How To Use Elementary particle In A Sentence

  • A proton is an elementary particle of matter.
  • Because of the different number of elementary particles in the atom the element is an isotope.
  • The protons and neutrons in the nucleus are made of elementary particles called quarks.
  • By using the monopole harmonics, which were studied by Yang and Wu, we solve the stationary state problems of the exotic atoms, which contain the magnetic monopole and different elementary particles.
  • The concept of an elementary particle becomes a little nebulous in such circumstances.
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  • The elementary particles known as protons, which live at the heart of every atom, will begin to decay.
  • Physicists believe they found a new elementary particle
  • Assuming that this is no error, then the term "fermion" is ambiguous between elementary particle and composite particle. Walter Kohn and Density-Functional Theory
  • The early universe was filled with radiation and a plenum of matter, originally hydrogen and helium, formed from elementary particles in the dense primeval fireball.
  • Even at the deepest level we know, of elementary particles, charge seems to be an integral part of the particles, quarks (which form protons and neutrons, and other heavy particles) are charged, and so are electrons, muons, and taus.
  • But the black hole will eventually evaporate, leaving only photons, gravitons and other elementary particles as products of the decay.
  • What are the ultimate constituents of matter the most elementary of elementary particles?
  • If there is an elementary particle, or wavicle, of thought, a faster-than-light one like the tachyon might be a good candidate for the honor. Spock Must Die
  • His early work, especially the cause célèbre "The Elementary Particles," is really less a novel than a treatise on biological determinism, full of ex cathedra pronouncements about the bestiality of human nature and showy pornography meant to illustrate man's mindless, insect-like urge to copulate. Reflections on Self-Regard
  • Research in theory and computation encompasses quantum field theories of elementary particles, neural networks and quantum chromodynamics.
  • The end result is that the masses and charges of elementary particles are dependent on the momentum scale at which they are measured.
  • Acquaints readers with the main concepts and literature of elementary particle physics and quantum field theory.
  • SLAC physicists have won three Nobel prizes for discoveries of quarks and an elementary particle called the tau lepton, known today as fundamental building blocks of matter.
  • Unlike elementary particles, there was a well-defined theory, the general theory of relativity, but this was thought to be impossibly difficult.
  • The muon is a relatively heavy, charged elementary particle which was discovered in cosmic radiation during the 1930s. Press Release: The 1988 Nobel Prize in Physics
  • “[T] he formation within geological time of a human body,” Kurt Gödel remarked in conversation with Hao Wang, “by the laws of physics (or any other laws of similar nature), starting from a random distribution of elementary particles and the field, is as unlikely as the separation by chance of the atmosphere into its components.” Think Progress » Poll: Large Number Of Texans Doubt The Theory Of Evolution, Believe In Human-Dinosaur Coexistence
  • In quantum physics, all elementary particles such as quarks, electrons and gluons are classified as either fermions or bosons, depending on their spin.
  • But already the ordinary elementary particles are by no means unchangeable, which is still more strongly the case with the lot of new, similar particles discovered during later years, the transformations of which now stand at the centre of interest of atomic physicists. Nobel Prize in Physics 1957 - Presentation Speech
  • How powerful this explosion would be would depend on how many different species of elementary particles there are.
  • So these are the mereological questions which beset elementary particles, but even if we successfully elucidate the quantum concepts of parts and wholes, we are still left with the question, 'What is an elementary particle?'. Archive 2009-02-01
  • It was expected that a similar equation would govern the proton, the only other supposedly elementary particle known at that time.
  • Elementary particles known as mu-mesons, found in cosmic-ray showers, disinte - grate spontaneously, their average “proper lifetime” TIME AND MEASUREMENT
  • At any one moment, there is a definite and finite set of possible futures for elementary particles.
  • Quantum mechanics depicts space as a seething foam of uncertainty, with unimaginably short-lived elementary particles appearing and disappear ing.
  • This method uses positrons, elementary particles with the mass of an electron but a positive charge.
  • The Democritean vision of elementary particles as miniature snooker balls, however, has been somewhat vitiated by quantum theory, and it is not merely the classical notion of a particle as a localisable entity which has been undermined, but the mereological notion that a composite system has a unique decomposition into elementary entities. Archive 2009-02-01
  • It was expected that a similar equation would govern the proton, the only other supposedly elementary particle known at that time.
  • Quantum mechanics depicts space as a seething foam of uncertainty, with unimaginably short-lived elementary particles appearing and disappear ing.
  • When I began research, the two areas that seemed exciting were cosmology and elementary particle physics.
  • If there is an elementary particle, or wavicle, of thought, a faster-than-light one like the tachyon might be a good candidate for the honor. Spock Must Die
  • As is well known, “[B] ogons [the elementary particles of bogosity] also have tremendous inertia, and therefore a bogon beam is deflected only with great difficulty.” The wrongness singularity
  • It was expected that a similar equation would govern the proton, the only other supposedly elementary particle known at that time.
  • They proposed that particles like the proton, the neutron, and the mesons, which feel the strong nuclear force, are not elementary particles at all, but possess internal constituents.
  • It was expected that a similar equation would govern the proton, the only other supposedly elementary particle known at that time.
  • Coined in ancient Greece, the term atom means “indivisible unit,” and through the nineteenth century, scientists believed that our entire physical universe was composed of these elementary particles. The Answer
  • The heaviest known elementary particle, the top quark is one of the fundamental building blocks of nature and understood to be an ingredient of the nuclear soup just after the Big Bang. Science
  • This elementary particle allegedly communicates gravitational forces throughout the universe.
  • Quantum mechanics depicts space as a seething foam of uncertainty, with unimaginably short-lived elementary particles appearing and disappear ing.
  • Was Godel correct "that the formation within geological times of a human body by the laws of physics (or any other law of a similar nature) starting from a random distribution of the elementary particles and the field, is about as unlikely as the separation by chance of the atmosphere into its components? 2009 November - Telic Thoughts
  • Elementary particle masses are thought to come about from the interaction with the Higgs field.
  • It should be able to predict the masses of the most elementary particles of Nature, tell us the relative strengths of the forces of gravity, electromagnetism, weak and strong interactions, and much else besides.
  • Incidently, before the quark theory was invented to understand the properties of elementary particles the term ‘meson’ was also applies to muons - which are not made up of quarks but are fundamental point particles like the electron.
  • The paper laid the basis for describing one of the two categories of the elementary particles that make up an atom - one was boson, and the other came to be known as fermion, after the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi. IBN Top Headlines
  • However, I think that this ought to include a revision of the names of all the elementary particles.
  • Similar fun is had in other fields of science, as for instance by physicists who have named a class of elementary particles quarks, of which charm is one of the flavors.
  • I try to take a lead for the study of elementary particle and the grand unification.
  • Neutron is an elementary particle that exists inside the atomic nucleus.
  • Strictly speaking, the term elementary as applied to most of the particles in the nucleus is inaccurate, for scientists now believe that all the particles except electrons are made of still more elementary particles called quarks. Elementary particles
  • The submicroscopic domain , inhabited by elementary particles, is probably the most fundamental frontier of physics.
  • In physics, the "graviton" is a hypothetical elementary particle that mediates the force of gravity in the framework of quantum field theory. American Chronicle
  • An elementary particle in the presence of one of these relic fields would then experience interactions that have a preferred direction in space-time.
  • The submicroscopic domain , inhabited by elementary particles, is probably the most fundamental frontier of physics.
  • The Higgs boson is the only particle left that has not yet been observed by experimental research in the Standard Model of particle physics which lists some 40 species of elementary particles. Nested Universe - Singularity Blog, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Cosmology, Science and Technology
  • At present this picture forms the focus of interest in the physics of elementary particles.
  • According to quantum theory, elementary particles do not really exist until an intelligent observer measures them.
  • So the question is: What are the truly elementary particles, the basic building blocks from which everything is made?
  • It was expected that a similar equation would govern the proton, the only other supposedly elementary particle known at that time.
  • With similar methods an antiparticle to the neutron has subsequently been discovered, a discovery whose importance lies in the fact that the concept of the antiparticle was thereby extended to include also the neutral elementary particles. Nobel Prize in Physics 1959 - Presentation Speech
  • Top among all of these theories was always supersymmetry, the idea that every known elementary particle has one or more heavier partners, known as sparticles.
  • Each approach tells us how many varieties there are of an elementary particle called the neutrino. The Origin of the Universe
  • At present, the standard model of elementary particle physics theory in almost all he has.
  • In string theory the known elementary particles are no longer described as dimensionless mathematical point-objects but rather as extended one-dimensional objects (hence the name ‘string’).
  • Cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary particle physics.
  • According to quantum theory, elementary particles do not really exist until an intelligent observer measures them.
  • A hypothetical massless, neutral elementary particle believed to mediate the strong interaction that binds quarks together.
  • It's heady material, but the site does a brave job of making the business of elementary particles, accelerators, detectors and collision exercises comprehensible to a general audience.
  • A proton is an elementary particle of matter.
  • What we think of as elementary particles are really these little loops vibrating in different ways.

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