How To Use Epicanthic In A Sentence
Or how about dividing humanity by who has epicanthic eye folds, which produce the "Asian" eye?
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It was ironically oblique, a rebuke to bigotry referring to how bigots tend to seize upon visual cues to set their targets apart whether valid or not: a Jewish nose, dark skin, epicanthic folds, a limp wrist, etc.
"This is my dream. I make the path."
Pink or brown, time to break with an ignoble past, and that includes breaking with reptile-brained reactions to differences in skin-melanin content or epicanthic eyelid folds.
His skin glowed like warm honey in the noon sun — smooth, his face with its trace of epicanthic folds and full lips saved from prettiness by a small, jagged scar on one cheek.
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Otherwise, don't expect to see dark skin or epicanthic folds on the leads unless the actors playing them are superstars like Denzel Washington whose star power transcends their race.
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He was a tall, thin man with only the hint of an epicanthic fold.
I just thought that with his epicanthic folds and broad, flat nose bridge Russell had Down's Sydrome
Marketing Up’s Asian-American Lead Character | /Film
The theory certainly exists that this is an adoption and exaggeration of Western standards of beauty; in a related matter, surgery to remove the epicanthic fold from the eye to make it look larger has been popular in Japan, and the famed animator Hayao Miyazaki once said, controversially, that "the Japanese hate their own faces.
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The majority of the human species had blended into various shades of brown, usually accompanied by dark hair and, more often than not, at least a trace of epicanthic fold to the eyes.
He leaned toward her, laughing, a male version of her beauty — dark hair, faint epicanthic folds of the eyelids, golden skin.
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epicanthic folds
They may include a single transverse palmar crease (a single instead of a double crease across one or both palms, also called the Simian crease), an almond shape to the eyes caused by an epicanthic fold of the eyelid, upslanting palpebral fissures, shorter limbs, poor muscle tone, a larger than normal space between the big and second toes, and protruding tongue.
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Sickest tongue I have ever seen
Humans are polymorphic for skin colour, body stature, sickle-cell anaemia, blood groups and the epicanthic eye-fold.
Dark eyes, epicanthic folds obviously the result of surgery, an angry dusting of acne across pale narrow cheeks.
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They may include a single transverse palmar crease (a single instead of a double crease across one or both palms, also called the Simian crease), an almond shape to the eyes caused by an epicanthic fold of the eyelid, upslanting palpebral fissures, shorter limbs, poor muscle tone, a larger than normal space between the big and second toes, and protruding tongue.
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Sickest tongue I have ever seen
They may include a single transverse palmar crease (a single instead of a double crease across one or both palms, also called the Simian crease), an almond shape to the eyes caused by an epicanthic fold of the eyelid, upslanting palpebral fissures, shorter limbs, poor muscle tone, a larger than normal space between the big and second toes, and protruding tongue.
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Sickest tongue I have ever seen
the mongoloid epicanthic fold
Pink or brown, time to break with an ignoble past, and that includes breaking with reptile-brained reactions to differences in skin-melanin content or epicanthic eyelid folds.
Bearing and stride," coloration of skin and eyes, coloration and texture of hair, and presence or absence of the Mongolian fold (inner epicanthic eyefold).
The Civic Platform - A Political Journal of Ideas and Analysis
I have always liked drawing faces and can still remember my flush of pleasure when I first got the epicanthic fold right.