How To Use Enwrap In A Sentence
Symbolism enwraps interlocked themes; male sexuality, female desire, hidden agendas, friendly faces hiding monsters, human indifference to suffering, the mindless savagery that is civilization — crueler than any giant ape could be, calling us to a need to redefine our relationship with wildness, with the animal world itself.
Boing Boing: December 4, 2005 - December 10, 2005 Archives
Mystery enwraps this enigma, except we know that he was a professional skateboarder back in the day.
Phil Ramone and Danielle Evin: Dog Ears Music: Volume Twenty-One
She shook her head as she hugged herself, enwrapping herself with her arms.
Bound by our mutual desire to be accepted by the group we attempt to enwrap others within restrictions we pile upon ourselves.
She exudes pure love, but enwraps space and time in a thick, menacing haze.
Learning to Die in Miami

He fails to get the exercise his body needs and is so enwrapped in his world of cyber heroes and villains that he skips meals too.
He seems to have become so enwrapped in the technical problems that he has lost sight of its inescapably political context.
In other words, photography is a transparent window on the world which readers then enwrap in a mesh of interpretations.
Now, however, each melody becomes enwrapped in a vocal arabesque of such complexity that it almost vanishes and the sounds being made are not only intrusive but downright unpleasant.
I was occupied with watching them, somewhat concerned and otherwise enwrapped with interest as to their mutual condition.
The wire enwrapped his entire body except for his face.
He touched her, then very gradually, like a tide moving in, enwrapped her.
Everywhere, whatever the script and however different the set looked, a sense of entrapment prevailed, like a thick, dark cloud enwrapping the stage and spreading to the auditorium.
I believe it not in much danger; and, for others – I see not in it that magnetic attraction which charms away all caution, beguiles all security, enwraps the imagination, and masters the reason! '—
It also enwraps them in a world in which facts supportive of Democratic claims are discredited and those consistent with conservative ones championed.
How the conservative media harm democracy
He hid himself in the grand portico, which he had so often passed through to go to mass or complin within, and presently his heart gave a great leap, for he saw the straw-enwrapped stove brought out and laid with infinite care on the bullock dray.
Amy ran to them and they enwrapped each other in a hug.
Surrounding the gemstone is a luscious mother of pearl: blue surrounding the opal, green surrounding malachite, and yellow mother of pearl enwrapping the tiger eye.
Without thinking he enwrapped Kimmy in a gentle hug before falling back to sleep once again.
Both these truths work to enwrap the book in an aura at once mysterious and almost unbreachable.
The otherness of ego enwraps each of us like a prison, but the magus takes all of earth as his body.
The book was so entrancing, so enwrapping that she found herself barely noticing as the wheels of the plane finally touched solid ground.
A warmth sifts through, envelops, enwraps, I embrace it for I will not wither, I will not perish alive
A Visit
Fairchild ceased his labors and mopped his forehead, dripping from the heat engendered by frenzied labor; without the tunnel opening, the snow lay deep upon the mountain sides, for it had been more than a week since the first of the white blasts had scurried over the hills to begin the placid, cold enwrapment of the winter.
The Cross-Cut
With its fangs at the rear of the mouth, it lacks the ability to deliver a lightning-quick poisonous stab, like a rattlesnake; instead it enwraps its prey and injects its venom methodically in the act of chewing.
The Song of The Dodo
Indeed, he laments his genre's lack of status before the book even begins, on a narrative broadsheet-cum-book jacket that enwraps one of the lushest tributes to the graphic arts ever printed.
In this instance it is red, large and fleshy, and enwraps a small, useless fruit.
She uses the space between the projected image and the audience to enwrap the viewer in the naked emotion and unease of an event.
Results showed that enwrapment of the rapair site with a collagen membrane, with or without neural cell enrichment, did not lead to any significant improvement in most of functional and stereological predictors of nerve regeneration that we have assessed, with the exception of EPT which recovered significantly better after neural cell enriched membrane employment.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
A predator would lunge or jump at a potential prey when the distance between them was about 5 cm, attempting to enwrap the prey in the walking legs.
Both these truths work to enwrap the book in an aura at once mysterious and almost unbreachable.
She was so enwrapped in childhood memories that she didn't realize that someone was behind her.
She was thus the first among the long list of saints who preached medieval mysticism which later enwrapped the whole of India.
The light of heaven enwraps them: their faces and their forms become harmonious to me with the harmony of the Universe.
Woodburners will only throw out heat so far and no further, so the Hudson's Bay blanket has been my best friend and I have mastered the three-way fold cocoon-like enwrapment which has all kept me warm enough to sink into the oblivion of a good book.
Dovegreyreader scribbles
The highest good of each community and the highest good of the planet as a whole are enwrapped within each other.
Claire nodded, enwrapped in his words, quite astounded by some things.
II. ii.12 (48,3) [sometime am I All wound with adders] Enwrapped by adders _wound_ or twisted about me.
Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
In Reversal of Fortune this question is asked by Sunny von Bulow (Glenn Close) speaking from within the coma that still enwraps the real Sunny today.
The Big Chill In The Upper Crust
At intervals, he stopped, to shake the snow off the rug, and to enwrap Louise afresh; and each violent gust that met him when he turned a corner, smote him doubly; for he pictured to himself the fury with which it must hurl itself against her, sitting motionless before it.
Maurice Guest
At the very first bars of the intensely passionate allegro, the beginning of the sonata, I felt that numbness, that chill and sweet terror of ecstasy, which instantaneously enwrap the soul when beauty bursts with sudden flight upon it.
The Jew and other stories
Instantly cooked, the white of the egg enwraps the yolk, restoring a shape like that of the unbroken shell.
A few diatoms have minor amounts of precipitates on their surfaces whereas others are enwrapped by silicified filamentous microbes.
The confession appeared to close a case that had enwrapped the full-time attention of the State Attorney and the Chicago Police Force.
It also encodes a hidden image that seemingly enwraps Houdini in chains - an effect visible through the U.S. Postal Service's official Stamp Decoder.
Discernable guy cypriot off guys business at home desired off enwrapped astatine maintenance agitative pyrogenetic boys preclusive off cum hot paripinnate.
Rational Review
To the American mind enwrapment in the star-jewelled zodiac may appear as natural as their ordinary oratorical references to the star-spangled banner; but the idea is essentially transatlantic, and not even the most poetical European astronomer could have risen to such a height of imagery.
Myths and Marvels of Astronomy
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He fails to get the exercise his body needs and is so enwrapped in his world of cyber heroes and villains that he skips meals too.
Is not every incentive and every concession to vagrant appetite a force that enwraps a man in gratification of self, and severs him from duty to others, and so a force of dissolution and dispersion?
enwrapped in dreams
This habit of abstention from Feeling in the best society enables a Circle the more easily to sustain the veil of mystery in which, from his earliest years, he is wont to enwrap the exact nature of his Perimeter or
Flatland: a romance of many dimensions
Two embroidered black garters enwrapped her waistline with tanned shorts to match her top.
All stories enwrapped in this literature have this attempt to find consolation in inevitability: the certainty of living with vestigial belief systems and adherences.
When we met, the sunshine, filtering through the light foliage of the acacias, shed on Honorine the pale gold, ambient glory in which Raphael and Titian, alone of all painters, have been able to enwrap the Virgin.
There was “The Sacred Schmata (rag),” a shlocky pink strip of nylon, roped and knotted together, with which we enwrapped ourselves and one another to proclaim that we were community.
E.M. Broner: Statement
At the height of the ceremony, Teubal appeared in the white robe that will eventually enwrap her body in death, when she returns her soul to her Creator.
Ritual: A Feminist Approach.
I shrink with bone-chilling horror at the deathly shroud of moribund prose that dangles limply from the author's limblike arms, as he threatens ominously to envelopingly enwrap me in it ... or it in me.
Archive 2006-08-01
And a familiar tactic is for the professionals to enwrap their judgments in numbers.
When I saw him that afternoon so enwrapped in the music at St. James's Hall, I felt that an evil time might be coming upon those whom he had set himself to hunt down.
The kind that module help you muster up the strength to either vantage that subfigure backwards discover of your eye or, at the rattling least, locate your @ss in a car that (depending upon the severity of your wound) is either going to modify up in the crisis room parking aggregation or enwrapped around a tree on your neighbors lawn.
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A painting exhibition titled "Gradation" and the obscurely organized "Points of View" are less inspiring, and the delicate, thoughtful, though somewhat anachronistic works in the Cuban exhibition "Serendipity" was gobbled up by the sensory overload of its neighboring exhibitions, especially the roaring techno music spewing over from next door's addendum to "California Dreamin '," a coma-inducing cavernous video room that could enwrap a viewer for hours.
Marina Cashdan: The Promised Land? Will Portugal Arte 10 Become a Fixture on the Art World Calendar?
His intent was not entrapment so much as enwrapment, so that Tarrant could not, at some future date, try to claim no knowledge of this.