How To Use Enslavement In A Sentence

  • Whatever the explanation, accommodation to slavery does not equal the acceptance of enslavement.
  • Today, America's highest profile antiscience elected leaders are calling climate change a hoax, harrassing and trying to intimidate scientists they disagree with, saying that creationism should be taught in science class, arguing that homosexuality is "personal enslavement" and that abstinence-only sex education works, opposing the arts, and passing resolutions that say that astrology controls the weather. Shawn Lawrence Otto: GOP Antiscientists Are Leading America Down a Dangerous Road
  • Losers were subject to "incineration" or "enslavement," a school administrator was quoted as saying. Consequences for playing 'Beat the Jew'
  • When this people organized and decided to fight to the last man or woman against the imperialists if they attacked us, no one can deny that we are defending peace, because to resist aggressors is to fight for peace; to surrender to the aggressors is the way to war or the enslavement of peoples. CLOSING OF THE CONGRESS OF WOMEN OF THE AMERICAS
  • It is a representation that masks reality and presents it as a meaningless form of enslavement, one that portrays the loss of freedom as marginal.
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  • She paradoxically attacks her children to preserve them from enslavement.
  • But in the end, they all prefer the safety of enslavement to the dangers of freedom.
  • In the US the enslavement of Africans and their descendants continued well into the second half of the 19th century.
  • Older and wiser now, I am well aware that our own country has committed many crimes, some on a scale approaching those of Germany and Japan: the near extermination of Native Americans, the mass, centuries-long enslavement and cultural and physical destruction of millions of African slaves, the use of nuclear bombs on civilian targets, the decade-long saturation bombing and herbicidal poisoning of most of Indochina … Obama, Seeing Darkness, Conjures Up the Mists of Time
  • Any other form of government would be, in their case, as well as in that of minors, a practical denial of their rights; because it would result in the annihilation of their essential rights; that is, the enslavement of their wills to the basest passions of fallen nature. Lectures on the Philosophy and Practice of Slavery, as Exhibited in the Institution of Domestic Slavery in the United States: with the Duties of Masters to Slaves.
  • The attitude in most cases was that the Negroes had been a very much oppressed people and that their enslavement was a disgrace of which the whole country should be made to feel ashamed. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 4, 1919
  • Only such a premise can legitimise the wholesale domination, enslavement, or extermination of other peoples.
  • Thirty years of totalitarianism reduced people's capacity to think, producing a society in love with its own enslavement.
  • Company edicts protected Khoisan from enslavement from the earliest days of VOC settlement, but Jan van Riebeeck employed local servants, including Krotoa, whose incorporation into colonial society as Eva was never complete. 22 Her liminal status was a harbinger of things to come for Khoisan, whose own family connections or sense of belonging were often no match for the colonists 'insatiable demand for labor and the dominant society's concomitant ability to construe subordinate identities as subordinated labor. Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
  • The independence of some cannot cost the enslavement (pauperization) of others in a democracy, and unemployment is a hard reality with barbarous consequences (for example, employees have health care supplied by the employer as a deductible cost, a completely different situation of unemployed people) to many Americans. Unemployment, Labor Market Regulation, and Sour Grapes, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • In practice, however, the court served to confirm enslavement at least as often as it established freedom.
  • In the US the enslavement of Africans and their descendants continued well into the second half of the 19th century.
  • Along with exploitation, enslavement also bred intimacy, mutuality, and reciprocal dependency.
  • The striking parallel with Thucydides is in the decline in public debate in Athens and its ever more crazed imperial adventures, wiping out peoples (its murder of the men at Melos and enslavement of the women and children) and war against a large democracy - Syracuse - of which it was ignorant. Balkinization
  • In the US the enslavement of Africans and their descendants continued well into the second half of the 19th century.
  • No enslavement and no tyranny are as ruthless and as demanding as slavery to physical desires and passions.
  • No law, domestic or international, exists to save them from the noose of debt enslavement, which is their terrifying legacy. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The man who runs the aid shelter was detained for allegedly selling people into enslavement. Times, Sunday Times
  • The difference with me is that I consider the defense of an open society to be the broader and more fundamental prerequisite of the defense of individual rights, without which formal liberty is impossible and meaningless- and I see a person who advocates a return to traditional society as calling for my enslavement is a much more spiritually substantial sense than someone who ‘merely’ advocates conscription or censorship. Women and the Invisible Fist
  • But he was also an internationalist, and he deeply detested the negative aspect of Russian history and what he called enslavement attitude. The Long Road to Freedom: Russia & Glasnost
  • We should, therefore, beware of the error to which in our unspirituality we are specially liable; and when we hear Christ assert that "whosoever committeth sin is the slave of sin," we should believe and know, that these words are not extravagant, and contain no subtrahend, -- that they indicate a self-enslavement of the human will which is so real, so total, and so absolute, as to necessitate the renewing grace of God in order to deliverance from it. Sermons to the Natural Man
  • To Bolívar and his audience, enslavement is the most degraded state of being, and renders it "difficult to enjoy liberty. London-Kingston-Caracas: The Transatlantic
  • Allied energies focused on mobility and prefabrication, while the Nazis aimed for "enslavement and extermination. Building for War
  • The main method is national assistance, including reduction of rent for land and of enslavement, lighten punishment, relief, supply doctors and medicines, bury corpses, etc.
  • Worrying about impressing people is enslavement. Christianity Today
  • Confronted now with the possibility of ridding the world of a tyrant, they opt for further enslavement of his subjects.
  • Liberating people from enslavement is worth the price of war, to Denton. Denton, Jeremiah A.
  • One pointed out that the good reverend is using the same book against gays, that was once used to justify enslavement of his ancestors. Think Progress » All the funding for anti-marriage equality campaign in the nation’s capital came from outside of D.C.
  • What is much more alarming is the apparent acquiescence - even complicity - of the nation in its own enslavement.
  • It makes little difference to the serf whether he's captive of a domestic tyrant or a foreign one, his enslavement is the same. Bush: I'm Commander In Chief, Screw Your Rights
  • Vaslav Nijinsky rose to stardom as the golden slave in Diaghilev’s ballet, Scheherazade, appearing “in brown body paint, and grinning, and wound with pearls — not so much as a sex object but as sex itself, with all the accouterments of perversity that the fin-de-siècle imagination could supply: exotism, androgyny, enslavement, violence.” Scheherazade Goes West
  • I am forever enslaved to him for his love, for his teaching, for his infinitely manifested charity and sweetness, and this enslavement is guerdon of my existence, in that it has taught me freedom, and led to where, within my capacity, I might view and explore the wide spaces of life and thinking. PREFACE:
  • The previous inhabitants, Taino indigenes, were destroyed by diseases, weapons, and enslavement brought by the Spanish.
  • As a cultural form, the cakewalk originated on the antebellum plantation as a key vehicle of black resistance against enslavement.
  • I prayerfully beseech you to seek help, and I assure you that your present enslavement to homosexuality can be remedied. Alberta judge rules anti-gay letter not hate speech, overturns ruling « Anglican Samizdat
  • His explosive account of his enslavement caused a sensation on its publication after he was freed in 1853.
  • The prospect of biogenetic intervention opened up by increasing access to the human genome effectively emancipates humankind from the constraints of a finite species, from enslavement to the ‘selfish gene’.
  • The processes of economic imperialism, proletarian enslavement and continuous war are explained painlessly through Winston and Julia's private resistance.
  • Accounts written by other mariners shipwrecked along the same coast chronicled brutal enslavement at the hands of ruthless desert nomads.
  • But where Swedenborg uses a vaguely deterministic vocabulary to speak of creaturely activity (stating that bees and silkworms are "impelled" to behave in certain ways), Blake's Oothoon chooses to speak of such activity in terms of multiplicitous "joys" and "loves" (3: 6, 8, 11-12), terms carrying connotations of freedom rather than coercion or enslavement. Gender, Environment, and Imperialism in William Blake's _Visions of the Daughters of Albion_
  • Among Marston's many world views was that civilization was reverting into a 'matriarchy' and that females would ultimately use innate powers of 'sexual enslavement' to achieve dominance over men. Archive 2007-02-01
  • During enslavement, Gullahs and Geechees were not allowed to write or read.
  • With this he would regain his freedom from enslavement to the wicked Asurimus, to that pretender to godhood.
  • Yet they remain undaunted, realizing if this terror that threatens them should triumph they would be condemned to a life of enslavement and oppression. Embattled Britain
  • Nine children and three women told similar stories of enslavement.
  • Enslavement of Aborigines through forced labor.

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