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How To Use Epistle In A Sentence

  • But I find it hard to make a judgment one way or the other, because the Pastoral Epistles are widely accepted as being pseudepigraphical, and yet I find it hard to imagine someone who idolizes Paul enough to write in his name penning 1 Timothy 1:15. Review of Doubting Jesus' Resurrection
  • In sum, the histories and the prophecies of the Old Testament and the gospels and epistles of the New Testament have had one and the same scope, to convert men to the obedience of God: 1. in Moses and the priests; 2. in the man Christ; and 3. in the Apostles and the successors to apostolical power. Leviathan
  • I say, I would suppose that this might divert our doctor from casting his eye upon Vedelius, whose defensative would have informed him that these epistles had been opposed as false and counterfeit before ever Salmasius or The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • The epistle is 2 Corinthians 6. 1-10 and the Gospel Matthew 4. 03/01/2003 - 04/01/2003
  • Macedonians, [352] 278; apparent discrepance of the two Epistles explained, [353] 288; the second, gentler, [354] 295; loved by Paul more than other churches, [355] 296; estranged from the incestuous person, NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
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  • After each prophecy, (and the Tract that follows the fourth, eighth and eleventh) the priest, standing as usual at the Missal on the Epistle side, with the deacon and subdeacon in line behind him, sings “Oremus”; the deacon sings “Flectamus genua”, and all kneel for a moment of silent prayer, then the subdeacon sings “Levate”, and all rise for a collect, as already mentioned for the Mass of the Presanctified. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 6.1 - Holy Saturday and the Blessing of the New Fire, Procession, Exultet, Prophecies
  • The collection begins with an epistle describing the courage and tension of a soldier waiting in the snow.
  • For neither did Peter personally minister to the churches in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, Bithynia, though he wrote his Epistles to them. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • In New Testament terms, it is as if the Epistles were preserved, without any of the four Gospels or Acts of the Apostles.
  • When James Guthrie was lying ill and like to die, he called in his man, James Cowie, to read in the Epistle to the Romans to him, and when Cowie came to these words, 'I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy,' his master burst into tears, and said, 'James, I have nothing but that to lippen to.' Samuel Rutherford
  • And yet surely it is a vision worth celebrating, worth giving thanks for if we see it in terms of the embrace of the intellect by the church as issuing in that confident freedom, that liberty not to be manipulated, not to be bullied, not to be deluded, which is celebrated in our epistle. Archbishop Celebrates Selwyn College's 125th Anniversary
  • The minister in Gods name blesses his i.e. Gods people agreeable to the practice of the apostles, who generally close the epistles with a benediction in the name of the Diary of Anna Green Winslow A Boston School Girl of 1771
  • Protestant theology emphasizes Grace over Law — Jewish and Muslim theologies are all about Law; while Catholic theology certainly gives some importance to Grace (hard not to, given the Pauline epistles), its praxis is extremely legalistic (cf. Luther, M.). The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Catholics and Jews?
  • This pencil memorandum is very plain. [hh] It is worthy of special note also, that one of the owners of this volume, a Simon Holdip, writes on the last page of the "Lives of the Ten Emperors," the last in order of binding, "_per me Simone Holdip in te domine speravi_" in the old so-called chancery-hand, while on the first page of the Dedication of the "Familiar Epistles," the first in order of binding, he writes The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 47, September, 1861
  • Commentary on the Epistle of St. James": "Confess your sins one to another" (Confitemini alterutrum peccata vestra). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • My lengthy epistle on Sunday seems to have touched a chord with a lot of people.
  • And nowhere upon the inspired pages of the fourth Evangelist, nor in that great Epistle to the Colossians, which is the very citadel and central fort of that doctrine in Scripture, is there more emphatically stated this truth than here, in these incidental allusions. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians Chapters I to End. Colossians, Thessalonians, and First Timothy.
  • Preachers may choose to continue the Lenten theme of baptism by examining the Epistle reading.
  • The opinions expressed in these evocative epistles were remarkably forthright and revealing.
  • Claudette couldn't concentrate on the epistle or the gospel, couldn't settle down to the rosary.
  • His elegant epistles, brilliant treatises, and eloquent protreptics for asceticism appeared to promise him great things.
  • The epistle and gospel were read in both Latin and English.
  • Epistles to Timothy and Titus, which is assisted by a supposed analogy between the position of the Apostles and of their successors; although the term bishop is clearly used in the passages referred to as well as in other parts of the New Testament indistinguishably from Presbyter, and the magisterial authority of bishops in after ages is unlike rather than like the personal authority of the Apostles in the beginning of the Gospel. Scripture and Truth: Dissertations by the Late Benjamin Jowett with Introduction by Lewis Campbell.
  • When he failed to receive payment, he followed up with letters, and these hilarious epistles are what he shared with us.
  • The undesignedness of the coincidence establishes the genuineness of both the Epistle and the history. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • As the epistle is short, a translation of it will be given in the notes at the end of the volume. The Canon of the Old and New Testaments Ascertained, or The Bible Complete without the Apocrypha and Unwritten Traditions.
  • Christopher Rotman, the landgrave of Hesse's mathematician, in their astronomical epistles, whether it be the same Diaphanum clearness, matter of air and heavens, or two distinct essences? Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Ovid's Heroides, verse epistles from women abandoned by their famous lovers, was tremendously popular in the first decades of print.
  • Christian baptismal formulation, preserved in Paul's epistle to the Galatians, is a radical declaration. Who Do Men Say That I Am?
  • After food and several cups of coffee had revived Emerson somewhat, I handed him what I must call the official or overt epistle. LORD OF THE SILENT
  • Both the epistle and gospel readings for this Sunday describe sending out those who will gather others together.
  • And again, Saint John the Theologian writes in his epistle: Eric Simpson: Icons: Symbols of Sobriety in a Culture of Chaos
  • Judaism herein opposed is not that of the earlier Epistles, which upheld the law and tried to join it with faith in Christ for justification. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Instead of creating a groundswell of popular political support, the Patriot epistles seemed to generate more criticism.
  • The fourth tableau represents the Roman prison from where St Paul penned his Epistles, his instructions to early Christian communities all over the empire.
  • His verse is both metrically and formally experimental, ranging from satire to love lyric, from sonnet to verse epistle, from elegy to hymn.
  • This epistle is ye result of my anxiety, and a duty which my conscience will not suffer me to dispense with. Autobiography and Other Memorials of Mrs. Gilbert, Formerly Ann Taylor
  • Leapor's reference to the fly is a signal that she is arguing against Pope's epistle.
  • In the first Epistle which we have, the subject of fornication is alluded to only in a way, as if he were rather replying to an excuse set up after rebuke in the matter, than introducing for the first time [Alford]. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • But others think more probably that this epistle was written before the other; this in anno 62, that in 66, and then it is an evidence how considerable a man Demas was, who yet afterwards revolted. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Thebans Amphiaraus, and the Lebadians Trophonius; one religion is as true as another, new fangled devices, all for human respects; great-witted Aristotle's works are as much authentical to them as Scriptures, subtle Seneca's Epistles as canonical as St. Paul's, Pindarus 'Odes as good as the Prophet Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Rom. 16:22 I, Tertius, who write this epistle, greet you in the Lord.
  • It is acknowledgeable that the reason for Paul's statements of such deep commitment in the epistles was necessary in order to inspire his readers to the same commitment. Pulpit Magazine
  • An apostolic answer of an apostolic man, and resembling the reason given by the great Apostle of the loss of the ancient Gentiles, whom he calls inexcusable, for that having known good they followed evil; for it is in a word that which he inculcates in the first chapter of his epistle to the Romans. Treatise on the Love of God
  • Trembling with terror of this formidable freebooter (for he placed no belief in the declaration that he was the prince of Scotland), the man obeyed, and Bruce breaking the seals, found, as he expected, a long epistle from the regent, urging the sanguinary aim of his communications. The Scottish Chiefs
  • This is curiously illustrated by what may be termed a conjoint epistle addressed to Professor Janet by Madame B. and her secondary self, Léonie II. Real Ghost Stories
  • Subsequently we find him in "Babylon," whence he wrote this First Epistle to the Israelite believers of the dispersion, and the Gentile Christians united in Christ, in Pontus, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • She repeated to him the following words from the third verse of the fourth chapter of Paul's epistle to the Philippians: "I entreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which labor with me in the gospel, whose names are in the book of life. The Choctaw Freedmen and The Story of Oak Hill Industrial Academy
  • The same Ambrose writing vpon the second chapitre of the first epistle to Timothie [50], after he hath spoken much of the simple arrayment of women: he addeth these wordes: woman oght not onelie to haue simple arrayment, but all authoritie is to be denied vnto her: for she must be in subiection to man (of whome she hath taken her originall) aswell in habit as in seruice. The First Blast of the Trumpet against the monstrous regiment of Women
  • On the prevalence of larrikinism I wrote at length in a former epistle. Town Life in Australia
  • Then I read, and re-read, and re-re-read, and quadruply, quintuply, and sextuply re-read my epistle, until I had it all by heart, and then continued to re-read it for the sake of the penmanship. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 108, October, 1866
  • And again, Saint John the Theologian writes in his epistle: Eric Simpson: Icons: Symbols of Sobriety in a Culture of Chaos
  • But your literary prowess is too circuitously authenticated to admit of any punctilious commendation from my debilitated pen, and under its umbrageous recess, serenely segregated, from the malapert and hypochondriachal vapours of myopic critics (as I am no acromatic philosopher) I trust every solecism contained in this autographical epistle will find a salvable retirement. Life and Remains of John Clare "The Northamptonshire Peasant Poet"
  • Mr. Pembroke only wrote to our hero one letter, but it was of the bulk of six epistles of these degenerate days, containing, in the moderate compass of ten folio pages, closely written, a precis of a supplementary quarto manuscript of addenda, delenda, et corrigenda in reference to the two tracts with which he had presented Waverley. Waverley
  • It was widely used at Mass and had the Latin text on one side of the page and the English translation on the other, with epistles and gospel readings also in English.
  • Thus there are really two kinds of story: that which shapes the Jesus narrative in each Gospel, and that which influences the didactic and hortatory arguments in the Epistles.
  • Rejecting therefore the good, and as it were spuing it out, they shall all deservedly incur the just judgment of God, which also the Apostle Paul testifies in his Epistle to the Romans, where he says, "But dost thou despise the riches of His goodness, and patience, and long-suffering, being ignorant that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • We know this because of the arrangement of its deep plantar tendons, because its palate is desmognathous instead of ægithognathous, because -- but I think I will not proceed further with these reasons; if I do, this article will resemble a letter written by the conscientious undergraduate who used to copy into each of his epistles to his mother, a page of _A Complete Birds of the Indian Hills
  • What is a blog but an uncensored epistle to an imaginary friend? Times, Sunday Times
  • I could almost hear her merry laugh ringing across the harbor as I slowly walked along the pier, reading her return epistle.
  • Second, there is no warning in the Gospels or in the Epistles of the New Testament about an unpardonable sin.
  • Of the Epistle, when it was remarked, in the hearing of Thomas Warton, that it had more energy than could have been expected from Walpole, to whom others ascribed it, Warton remarked that it might have been written by Walpole, and buckramed by Mason. Lives of the English Poets
  • We concentrated on the Pastoral Epistles, I and II Timothy and Titus, as representing one kind of early Christian way of handling women in their early communities.
  • But your literary prowess is too circuitously authenticated to admit of any punctilious commendation from my debilitated pen, and under its umbrageous recess, serenely segregated, from the malapert and hypochondriachal vapours of myopic critics (as I am no acromatic philosopher) I trust every solecism contained in this autographical epistle will find a salvable retirement. Life and Remains of John Clare "The Northamptonshire Peasant Poet"
  • 'cabala' of Paul on the other: while at the same time it weakens the more important half of the objection to, or doubt concerning, the authenticity of St. Peter's Epistles. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • Regardless of the content of the epistle, there is still something exciting about receiving an email or a letter from someone close.
  • In the epistle of St Paul to the Hebrews, St Paul speaks of the sanctuary, its rituals, its contents and the Holy of Holies.
  • Was Augustine's reading of the text in keeping with the intention of those second-century Christians who first began to read the Epistle to the Romans as a canonical text?
  • Epistle III, to Lord Bathurst, deals with the use of riches, which is understood by few, neither the avaricious nor the prodigal deriving happiness from them.
  • The style of these epistles doth not a little weaken the credit of them, being turgent, swelling with uncouth words and phrases, affected manner and ways of expression, new compositions of words, multiplying titles of honour to men, — exceedingly remote and distant from the plainness and simplicity of the first writers among the Christians, as is evident by comparing these with the epistle of Clemens before mentioned, that of Polycarpus in The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • Hence, besides, it is doing no service to the interpretation of the Scriptures, to attempt to shew that in the passage of the Epistle to the Hebrews, [455] where the covenant is represented as a testament, either that the term διαθηχη there, must have only the meaning _testament_, or that it must be rendered _covenant_ exclusively throughout. The Ordinance of Covenanting
  • The rest of Dr.T. 's epistle is pettifoggery, but I am surprised that a scholarly person, who should be conversant with the findings of modern Russian history (from Kliuchevsky onward to Crankshaw), would defend the wholly discredited Romanov dynasty, which inflicted such continuous harm on Russian culture. Cranberry Jello
  • The design of this second epistle is the same with that of the former, as is evident from the first verse of the third chapter, whence observe that, in the things of Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Spirit so "quickened" them that they were able to understand and appreciate one of the most spiritual of all his Epistles. Oriental Religions and Christianity A Course of Lectures Delivered on the Ely Foundation Before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891
  • The Epistle of Jude is one of the so-called antilegomena; but, although its canonicity has been questioned in several Churches, its genuineness has never been denied. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • But on those words in the Epistle to the Hebrews, [496] _Ye have not yet resisted unto blood_, the Gloss has: "There is no more perfect charity in this life than that to which the holy Martyrs attained, for they strove against sin even _unto blood_. On Prayer and The Contemplative Life
  • Dr. McGrath, what makes this story assume Markan priority over the epistles? Mythunderstanding The Criteria Of Authenticity
  • The Gospel reading is Luke's account of the transfiguration; the Old Testament and Epistle readings highlight different dimensions of this event in the life of the Christ.
  • He was halted in this folly by Count Lubonski, to whom the secret police had brought a copy of Krystyna Szprot's letter, and he more than most could appreciate the turmoil this epistle must have ignited in the heart of his young countryman, for he had seen many exiles from the Russian part of Poland commit themselves to stupid actions when caught up in emotional crises. Poland
  • There are some thirteen appellatives in this section of his epistle, and all are true of every saint of God.
  • Some have observed that whereas in all the epistles to the churches the apostolical benediction is grace and peace, in these two epistles to Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • St Paul's Epistle to the Philippians [114: 2]; so that the notice is satisfied by the single Epistle to Polycarp which is included in the Essays on the work entitled "Supernatural Religion"
  • The gradation from the style of freedom and simplicity, to that of form and servitude, may be traced in the Epistles of Cicero, of Pliny, and of Symmachus.] 74 The emperor Gratian, after confirming a law of precedency published by Valentinian, the father of his Divinity, thus continues: Siquis igitur indebitum sibi locum usurpaverit, nulla se ignoratione defendat; sitque plane sacrilegii reus, qui divina praecepta neglexerit. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • I persuade myself that he will find the proofs, both of agreement, and undesignedness, supplied by these epistles, sufficient to support the conclusion which is there maintained, in favour both of the genuineness of the writings and the truth of the narrative. Evidence of Christianity
  • This epistle is supposed to have been written some time before that to the Galatians. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Gorgias Press will publish a printed edition of the interlinear, a text edition with facing English translation reader's edition, a lectionary of the Gospels and Epistles, a bilingual synopsis of the four Gospels, and possibly other derivative works. The Syriac Interlinear Project
  • The choir screens, work of the Renaissance, are very lovely, while above them are the _ambones_, from which on a Festa the Epistle and Gospel are sung. Florence and Northern Tuscany with Genoa With Sixteen Illustrations In Colour By William Parkinson And Sixteen Other Illustrations, Second Edition
  • He read aloud the jingling epistle to his own great-great-grandfather, which, like the rest, concludes with a broad hint, that as the author had neither lands nor flocks -- "no estate left except his designation" -- the more fortunate kinsman who enjoyed, like Jason of old, a fair share of _fleeces_, might do worse than bestow on him some of King James's _broad pieces_. Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Volume I (of 10)
  • Le Balafré and the duke of Mayenne would be a little surprised if this epistle were read to them in the other world. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Like his brother Jude he wrote an Epistle which was addressed to the twelve tribes of the dispersion, that is, to the Jewish Christians who were scattered throughout the Roman world. The Twelve: Jude and James
  • Did St. Paul write the Epistle to the Ephesians?
  • Round three sides of this choir the faithful were allowed to congregate to hear the Gospels or Epistles read from the two pulpits or ambones, where were built into its enclosure, one on either side; or to hear the services which were read or sung by the inferior order of clergy who occupied its precincts. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Unlike Angelica's self-contradictory and ultimately self-revelatory epistles, which are "keys" only to a whited sepulchre, the Biblical epistles reveal that the Bible provides its own authoritative guide to interpretation. Religion
  • This being done, we proceed unto the communion, if any communicants be to receive the Eucharist; if not, we read the Decalogue, Epistle, and Gospel, with the Nicene Creed (of some in derision called the “dry communion”), and then proceed unto an homily or sermon, which hath a psalm before and after it, and finally unto the baptism of such infants as on every Sabbath day (if occasion so require) are brought unto the churches; and thus is the forenoon bestowed. Of the Ancient and Present Estate of the Church of England. Chapter V. [1577, Book II., Chapter 5; 1585, Book II., Chapter 1
  • I have read your epistle at least once a day since I received it with the exception of Sunday and then I perused it twice.
  • In a Word, my half Education and Love of idle Books, made me outwrite all that made Love to her by way of Epistle; and as she was extremely cunning, she did well enough in Company by a skilful Spectator, June 20, 1711
  • The Rev Nancy Gillespie read the first Lesson, and the Epistle was read by The Rev J.W. McKegney, Rector of St Mark's Armagh.
  • Little is known of Drayton's personal life, though dedications and epistles reveal his circle to have included such friends as Stow, Camden, Jonson, and W. Drummond.
  • He was the author of the fourth Gospel, three biblical epistles, and the book of the Revelation.
  • From 1511 to 1517, Luther lectured on the Psalms and St. Paul's Epistles to the Romans.
  • While family members may not respond to these epistles, we do know some of the inside details.
  • Epistle to the Corinthians the arrangement of Divine Providence in the reconciliation of sinners: “God,” he says, “hath reconciled us to Himself through Christ, _and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation_ .... The Faith of Our Fathers
  • Leapor's reference to the fly is a signal that she is arguing against Pope's epistle.
  • Hence, besides, it is doing no service to the interpretation of the Scriptures, to attempt to shew that in the passage of the Epistle to the Hebrews, [455] where the covenant is represented as a testament, either that the term διαθηχη there, must have only the meaning _testament_, or that it must be rendered _covenant_ exclusively throughout. The Ordinance of Covenanting
  • In turning over the leaves of “Horace” I observe this line in an epistle to Mæcenas, “Te, dulcis amice revisam.” — “I will come and see you, my good friend.” A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Though still a young convert I could not square this teaching with 1 John, the epistle on which the morning sermons were based.
  • I replied: "It is a vile epistle which has been written in golden letters: -- '_Verily this ass, with the resemblance of a man, has the carcase of a calf, and the voice or bleating of a calf_.' The Persian Literature, Comprising The Shah Nameh, The Rubaiyat, The Divan, and The Gulistan, Volume 2
  • I say, So was Paul a Solifidian, whose epistles will confute all the formalists and self-justiciaries in the world. The Sermons of John Owen
  • When pontifical enactments take the form of responses they are called decretal epistles. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • It didn't quite rank with Saint Paul's letters from Ephesus, but Tammy Faye Bakker sent a whopper of an epistle from Florida last week. Breaking Away
  • We well recollect one fine brindled fellow, called 'Nero,' who, during his kittenhood, 'purred' the following epistle to a little girl who had been his playmate: -- Heads and Tales : or, Anecdotes and Stories of Quadrupeds and Other Beasts, Chiefly Connected with Incidents in the Histories of More or Less Distinguished Men.
  • Again this suggests the shortcoming of the received approach to these general epistles.
  • The Epistle of Philemon was used by both sides in the debate and, like the (spurious) notion that the curse of Ham was black skin (which is at odds with the begatting Ham does of most of Babylonia), is evidence only of religion being (re) interpreted for use as post facto moral justification for prejudice, the dehumanisation at the heart of it, and the abhorrent socio-political exploitations born of it. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • The way and manner in which he justifies himself and his apostleship from the opprobrious insinuations and accusations of false teachers, who endeavoured to ruin his reputation at Corinth, ch.x. -xii., and throughout the whole epistle. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • The analogia, or reading desks for the Epistle and Gospel, remained at the sides of the choir, and were used for the same purpose as the ambo, which, as belonging to the choir, was considered a part of the cancelli and was chiefly used for reading or singing parts of the liturgy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Pseudo-Hieronymian Prologue to the "Canonical" Epistles. Notes and Queries, Number 65, January 25, 1851
  • And while we have become accustomed to the epistolary poem as a quasi-public mode in the seventeenth century, many of Fane's epistles are no more than personal notes.
  • The Rev. Doctor Badger (loc.cit. p. 972) gives the translation of an epistle by Mohammed to this Mukaukis, written in the Cufic character (??) and sealed Mohammed, The Apostle of The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • What are your thoughts on the Epistles of Paul as a source of supernal wisdom?
  • Von Soden, enumerates 2328 distinct manuscripts outside of lectionaries (Gospels and Epistles), and exclusive of about 30 numbers added in an appendix, 30 October, 1902. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • First he had there a dean, a great divine, and a man of excellent learning; and a sub-dean, a repeater of the choir, a gospeller and epistler of the singing-priests, and a master of the children The Customs of Old England
  • He was the author of the Fourth Gospel, three biblical epistles, and the book of the Revelation.
  • Now this allusion here in this verse epistle to his father is to a passage from the book of Revelation.
  • ‘And when this epistle [see Epistles] is read among you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans; and that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea’ (Colossians 4: 10-16 KJV).
  • “By αγγελος, angel [or messenger], we are to understand the _messenger_, or person sent by God to preside over the church; and to him the epistle is directed, not as pointing out his state, but the state of the church under his care. A Brief Commentary on the Apocalypse
  • In the letter that directly precedes the epistle containing his translation, Petrarch presents a series of arguments contradicting Boccaccio's request that he take literary retirement on account of his old age.
  • It is the language of the Psalms, the stories of the patriarchs, the parables of the gospels, the moral vocabulary of St. Paul's epistles.
  • He was the author of the fourth Gospel, three biblical epistles, and the book of the Revelation.
  • The seats on the Epistle side are called chorus abbatis or praepositi, those on the Gospel side chorus prioris or decani. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Fantine barely knew how to read, and did not know how to write; in her childhood she had only been taught to sign her name; she had a public letter-writer indite an epistle to Tholomyes, then a second, then a third. Les Miserables
  • This, however, depends much on the political principles of those who happen to be on guard: an aristocrate or a constitutionalist will read a letter with his eyes half shut, and inspect bedding and trunks in a very summary way; while a thorough-paced republican spells every syllable of the longest epistle, and opens all the roasted pigs or duck-pies before he allows their ingress. A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Part II., 1793 Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: with General and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
  • Hickeringill's poem, called "The Mushroom," written against our author's "Hind and Panther," is prefaced by an epistle to the tories and tantivies. The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 07
  • Philemon. (1 page) The epistle is the most important early Christian writing dealing with forgiveness. Archive 2009-04-01
  • First, he had there a dean, a great divine, and a man of excellent learning; and a sub-dean, a repeater of the choir, a gospeller, an epistler of the singing-priests, and a master of the children: in the vestry a yeoman and two grooms, besides other retainers that came thither at principal feasts .... The Customs of Old England
  • I mean, for a few years we have been the ones claiming to be cold and hard but let us think (or pray as the below will explain the "let us pray/think" sentence from that decomposed epistle from the christian epic). R-E-S-P-E-C-T
  • Pelag., hath this passage of him and from him: “Ignatius vir apostolicus et martyr scribit audacter, elegit Dominus apostolos qui super crones homines peccatores erant;” which words, as they are not now in these epistles, so, as one observes, if ever he wrote them, as is pretended, he did it audacter indeed. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • Jewish temple is mentioned, it is called hieron, not naos, and so in the apostolic Epistles; but this is simply because no occasion for mentioning the literal Holy Place (Greek, "naos") occurs in Acts and the Epistles; indeed, in Ac 7: 48, though not directly, there does occur the term, naos, indirectly referring to the Jerusalem temple Holy Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Your fellow epistler Walter Bradley co-authored the 1984 creationist book _The Mystery of Life’s Origin_, and his creationist paper “The trustworthiness of scripture in areas relating to natural science” is online. A critique of Himmelfarb's scientific views - The Panda's Thumb
  • His verse is both metrically and formally experimental, ranging from satire to love lyric, from sonnet to verse epistle, from elegy to hymn.
  • Eusebius had mentioned seven Epistles, but Ussher -- deceived by a mistake on the part of St. Jerome -- exscinded the Epistle to Polycarp, and condemned it as spurious. The Quarterly Review, Volume 162, No. 324, April, 1886
  • The first ten verses of that chapter (as the scripture is always the best commentary upon itself) are the best explication of the fifth verse of this epistle of Jude. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Peter, for his part, outlines the shape of Christian duty in just these terms of mutual subjection in his First Epistle, but now stated explicitly as offering the means of our conformance to Christ.
  • Where is the dollar that you got with this note?" asked the "whipper," as he finished reading the epistle. My Southern Home: or, The South and Its People
  • Let it suffice to say that the principal theme of the two epistles to the Thessalonians is the expected return of Christ to earth; that those to the Corinthians are largely occupied with questions of Who Wrote the Bible? : a Book for the People
  • Firstly, I wonder why he cites the pseudo-Pauline epistles in an effort to uncover Paul's thought on messianism ?
  • The poor poets epistles are exhibited, but the epistles he receives are kept out of sight, though such epistles perhaps were the chief agents in eliciting the very thoughts and diction of his own. Letter 225
  • A sublime poet, his literary output is as long as it is impressive and includes: Jaap Sahib, invoking the many attributive names of the Divine; Sawaiyyas (quatrains); Akal Ustat (Lauding the Timeless); Chandi Ki Var, a ballad depicting the eternal contest between good and evil; and Zafarnama (Epistle of Victory), a defiant letter to the Mughal Emperor. Ravinder Singh Taneja: The Incomparable Guru Gobind Singh
  • But that's the first time I've ever heard anyone refer to the epistles of Paul as ‘simple and unambiguous.’
  • The Bishop of _Ravenna_, the Metropolis of _Flaminia_ and _Æmilia_, was also subject to the Pope: for _Zosimus_, A.C. 417, excommunicated some of the Presbyters of that Church, and wrote a commonitory Epistle about them to the Clergy of that Church as a branch of the _Roman_ Church: _In sua_, saith he, _hoc est, in Ecclesia nostra Romana_. Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John
  • Yet, if you, who first wrote Dialogues of the Dead, could hear the prayer of an epistle wafted to 'lands indiscoverable in the unheard-of West,' you might visit once more a world so worthy of such a mocker, so like the world you knew so well of old. Letters to Dead Authors
  • But in such cases, ūnī (not singulī) is regularly employed for _one_, and trīnī (not ternī) for three; as, -- ūnae litterae, _one epistle_; trīnae litterae, _three epistles_. New Latin Grammar
  • Cardinal Pacelli, the future Pius XII, is seated upon the faldstool on the Epistle side. More Rare Images: Good Friday with Pius XI in the Sistine Chapel
  • The preparation of a sermon begins with the selection of a passage of Scripture from the gospel, epistle, or Old Testament readings for the day.
  • Hudibrastic rhymed epistle in nearly 400 lines, containing, with a good deal that is trivial, some striking symbolical reminiscences of his trip through Egypt, and some powerful ironic references to the caravan of Henrik Ibsen
  • These know not the figure syllepsis, by which one name is put for many, and many for one; as Paul in the Epistle to the Hebrews says, "They were sawn asunder," [Heb 11: 37] when it is thought that one only, Catena Aurea - Gospel of Matthew
  • The Wednesday lunchtime mass featured chanting, responsive liturgy, hymns, prayers, readings from the Epistle and Gospel lessons, and a brief homily.
  • The brethren in Laodicea are here mentioned, as living in the neighbourhood of Colosse: and Paul sends salutations to them, and orders that this epistle should be read in the church of the Laodiceans Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Your humble correspondent is the acolyte on the Epistle side. Mass at My Parish II - Reminiscere with German Seminarians
  • Pestered yesterday with the Athanasian creed [1] & a sermon in defence of incomprehensibility besides the epistle from the Revelations. believe me I lost all patience Letter 12
  • But for the elucidation of his character as a student, or a bibliomaniac, we naturally turn to the huge mass of his epistles which have been preserved; and in them we find a constant reference to books which shew his intimacy with the classics as well as the patristical lore of the church. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • A passage frown Jerome's _Epistle to Evangelus_ is often quoted in works on church government, as equalising, or nearly so, the office of bishop and presbyter; but the drift of the argument seems to be, to show that the _site_ of a bishop's see, be it great or small, important or otherwise, does not affect the episcopal _office_. Notes and Queries, Number 53, November 2, 1850
  • But we are far from any such strange conceits, and will permit our wives and daughters to go to the tavern with a friend, as Aubanus saith, modo absit lascivia, and suspect nothing, to kiss coming and going, which, as Erasmus writes in one of his epistles, they cannot endure. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • His omission of mention of his apostleship is no proof that he was not an apostle; for so also James omits it in his heading; and Paul, in his Epistles to the Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Three of the twenty 'dedicatory' sonnets merely translate into the language of poetry the expressions of devotion which had already done duty in the dedicatory epistle in prose that prefaces 'Lucrece.' A Life of William Shakespeare with portraits and facsimiles
  • In the late 1940s, Roberts claimed his Bible flipped open to the Third Epistle of John, verse 2: Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health. Did Christianity Cause the Crash?
  • Such judgment ignores not only the atmosphere of unbridled Cheka terror prevailing at the time, but the fact that Tikhon in a subsequent epistle (July 21, 1919) urged Christians under no condition to wreak revenge for the sufferings they had endured .... [op. cit., p. 345] Eastern Europe
  • The risen Lord's message to his disciples speaks of forgiveness and sin, and our epistle reading reminds us of our own sinful state.
  • For example, Luther described the Letter of James as an "epistle of straw," and even Calvin recognized that the ceremonial law has been "abrogated" in use. Rev. Patrick S. Cheng, Ph.D.: Evangelicals and Gays: Why Can't We All Just Get Along?
  • So the doctor, having read the epistle out to Myra and Mrs. Portman, with many damnatory comments upon the young scapegrace who was goin deeper and deeper into perdition, left those ladies to spread the news through the Clavering society, which they did with their accustomed accuracy and despatch, and strode over to Fairoaks to break the intelligence to the widow. The History of Pendennis
  • These be the words of Denis that he wrote in his epistle to Polycarp, and to Apollophanes, saying: We were, we twain, at Heliopolis, and we saw the moon of heaven go disordinately, and the time was not convenable. The Golden Legend, vol. 5
  • The intimacy and tenderness of the minister and his man went on deeper and grew closer, till at the end we find Cowie reading to him at his own request the Epistle to the Romans, and when the reader came to the passage, 'I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy,' the listener burst into tears, and exclaimed, 'James, James, halt there, for I have nothing but that to lippen to.' Samuel Rutherford
  • The next altar on the epistle side is the altar of priests, dedicated to St. John Nepomucene, whose incorrupt tongue in a reliquary is shown in the upper painting (I don't know the technical term in English for this part of the altar; in German it is the "Auszug"), flanked by Saints Anselm of Canterbury and Thomas a Becket. Neuzelle Abbey
  • From the Magister Sententiarum he had fallen upon the Capitularies of Charlemagne, and in his insatiable hunger for knowledge had devoured decretal after decretal: those of Theodore, Bishop of Hispalis, those of Bouchard, Bishop of Worms, those of Yves, Bishop of Chartres; then the decretal of Gratian, which came after Charlemagne’s Capitularies; then the collection of Gregory IX; then the epistle Super specula of Honorius III. II. Claude Frollo. Book IV
  • The manner in which he speaks of them would rather tend to render doubtful his ever having 'consorted' with them, or entertained the schemes, which are attributed to him in the Epistles, of regenerating Sicily by their help. The Republic
  • JL URPIN, Archbishop of Rhehns, the friend and Secretary of Charles the Great, excellently skilled * ip sacred and profane literature, of a genius equally adapted to prose and verse; the advocate of the poor, beloved of God in his life and conversation, who often hand to hand fought the Saracens by the Emperor's side: he relates the acts of Charles the Great in one book of Epistles, and flourished, under Charles and his Son Lewis, to the year of our Lord eight hundred and thirty. tubpin's bistort or JOHN TURPIN'S HISTORY OP Charles the Great and Orlando. History of Charles the Great and Orlando,
  • Mathiolus, in his fifth book of Medicinal Epistles, reckons up scorzonera, [4131] not against poison only, falling sickness, and such as are vertiginous, but to this malady; the root of it taken by itself expels sorrow, causeth mirth and lightness of heart. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • St. Paul begins his epistles with a prayer of gratitude and ends with prayer.
  • Yet, if you, who first wrote Dialogues of the Dead, could hear the prayer of an epistle wafted to “lands indiscoverable in the unheard-of West,” you might visit once more a world so worthy of such a mocker, so like the world you knew so well of old. Letters to Dead Authors
  • Visit our new email form to send me an encouraging epistle.
  • The first epistle to the Thessalonians was the first of all Easton's Bible Dictionary
  • Epistles), see 1Ti 1: 10; 6: 3. convince -- rather, "reprove" [Alford], (Tit 1: 13). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The expression, and style, and love, intimate that the penman was the same with that of the foregoing epistle; he is now the elder, emphatically and eminently so; possibly the oldest apostle now living, the chief elder in the church of God. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • I will drop in his way some obscure epistles of love; wherein, by the colour of his beard, the shape of his leg, the manner of his gait, the expressure of his eye, forehead, and complexion, he shall find himself most feelingly personated. Twelfth Night; or, What You Will
  • Grayling does himself no favors with his foreword, here called an Epistle, which is written in such a grand, high-flown style and with such immodest ambition "its aspiration and aim the good for humanity and the good of the world" that a casual reader might even call it a sin of pride. Michael Giltz: The Bible 2.0? A Humanist Bible Lays Down The Gauntlet
  • The Epistle to the Colossians is the overflowing, as it were, of St. Paul's mind upon the same subject. Specimens of the Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • The very resemblance of the Epistle to the Ephesians, to that to the Colossians, is against the theory; for if the former were really the one addressed to Laodicea (Col 4: 16), Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Claudette couldn't concentrate on the epistle or the gospel, couldn't settle down to the rosary.
  • For it is not necessarily self-evident that epistles and orations function in the same way.
  • He divided the Pauline epistles (in which he included the Epistle to the Hebrews) into a series of texts on the theological points and wrote an introduction to each.

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