How To Use Emotional state In A Sentence
He was in a deeply emotional state, for all the colorlessness of his voice.
Together with humming it may be presumed to be the simplest form of music making, in particular for self amusement, and as such revealing the emotional state of mind of the whistler.
This research is concerned with commonsense ideas about emotion and with the way people act upon information about their emotional state.
Liquid Valium Anxiety is an unpleasant emotional state that differs from related states such as fear, aggression, and confusion.
He was in a very emotional state.
Anger is an emotional state that varies in intensity, ranging from mild irritation to violent rage.
This has considerable significance for the communication of emotional states and personal interaction.
Or that communion with God is but a transcendental, emotional state of self-negation and acceptance?
It can be applied in general mental-emotional states such postnatal depression, bereavement, anxiety, withdrawal from drugs, anorexia, sexual abuse and panic attacks.
Frankly, I wouldn't trust his emotional state right now.
I could recognize that this is the emotional state I feel before I have those grand mal convulsive seizures that are what people think of when they think of epilepsy, but I don't.
Infinitely inferior to the moderns in the mechanical resources of the art, they had made, it appears, a far finer and closer analysis of its relation to emotional states; with the result that even in music, which we describe as the purest of the arts, congratulating ourselves on its absolute dissociation from all definite intellectual conceptions, -- even here the standard of the Greeks was as much ethical as aesthetic, and the style of music was distinguished and its value appraised, not only by the pleasure to be derived from it, but also by the effect it tended to produce on character.
The Greek View of Life
At the beginning of the play, his agitated emotional state is reflected in his language: self-apostrophe, anacolutha etc.
Watching these amazing creatures is mesmerising but, though anthropomorphosis is probably difficult to avoid when talking about an animal so closely related to humans, the narrative does seem to make a lot of assumptions about the gorilla's personal motives and emotional states.
The weekend's TV highlights
All cycle, nerves have been frazzling two of the contestants separately used the word "breakdown" to describe their emotional state on last week's episode, but we hadn't seen anything like this before.
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Anger is an emotional state that varies in intensity, ranging from mild irritation to violent rage.
In other words, meaning is a highly important component element in the labelling of emotional states.
She spoke with a calm voice, not surrendering any sign of the emotional state she'd been in just moments earlier.
These are sitcom characters whose emotional states swing instantly to match the twists and turns of a wholly improbable plot.
The way you accelerate and decelerate the speed of your film and audio, creating these sudden visual and aural disruptions, seems to allegorize emotional states.
I realized her precarious emotional state and immediately offered to go take care of the grisly task of offing her turkey.
Some pet keepers are bitten while handling their snakes in a drunken, drugged, tired, or emotional state, late at night.
Artist Anne Harris has built her reputation as a painter of women who transfix their viewers with projections of uncomfortable and uncanny emotional states.
John Seed: Anne Harris: "They start with me..."
Elsewhere on the video, she silently mimes emotional states that range from fear and sadness to seduction.
It was certainly not a highly emotional state, nor was it an abandonment of old modes of perception.
Neglected to an extreme, he is in an emotional state of perpetual and chronic traumatic stress - a state of alienation and self-annihilation.
I was in such an emotional state that I became overwhelmed by the tremendous immensity of the text.
Meditation taught me not to overidentify with my flickering, rapidly altering emotional states, but rather view them as visiting wildlife.
Times, Sunday Times
Others claim it to be psychogenic, an emotional state of mind that causes a physiological reaction.
Such an irrationalist epidemic infecting religion would turn it from a worship of truth to a worship of emotion and a cultivation of certain emotional states...
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It soothes and elates, bringing me back to the emotional state of being on a class trip in kindergarten, when every kid lined up at the local ice cream parlor and ordered the same thing: mint chocolate chip in a sugar cone.
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More specifically, problematic cognitions such as obsessive thoughts are seen as the by-products of emotional states.
According to cognitive theories of psychopathology, specific cognitive factors as identified here should be uniquely associated with particular emotional states or disorders.
In other words, meaning is a highly important component element in the labelling of emotional states.
She hides from public view and the media speculate about her emotional state.
The Jed Foundation, a national suicide-awareness group, in 2008 launched a Facebook "mood ring" application that lets students broadcast their emotional state and send comforting "vibes" to troubled friends.
Troubled Students
By the time Bugs Bunny picks his way through the smoking wreckage to have the last word in your shell-like, the dizzying accretion of events has pulled you through so many emotional states you might not even know what day it is.
Brainball may seem like a ridiculously silly game, but it demonstrates how a machine can know something about your emotional state.
Experts also use the term "battering and its effects" to describe the mental and emotional state of women who have experienced years of systematic abuse, and a report by the Justice Department lists factors in a woman's reluctance to leave an abusive relationship: "a lack of economic and other tangible resources, fear of retaliation, and emotional attachment.
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his emotional state depended on her opinion
Frankly, I wouldn't trust his emotional state right now.
The ambivalence from the clash of voices results in mental and emotional states of perplexity.
The chronoscope here measures the reaction times and association times in thousandths of a second; the kymograph, by the help of the sphygmograph, writes the record of the pulse and its changes in emotional states, while the pneumograph records the variations of breathing, and the plethysmograph shows the changes in the filling of blood vessels in the limbs which is immediately related to the blood supply of the brain.
In time, we were informed, similar bodily correlates would be found for all emotional states.
Sometimes you can use the word scared to represent my emotional state at the beginning," Yao told Reuters at the offices of the Shanghai Sharks -- the Chinese Basketball League team he now owns.
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Takaya's art improves by whole universes by the time the title finishes and I have a real affection for her stark compositions which brilliantly convey her characters' emotional states.
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Neglected to an extreme, he is in an emotional state of perpetual and chronic traumatic stress - a state of alienation and self-annihilation.
Then we see that the emotional state was just a prop to which we're addicted in order to confirm our identity, to hold us together.
Your emotional state could leave you vulnerable and confused.
Wittgenstein admired Freud for developing a way of speaking that rendered expressible - and held the potential to clarify - problems, conflicts, desires, and emotional states.
The correlatives of the signifieds aroused by such signifiers are emotional states; they remain private to each hearer and cannot be compared with each other, and so consensus cannot be achieved.