How To Use Encapsulation In A Sentence
It appears that this phenomenon requires the encapsulation by a head of a gradable modifying notion.
The honeybee immune system, like other species of holometabolous insects, depends on two main categories of defense reactions: the cell-mediated responses such as phagocytosis and encapsulation of foreign objects, and cell-free defense mechanisms represented by the anti-microbial immune proteins" (Response of the Apoidea to fungal infections by Glinski and Buczek - PDF format).
Bee nonsense
All three of the features just discussed ” mandatoriness, speed, and shallowness ” are associated with, and to some extent explicable in terms of, informational encapsulation.
Modularity of Mind
Instead, researchers are focusing on microencapsulation.
Battlestar Galactica: Self-Repairing Materials
The report focuses on its new responsibilities: microencapsulation technology that promises to deliver medication where it is needed, to enhance the effectiveness of everything from cancer therapies to skin creams.
Former FDA Commissioner says FDA is Grossly Underfunded

The Object - Oriented characters, such as encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and dynamic binding etc, increase the testing complexity.
Granted, the band is still on one hell of a roll on this album, as opener "Jotun" soundly attests, one of the finest encapsulations of the Gothenburg sound ever put on record, Strömblad's mournful melodies working in direct contrast to the bracing gallop set by drummer Gelotte and bassist Johan Larsson.
Both isotropy and Quineanness are features that preclude encapsulation, since their possession by a system would require potentially unlimited access to the contents of central memory, and hence cognitive penetrability to the max.
Modularity of Mind
Recombination requires the simultaneous infection of a cell with two different proviruses, allowing the encapsulation of one RNA transcript from each provirus into a heterozygous virion.
The focal stage for this analysis is the early period of embryo encapsulation, a mode of development that has evolved several times among gastropods, polychaetes, nemerteans and flatworms.
Aside from whatever you want to say about the materiality of painting, or of how these works are the result of a conceptual practice, the encapsulation of time within them is staggering.
`The paradigmatic encapsulation of Huntleyan economics which burst on an astonished audience... "or some such fantoufle.
In insects, one of the most informative ways to assay immunocompetence is to measure the cellular encapsulation response to a novel and standardized antigen, such as a nylon monofilament.
This is why nanotechnology a nanometer is a billionth of a meter and microencapsulation are hot topics in the cosmetic world right now.
Simple Skin Beauty
Results:The free gas in variable location, shape and size was seen in 24 cases, and the leakage of contrast medium in 3 cases, as well as the encapsulation in omental bursa in 2 cases.
OBJECTIVE To an optimized formulation of the stable magnetoliposomes with high encapsulation efficiency of methotrexate.
The focal stage for this analysis is the early period of embryo encapsulation, a mode of development that has evolved several times among gastropods, polychaetes, nemerteans and flatworms.
the encapsulation of tendons in membranous sheaths
With a special technique called microencapsulation, the scents are literally printed into the magazine - you rub the paper to release them.
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Commonly used with endoscopes and diagnostic equipment, the material can also be used for potting and encapsulation.
AZT - GalCer was prepared by double emulsion and its encapsulation ratio were up to 72.5 %.
Extensive traveling induces a feeling of encapsulation; and travel, so broadening at first, contracts the mind.
Evidence from the solubility, 2D-NOESY results and ITC analysis suggest that encapsulation and electrostatic interaction together caused the solubility enhancement of phenylbutazone.
Microencapsulation involves surrounding islet cells with formulations of a highly biocompatible, ultra-pure biopolymer, called alginate, or other similar biocompatible polymers.
The term “sensation novels” emerges as a profoundly apt encapsulation of the qualities of strangeness this process of abjection is locked onto (and one that is a precursor of “genre fiction” and comparable with “coloured people” in its disregard for the sensationalist content of writers like Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, Emily Brontë and countless others in the canon).
What is Literary Fiction?
Different strategies, including polymer-PS conjugation or encapsulation of the drug in colloidal carriers such as oil dispersions, liposomes and polymeric particles, have been investigated.
In most studies, encapsulation bras reduce up-and-down breast bounce best, particularly for large-breasted women, but are rated the least comfortable bra, which matters.
The invention provides a method for soldering aluminum silicon carbide composite and kovar alloy used in microelectronic encapsulation and pertains to the field of metal shell encapsulation.
The report focuses on its new responsibilities: microencapsulation technology that promises to deliver medications where they are needed, to enhance the effectiveness of everything from cancer therapies to skin creams.
Former FDA Commissioner says FDA is Grossly Underfunded
The best solution is not "sanitization" (which people usually perform by blocking or editing out what THEY think are dangerous metacharacters) but proper encapsulation.
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Answer The interface requires that the encapsulation frame - relay command be configured first.
Dose Calculation: No. of milligrams or millicurie in implant Location of each source with respect to dose calculation point Type of isotope being used Filtration of the encapsulation
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Encapsulation systems based on on ovalbumin fibrils and high methoxyl pectin
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The study of prescription design will provide the basis for realizing microencapsulation in Chinese materia medica.
Scientists from Wageningen University in The Netherlands report that the microcapsules can be formed using alternating layers of ovalbumin fibrils and high methoxyl pectin for encapsulation of ingredients like the flavor limonene.
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Put in slightly different terms: isotropic and Quinean processes are global rather than local, and since globality rules out encapsulation, isotropy and Quineanness rule out encapsulation.
Modularity of Mind
The freeze-thawing method is an attractive alternative due to the relative mildness of the procedure as well as the large encapsulation volume of the resultant vesicles.
The average multiflora sets roughly a million seeds a year, and encapsulation in tasty ‘hips’ readily devoured by birds primes them for propagation.
Some brands boast 'microencapsulation', in which ingredients are covered with a gel or coating to cause chemicals to diffuse slowly.
Times, Sunday Times
I also found this study loaded with useful heuristic encapsulations, and often entertaining in its wide-ranging choices for analysis, from early cinema to the present.
Results:The free gas in variable location, shape and size was seen in 24 cases, and the leakage of contrast medium in 3 cases, as well as the encapsulation in omental bursa in 2 cases.
This is why nanotechnology a nanometer is a billionth of a meter and microencapsulation are hot topics in the cosmetic world right now.
Simple Skin Beauty
In most studies, encapsulation bras reduce up-and-down breast bounce best, particularly for large-breasted women, but are rated the least comfortable bra, which matters.