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How To Use Ephemeral In A Sentence

  • I'd live the transient and ephemeral existence of a backpacker for a week, an existence of freedom and simple pleasures.
  • The use of the linguistic frame ‘as A said to B’ is therefore potentially infinitely productive, even if examples are ephemeral, singular, and difficult to collect.
  • The moment the pumping of the ether or rhigolene ceases, the tissue operated on ceases to be frozen, so ephemeral is the degree of the cold obtained by these means. Scientific American Supplement, No. 358, November 11, 1882
  • For the romantic and postromantic traditions of poetics in which Benjamin and Adorno participate, modern lyric ambition stands as a, or even the, high-risk enterprise, the "go-for-broke-game" [ "va-banque-Spiel"], of literary art: The lyric poem must work coherently in and with the mediumlanguagethat human beings use to articulate objective concepts, even while the lyric explores the most subjective, nonconceptual, and ephemeral phenomena. Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
  • Composed of hundreds of ephemeral objects, from sugar cookies to vials of cheap perfume to devotional candles, popular santos, kitschy trinkets and cans of Goya beans, ‘Infinito Botanica’ is a vast still life.
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  • It is unusual to make a dedication of something as ephemeral as a column. Times, Sunday Times
  • More generally, there are the well-known patterns whereby plants with large genomes cannot adopt an annual or ephemeral lifestyle and in which weeds tend to have small genomes.
  • He continues by breaking down UxD, examining how each element implied in the title illuminate his hypothesis - that the ephemeral and insubstantial Comments at Boxes and Arrows
  • The trend in species richness throughout the two growing seasons sampled in this study was a decline in numbers of species from May through July as spring ephemerals senesced.
  • It was also the last of village France, with palpable limits, yet freedom from ephemeral diversions.
  • It is more than an emerald isle - it is an ephemeral one. Molly Keane's Ireland
  • Sport imbues the ephemeral and the silly and the transitory with great gravity, and it's a kind of consolation in a world that buckles beneath meaning and import and significance.
  • Pizzetti is the artist who has rejected the volatile and ephemeral seductions of fashion and the servitude to others by preferring loyalty to himself.
  • She's out to capture the gigantic and ephemeral movements of weather, seasons and daylight.
  • Nonephemerals that bloom during the summer or fall are Canada lily, false hellebore, and species of aster, goldenrod, and sunflower.
  • The difficulty comes when ephemeral pieces and scripts for ancient programmes are dusted down and drawn together, unrevised and overlapping. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Always not quite there, within the poet's reach but not to be grasped, the ephemeral and transitory scenes open like views in a highly trafficked street, only to close again just as quickly.
  • The ephemerally flooded depressions are called vernal pools. Coastal Hills - Santa Rosa Plain
  • Why not take a detour to a garden in search of an ephemeral beauty or two? Times, Sunday Times
  • I mean what could you possibly win, apart from cash and the kind of frankly transitory and ephemeral applause of certain kinds?
  • Some believe these trends will prove ephemeral as M&S revives.
  • You can still interact with people, but those interactions are slight and superficial (in the on-the-surface sense) and ephemeral.
  • The nature of train drinking is an ephemeral pleasure. Times, Sunday Times
  • During high river discharges, overbank flows flooded extensive areas of the delta plain, creating swamps, coastal lakes and ephemeral channels.
  • The midge is an ephemeral 2-3 mm insect whose larva induces a gall on young unfurled S. viminalis leaves.
  • My personal favorite ephemeral artwork is chiyogami. Disinfotainment: Desktop Publishing in Japan 100 years ago
  • They are organized by season, and I find this clever and wonderfully suited: jam-making is really the art of canning an ephemeral moment of the year, to be enjoyed later when nostalgia strikes.
  • These drainages envelop the ephemeral wet surfaces and subterranean systems that rarely hold a diverse molluscan fauna.
  • Her process-based work incorporates ephemeral traces of domesticity with feminist art practice.
  • The quote places pop culture in context where every ephemeral moment is defined in time.
  • Debussy's supple rhythms and rich harmonic language, influenced in part by the ancient music of the Far East, became the ideal vehicle for painting a mood, no matter how complex or ephemeral.
  • Present plant communities are evidently ephemeral aggregations controlled by intersecting gradients of floral change.
  • Her success as a popular singer was ephemeral.
  • My flower is ephemeral, and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left on my planet, all alone!
  • The writer aims to take those fleeting, ephemeral, sensual moments and transform them into something rich, coherent and meaningful.
  • But even that fleeting feeling, so ephemeral that you begin to doubt whether you really tasted its existence, is precious.
  • There are over 1,000 plant species including 13 species of cacti - desert annuals referred to as ephemerals.
  • Bulbs have a very different life strategy from ephemeral weeds.
  • His hero worship of Jarvis, normally irritating, suddenly became the foundation relationship that others, more ephemeral, could rely upon. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • Taken individually, each object may have provoked some unsettling reactions and reverberations, but those were fleeting and ephemeral.
  • When your entire brand is built on the temporary, fleeting, and inevitably obsolete currency of youthful physical beauty, sexual allure, and cultural status, the word "ephemeral" comes to mind. Lorraine Devon Wilke: You're Not Keeping Up With The Kardashians Either
  • These traces of identity pass by the spectator in ephemeral moments, reflected, refracted, and distorted, as in a funnyhouse mirror.
  • I did like the title though, very evocative , and a reminder of the ephemeral nature of nationalistic power and military might- c.f. hearts and minds? The Last Raider, by Douglas Reeman. Book review
  • Along with the ephemeral sakura, springtime in Japan also means the arrival of particular seasonal foods.
  • In the bearded iris hybrids, this pattern has been exploited and refined until the individual blossoms resemble ephemeral pieces of sculpture. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • Watercolor proves to be a compatible medium for the artist's purposes: the ephemeral effect of his pigments echoes the changeability of his study.
  • However ephemeral, they will find a way to alchemize their internalization of the event into a further manifestation, filtered through the particularity of individual consciousness.
  • TV executives, aware of the ephemeral frivolity of much of their product, may feel uneasy about their own high salaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, spring ephemerals (plants that grow in the short period in spring before trees produce leaves and reduce the light) will only be found in early spring, and only if they can obtain enough light in the early spring.
  • Chinatown was like its host city -- small and compressed in physical dimensions, boundless and ephemeral in spirit.
  • Backstory at this (likely ephemeral) AP story Actor Freeman foots prom bill in Sundance doc. All Deliberate Speed
  • The pictures reflect an interest in the ephemeral, impermanent, transient nature of the world.
  • Yet the sun was reflected, whitely, strangely, from myriad surfaces, as if the lush green of May was mostly moisture, and ephemeral. THE TATTOOED GIRL
  • He talked about the country's ephemeral unity being shattered by the defeat.
  • The pictures reflect an interest in the ephemeral, impermanent, transient nature of the world.
  • The spring ephemerals were abundant; he could see primroses, violets, lungwort, and even the delicate blue forget-me-nots as he approached the wetland.
  • Without a camera to imply documentation or recording, these beautiful, often eerie works become ephemeral. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wildflowers that grow beneath the canopy include so-called spring ephemerals - plants that usually come up in early April, bloom no later than the end of May, set seeds in May or June, and disappear by July.
  • We enfeeble ourselves clinging to transient, ephemeral material things and relationships.
  • Ask them who their heroes are and they will all be ephemeral figures - stars of sport and pop music.
  • Hopes of political unity in the region have proved ephemeral.
  • A subtle meditation on mortality, it contrasts the ephemeral beauty of a young girl absorbed in her posy of flowers with the aged horse who quietly contemplates the viewer.
  • The repetition of the word century, instead of evoking diachrony, only further betrays the precarious instantaneity of the utterance, its vocalic ephemerality.
  • It is a mystic power not of the world of material facts, a divine gift in compensation for our ephemeral life.
  • Strawberry-rhubarb strudel and strawberry-pistachio semifreddo are way too ephemeral, hazelnut dome too pallid, the house fancy cake too fancy.
  • A lot of what makes weblogs interesting is their personal, ephemeral, and informal nature.
  • It might be set down as an axiomatic statement that no large publishing house in this country could possibly live exclusively from what are known as miscellaneous books, by which is meant current fiction and other ephemeral publications. The Building of a Book A Series of Practical Articles Written by Experts in the Various Departments of Book Making and Distributing
  • They represent the bulk of total investment returns because capital gains so often prove ephemeral. Times, Sunday Times
  • Seasonal changes in understory species from spring ephemerals to evergreen herbs are discussed in a number of contexts throughout the book.
  • But the desire for all this ephemeral and disposable tat could be avoided, claim the critics, by curtailing or even banning advertising aimed directly at children.
  • Given that Haslam has played and improvised enough characters to populate a small city, is there some quality that unites the less ephemeral ones?
  • Matthias said beauty - being ephemeral, evanescent and impermanent - reminds us of death.
  • A former design student turned artist, Yolacan spoofs the fashion industry and its obsession with youth and ephemerality - but gently.
  • Ephemeral stream channels are organized hierarchically on the bajada slopes from the mountains to the valley bottoms.
  • Coriander is an ephemeral plant which only lasts two to three months, so you need to regularly plant new coriander in your herb garden.
  • Trends are ephemeral, fleeting: by the time you've identified something, it's gone, or changed out of all recognition.
  • In northern Utah, Osmia lignaria propinqua emerge beginning in late April, coincident with the flowering of spring ephemeral herbs and shrubs.
  • Conversation, on the other hand, is ephemeral, unreplicable, unsearchable, and your audience is known, often right in your field of vision. Claire Gordon: A Conversation With Your Cellphone
  • I've always liked to work with concrete material because dance is very ephemeral.
  • The writer aims to take those fleeting, ephemeral, sensual moments and transform them into something rich, coherent and meaningful.
  • Refinancing: A renegotiation of terms that occurs when you and the bank decide that the original agreement, while originally structured to be a long-term ironclad contract, is in fact as ephemeral and inconsequential as a Britney Spears marriage. Vortex Media Group
  • the ephemeral joys of childhood
  • A collection of beliefs and prejudices, tricks of the trade, fieldcraft, and frontier field doctrine was wholly vocational and often quite ephemeral.
  • From the outside, it seems a rootless, ephemeral sort of existence, evocative of the chummy, locker-room familiarity that was a hangover from playing days.
  • No dictionary can really capture something as fleeting and ephemeral as slang.
  • He roams the continents, freezing those ephemeral moments of life.
  • The human skull is familiar from the tradition of vanitas paintings where it serves to indicate the futility of human aspirations by stressing the ephemerality of human life.
  • It is, one might say, a necessary monster, not some ephemeral and casual creature like the chimaera or the catoblepas. Archive 2008-12-01
  • Wisdom sees the impermanent, ephemeral nature of experience and the basic unreliability of these changing phenomena.
  • In some deserts, salty flats or ephemeral lakes or playas with marginal sabkhas occur.
  • They continue to live together, she in the company of ephemeral lovers, and he in a simmering cauldron of internalized anger.
  • These are often ephemeral, so they need to grow legs and crawl landward as quickly as possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a descending order of seriousness from the permanent to the ephemeral, and an order of conspicuousness running in the opposite direction.
  • My flower is ephemeral, and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left on my planet, all alone!
  • This newspaper does not lack ephemeral junk articles.
  • I mean what could you possibly win, apart from cash and the kind of frankly transitory and ephemeral applause of certain kinds?
  • Unlike magazines and books, newspapers feel more ephemeral and throwaway, but they carry their own weight because of their reach.
  • Battered of nose, flat of mouth, there was both a roughness and an ephemeral quality about him, like a moth made from unmilled lumber. Villa Incognito
  • Other ephemeral lakes develop in volcanic craters or collapsed caldera systems.
  • For how can we condemn something that is ephemeral in transit?
  • My flower is ephemeral, and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left on my planet, all alone!
  • Her disdain is getting personal, her subject matter less ephemeral, as she scolds rich Americans driven by wanderlust and entitlement.
  • In a more general sense, the painting offers a meditation on the eternal and the ephemeral.
  • Much spunkiness is ephemeral, like slang or pop that goes from cool to cringey in a nanosecond. 2008 May 16 « Exile on Ninth Street
  • The climate was cooler than today but warmer than a full glacial, with sand and silt forming in shallow, flowing water in the form of sheet-wash or in ephemeral channels.
  • The ephemeral nature of Emmanuel's installation, which acts as a memorial, made a striking contrast with the 1970s monolithic Monument.
  • My flower is ephemeral, and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left on my planet[Sentence dictionary], all alone!
  • Anglo-American geomorphologists tend to the view that pediments are the result of either lateral planation by ephemeral, migrating streams issuing from bordering mountains, or sheet-flood erosion.
  • Too much online information is ephemeral - so we end up emailing things to ourselves, copy and pasting into new documents and losing context.
  • Finally, sensitive always that some nervous nelly might be reading his piece, he reassures readers that "I also suspect the fallout would be far less damaging and more ephemeral than many might suggest. Barry Eisler: The Definition of Insanity
  • Goodwill can permit effective cooperation for purchasing of secondary care but goodwill is ephemeral when difficult decisions have to be made.
  • They pass into a fixed and immovable state, and mostly into one as enduring as adamant; while colloidal or albuminoid matter (laboratory protoplasm) takes on no fixed forms -- only those that are ephemeral, merely transitory. Life: Its True Genesis
  • I remembered my own impulse to screenshot a page from a set of ephemeral Google results, which can change at any time.
  • Fame in the world of rock and pop is largely ephemeral.
  • He grouped species into ephemeral, aestival, and evergreen.
  • Yellow gopher (suslik) is characteristic of the clay desert and feeds on the ephemeral plants. Central Asian northern desert
  • Philippe Parreno, tracks the great French-Algerian soccer player The Exorcist - served to monumentalize ephemeral moments. GreenCine Daily
  • A few years later, it made timid and ephemeral attempts to pursue a progressive social policy.
  • Within the bodies of brackish or salt water, an ephemeral microflora and fauna (indicated by rare acritarchs and microforam linings) developed.
  • Thursday, March 26 2009 iPhone is a nice phone to be sure but I have seen odd issues with the AT&T data network including inability to hit the internet on Friday afternoons in Sunnyvale, CA as well as odd stuff on the East Coast with APNs not seeming to like internet traffic on ephemeral ports like 8080 while the West Coast seems to have little problem with such. Poll: Friends Don’t Let Friends Buy AT&T’s iPhone
  • However, for accurate abundance information to be presented, sampling for spring ephemerals in forested communities should be conducted before overstory tree leafout.
  • Aye, but here's the rub: minorities are the ephemeral whim of kismet.
  • The implicit immediacy and ephemerality of "post" and "update," the deeply embedded assumption of referentiality (linkage being part of the point of blogging), not to mention a new of-the-moment ethos among so many of the bloggers (especially the younger ones) favors a less formal, less linear, and essentially unedited mode of argument. Book Reviewing
  • Exploiting basic structural concepts of triangulation and curvilinearity in order to produce an inherently rigid, yet dynamic form, the light, ephemeral pavilion sits serenely above a small pool.
  • This was his first thought, instinctive and unbidden, as he rode a spotless motoscafo across the lagoon toward a city that seemed to rest not on bedrock and silt but on nothing less ephemeral than dreams. The Kaisho
  • However, the spring ephemerals and plants that flower during the spring are often difficult to identify when flowers are not present, and cannot reliably be identified late in the growing season.
  • Deceptively mundane, the stores are ephemeral polling and pollinating organs, transient fruit-bodies of information.
  • The chamber permitted particles to be tracked with a precision of better than 1mm, as a result of which several novel ephemeral subatomic particles have been discovered, such as the tau-lepton – a heavy version of the electron – and exotic varieties of quarks. Georges Charpak obituary
  • How, then, with that kind of history, do you think the government will fare attempting to prevent the flow of something so ephemeral is “electronic bits” around the world? The Volokh Conspiracy » Outrageous Treaty Nonsense, or The Copyright Tail Wagging the Internet Dog
  • Reduced competition for pollinators may be one advantage of early flowering, but for many of these spring ephemerals, time is the most pressing issue.
  • In the bearded iris hybrids, this pattern has been exploited and refined until the individual blossoms resemble ephemeral pieces of sculpture. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • It is as if the poet, or poetry itself, is spying on our ephemeral existence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Leaving aside Levine’s unintentionally amusing academic dutifulness —” I have been able to view this episode of the Match Game, along with many others, in syndicated repeats on the Game Show Network” — the book does map genuine cultural change and find meaning in an ephemeral medium that, despite its pervasiveness, is too often regarded as unfit for serious study. Cover to Cover
  • They all began with earnest monologues about education, but before long they were each struggling with crowd control and the ephemeral donkey work nobody told them about. Times, Sunday Times
  • Belief is an ephemeral and passive condition, based on submission to the prestidigitator through the suspension of reason, often in the face of obvious evidence of an opposite intention, rather like the empty, impotent vessel of its relative, hope. The Crystal Ball(s)
  • It began as a vaguely naturalistic sprinkling of spring ephemerals among the ferns, blueberries, tupelos, oaks, and white pines spontaneously flourishing on abandoned farmland.
  • Therefore, we accept life and death as part of this ephemeral and transient cycle.
  • In autumn, amaryllid bulbs of Brunsvigia and Haemanthus produce brilliant blooms, while in spring the space between the showy perennial shrubs is ablaze with flowering ephemerals. Succulent Karoo
  • It had a great deal more credibility than the ephemeral, propagandist organs in which radical views were usually aired.
  • Thus arose the distinction between “Comtism,” which was “personal and ephemeral,” and “positivism,” which grew with the times. POSITIVISM IN LATIN AMERICA
  • It is the splendour of an invariable region, from which is absent the ephemeral beauty of forest, verdure, or herbage; the splendour of eternal matter, affranchised from all the instability of life; the geological splendour of the world before the creation. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 19 — Travel and Adventure
  • The title of the exhibition suggests something fleeting, almost ephemeral: the images hung from the ceiling transferred on the fabrics confirm this.
  • They can be sweet or savoury, and range in texture from soft, ephemeral desserts to chewy confectionery.
  • Fame in the world of rock and pop is largely ephemeral.
  • York, and now it was time to balance that out with something simpler, and learn how to make those joys less external and ephemeral. Times, Sunday Times
  • While our relationship with most of our material life is ephemeral, the discards of that life will last forever.
  • Erratic and ephemeral, the serious race issues are underserved but it sounds as good as it looks. The Sun
  • It captures the familiar sight of memorials in the shape of crosses erected to road accident victims, decorated symbolically with ephemeral flowers.
  • Only the flesh dies and passes, ever a-crawl with the chemic ferment that informs it, ever plastic, ever crystallizing, only to melt into the flux and to crystallize into fresh and diverse forms that are ephemeral and that melt back into the flux. Chapter 22
  • Many of the organizations proved ephemeral. A Social History of Modern Spain
  • Whether Congress can require citizens to pay tax in the form of ephemeral “benefits conferred to the country”, as an alternative to greenbacks, strikes me as a litigable issue. The Volokh Conspiracy » Colorado Attorney General Explains the Obamacare Lawsuit
  • The house has a tectonic simplicity and an ephemeral beauty, being as light in its mass as it is in ambience.
  • Being a woman and an artist does make a difference, in the same way that nationality, so crucial but so ephemeral in today's transient art world, does.
  • I believe the best they can do is to continue to fall back on anecdotal and wholly impressionistic (mostly media-guided wish-fulfilling pronouncements) which appear, on the surface to have an objective basis in fact, but which, upon careful analysis and examination, is revealed to be embarrassingly hollow, mostly ephemeral, always reversible, and based on the filmiest and softest of evidence. Is Obama's Election as the First Black President Conclusive Evidence of the Civil Rights Movement's Success?
  • Buckingham uses contingency, the unfixing of meaning and the ephemeral as elements in his own labor process.
  • My flower is ephemeral, and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left on my planet, all alone!
  • These photographs are not records of the grand sweep of history, but of ephemeral lives and relationships.
  • A placer camp he knew was ephemeral, while a quartz camp abided, and he kept a score of men in the quest for months. Chapter XI
  • Comparing ancient Venice to current day Istanbul, Sennett captures how cities can capture the impermanent and ephemeral. Todd Reisz: Making Sense of the City
  • Many of the ‘missing’ species were spring-flowering ephemerals observed to be frequent and abundant earlier in the growing season.
  • Coriander is an ephemeral plant which only lasts two to three months so you need to regularly plant new Coriander in your herb garden.
  • Seasonal changes in understory species from spring ephemerals to evergreen herbs are discussed in a number of contexts throughout the book.
  • These poor chaps were searching desperately for a project which would not be cursed with the ephemeral vulgarity of their usual tasks.
  • I don't really want to believe it, it requires an enormous mental leap to conceive of all this stuff around me, the fabric of our society, is so fragile and ephemeral but this is what logic dictates.
  • Why," said the Deist, "there is as much difference as in the theories of our 'intuitional' friends here, one of whom admits, and another denies, the future existence of man; for if we be the ephemeral insects the latter supposes, it little matters what system of religion we espouse or abjure. The Eclipse of Faith Or, A Visit To A Religious Sceptic
  • Happiness for Aristotle is not a fleeting feeling or an ephemeral passion.
  • Fame in the world of rock and pop is largely ephemeral.
  • They have short life spans and live on ephemeral food patches.
  • Fame in the world of rock and pop is largely ephemeral.
  • My flower is ephemeral, and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left on my planet, all alone!
  • I'd live the transient and ephemeral existence of a backpacker for a week, an existence of freedom and simple pleasures.
  • It is in this room that fleeting, ephemeral moments in time are transformed into lasting eternal pieces of art.
  • The ephemeral nature of fluid flow belies the rigid rules which govern its behaviour.
  • Why not take a detour to a garden in search of an ephemeral beauty or two? Times, Sunday Times
  • On the basis of written documents, we can catch a glimpse of ephemeral spaces that were at the same time orderly and oneiric, unreal.
  • For me, each flash of the van was observed stoically, as an ephemeral moment of pseudo-intellectual reflection.
  • Plants with short reproductive cycles, such as ephemeral and annual herbs, have genomes that are smaller on average than those with long cycles such as perennial herbs.
  • It is in this spirit of examining dichotomies that, beginning in October and for the six months that follow, Los Angeles and its surrounding communities will be home to "Pacific Standard Time: Art in L.A. 1945-1980," an enormously ambitious attempt to make sense of the ephemeral and tangible through exhibitions at more than 60 museums, galleries and various other sites from Santa Barbara to San Diego. Tom Teicholz: How LA Grew Its Art
  • Unlike existing robots, these would be designed to be ephemeral and environmentally friendly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The jigsaw fairy lights appeared ephemeral; the dark, immemorial and timeless.
  • Is it possible that the fashion industry, long patronized as a realm of the ephemeral and insubstantial, is the real bellwether for future ideas of “ownership” of creative content? Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Music, fashion, film — different approaches to ownership/control of creativity
  • Given the ephemeral nature of the pools, females need to deposit eggs early and quickly.
  • As ground moisture is pulled back into the dry atmosphere, ephemeral wildflowers slowly fade from the upland slopes, signaling harder times to come.
  • Her success as a popular singer was ephemeral.
  • Spring ephemerals were not found in large numbers during the 1992 growing season because sampling was delayed.
  • His greatest guides have been the caustic auras cast by the great valley of the stars which he reads as a fox would a scroll rolled out across the ephemeral blue black celling of the world. Village of Humans
  • Annuals and ephemeral species are very few (e.g., cold eyebright – Euphrasia frigida; and Iceland purslane – Koenigia islandica). General characteristics of arctic species and their adaptations in the context of changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation levels
  • Not a bad eulogy for an ephemeral medium where the credits are the roll call of the unknown. Times, Sunday Times
  • The materials of Fluxus artists were mainly ephemeral or paper-based, or centred on performance art, presenting problems for exhibition organisers.
  • She (to persist in personifying the sensation as female) is a wild and sea-eyed undine, the darling daughter of adventure, the sister of risk, and it is for her rare and always ephemeral embrace, the temporary pressure she exerts on the membrane of ecstasy, that many men leave home. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • Others, however, will embrace ephemeral educational fashions as the received wisdom.
  • Still, throughout my studies I have come across one or two stories from business gurus that I admit that I have found to be quite helpful, and a bit less ephemeral than a temporary high.
  • Spadefoot toad tadpoles and other species that develop in ephemeral pools have evolved traits that allow for successful development in an unpredictable environment.
  • Likewise, those that thought they were too ephemeral and effervescent, began to appreciate them.
  • In their study, north-slope richness was greatest early in the growing season, due to an abundance of spring ephemerals; south-slope richness was greatest in early summer, due to greater importance of graminoids and composites.
  • Sometimes, there's a whole world to be discovered in the fine detail of an ephemeral mood or a fleeting emotion.
  • There is something floaty, ephemeral about the 62-year-old academic. Times, Sunday Times
  • When photocopied, photographs become ephemeral and therefore less precious.
  • Why not take a detour to a garden in search of an ephemeral beauty or two? Times, Sunday Times
  • On the sands of the Ténéré, there is almost no vegetation except for a few ephemeral annuals growing in response to scattered showers, mainly Tribulus longipetalus, Cyperus conglomeratus and Stipagrostis acutiflora. Aïr and Ténéré Natural Reserves, Niger

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