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How To Use Entrain In A Sentence

  • Volcanic activity is often so violent that it entrains (picks up) pieces of ‘country rock’, which are not of volcanic origin.
  • The very thing that enables expertise to develop, namely the codification of expert language, leads inevitably to entrainment of thinking.
  • The geographical scale and rhythms of such postulated multi-species entrainments are likely to depend on the scale and rhythms of the weather pattern.
  • Pinku Qui Bosse!! dit: ouais t'as raison c bien la table! moi j'avais la version j'me prends un arbre en voyant haku dans la riviere! oui apres un entrainement haku se baigne dans l'eau d'une riviere mouahhaha et zabu a betement oublié son epee et retourne la chercher et POUF un arbre! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The whole of the edict bears the character of precipitation, of excitement, (entrainement,) rather than of deliberate reflection — the extent of the promises, the indefiniteness of the means, of the conditions, and of the time during which the parents might have a right to the succor of the state. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
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  • One of the characteristics of a circadian oscillator is that the rhythm can be entrained by environmental cues, e.g., changes in ambient light, temperature, and nutrient conditions.
  • According to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), these studies indicated that approximately 1.2 billion fish eggs and larvae were entrained (sucked in through the intake screens and into the system), and approximately 178,000 fish were impinged on (or trapped against) the screens by the pressure of the intake flow. Kyle Rabin: A View to a (Fish) Kill: A Firsthand Perspective on Fish-Killing Cooling Systems
  • Piqueuse plate tripe entrainement / IzplatÄ«tÄjs / EksportÄ "tÄjs Refinance 2nd Mortgage
  • III.v. 48 (305, 8) [That can entame ay spirits to your worship] [W: entraine] The common reading seems unexceptionable. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • Electrical control activity is caused by the entrainment of the fluctuations of the transmembrane potentials of individual smooth muscle cells.
  • I agree in thinking it probable that few women, capable of anything else, would, unless under an irresistible _entrainement_, rendering them for the time insensible to anything but itself, choose such a lot, when any other means were open to them of filling a conventionally honourable place in life: and if men are determined that the law of marriage shall be a law of despotism, they are quite right, in point of mere policy, in leaving to women only Hobson's choice. The Subjection of Women
  • No; war is a huge entrainement; there is no other temptation to be compared to it, not one. Vailima Letters
  • [257] In the original, "Voulant la servitude, il se sont laissé entrainer, malgré eux ou à leur insu, vers la liberté. American Institutions and Their Influence
  • He described an initial, short-lasting episode of motor symptoms characterized by immobility, posturing, and waxy flexibility that ended in a hyperkinetic state; a second stage of melancholia often with stupor; a third stage of “exaltation and rapid and pressured speech” “a certain pathos-filled ‘ecstasy’ this entrains a compulsion to talk in oratorical style”; and, finally, after recurrent exacerbations and remissions of states of passivity and exaltation, an end stage of dementia. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • It entrains more reticent givers and an expanding array of scholarships attracts the attention of students, recruiters, faculty and the envy of competing departments.
  • Slabs that will be heavily troweled should not contain entrained air because of the probability that delamination will result.
  • To clarify the functional roles of intrinsic PACAP in nonvisual photoreception, we examined entrainment, masking and the pupillary light reflex (PLR) in, PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • And when finishers sprinkle water on slabs during the finishing process, they cause air entrainments of 12 percent or more to be produced on slab surfaces.
  • Pinku Qui Bosse!! dit: ouais t'as raison c bien la table! moi j'avais la version j'me prends un arbre en voyant haku dans la riviere! oui apres un entrainement haku se baigne dans l'eau d'une riviere mouahhaha et zabu a betement oublié son epee et retourne la chercher et POUF un arbre! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The latter is known as a photoreceptor, for example, for phototropism, stomatal aperture and entrainment of endogenous rhythms in plants and animals.
  • It is noted that fissiparous and cometforming starfish have entrained the regeneration pathway into their life cycle.
  • - Earthtimes (press release) itsystem Pars voir mon fils � son entrainement de #tennis Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Normally you would use sand or granite as your aggregates but in our case we used different things like recycled glass even to make the concrete lighter, and we put air entrainer to get as much air in there so that the density is actually less than the density of water, so that when you put it in the water, it doesn't sink to the bottom," said Joe Jeray, a Notre Dame engineer who took part in the competition. WNDU - Home - Headlines
  • Leucosomes and leucogranites that segregated over variable distances but remained within the migmatites contain entrained inclusion-rich biotite from proximal mesosome-melanosome.
  • In simple rotary kiln systems, some finely divided particles of raw mix, calcined kiln feed, clinker dust, and volatile constituents are entrained in the exiting gas stream.
  • North Atlantic Deep Water is formed by the mixture of waters produced by thermohaline ventilation in the Arctic Mediterranean, entrained Atlantic water, and water convected in the Labrador Sea. Anticipated changes in physical conditions in the Arctic
  • This dry air has kind of entrained itself for a while. CNN Transcript Aug 13, 2008
  • Removing functional sexual tissue is harmful: it is harmful to the infant, to the pleasure potential and sexual bonding of the mature man, and to the mother who is entrained to surrender her sacred bond with her infant in order for his masculinity to be redefined in terms of his community. Miriam Pollack: Circumcision: Identity, Gender And Power
  • Liaison avec L'Angleterre, necessaire, impossible a rompre ou tout au plus, pour des momens, effrays d'ailleurs des Suites d'une conduite hardie, qui pourroit les entrainer dans une guerre, pour laquelle ils n'ont aucunes mesures prises. John Adams diary 34, 5 -- 26 October 1782
  • Nous nous entrainons, en groupe de 10 maximum, à pratiquer la communication non violente afin d'apprendre à établir des rapports de confiance et trouver des solutions créatives pour répondre au mieux aux besoins de tous. Archive 2009-02-15
  • This rule not only establishes the father's status in the male-dominant community, but it also works to achieve another salient objective: marriageable girls are entrained to view any uncircumcised man as undesirable, thereby ensuring the ethnic stability of the tribe. Miriam Pollack: Circumcision: Identity, Gender And Power
  • Musicians and dancers, playing and listening to the same music together, become 'entrained' to each other. Ed and Deb Shapiro: Do Mantras Really Work?
  • We find, in over 95% of these problem slabs, an elevated amount of purposeful air entrainment.
  • Each brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment characteristics.
  • I'm going to be getting up early tomorrow and entraining for deepest darkest Wales, where I will be spending an extended weekend with family.
  • He demonstrated that melatonin synchronized and entrained circadian rhythms and developed a multiple-oscillator model of circadian organization that remains viable and important today.
  • Brainwave entrainment • Brainwave synchronization, also called brainwave entrainment, is concerned with frequency following response, a naturally occuring phenomenon in which similar frequencies tend to synchronize with each other. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • So, on Saturday morning I entrained for Brighton.
  • INGENIO RIOPAILA Location: La Paila, Colombia Year: 1990 Scope of the job: "Turn key" project Name of project: Anhydrous ethanol plant using cyclohexane as entrainer Capacity: Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The whole of the edict bears the character of precipitation, of excitement, (entrainement,) rather than of deliberate reflection -- the extent of the promises, the indefiniteness of the means, of the conditions, and of the time during which the parents might have a right to the succor of the state. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 1
  • We entrained at the camp & came on to Alexandria & thence to the boat.
  • entrained," as he would say in one of his military dispatches. Penguin Persons & Peppermints
  • Un humain mis en abîme par la technologie, projeté dans des temps et des réalités multiples, entrainé dans une chute vertigineuse qui accompagne son délire paranoïaque où il ne distingue plus le vrai du faux, le réel du virtuel et où le temps est une matière maléable. Like Philip K. Dick Movies? Try Jack Womack Books
  • Furthermore, lung denervated lung transplant patients, unlike intact subjects, showed much difficulty in entraining their spontaneous rhythm to the mechanical ventilator during sleep.
  • Partial melting models, isotopic studies and the petrology of entrained ultramafic xenoliths suggest that many basanitic magmas are sourced in the asthenosphere.
  • The alcohol stream is next distilled, first to give a 95: 5 ethanol: water mix and, if required, redistilled with a water-entraining agent such as benzene or cyclohexane to give anhydrous ethanol. 1 Production and Use
  • Stirring the mortar sample for 30 seconds releases entrained air bubbles into a viscous liquid at the base of a column of water.
  • Chemical admixtures such as superplasticizers, accelerators, antifreezers, air entraining agents and many others are used to modify the grout properties and protect it from the environmental conditions.
  • Est-ce bien un chef d´état qui parlait ou n´était-ce rien d´autre qu´un mauvais entraîneur d´une équipe de rugby ou de football? Global Voices in English » D.R. of Congo: Furor Over Kabila’s New York Times Interview
  • [Barthe] entraine dans l'irreligion par un libelle intitule Le Militaire philosophe_ (1770, 12mo). Baron D'Holbach : a Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France
  • Regeneration has been entrained to complete an asexual life cycle in fissiparous and comet-forming starfish.
  • Original caption: “The frequency distribution of simulated climate sensitivity using all model versions (black), all model versions except those with perturbations to the cloud-to-rain conversion threshold (red), and all model versions except those with perturbations to the entrainment coef fi cient (blue).” AGU Day 3 part C: How good are predictions from climate models? | Serendipity
  • Of china, of jewelry, of gold-headed canes, valuable arms, picturesque antiquities, with what eloquent entrainement might he not speak! The Fitz-Boodle Papers
  • The present systems provide patterned, rhythmic stimulation to the infant's orofacial system to stimulate and entrain brain development, such as oromotor pattern development.
  • Both were occasionally high near the fishway, suggesting that reverse flow might entrain nutrients or phytoplankton.
  • Plant growth and development is entrained by the seasonal cycle, and so the seasons act as a natural integrator.
  • Thirty-three taxonomic groups of fish were collected in entrainment sampling, with five taxa cunner, bay anchovy, tautog, windowpane, and searobin comprising more than 90 percent of the sample. Kyle Rabin: A View to a (Fish) Kill: A Firsthand Perspective on Fish-Killing Cooling Systems
  • Circadian entrainment is one of the areas of biology where mathematical predictions have been tested experimentally and confirmed.
  • So that would have told you at least one of or both contained entrained hydrocarbons?
  • Pinku Qui Bosse!! dit: ouais t'as raison c bien la table! moi j'avais la version j'me prends un arbre en voyant haku dans la riviere! oui apres un entrainement haku se baigne dans l'eau d'une riviere mouahhaha et zabu a betement oublié son epee et retourne la chercher et POUF un arbre! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The many sophisticated experiments to study its physiology, entrainment, and the molecular mechanisms of feedback loops that exist in bacteria, as well as the clock-controlled genes are explored in detail.
  • They provided a detailed account of how attentional rhythms are entrained by external rhythms.
  • Here we show, through the analysis of long hydrographic records, that the system of overflow and entrainment that ventilates the deep Atlantic has steadily changed over the past four decades. About: Blinded by Science
  • This video didn't really teach me how "inducement and entrainment" power the bladeless Air Multiplier fans, but I learned that these things can definitely induce a balloon to be awesome. Daily Dispatch: Digital revolution causing car culture decline; Criminals rent botnets at bargain rates
  • un bon entrainement pour batteurs video issu d'un dvd de leçons de batterie de Jeff Porcaro sur le dvd il explique tout pas a pas Dailymotion - most recent videos
  • Light signalling pathways from both phytochrome and cryptochrome photoreceptors regulate clock components to achieve entrainment in plants.
  • We made most of our money through bioacoustic research and development on things like the GENESIS Bioentrainment Module & MindSong. Crimson Twins: They have all the gear in the world
  • In Romantic poetry, for instance, and its Victorian derivations and attenuations, anything nomadic is anticipated by the sporadic: those irregular phonemic rhythms entrained to signification in the first place — but not entirely enchained there. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • Electrical control activity is caused by the entrainment of the fluctuations of the transmembrane potentials of individual smooth muscle cells.
  • Furthermore, extraretinal photoreceptors appear to be involved in the photic entrainment of the circadian clock.
  • I did distribute the brochures to about 20 people entraining, detraining, and meeting people at the station that day.
  • Researchers have found that it is possible to use the large capillary pressures that are developed by fluids that are entrained within aerogels to produce an efficient pump that requires no moving parts.
  • A slick finish won't get dusty, but be careful not to get air-entrained concrete where air can get entrapped below the troweled surface, leading to spalls.
  • The shortcut may be setting yourself up for a trance by entrainment with a metronome-like pitter-patter of a tom-tom drum. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • Method and apparatus for eliminating volatiles or airborne entrainments when vitrifying radioactive and/or hazardous waste
  • In one instance an entire black regiment had entrained for Charleston to be mustered out of service when someone uncoupled the cars and isolated them on a high trestle bridge. Between War and Peace
  • Because of a necessary double spot to entrain / detrain passengers at Columbus, we departed at 5: 04, 4 minutes off the scheduled departure.
  • If the condenser must be located above the turbine, then the pipe should be carried first downward and then upward in the U form, in the manner of the familiar "entrainer," which will be found effectively to prevent water getting back when the turbine is operating. Steam Turbines A Book of Instruction for the Adjustment and Operation of the Principal Types of this Class of Prime Movers
  • To characterize this photic entrainment we examined frq expression in constant light, under which condition the mRNA and protein of this clock gene were strongly induced.
  • It acts as the body's principal circadian pacemaker, regulating and entraining daily rhythms of physiology and behavior.
  • A fluid together with its entrained load moving over a cohesive bed erodes longitudinal furrows or grooves when the stress exceeds the critical erosion velocity.
  • A cement mix consists of Portland cement, aggregates, water, and air entrainment.
  • Japan The photopigment melanopsin has been suggested to act as a dominant photoreceptor in nonvisual photoreception including resetting of the circadian clock (entrainment), direct tuning or masking of vital status (activity, sleep/wake cycles, etc.), and the pupillary light reflex PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The photopigment melanopsin has been suggested to act as a dominant photoreceptor in nonvisual photoreception including resetting of the circadian clock (entrainment), direct tuning or masking of vital status (activity, sleep/wake cycles, etc.), and the pupillary light reflex (PLR). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • At Paddington, her wedding party entrains in a private saloon for the journey to Shropshire, enjoying ‘the low, rich purr of a Great Western express’ as far as Shrewsbury.
  • The increased turbulence entrains bedload within the water column and carries it to the mouthbar, where it is deposited.
  • “Likewise, radiochemists could be entrained into pseudo-scientific debate because of all the massive and magnificent geochronological data that have been gathered over the last few decades.” MBH Responses to Barton Letters « Climate Audit

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