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How To Use Equitably In A Sentence

  • The whole idea of liquidation is that all assets are liquidated and the proceeds distributed equitably in accordance with the law.
  • Wealth was redistributed more equitably among society.
  • We aim to ensure that employees are all treated equitably.
  • The meter operating fee assigns the meter operating costs equitably to customers who have metered water service.
  • They resent the amassment of power and money by conservatives and want it to flow more "equitably" rather than simply compete for the resources in the capitalist game. Consecrating the Warrior
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  • As much as possible, they seek to distribute costs and benefits equitably among their primary constituencies.
  • Sudden and forceful movements may confuse customers, disrupt channels, transition economics inequitably, or lead to poor product execution.
  • In order for the independent director to exercise his rights impartially and equitably, nothing can go without a constraint mechanism in addition to above-mentioned incentive mechanism.
  • People who feel inequitably treated and dissatisfied are motivated to do something to restore equity.
  • Some states, by subsidizing exam costs, make the exams more widely and equitably available.
  • On tax, he said: ‘We are relatively well-off, but we fail to share our wealth equitably.’
  • If the law is to be effective it must be applied equitably.
  • So the push for downzoning pits the rights of neighborhoods against the city's broader need to equitably accommodate its growth.
  • They were to keep the peace and defend the realm from attack, administer the law equitably and impartially, and uphold true religion and the Church.
  • On the contrary, molecular medicine holds remarkable promise for improving quality of life and delivering health care more equitably.
  • Wealth was redistributed more equitably among society.
  • But the main difficulty is that the great Hindu and Moslem religious communities which play such a vital part in the social and political life of India have not yet been able to compose their differences and to agree on a Constitution which would divide authority equitably between them and protect the rights of minorities. The Empire In These Days
  • The political influences spoken of before, operating no doubt with others of which it is unnecessary to speak, have acted dispersively on the sum of national reputations, and equitably allotted to almost every part of the fair island some _parcenary_ share of fame, some hallowing memory, like a household genius, to preside over and endear its localities. The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, April 1844 Volume 23, Number 4
  • We should equitably assess historical figures.
  • the inheritance was equitably divided among the sisters
  • Although the question of whether a defendant should be equitably estopped is generally a question of fact, here, given Putter's level of awareness and subsequent inaction, equitable estoppel is inappropriate as a matter of law ... Personal Injury
  • Introduce a new, broadly based local property tax and rebalance service charges equitably across the entire community.
  • The work should be shared more equitably.
  • Wealth was redistributed more equitably among society.
  • If the law is to be effective it must be applied equitably.
  • Good sense is the most equitably distributed of all things because no matter how much or little a person has, everyone feels so abundantly provided with good sense that he feels no desire for more than he already possesses. Rene Descartes 
  • But to do it -- to ensure that digital learning rolls out equitably, responsibly and responsively for all kids -- we've got to be in the game, helping schools deliver what Milton Chen calls "modern learning using modern tools. Lucy Friedman: An Opening for Digital Learning
  • The Report gives specific figures to illustrate what is actually happening with regard to what it refers to as rewards that are spread "unequally and inequitably". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • We should equitably assess historical figures.
  • their father's possessions were inequitably divided among the sons
  • A major function of the commune was to regulate relations inhering in economic independence, from dividing peasant landholdings equitably to adjusting the rent they paid their owners.

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