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  1. tropical trees and shrubs with aromatic leaves and often valuable hard wood

How To Use Eugenia In A Sentence

  • She wished to have conversed first upon the affairs of Eugenia with Edgar: but to name to him whither she was herself going, when she could not possibly name why; to give to him a surprise that must recoil upon herself in disapprobation, was more than she could endure. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • Guardian | Nazi eugenics, Virginia Woolf and the morality of designer babies A grande virtude do nazismo está em ter enterrado de vez com os ideais de eugenia. Leituras
  • It was two o'clock, and the general was peacefully awaiting the sound of the dinner bell, but at the sight of Eugenia his peacefulness departed, and he called angrily: The Voice of the People
  • The Eugenia brand crema comes in a little bottle that looks almost like the cream bottles of yore from the USA. Half and half cream
  • And when the provost heard this he was greatly moved, and sent for a multitude of people, and made Eugenia to be brought with the other servants of Jesu Christ bound in iron, and established a day when they all should be delivered to beasts for to be devoured, and then were they called tofore the provost, which said to Eugenia: Say to me, thou right cursed wretch, if your God hath taught you to do such works as for to corrupt and defile the women forcibly against their will? The Golden Legend, vol. 5
  • Miss Margland, who never felt so virtuous, and never so elated, as when witnessing the imperfections or improprieties of others, descanted largely against ingratitude; treating an unmeaning sally of passion as a serious mark of turpitude: but Eugenia, ashamed for Dr. Orkborne, to whom, as her preceptor, she felt a constant disposition to be partial, determined to endeavour to induce him to make some apology. Camilla
  • But, in stepping from the carriage, she discerned, over a paling at some distance, Eugenia herself, alone, slowly walking, and her head turned another way. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • The characteristic floristic elements are Manilkara hexandra, Mimusops elengi, Diospyros ebernum, Strychnos nux-vomica, Eugenia spp., East Deccan dry-evergreen forests
  • 'Yes, Sir,' cried Eugenia, 'your kind task is now completed with your vanquished Eugenia! her thoughts, her occupations, her happiness, shall henceforth all be centred in filial gratitude and contentment.' Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • At 7.49 am, a backpack bomb tore through their train as it entered Santa Eugenia station, nine miles from Atocha.
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