little more of this this summer. 37 Jars and Counting
  • These ideas and resolutions, dejecting, yet solacing, occupied her to the forgetfulness of her intended visit, and even of Eugenia, till the words: 'Pray let me come to you, my dear Camilla!' made her let down the blinds. Camilla
  • Fashion under Fascism: Beyond the Black Shirt (Dress, Body, Culture) by Eugenia Paulicelli Shed Your Addiction:
  • Characteristic or common trees at lower elevations are, amongst others: Swietenia macrophylla, Apeiba membranacea, Bursera simaruba, Carapa guianensis, Casearia arborea, Cedrela odorata, Eugenia sp., Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras
  • Eugenia too, soothed with the delusions of her romantic but innocent fancy, flattered herself she might now see continually the object she conceived formed for meriting her ever reverential regard; and Miss Margland was importantly occupied upon affairs best suited to her taste and ancient habits, in deliberating how first to bring forth her fair charge with the most brilliant effect. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • Both Michael and Eugenia passed nonetheless.
  • _Eugenia malaccensis_; the santol (santor), _Sandóricum indicum_. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 05 of 55 1582-1583 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • CONCLUSIONS Cinnamon oil, Eugenia oil and Galangal oil can be used to enhance the percutaneous absorption of benzoic acid.
  • One year ago, and Uncle Nat would have started with delight at the mention of a place so fraught with remembrances of _Dora_, but Eugenia's last cruel letter had chilled his love, and now, when he thought of Dora, it was as one incapable of either affection or gratitude. Dora Deane
  • Thickets of mixed microphyllous and broad-leaved woodland subject to salt spray and wind occur on seaward-facing dune slopes (Eugenia, Brachylaena, Euclea, Diosporos and Mimusops species). Greater St Lucia Wetland Park, South Africa
  • An example association includes Phyllocladus, Agathis dammara, and Eugenia dominated by Castanopsis. Sulawesi montane rain forests
  • Eugenia (Eugenia Malaccensis), and the pandanus, with its aerial roots, all looped together by large sky-blue convolvuli and the running fern, and is marvellous with parasitic growths. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • Laura had, in fact, been sputteringly furious at the idea of Eugenia refusing to let him keep the dog. Dreaming of the Bones
  • Indiana was handed out by her new adorer, the young baronet; and Eugenia was assisted by her new assailer, the young nobleman. Camilla
  • I was in one of the many courtyards I'd noticed during my first vi a grassy rectangle rimmed on three sides by a h: edge of eugenia. Blood Test
  • Characteristic or common trees at lower elevations are, amongst others: Swietenia macrophylla, Apeiba membranacea, Bursera simaruba, Carapa guianensis, Casearia arborea, Cedrela odorata, Eugenia sp., Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras
  • Aim To determine the concentrations of eugenol in eugenia oil ? ? cyclodextrin.
  • Guardian | Nazi eugenics, Virginia Woolf and the morality of designer babies A grande virtude do nazismo está em ter enterrado de vez com os ideais de eugenia. Leituras
  • The heart of Eugenia appeared to him positively entangled; and he besought Camilla not to lose a moment in acquainting Mr. Tyrold with her situation. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • Eugenia, when able, followed her and had no sooner heard the whole history, than, tenderly embracing her, she said, 'Let not this distress seem so desperate to you, my dearest sister! your own account points out to me how to relieve it, without either betraying our poor Lionel, or further weighing down our already heavily burthened friends.' Camilla
  • Come back next week for part two of our two part interview with Eugenia Lovett West where she shares tips and techniques for mystery novelists and also about how important fearlessness is when writing a novel. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » AUTHOR INTERVIEW:Eugenia Lovett West, part 1
  • Eugenia at her marriage; and you know as well as I do what a ninny he is for his pains; for what a poor little dowdy thing will she look, dizened out in jewels and laces? ' Camilla
  • 'You, indeed,' continued the temperate Eugenia, 'if so situated, would not so have behaved; you would not have been so unjust; and you could not have been so weak; but still, if you had received, however causelessly, any alarm for the affection of the man you meant to marry, and that man were as amiable as Edgar, you would have been equally disturbed.' Camilla
  • This policy has signified greater insecurity for women, because the so-called demobilisation of the paramilitary groups, who continue to control many regions of the country, has particularly affected women and girls," María Eugenia Ramírez of the Bogota-based Latin American Institute for Alternative Rights told IPS. AWID RSS Feed
  • Eugenia too, caught by his eccentricity, was powerfully impelled to watch and admire him; and not the less, in the unenvying innocency of her heart, for his evident predilection in favour of her cousin. Camilla
  • O link da galeria é este: USS - A Portfolio of Probabilities i09 | Five large scale attempts to change the course of human evolution O io9 olha para o passado e para o presente, e lista algumas das mais importantes interferências humanas na evolução da espécie, da eugenia à fertilização in vitro. Leituras
  • Indiana was handed out by her new adorer, the young baronet; and Eugenia was assisted by her new assailer, the young nobleman. Camilla
  • Then he filled in with small-leafed plants such as boxwood, eugenia, and Kurume azaleas.
  • Guardian | A shameful history Os recentes comentários racistas de James Watson, prémio nobel e um dos investigadores que descreveu a estrutura do ADN, talvez sejam um pouco mais do que efeitos de uma hipotética senilidade; talvez sejam reflexo de uma velha tradição das ciências biológicas, sempre reprimida mas que vai não vai regressa à ribalta: a ideia de eugenia, ou de manipulação da selecção natural para aperfeiçoar a espécie humana. Leituras
  • LYNMERE, at tea-time, returned from his ride, with a fixed plan of frightening or disgusting the baronet from the alliance; with Eugenia, herself, he imagined the attempt would be vain, for he did not conceive it possible any woman who had eyes could be induced to reject him. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • [_Sanguine_ lifts _Eugenia_ into the boat, and the masque receives her.] _Eug. _ (_from the boat_) Great nature! speed my dying words! The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor Volume I, Number 1

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