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[ US /ˈɛkwɪtəbɫi/ ]
[ UK /ˈɛkwɪtəbli/ ]
  1. in an equitable manner
    the inheritance was equitably divided among the sisters

How To Use equitably In A Sentence

  • The whole idea of liquidation is that all assets are liquidated and the proceeds distributed equitably in accordance with the law.
  • Wealth was redistributed more equitably among society.
  • We aim to ensure that employees are all treated equitably.
  • The meter operating fee assigns the meter operating costs equitably to customers who have metered water service.
  • They resent the amassment of power and money by conservatives and want it to flow more "equitably" rather than simply compete for the resources in the capitalist game. Consecrating the Warrior
  • As much as possible, they seek to distribute costs and benefits equitably among their primary constituencies.
  • Sudden and forceful movements may confuse customers, disrupt channels, transition economics inequitably, or lead to poor product execution.
  • In order for the independent director to exercise his rights impartially and equitably, nothing can go without a constraint mechanism in addition to above-mentioned incentive mechanism.
  • People who feel inequitably treated and dissatisfied are motivated to do something to restore equity.
  • Some states, by subsidizing exam costs, make the exams more widely and equitably available.
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