How To Use Estragon In A Sentence
Her suggestions include Consommé à l'Estragon, the whites of a couple of eggs whisked into it at the last moment; Natural Meat Jelly, served on a rusk; and, for a main course, a "fresh or slightly pickled tongue" or perhaps a mixed grill, starring mutton cutlets, or devilled game.
How can I lose weight when I like eating?
He decided to reward Estragon and Vladimir for praising him by making Lucky entertain them.
The Julie/Julia Project was an entry-by-entry accounting of her offsetting her workaday life by cooking her way through Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume 1, which is comprised of 500+ often idiosyncratic recipes like poulet poele a l'estragon (page 249), veau sylvie (page 357), and jambon farci et braise (page 394).
Elissa Altman: Julia, Julie, Judith, and Me
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