
How To Use Ethnic In A Sentence

  • The new textbooks de-emphasize dynastic change, peasant struggle, ethnic rivalry and war, some critics say, because the leadership does not want people thinking that such things matter a great deal.
  • The light, a single bulb in an ethnic basket, was suspended from the ceiling and lit just the table.
  • These institutions have made the assertion of ethnic identity possible.
  • The legislative branch consists of a bicameral legislation in which all people and ethnicities can be represented.
  • Here location at the two extremities of the peninsula has involved a striking difference in ethnic infusions in the two districts, different historical careers owing to different vicinal grouping, and dissimilar geographic conditions. Influences of Geographic Environment On the Basis of Ratzel's System of Anthropo-Geography
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  • Fifty consecutive, nonobese, habitually snoring, otherwise-healthy children (age range: 6-9 years) and 50 age -, gender -, and ethnicity-matched obese children (BMI z score: 1.67) underwent an overnight polysomnographic evaluation, followed by a multiple sleep latency test the following day. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Is Sleep Apnea a Significant Problem in Sleepy Kids?
  • The plagues of aggressive nationalism, racism, chauvinism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and ethnic tension are still widespread.
  • As time proceeds she acquires a group of racially and ethnically mixed friends and acts with courage and self-reliance.
  • Wednesday's 5-0 council vote may leave bruises on largely white Portland, but the tone was less anti-immigrant than when a 2007 attempt to rename multiethnic and blue-collar Interstate Avenue was scrapped. Undefined
  • Ethnic Burmese form the majority at 67.4%, and the remainder includes the Shans, Rakhines, Mons, Chins, Kachins and the Kayahs.
  • Its people are overburdened by religious riot, ethnic strife, corruption and the absence of social infrastructure.
  • He allegedly said he would have continued bombing ethnic minority communities if he had not been caught.
  • A world reputation for jobs, and a ‘welcome to the neighbourhood’ attitude has historically created a city of immigrants and ethnic enclaves.
  • Teachers claim such measures could unfairly disadvantage ethnic minorities.
  • The shooting inflamed ethnic tensions.
  • In 1998, just before then President Suharto stepped down, unrest and arson destroyed or damaged hundreds of properties belonging to ethnic Chinese in Solo.
  • Clearly, emerging infections can affect people everywhere, regardless of lifestyle, cultural or ethnic background, or socioeconomic status.
  • Willis also skips over the secular and leftist politics that led Catholic ethnics and working-class voters to take their distance from liberalism and the Democratic Party in 1972.
  • They settled in metropolitan areas including Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago, and formed organized ethnic enclaves throughout the nation.
  • In Russia, the ethnic and geographic diversity of the population ensured its transition would be more difficult than that in the more homogeneous and smaller Baltic states or eastern European countries.
  • I would suggest that if they are bent on breaking Bengal they may opt for joining Sikkim which is a state comprising of Nepalese, Gorkhas, Bhutias, Lepchas and some other mongoloid ethnic groups. Is Gorkhaland Movement Entering a Phase of Violence?
  • They also found that there were strong links between the speed of pupils' progress and their socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • The firebrand championing the indigenous Komi people was none other than Yury Spiridonov, an ethnically Russian oil miner and party worker, born in Omsk and educated in Sverdlovsk, who had once gotten into trouble for snapping at someone who tried to address him in Komi: “Speak in a way that can be understood.” The Return
  • Do children tend to select heroes who are of their same ethnic background?
  • Do people define themselves in a racial, ethnic, or cultural group by their genes?
  • Why has the era of globalization been characterized by an intensification of tribalism and ethnic conflict?
  • All the ethnic groups are organized in fairly large kin groups known as clans or lineages.
  • This vile policy of ethnic cleansing must be stopped.
  • This fusion of political correctness and relevance may be the next big thing to rock mathematics education, appealing as it does to political activists and to ethnic chauvinists.
  • In Chinese traditional culture , quinquagenarian audience pursue the ethnic harmony and they need ethnic cares .
  • Soon, however, social turmoil swept the country, weakening the monarch's effectiveness as an arbiter of political disputes, and exacerbating communal violence among Hutu, Tutsi, and Twa, the three major ethnic communities.
  • The task group also want a breakdown and analysis of how many ethnic minority workers have been successful after applying for jobs at the council.
  • This approach involves wearing unbifurcated clothing - such as Scottish or Irish kilts, Greek fustanellas, or the robes, caftans, or sarongs of other countries - as an expression of one's ethnic pride or in connection with ethnic celebrations or activities.
  • When we know that certain ethnic minorities have poorer job prospects or fewer qualifications, policy can be changed to address the problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • Schools that have a diverse student body are likely to experience interethnic tensions.
  • This paper will argue the importance of indigenous ethnic identity in influencing economic development in the region.
  • For ever and ever the trendies, the sophisticates and the beautiful people have painted us on the right side of politics as boring squares, joyless fanatics, religious nutcases, and monoethnic bigots.
  • Historically, their campuses have been hybrids of ethnic cultures and nationalities.
  • This does not imply a policing policy that dictates arts production and amplifies ethnic divisions.
  • In the end, James concedes that modern Celts exist as a legitimate ethnic group on the grounds that they are self-naming and have a shared sense of difference and history.
  • Trinidadians are said by Creoles to be ethnically ‘mixed-up’ like callaloo, a kind of soup made from dasheen leaves and containing crab.
  • Even Western governments are still utterly incapable of properly distinguishing true incitation to violence and hate from ethnic pride, mild but nonviolent rebellion, and counterculture. Kicking them out « BuzzMachine
  • I want to integrate my sexuality with all the other weaves of my self: burn any architectural plans that mount my gayness above my race, ethnicity, and age.
  • The federal workforce is also as diverse as the public as a whole in terms of ethnicity and gender, though it is better educated.
  • It is ironic how the American Art World puts everything outside itself in deprecating categories, especially Ethnic Art, yet what could be more ethnic than it? July 2008
  • Most of its residentshave fled for better opportunities, says Cao Zheyun, another ethnic Korean,looking at quiet Namyang across the Tumen River through his binoculars.
  • Her sprawling, comic epic about multi-ethnic Britain, which uncovers a wonderland of magic realism in the London subtopias of Cricklewood Broadway and Willesden, beat a strong shortlist of four other books, all by American writers.
  • The force has pledged to hire 5,000 more ethnic minority officers by 2009.
  • We may note on the other hand that a rubric in the official "Rituale Romanum" enjoins that the priest ought to see that unbecoming or ridiculous names of deities or of godless pagans are not given in baptism (curet ne obscoena, fabulosa aut ridicula vel inanium deorum vel impiorum ethnicorum hominum nomina imponantur). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • It later dawned on me that "fritz" is an ethnic slur against Germans. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • In retrospect, it appears we required a developed and reflexive feminist, gay and transgendered global vision to see through the prejudice governing sexuality, gender, ethnicity and the legislative restraints that paternally impose on enculturation and self-identification. G. Roger Denson: Gender as Performance & Script: Reading the Art of Yvonne Rainer, Cindy Sherman, Sarah Charlesworth & Lorna Simpson After Eve Sedgwick & Judith Butler
  • The last great bastion of French culinary purity has gone ethnic. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are, at the same time, autobiographies that emphasize how memories and consciousness of the working of ethnicity in the United States inform and nuance their writing.
  • The plagues of aggressive nationalism, racism, chauvinism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and ethnic tension are still widespread.
  • There are many other types of sarees that you can wear, including jamdani silk saris, ethnic kanchipuram saris, samu silk saree, and butter silk saris and so on. Fashion World of SL
  • As far as I know no similar analysis of party organizations exists for ethnicity.
  • Cities were on the rise - exciting, multitribal or multiethnic places where merchants imported new goods and ideas. Times, Sunday Times
  • European law also provides protection from discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion or belief and disability.
  • In general, ethnic Burmans live in the valley, and the minority ethnic groups such as the Karen, Karenni, Shan, and Kachin live in the sprawling hill country.
  • Justice Sotomayor's famous ­declaration — that a "wise Latina" will often come to a better judicial ruling than a white male — implies an ethnic-and-gender "essentialist" philosophy that is ­repugnant to Justice Kennedy's core individualism. The Decider
  • Former "ethnic" goods are rarely differentiated, with grocery stores selling Bok Choy next to spinach, lemon grass alongside parsley, and Indian chutneys in the ketchup and mustard aisle.
  • By 1920 the Catholic population numbered about seventeen million and included some twenty-eight ethnic groups.
  • Is it not obvious that one of the reasons that an ethnic group might do less well in academics is that they are genetically predisposed to lower “intelligence” level, as measured by those academics (regardless of which ethnic group you’re talking about)? The Volokh Conspiracy » 1. Science, Faith, and Not Ruling Out Possibilities
  • They promote social integration and assimilation of minority ethnic groups into the culture.
  • Extreme assertions of diversity, such as Kallen's, imply a kind of racial or ethnic essentialism and separatism, not merely cultural pluralism.
  • Historically, these issues had been the cause of interethnic divisions.
  • Renin and atrial natriuretic peptide restriction fragment length polymorphisms: association with ethnicity and blood pressure.
  • By canvassing text votes, it gives Afghans a blast of popular democracy as well as promoting unity between tribes and ethnic factions. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is an intellectual multilinguist and an experienced negotiator between diverse ethnic groupings. cedric j wrote: The Economist: Correspondent's diary
  • The exuberant first dance sequence brings to the New York streets a multiethnic rhythm nation of cuties in halters and hip-huggers, all waving little American flags.
  • The temple is the most sacred site in Nepal, widely venerated by members of at least four major sectarian Buddhist persuasions, each with distinct ethnic and caste affiliations.
  • An Asian film festival approached from any angle is bound to pose questions of a social and political nature, and raise problematic issues surrounding ethnic identity.
  • My sister considers herself "multiethnic" which is her right. Obama Census Choice: African-American
  • Declarations of racial antipathy against ethnic minorities will not be tolerated.
  • The tree-lined main avenue is still called “Stalin Street” (an ethnic Georgian, Stalin was said to have also had Ossetian roots). A Smuggler’s Story
  • The U . N. administrator faulted ethnic Albanian politicians for not doing enough to reassure the Serb minority.
  • The Jola practice a generally syncretized version of Islam, with a few still holding to animistic ethnic religions. Survey of West Africa: Peoples Summarized
  • The co-op offers packages grouped according to ethnicity, borough and frequency, and verifies unaudited circulations.
  • It does not discriminate on the ground of race, religion, colour or ethnicity.
  • There was no large-scale ethnic conflict resulting in a nation wide blood bath.
  • As the election in 2003 approached, Mr. Kagame's main rival was accused of "divisionism," or advocating one ethnicity over another. Land That Outlawed Hate On Edge as Key Vote Nears
  • An ethnic group within the state then demands to be united with its kith and kin in a neighboring state.
  • Drawing on data from biological anthropology, historical linguistics, and archaeology, he attempts an etic examination of the processes of formation of ethnic groups in the Japanese islands between 400 BC and the medieval era.
  • The adverse housing conditions of ethnic minorities are well known and not unexpected.
  • Different ethnic groups have different systems of kinship.
  • Critical scholars and activists have long argued that nationality, ethnicity and religious identification are merely historical conveniences, accidents of birth.
  • Although Berlin has the fastest growing Jewish population in the world, the community is ethnically diverse and spans a range of traditions from orthodox to secular.
  • Clearly, this is a city obsessed with its own multi-ethnic mosaic and the cosmopolitan credibility it signifies.
  • It's a pity, then, that GCHQ is short of ethnic-minority staff who can actually eavesdrop on, for example, suspected terrorists. Michael Gove wears dunce cap over UK school buildings list fiasco
  • An interactive CBC map shows another troubled region is in the suburb of Surrey, where Indo-Canadian gangs roam in the mainly ethnic Indian neighbourhoods. 2009 April 07 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Irked by Viswa's criticisms of the way some ethnic groups are treated in Singapore, LKY interrupted a medical treatment to angrily refute the "highfalutin" speech in a rare appearance on the parliament floor. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • A young woman in a close ethnic community, who had fallen in love with a Swedish man, was murdered by her father.
  • Identities explores the relationship of racial, ethnic and national identities and power hierarchies within national and global arenas.
  • Social races, like ethnic groups, gain their identity or claim to gain their identity from distinctive linguistic and other cultural patterns. Cultural Anthropology
  • As we saw in Chapter 2, a fear of divided loyalties and identities - supposedly the result of unassimilated ethnic groups - has underlain the formation of most nation-states.
  • This susceptibility might not be due merely to ethnic genetic differences.
  • Jews and Sikhs have been treated by the courts as belonging to racial and ethnic as well as to religious groups.
  • Ethnic aliens belong to one of three groups : Asians from the Indian subcontinent, Arabs and europeans.
  • In addition, the book does not put much emphasis on ethnicity and culture as major contributors to disease.
  • London is a very multi-ethnic and cosmopolitan place.
  • The historic election sheared off a thin facade of wartime national unity and reinforced ethnic and sectarian tensions that have plagued the country for centuries.
  • Nonetheless, such schemas hide the inherent processual nature of identity construction and belie the power of consumption practices to contextualize ethnicity-to presuppose, recreate, or to forge anew.
  • Once considered an ethnic food, bagels have gone mainstream in a big way.
  • A powerful example of the first type is ethnic exclusivism, whose extreme form is found in the Fascist idea of race pride.
  • In particular they need young men and people from ethnic minorities and mixed race to join.
  • She has authored articles that range in topics from pilgrims’ maps to devotional arts, gender and ethnicity issues in Buddhist patronage, cults of saints in Asian traditions, and images of Buddhist cosmographies.
  • Most things are colourfast these days, with the exceptions of ethnic fabrics and one or two cheap towels. EzineArticles
  • Maybe smarmy snark is an ethnic trait that you possess ... The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Catholics and Jews?
  • America is becoming a diverse melting pot of cultures, races and ethnic groups.
  • They were people of all races, religions, ethnicities, and social origins.
  • Led by acclaimed jazz performer Carol Grimes , the group's genre-defying repertoire ranges from Cole Porter classics to ethnic punk.
  • Taken together the arguments considered in this paper imply similar ethnic effects within sibships, but different gender effects.
  • Americans will be "hybridized," with multiple ethnic strands to their identity. How can the American Latino Museum best answer the call of the Mall?
  • Simply seeing white strangers interacting positively with ethnic minorities reduces racial prejudice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Australia became a land of many ethnic groups and nationalities.
  • It is not hard to fathom why Rwanda, still not fully healed from an ethnic slaughter that was egged on by radio zealots, would look for ways to regulate what it calls "divisionism" in the media. NYT > Home Page
  • The second mechanism by which ethnic pluralism theoretically limits democracy is by tyranny of the majority.
  • Interethnic violence had earlier caused the partial separation of the two communities.
  • Powell said the deal could help end the ethnic slaughter in Darfur, which the United States government has declared a genocide.
  • They named it the Ethnic Corridor (minzu zoulang) and argued that a full understanding of early migration through this pass would shed light on many myths of ethnicity, language, and ritual around Yunnan. 21 The influence of the Di and Qiang nomadic culture was evident in Neolithic relics in Yunnan, revealing the close relationship among Yunnan, Tibet, and Central Asia. 22 Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • But regardless of age and status (employment, ethnic origin, marital status) women are much less likely than men to read the financial pages of the newspapers.
  • The different groups speak their own languages, but the language spoken across ethnic lines is a form of pidgin English called Creole.
  • Ethnic groups: Alemannic 86%, Italian, Turkish, and other 14% Liechtenstein
  • With his gosh-darned, aw-shucks demeanor and disarming smile, he is able to insult entire ethnic groups without even realizing he's doing it.
  • We are the counterblast to the easy comfort and cosy reassurance of all things you hate: the unholy amalgam of Zen, Californian, chilled-out, ethnic, post-hippie, Celtic and new age.
  • Now particular ethnic groups are wanting to associate themselves with particular clubs.
  • The reason for tabling the strategy was that 250,000 families of ethnic Turk origin make their living in the tobacco sector.
  • Through them it examines the broader conflict, which killed more than 100,000 people, displaced 2 million more and introduced the term "ethnic cleansing" to the lexicon of war. NYT > Home Page
  • There is a crying need for more magistrates from the ethnic minority communities.
  • That said, it is Western values that have allowed people of different religions, cultures, and ethnicities to live together peaceably.
  • College Board officials said the difficulties arise more from socioeconomic than from ethnic differences.
  • The Lisu is an ethnic group deeply influenced by Christianity.
  • Ethnic Burmese form the majority at 67.4%, and the remainder includes the Shans, Rakhines, Mons, Chins, Kachins and the Kayahs.
  • Its nationalism is seen as civic rather than ethnic, political instead of cultural, pluralist rather than homogeneous.
  • As artists it is important that we be free no matter what our racial and ethnic roots are - to find and define and follow our aesthetic.
  • By 1918, there was suspicion of German Americans and other ethnic groups who were thought to be too clannish and too attached to their Old World cultures.
  • But this was not a race riot; it included people from a range of backgrounds and ethnicities, who were without any unified ideological cause.
  • Under such circumstances, the customary law of ethnic minority also plays a realistic role, to a great extent, to adjust civil order at the basic level besides constitutional law.
  • Statutory agencies can encourage the establishment of local ethnically focused voluntary organizations by targeting specific grant aid.
  • Editors at "USA Today" say one of their former reporters engaged in what they call elaborate deception in a story claiming the Serb military ordered ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. CNN Transcript Jan 13, 2004
  • These policy shifts stem from struggles over social dominance among cultural and ethnic groups within the larger society.
  • A rigged election, ethnic violence, economic dysfunction and now a political assassination -- the crisis in Kenya has hit a sad superfecta. Kenya's Collapse
  • Many have experienced racial prejudice from other ethnic groups than my own too.
  • Historically, ethnic religions in China have played a very important role in the development of Chinese religion, especially, of which Kirghiz's religion is a important part.
  • I am not familiar with Mischa's thesis but I am ready to bet that most of the "nationalisms" it deals with are varieties of imperialism or ethnic exclusivism. TRANSLATION IN RUSSIA.
  • Damir pointed out a salient problem with the west’s 1990s policies towards the breakup of Yugoslavia … there was a lot of solipsistic, “we can live in multiethnic harmony here, so Bosnia should be a multiethnic cooperative state, too!” Matthew Yglesias » Karadzic’s Defense
  • In the broad Canadian scene, a diverse group of Baptists with different theological or ethnic roots has emerged.
  • As university campuses become increasingly multi-ethnic, they offer a glimpse of the conflicts society will face tomorrow.
  • Instead we are eating more chilli and spicy ethnic sauces. The Sun
  • Hence many Ottoman viziers were of non-Turkish ethnic origin, including Greeks, Albanians, and even Italians.
  • British independent schools are now more ethnically diverse than their state-maintained counterparts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over the decades, as America evolved -- as slavery was prohibited and the Civil War was fought, and as the New Deal swept through the country -- our constitutional values, like a vine, wrapped around the knottiest ethnic and historical features of our landscape. Mike Signer: Vision of a State: Ultra-Federalism in Afghanistan
  • The ethnic populations are so intermingled that there's bound to be conflict.
  • Chronic fatigue immunodeficiency syndrome (CFIDS), also referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), affects people of all ethnicities and income groups. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who was re-elected last month by a wide margin, largely because of support from the country's Sihanalese majority, said Tamil leaders should not "misguide" people or harbor political ambitions based on ethnicity. CBS 2 - KCAL 9 - Los Angeles - Southern California - LA Breaking News, Weather, Traffic, Sports
  • Ditch the summer's clunky ethnic beads for lady-like pearls, vintage jewellery, an old-fashioned handbag, leather gloves and a flash of stocking.
  • There are even sections on architectural salvage, ethnic crafts and furnishings, auctions and markets.
  • A glimpse of the rural lifestyle and a peep into the culture of various ethnic groups.
  • For instance, if one knew a person's ethnic identity one could predict his or her religion with some confidence.
  • Democracy and human rights have been extended by women's groups, ethnic minorities, and dissident groups.
  • It was while in Cornell that he began to be interested in ethnic music from India, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and also African as well as Western music.
  • The first equation that was estimated for each ethnic group included early substance use to estimate its binary effect on school completion.
  • The padrone was an ethnic intermediary and labour agent with the resources necessary to conduct the trade.
  • We would argue that a close review of leading gangsters and organised-crime figures would reveal quite a degree of ethnic diversity.
  • Because of its close proximity to work, immigrants settled on the Lower East Side, forming ethnic enclaves.
  • There have been centuries of intermarriage between the different groups, so there are no longer any ‘pure’ ethnic groups in China.
  • To invoke a hallowed Jewish category, Judaism is the religion that my Jewish ethnicity commands of me.
  • So this thesis is an attempt to do a research on the folksongs of Yugur Ethnic Group from the geographical point of view.
  • In addition to being a proscribed ethnic group by the government, the Chinese were predominantly city-dwellers, making them vulnerable to the Khmer Rouge's revolutionary ruralism. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Fashion designs are full of romantic ideas such as fancy flowers, cozy colour prints, ethnic embroidery and clashing geometric patterns.
  • The complex mosaic of traditions, religions, cultures, ethnicities and histories in the Arab world is lost to US and Israeli strategic planners.
  • Women and men of any ethnic group, any age, any social condition are seeing their innocent lives destroyed.
  • Despite its modest size and the irregular temporal, spatial, and ethnic distribution of the cases, the sample represents more than 70% of spousal murders that occurred in the viceroyalty at the time.
  • Radu Sigheti/Reuters A Roma woman brought a roasted piglet to the table during a gathering of the ethnic Roma minority in Costesti. Emerging Europe: The Week in Photos
  • People of the same ethnic background and socio-economic status are most comfortable together. Christianity Today
  • While the Kyrgyz cities of Osh and Jalalabad burned, sending almost 100, 000 ethnic Uzbeks fleeing into Uzbekistan, Moscow dithered and then sent a few planeloads of humanitarian aid.
  • Furthermore, successive governments have appeared to accept this definition of ethnic relations as largely a question of immigration control.
  • New York is a very culturally/ethnically diverse city.
  • Under what conditions does populism temper the potential ethnicity to provoke disintegrative social conflict, and instead promote pluralist democracy?
  • As the latest decennial Census revealed, American youngsters are far more diverse racially and ethnically than the adult population.
  • “Racism” is not necessarily racial discrimination, it means ethnical discrimination too. Global Voices in English » Israel: Reflections on the Holocaust Memorial Day and Durban II
  • This new racial identity was not a product of ethnic revivalism.
  • Yet about the same percentage say their church is predominantly one racial or ethnic group. Christianity Today
  • It should be obvious that the diverse ethnic groups and nationalities that call themselves Muslims are not of one mind.
  • This semantic distinction is beside the point; the special admissions program is undeniably a classification based on race and ethnic back-ground.
  • Why do our churches not generally reflect the ethnic make-up of the society they are in?
  • Men of both ethnicities do woodwork and carpentry, bricklaying, and upholstering.
  • Canadians take great pride in the ethnic and cultural diversity of our population.
  • Local authorities appear to have quelled the protests, which erupted last week after a Mongolian herder was killed by a coal truck driven by a member of China's dominant Han ethnic group as a group of herders sought to block a convoy from crossing pastureland. China Says Foreigners Fuel Unrest in Mongolia
  • Simply seeing white strangers interacting positively with ethnic minorities reduces racial prejudice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Teachers of multi-ethnic classes need to develop some awareness of the backgrounds of their students.
  • Mr Babangida and his predecessors have tried to meet competing ethnic demands by spreading power around regional governments in a federal system.
  • influenced by ethnic and cultural ties
  • Multi-ethnic, multicultural Brazilians, addicted to tolerance but most of the time drenched in complacency, preferred to believe -- and joke about -- the eternal promise of "the country of the future" (as novelist Stefan Zweig coined it over 70 years ago). Pepe Escobar: Is Brazil the New United States?
  • The Abkhaz are a small ethnic group unrelated to the Georgians, who have shared with them for centuries the same beautiful stretch of Black Sea coastline. Bullies of the Caucasus
  • In face-to-face interviews, trained caseworkers are often used, and in most interviews the race and ethnicity of the interviewer and respondent were matched.
  • At Meow Mixes, you can dance to hip hop, funk, alternative, techno, breakbeat, ethnic music and retro favourites.
  • A question on ethnic origin was included in the census.
  • But it demonstrates the strength of Russia's multi-ethnic empire and the depth of its integration in European affairs and security.
  • If the police were trying to fight a wave of arsons or bank robberies, it would be wrong, and make no sense, to focus on blacks or Asians or Mexicans or any particular ethnic/racial group, because being of such a particular group has nothing to do with thecrime. The Volokh Conspiracy » AZ Boycott and the Constitution:

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