
How To Use Equilibrate In A Sentence

  • A fully hydrated, equilibrated POPC membrane, consisting of 128 POPC molecules and 4480 water molecules, was used as a starting structure.
  • The water was equilibrated and eight sodium ions were added to neutralize the system.
  • Austrians concerned with market processes should immediately note the impossibility of a perfectly equilibrated market in loanable funds. Is Buffet a Misesian? - The Austrian Economists
  • For the equilibration of the water the protein atoms were fixed and the water molecules were equilibrated using Langevin dynamics.
  • That by itself would be enough to disequilibrate chavismo power and break his current majority. Venezuela News And Views
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  • Lee, his utterly unsuported claim that there is effectivley no “thermal inertia” in the earth’s system, becaus the time for the oceans to equilibrate is too short. NAS Panel Report « Climate Audit
  • After bleaching, the gradient to the cytoplasm is gradually equilibrated, leading to a slight recovery of the nuclear EGFP concentration.
  • Sodium concentration and osmolality in the intravascular and interstitial spaces equilibrate across the vascular membrane.
  • The experiment indicated that using this engine can render a realistic individual face, which meet the demand of accuracy and efficiency that personage's model must equilibrate in the game.
  • To understand them we shouldn't depart from the micro-analytics, the way people respond to incentives, the way markets equilibrate and disequilibrate, theories of creative destruction. Library of Economics and Liberty
  • After the probe was added to the lipid it was equilibrated for I h above the phase transition temperature.
  • The entire Theory of the Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effect is founded on pseudo-science and a series of falsehoods and impossibilities that date back to Fourier (1824), Tyndall (1861), and Arrhenius (1896), and essentially describes a fictitious mechanism, in which a planetary atmosphere acts as a heat pump driven by an environment that is radiatively interacting with but radiatively equilibrated to the atmospheric system. Climate Change Czar Carol Browner on Hacked Emails: ‘Who Cares?’ - Vladimir’s blog - RedState
  • The column was equilibrated with water and eluted in a acetonitrile gradient.
  • The scattering cells were equilibrated at a given temperature by immersion in a thermostatted bath of toluene used for scattering calibration.
  • Prior to radiation treatments, seed moisture was equilibrated to 12.5% in an airtight desiccator with a solution of 60% glycerol for 5 days.
  • A short 5 ps molecular dynamics simulation at 50 K and constant volume equilibrated the solvent with the LBD fixed.
  • Spectra were measured at different temperatures, and samples were allowed to equilibrate at each temperature for at least 10 min before data collection.
  • While import and output of livestock products was generally equilibrated in 2000, the export of meat products accounted for 7% of domestic outputs and was responsible for 8% of animal wastes emission, as weighted by phosphorus content. Phosphorus use in China
  • The solvated systems were then equilibrated with standard protocols.
  • The system was equilibrated by using molecular dynamics with no constraints to movement of the additional K + ions.
  • We wish to point out that even after 1.5 ns explicit solvent simulations, ion distribution is not equilibrated.
  • Since baryogenesis is now over, it is imperative that baryon number violation be small enough at this temperature in the broken phase, otherwise any baryonic excess generated will be equilibrated to zero. Matter v Antimatter II: Electroweak Baryogenesis
  • A built-in temperature control unit was used to maintain the sample's temperature; each sample was allowed to equilibrate at least 30 min before starting the experiment.
  • Each electrode was inserted to about 1-2 mm into the tissue and allowed to equilibrate for several minutes until a stable reading was found.
  • When the US put enough pressure on them, and they finally let the yen equilibrate naturally, it fell to the vicinity of 100 yen/dollar. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Our Government is Anti-Consumer
  • The same study also found that in the period right after surgery, death rates were as much as 27% higher in the U.K. and Ireland than in the U.S., although differences in longer-term outcomes equilibrated once patients survived the first year of their transplant. Edwards and Organ Transplants
  • Dave, as Ive pointed out, my principle issue with Lubos is his utterly unsuported claim that there is effectivley no “thermal inertia” in the earth’s system, becaus the time for the oceans to equilibrate is too short. NAS Panel Report « Climate Audit
  • The triclinic lysozyme crystals were placed in a small cup with only a few drops of mother liquor, after which they were equilibrated for 3 weeks in a confined atmosphere with a large excess of deuterated mother liquor.
  • The samples were allowed to equilibrate for ~ 20 min at each temperature before spectra were recorded or time-resolved data was taken.
  • There is too much inventory, particularly of distressed properties, relative to the pace of home sales, which means that prices must fall further to equilibrate the market. Home Prices Show Sector Still Ailing
  • Based on node isolation principle, it adopts pre emphasize technique to equilibrate the EDFA output power of all signal channels.
  • The cell was equilibrated in the bath solution for several minutes before starting the recording.
  • Your body and metabolism have to become equilibrated with your new exercise routine, that takes time. Artifical Sweeteners & The Like
  • I think you'll quickly find that the agency model will spread throughout the ebook market and prices will equilibrate a bit. Kudos To Macmillan (and/or Amazon)
  • The style, which simultaneously maximizes fussiness and vagueness — verbal operatives tend to be so abstract that almost anything can be related to, equilibrated with, adequated to anything else — caused me at last to mourn for Wordsworth. 'At the Far End of this Ongoing Enterprise...'
  • At each temperature and composition, the system was allowed to equilibrate for at least 1 nanosecond; equilibrium properties were accumulated over simulations of at least 10 nanoseconds.
  • After adjusting the temperature to a new value the setup was allowed to equilibrate for ~ 5-10 min until the thermal drift was well below 0.1 K / min.
  • Indeed, enflurane is a volatile anesthetic, and it equilibrates not only between water and lipids but also between water and air.
  • Initially, a single protonated surfactin molecule was equilibrated in vacuum.
  • The soil mixtures, with and without additives, were thoroughly mixed with various moisture contents and allowed to equilibrate for 24 hours prior to compaction.
  • However, in order to reach definitive conclusions in an RCM intercomparison, ensemble simulations with adequate spin-up (time for regional model processes to equilibrate with prescribed external forcings) and equivalent initialization of surface fields are required [31]. Regional modeling of the Arctic
  • This monolayer leaflet was equilibrated for 5 ns using conditions specified in Table 1.
  • When the change in weight of the samples was less than 0.5%, the sample dishes were sealed and allowed to equilibrate for 12-14 h (usually overnight).
  • When the supply-demand balance changes in any one of those assets, all rates adjust to help equilibrate. Liquidity Trap or Statism Trap?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • This spectrum was allowed to equilibrate for ~ 20 min (or until no further changes in absorbance occurred) before collection of the final spectrum.
  • Samples were dried at 55°C with forced air for 48 h, allowed to air equilibrate for 24 h, and ground to pass through a 2-mm screen.
  • First, they tuned the magnetic field to a value corresponding to an effective interparticle attraction, and allowed the gas to equilibrate.
  • This absence of effects is in line with the data from Fig.2, and confirmed that the intracellular and extracellular concentrations of Cl were truly equilibrated.
  • She was under staysail and forestaysail only, perfectly equilibrated, and her speed and power were awesome.
  • The textbook says that there should be perfect information for the market to equilibrate.
  • Stem tissue was allowed to equilibrate for 30 min before starting the NMR analysis and the spectra were recorded at 121.49 MHz using a double-tuned C / P 10 mm diameter probehead as described previously.
  • The restraints were then removed and the system was allowed to equilibrate for another 3.9-6.6 ns, for total simulation times between 4.2 and 6.9 ns.
  • Sodium concentration and osmolality in the intravascular and interstitial spaces equilibrate across the vascular membrane.
  • It had been observed by Harland Wood's group at Western Reserve that when 14C-lactate or 14C-glycerol are fed to a fasted animal the labeling of the glucose units of liver glycogen was such as to suggest that triose-P isomerase had failed to equilibrate its two triose phosphate substrates during synthesis, or that the condensation reaction of FDP aldolase did not give equal labeling of the two halves of Irwin Rose - Autobiography
  • Maybe in another 65 million years, give or take, cranial capacity will come to equilibrate with neuronal/mental capability. Matthew Yglesias » Arctic Seabed Methane Stores Destabilizing
  • Samples are mixed gently for 10 s, then loaded into observation chambers and allowed to equilibrate for 60 min at room temperature before particle movements are recorded.
  • Before starting the experiments, oocytes were equilibrated for at least 20 min in substrate-free bathing medium to obtain a stable volume measurement.
  • In games for which there exists a potential, the deviation-from-rationality dynamical model for which each agent's output follows the gradient of the potential along with a normally distributed random perturbation, is shown to equilibrate to a Gibbs measure. Strange Science
  • Rather than equilibrate the market overnight, such confused policy leads to double digit increases in price as supply meets demand. Thor Halvorssen: A Rotting Chicken in Every Pot: Venezuela's Disastrous Food Policy
  • The atmospheric greenhouse effect, an idea that many authors trace back to the traditional works of Fourier (1824), Tyndall (1861), and Arrhenius (1896), and which is still supported in global climatology, essentially describes a fictitious mechanism, in which a planetary atmosphere acts as a heat pump driven by an environment that is radiatively interacting with but radiatively equilibrated to the atmospheric system. Rabett Run
  • In particular, it would be useful if he can refuse an option that would disequilibrate the voting system. Yammering
  • The system was first equilibrated by an extended molecular dynamics run until the potential and total energies were constant and the radius of gyration of the K + ions oscillated about an average.
  • Groundwater gradients may take extremely long periods to equilibrate to significant changes in surface pressures, depending on the hydraulic diffusivity of the rock mass (the ratio of hydraulic conductivity to storage coefficient).
  • For example, dimerization of the transmembrane segment of glycophorin is less tight and equilibrates much faster in sodium dodecyl sulfate than in zwitterionic detergents.
  • After each titration step, samples were allowed to equilibrate for at least 6 min (longer waiting times did not furnish deviating results).
  • The electrode was calibrated by allowing it to equilibrate with 2 ml of air-saturated artificially hardened water, circulated in the chamber by a small magnet.
  • Samples were allowed to equilibrate at this temperature for at least 10 min before measurements.
  • Personally i feel a need to equilibrate my love for goats with my hatred for sheep, so every hour or so i take a break and watch this a few times. Topo Gigio sighting in Sicily | clusterflock
  • It had been observed by Harland Wood's group at Western Reserve that when 14C-lactate or 14C-glycerol are fed to a fasted animal the labeling of the glucose units of liver glycogen was such as to suggest that triose-P isomerase had failed to equilibrate its two triose phosphate substrates during synthesis, or that the condensation reaction of FDP aldolase did not give equal labeling of the two halves of Irwin Rose - Autobiography
  • The membrane models used for this study are equilibrated fully hydrated dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine bilayers.
  • The deflationary pressures the economy experienced during 2008 and 2009 were only temporary phenomena caused by producers and retailers slashing prices to quickly liquidate goods to equilibrate to a new, slower-growth outlook. Sen. Kyl Gets Taxes Right, But What About The Dollar?
  • Added water and ions were equilibrated in a 200 ps MD simulation as described above.
  • In wine vinegar, the much higher concentration of acetic acid equilibrates with the commensurately higher ethyl acetate concentration.

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