
Ember Day

  1. a day set aside for fasting and prayer

How To Use Ember Day In A Sentence

  • But the taste is transcendant, and the smell makes the apartment feel like the warmest, homiest place on earth, especially on wintry December days and nights. Big Girls, Small Kitchen: Roasting Chicken, Upside Down
  • On a cold, damp December day in Bexley, who could blame anyone for dreaming of sun-drenched beaches in the West Indies?
  • A fine clear September day, with a cool wind and a warm sun; a day upon which the diaphanous costumes of the bridesmaids might be a shade too airy; but not a stern or cruel day, to tinge their young noses with a frosty hue, or blow the crinkles out of their luxuriant hair. The Lovels of Arden
  • IT'S a freezing December day on the snow-covered mountains of Austria, but Darwen snowboarder Cindy Meller already has beads of perspiration on her forehead.
  • Is Anne a York girl who is missing the idea of a traditional British Christmas in these dark, dank December days?
  • It was the last day of the old year -- a brilliant Punjab December day -- and the last "chukker" of the final match for the Cup was in full progress. Captain Desmond, V.C.
  • September daylight, watery and uncertain, and very different from the golden purity of California's September sunshine, fell in pale oblongs upon the polished floor of a certain London drawing-room, and battled with the dancing radiance of a coal fire that sent cheering gleams and flashes of gold into the duskiest corners of the room. The Story of Julia Page
  • It was a cold, rainy November day and all I wanted was my daily fix of coffee.
  • On the remote Hermit's Trail off the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, a rare occurrence of rain brings joy to a cold November day.
  • She mentally slapped herself for thinking a tee shirt and overshirt would be warm coverings for a December day, even though she lived in a southern state.
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