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How To Use entrain In A Sentence

  • Volcanic activity is often so violent that it entrains (picks up) pieces of ‘country rock’, which are not of volcanic origin.
  • The very thing that enables expertise to develop, namely the codification of expert language, leads inevitably to entrainment of thinking.
  • The geographical scale and rhythms of such postulated multi-species entrainments are likely to depend on the scale and rhythms of the weather pattern.
  • Pinku Qui Bosse!! dit: ouais t'as raison c bien la table! moi j'avais la version j'me prends un arbre en voyant haku dans la riviere! oui apres un entrainement haku se baigne dans l'eau d'une riviere mouahhaha et zabu a betement oublié son epee et retourne la chercher et POUF un arbre! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The whole of the edict bears the character of precipitation, of excitement, (entrainement,) rather than of deliberate reflection — the extent of the promises, the indefiniteness of the means, of the conditions, and of the time during which the parents might have a right to the succor of the state. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • One of the characteristics of a circadian oscillator is that the rhythm can be entrained by environmental cues, e.g., changes in ambient light, temperature, and nutrient conditions.
  • According to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), these studies indicated that approximately 1.2 billion fish eggs and larvae were entrained (sucked in through the intake screens and into the system), and approximately 178,000 fish were impinged on (or trapped against) the screens by the pressure of the intake flow. Kyle Rabin: A View to a (Fish) Kill: A Firsthand Perspective on Fish-Killing Cooling Systems
  • Piqueuse plate tripe entrainement / IzplatÄ«tÄjs / EksportÄ "tÄjs Refinance 2nd Mortgage
  • III.v. 48 (305, 8) [That can entame ay spirits to your worship] [W: entraine] The common reading seems unexceptionable. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • Electrical control activity is caused by the entrainment of the fluctuations of the transmembrane potentials of individual smooth muscle cells.
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