/ˌɪˌɫɛktɹoʊfɔˈɹɪsɪs, ɪɫɛktɹoʊfɝˈisɪs/
- the motion of charged particles in a colloid under the influence of an electric field; particles with a positive charge go to the cathode and negative to the anode
How To Use electrophoresis In A Sentence
- Svedberg's investigations with the ultracentrifuge and Tiselius's electrophoresis studies (see Section 3.10) were instrumental in establishing that protein molecules have a unique size and structure, and this was a prerequisite for Sanger's determination of their amino-acid sequence and the crystallographic work of The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
- He added, "The only way to detect the presence of the trait is through a blood test called haemoglobin electrophoresis. Institute for War & Peace Reporting:
- The proteins in the immunoprecipitates were size fractionated by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
- The albumen zone form with SDS-PAGE electrophoresis were similar in the whole virus vaccines and split-2 vaccine while the albumen zone of the split-1 vaccine could not be seen in 32KD right-and-left.
- The actual test for EPO, what they call electrophoresis, is actually being questioned on a pretty serious level right now. CNN Transcript Aug 25, 2005
- This revised and expanded edition has two new chapters on capillary electrophoresis and supercritical fluid chromatography.
- Our observation of trapping of small molecules suggests that dielectrophoretic trapping may be applicable to many small molecules, which has not been observed because of the methods used to study dielectrophoresis to date.
- These include the single cell gel electrophoresis assay, the gel electrophoresis assay, the alkaline elution and unwinding assays and the analysis of DNA adducts.
- Although fat ingestion only slightly affects cholesterol levels, both the triglyceride and lipoprotein electrophoresis results are greatly affected.
- All isolates were subjected to molecular typing by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis.